[gnome-settings-daemon/benzea/systemd-3-36: 74/83] meson: Add human readable descriptions for plugins

commit 1848ffdb9e39bc81c389a9838abe44900d742769
Author: Benjamin Berg <bberg redhat com>
Date:   Thu Dec 12 09:12:30 2019 +0100

    meson: Add human readable descriptions for plugins
    These can be consumed by the build system to generate nicer
    .desktop/.service/.target files.

 plugins/meson.build | 34 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plugins/meson.build b/plugins/meson.build
index 1f7de93c..7c141004 100644
--- a/plugins/meson.build
+++ b/plugins/meson.build
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
 all_plugins = [
-  ['a11y-settings', 'A11ySettings'],
-  ['color', 'Color'],
-  ['datetime', 'Datetime'],
-  ['power', 'Power'],
-  ['housekeeping', 'Housekeeping'],
-  ['keyboard', 'Keyboard'],
-  ['media-keys', 'MediaKeys'],
-  ['screensaver-proxy', 'ScreensaverProxy'],
-  ['sharing', 'Sharing'],
-  ['sound', 'Sound'],
-  ['usb-protection', 'UsbProtection'],
-  ['xsettings', 'XSettings'],
-  ['smartcard', 'Smartcard'],
-  ['wacom', 'Wacom'],
-  ['print-notifications', 'PrintNotifications'],
-  ['rfkill', 'Rfkill'],
-  ['wwan', 'Wwan'],
+  ['a11y-settings', 'A11ySettings', 'GNOME accessibility'],
+  ['color', 'Color', 'GNOME color management'],
+  ['datetime', 'Datetime', 'GNOME date & time'],
+  ['power', 'Power', 'GNOME power management'],
+  ['housekeeping', 'Housekeeping', 'GNOME maintenance of expirable data'],
+  ['keyboard', 'Keyboard', 'GNOME keyboard configuration'],
+  ['media-keys', 'MediaKeys', 'GNOME keyboard shortcuts'],
+  ['screensaver-proxy', 'ScreensaverProxy', 'GNOME FreeDesktop screensaver'],
+  ['sharing', 'Sharing', 'GNOME file sharing'],
+  ['sound', 'Sound', 'GNOME sound sample caching'],
+  ['usb-protection', 'UsbProtection', 'GNOME USB protection'],
+  ['xsettings', 'XSettings', 'GNOME XSettings'],
+  ['smartcard', 'Smartcard', 'GNOME smartcard'],
+  ['wacom', 'Wacom', 'GNOME Wacom tablet support'],
+  ['print-notifications', 'PrintNotifications', 'GNOME printer notifications'],
+  ['rfkill', 'Rfkill', 'GNOME RFKill support'],
+  ['wwan', 'Wwan', 'GNOME WWan support'],
 disabled_plugins = []

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