[gnome-settings-daemon/benzea/systemd-3-36: 76/83] meson: Re-indent plugins meson file

commit 3dfad107ca13a2870b912a06435d7be31f624de7
Author: Benjamin Berg <bberg redhat com>
Date:   Thu Dec 12 09:28:35 2019 +0100

    meson: Re-indent plugins meson file
    Some indentation was wrong, and 4 space indentation is overall more

 plugins/meson.build | 184 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 file changed, 92 insertions(+), 92 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plugins/meson.build b/plugins/meson.build
index d47f5e27..050ee730 100644
--- a/plugins/meson.build
+++ b/plugins/meson.build
@@ -1,50 +1,50 @@
 all_plugins = [
-  ['a11y-settings', 'A11ySettings', 'GNOME accessibility'],
-  ['color', 'Color', 'GNOME color management'],
-  ['datetime', 'Datetime', 'GNOME date & time'],
-  ['power', 'Power', 'GNOME power management'],
-  ['housekeeping', 'Housekeeping', 'GNOME maintenance of expirable data'],
-  ['keyboard', 'Keyboard', 'GNOME keyboard configuration'],
-  ['media-keys', 'MediaKeys', 'GNOME keyboard shortcuts'],
-  ['screensaver-proxy', 'ScreensaverProxy', 'GNOME FreeDesktop screensaver'],
-  ['sharing', 'Sharing', 'GNOME file sharing'],
-  ['sound', 'Sound', 'GNOME sound sample caching'],
-  ['usb-protection', 'UsbProtection', 'GNOME USB protection'],
-  ['xsettings', 'XSettings', 'GNOME XSettings'],
-  ['smartcard', 'Smartcard', 'GNOME smartcard'],
-  ['wacom', 'Wacom', 'GNOME Wacom tablet support'],
-  ['print-notifications', 'PrintNotifications', 'GNOME printer notifications'],
-  ['rfkill', 'Rfkill', 'GNOME RFKill support'],
-  ['wwan', 'Wwan', 'GNOME WWan support'],
+    ['a11y-settings', 'A11ySettings', 'GNOME accessibility'],
+    ['color', 'Color', 'GNOME color management'],
+    ['datetime', 'Datetime', 'GNOME date & time'],
+    ['power', 'Power', 'GNOME power management'],
+    ['housekeeping', 'Housekeeping', 'GNOME maintenance of expirable data'],
+    ['keyboard', 'Keyboard', 'GNOME keyboard configuration'],
+    ['media-keys', 'MediaKeys', 'GNOME keyboard shortcuts'],
+    ['screensaver-proxy', 'ScreensaverProxy', 'GNOME FreeDesktop screensaver'],
+    ['sharing', 'Sharing', 'GNOME file sharing'],
+    ['sound', 'Sound', 'GNOME sound sample caching'],
+    ['usb-protection', 'UsbProtection', 'GNOME USB protection'],
+    ['xsettings', 'XSettings', 'GNOME XSettings'],
+    ['smartcard', 'Smartcard', 'GNOME smartcard'],
+    ['wacom', 'Wacom', 'GNOME Wacom tablet support'],
+    ['print-notifications', 'PrintNotifications', 'GNOME printer notifications'],
+    ['rfkill', 'Rfkill', 'GNOME RFKill support'],
+    ['wwan', 'Wwan', 'GNOME WWan support'],
 disabled_plugins = []
 if not enable_smartcard
-  disabled_plugins += ['smartcard']
+    disabled_plugins += ['smartcard']
 if not enable_wacom
-  disabled_plugins += ['wacom']
+    disabled_plugins += ['wacom']
 if not enable_cups
-  disabled_plugins += ['cups']
+    disabled_plugins += ['cups']
 if not enable_rfkill
-  disabled_plugins += ['rfkill']
+    disabled_plugins += ['rfkill']
 if not enable_wwan
-  disabled_plugins += ['wwan']
+    disabled_plugins += ['wwan']
 plugin_install_wants = {
-  'xsettings': ['gnome-session-x11-services.target.wants/'],
-#  'dummy': ['required-started.target.wants/'],
-#  'wacom': ['wacom.target.wants/'],
-#  'smartcard': ['smartcard.target.wants/'],
+    'xsettings': ['gnome-session-x11-services.target.wants/'],
+#    'dummy': ['required-started.target.wants/'],
+#    'wacom': ['wacom.target.wants/'],
+#    'smartcard': ['smartcard.target.wants/'],
 plugins_conf = configuration_data()
@@ -57,76 +57,76 @@ plugins_cflags = ['-DGNOME_SETTINGS_LOCALEDIR="@0@"'.format(gsd_localedir)]
 all_plugins_file = []
 cflags = [
-  '-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="common"'
+    '-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="common"'
 ] + plugins_cflags
 plugin_name = 'common'
 foreach plugin: all_plugins
-  plugin_name = plugin[0]
-  plugin_name_case = plugin[1]
-  plugin_description = plugin[2]
-  plugin_dbus_name='org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.@0@'.format(plugin_name_case)
-  desktop = 'org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.@0@.desktop'.format(plugin[1])
-  if disabled_plugins.contains(plugin_name)
-    desktop_in_file = files('org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.Dummy.desktop.in')
-  else
-    desktop_in_file = files('org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.Real.desktop.in')
-  endif
