[gnome-clocks] (10 commits) ...alarm: Use actions for alarm ringing buttons

Summary of changes:

  2510712... Use .preferences lists instead of .frame (*)
  c148b35... headerbar: Use HdyViewSwitcherTitle (*)
  e173b3b... window: Subclass HdyApplicationWindow (*)
  8a47a82... Stop using show_all() where not neeeded (*)
  be42c88... world: Split standalone view, add a back swipe (*)
  20d25c9... alarm: Split alarm ringing panel (*)
  053ff00... window: Update window title for the new subscreens (*)
  0bf91b7... window: Make non-deletable on the ringing alarm panel (*)
  ccafb98... headerbar: Simplify layout (*)
  aae3790... alarm: Use actions for alarm ringing buttons (*)

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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