-  cflags = [
-    '-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="@0@-plugin"'.format(plugin_name),
-    '-DPLUGIN_NAME="@0@"'.format(plugin_name),
-    '-DPLUGIN_DBUS_NAME="@0@"'.format(plugin_dbus_name),
-  ] + plugins_cflags
-  desktop = 'org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.@0@.desktop'.format(plugin[1])
-  desktop_conf = configuration_data()
-  desktop_conf.set('libexecdir', gsd_libexecdir)
-  desktop_conf.set('systemd_hidden', enable_systemd ? 'true' : 'false')
-  desktop_conf.set('pluginname', plugin_name)
-  desktop_conf.set('description', plugin_description)
-  configure_file(
-    input: desktop_in_file,
-    output: desktop,
-    configuration: desktop_conf,
-    install: true,
-    install_dir: gsd_xdg_autostart
-  )
-  if not disabled_plugins.contains(plugin_name)
-    user_target = 'gsd-@0@.target'.format(plugin_name)
-    user_service = 'gsd-@0@.service'.format(plugin_name)
-    unit_conf = configuration_data()
-    unit_conf.set('libexecdir', gsd_libexecdir)
-    unit_conf.set('plugin_dbus_name', plugin_dbus_name)
-    if enable_systemd
-      configure_file(
-        input: join_paths(plugin_name, user_service + '.in'),
-        output: user_service,
-        configuration: unit_conf,
+    plugin_name = plugin[0]
+    plugin_name_case = plugin[1]
+    plugin_description = plugin[2]
+    plugin_dbus_name='org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.@0@'.format(plugin_name_case)
+    desktop = 'org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.@0@.desktop'.format(plugin[1])
+    if disabled_plugins.contains(plugin_name)
+        desktop_in_file = files('org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.Dummy.desktop.in')
+    else
+        desktop_in_file = files('org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.Real.desktop.in')
+    endif
+    cflags = [
+        '-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="@0@-plugin"'.format(plugin_name),
+        '-DPLUGIN_NAME="@0@"'.format(plugin_name),
+        '-DPLUGIN_DBUS_NAME="@0@"'.format(plugin_dbus_name),
+    ] + plugins_cflags
+    desktop = 'org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.@0@.desktop'.format(plugin[1])
+    desktop_conf = configuration_data()
+    desktop_conf.set('libexecdir', gsd_libexecdir)
+    desktop_conf.set('systemd_hidden', enable_systemd ? 'true' : 'false')
+    desktop_conf.set('pluginname', plugin_name)
+    desktop_conf.set('description', plugin_description)
+    configure_file(
+        input: desktop_in_file,
+        output: desktop,
+        configuration: desktop_conf,
         install: true,
-        install_dir: systemd_userunitdir
-     )
-      configure_file(
-        input: join_paths(plugin_name, user_target + '.in'),
-        output: user_target,
-        configuration: unit_conf,
-        install: true,
-        install_dir: systemd_userunitdir
-     )
-     if plugin_name in plugin_install_wants
-       foreach target: plugin_install_wants[plugin_name]
-         meson.add_install_script('meson-add-wants.sh', systemd_userunitdir, target, user_target)
-       endforeach
-     endif
-   endif
-    subdir(plugin_name)
-  endif
+        install_dir: gsd_xdg_autostart
+    )
+    if not disabled_plugins.contains(plugin_name)
+        user_target = 'gsd-@0@.target'.format(plugin_name)
+        user_service = 'gsd-@0@.service'.format(plugin_name)
+        unit_conf = configuration_data()
+        unit_conf.set('libexecdir', gsd_libexecdir)
+        unit_conf.set('plugin_dbus_name', plugin_dbus_name)
+        if enable_systemd
+            configure_file(
+                input: join_paths(plugin_name, user_service + '.in'),
+                output: user_service,
+                configuration: unit_conf,
+                install: true,
+                install_dir: systemd_userunitdir
+            )
+            configure_file(
+                input: join_paths(plugin_name, user_target + '.in'),
+                output: user_target,
+                configuration: unit_conf,
+                install: true,
+                install_dir: systemd_userunitdir
+            )
+            if plugin_name in plugin_install_wants
+                foreach target: plugin_install_wants[plugin_name]
+                    meson.add_install_script('meson-add-wants.sh', systemd_userunitdir, target, user_target)
+                endforeach
+            endif
+        endif
+        subdir(plugin_name)
+    endif

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