[gjs/burninate-macros: 13/13] Burninate JSClass macros

commit 9dc9827a34d33e1a0f6cc6be28eb3a03aa153ec1
Author: Philip Chimento <philip chimento gmail com>
Date:   Wed May 13 14:55:11 2020 -0700

    Burninate JSClass macros

 gjs/jsapi-class.h | 258 ------------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 258 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gjs/jsapi-class.h b/gjs/jsapi-class.h
index 5c8240b4..efe632d6 100644
--- a/gjs/jsapi-class.h
+++ b/gjs/jsapi-class.h
@@ -66,264 +66,6 @@ bool gjs_define_property_dynamic(JSContext       *cx,
                                  JS::HandleValue  private_slot,
                                  unsigned         flags);
- * Helper methods to access private data:
- *
- * do_base_typecheck: checks that object has the right JSClass, and possibly
- *                    throw a TypeError exception if the check fails
- * priv_from_js: accesses the object private field; as a debug measure,
- *               it also checks that the object is of a compatible
- *               JSClass, but it doesn't raise an exception (it
- *               wouldn't be of much use, if subsequent code crashes on
- *               NULL)
- * priv_from_js_with_typecheck: a convenience function to call
- *                              do_base_typecheck and priv_from_js
- */
-#define GJS_DEFINE_PRIV_FROM_JS(type, klass)                                   \
-    GJS_ALWAYS_INLINE GJS_USE G_GNUC_UNUSED static inline bool                 \
-    do_base_typecheck(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject obj, bool throw_error) { \
-        return gjs_typecheck_instance(cx, obj, &klass, throw_error);           \
-    }                                                                          \
-    GJS_ALWAYS_INLINE GJS_USE static inline type* priv_from_js(                \
-        JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject obj) {                                 \
-        return static_cast<type*>(                                             \
-            JS_GetInstancePrivate(cx, obj, &klass, nullptr));                  \
-    }                                                                          \
-    G_GNUC_UNUSED GJS_USE static bool priv_from_js_with_typecheck(             \
-        JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject obj, type** out) {                     \
-        if (!do_base_typecheck(cx, obj, false))                                \
-            return false;                                                      \
-        *out = priv_from_js(cx, obj);                                          \
-        return true;                                                           \
-    }
- * @cx: JSContext pointer passed into JSNative function
- * @argc: Number of arguments passed into JSNative function
- * @vp: Argument value array passed into JSNative function
- * @args: Name for JS::CallArgs variable defined by this code snippet
- * @to: Name for JS::RootedObject variable referring to function's this
- * @type: Type of private data
- * @priv: Name for private data variable defined by this code snippet
- *
- * A convenience macro for getting the private data from GJS classes using
- * priv_from_js().
- * Throws an error if the 'this' object is not the right type.
- * Use in any JSNative function.
- */
-#define GJS_GET_PRIV(cx, argc, vp, args, to, type, priv)  \
-    GJS_GET_THIS(cx, argc, vp, args, to);                 \
-    if (!do_base_typecheck(cx, to, true))                 \
-        return false;                                     \
-    type *priv = priv_from_js(cx, to)
-/* Helper for GJS_DEFINE_PROTO_* macros with no parent */
-static inline JSObject* gjs_no_parent_get_proto(JSContext*) { return nullptr; }
- * @tn: The name of the prototype, as a string
- * @cn: The name of the prototype, separated by _
- * @flags: additional JSClass flags, such as JSCLASS_BACKGROUND_FINALIZE
- *
- * A convenience macro for prototype implementations.
- */
-#define GJS_DEFINE_PROTO(tn, cn, flags)                            \
-GJS_NATIVE_CONSTRUCTOR_DECLARE(cn);                                \
-_GJS_DEFINE_PROTO_FULL(tn, cn, gjs_##cn##_constructor, G_TYPE_NONE, flags)
- * @tn: The name of the prototype, as a string
- * @cn: The name of the prototype, separated by _
- *
- * A convenience macro for prototype implementations.
- * Similar to GJS_DEFINE_PROTO but marks the prototype as abstract,
- * you won't be able to instantiate it using the new keyword
- */
-#define GJS_DEFINE_PROTO_ABSTRACT(tn, cn, flags)                 \
-_GJS_DEFINE_PROTO_FULL(tn, cn, no_parent, nullptr, G_TYPE_NONE,  \
-                       flags)
-#define GJS_DEFINE_PROTO_WITH_GTYPE(tn, cn, gtype, flags)          \
-GJS_NATIVE_CONSTRUCTOR_DECLARE(cn);                                \
-_GJS_DEFINE_PROTO_FULL(tn, cn, no_parent, gjs_##cn##_constructor,  \
-                       gtype, flags)
-#define GJS_DEFINE_PROTO_ABSTRACT_WITH_GTYPE(tn, cn, gtype, flags)  \
-_GJS_DEFINE_PROTO_FULL(tn, cn, no_parent, nullptr, gtype, flags)
-#define GJS_DEFINE_PROTO_WITH_PARENT(tn, cn, parent_cn, flags)     \
-GJS_NATIVE_CONSTRUCTOR_DECLARE(cn);                                \
-_GJS_DEFINE_PROTO_FULL(tn, cn, parent_cn, gjs_##cn##_constructor,  \
-                       G_TYPE_NONE, flags)
-#define GJS_DEFINE_PROTO_ABSTRACT_WITH_PARENT(tn, cn, parent_cn, flags)  \
-_GJS_DEFINE_PROTO_FULL(tn, cn, parent_cn, nullptr, G_TYPE_NONE, flags)
-// clang-format off
-#define _GJS_DEFINE_PROTO_FULL(type_name, cname, parent_cname, ctor, gtype, \
-                               jsclass_flags)                               \
-    extern JSPropertySpec gjs_##cname##_proto_props[];                      \
-    extern JSFunctionSpec gjs_##cname##_proto_funcs[];                      \
-    extern JSFunctionSpec gjs_##cname##_static_funcs[];                     \
-    static void gjs_##cname##_finalize(JSFreeOp* fop, JSObject* obj);       \
-    static const struct JSClassOps gjs_##cname##_class_ops = {              \
-        nullptr,  /* addProperty */                                         \
-        nullptr,  /* deleteProperty */                                      \
-        nullptr,  /* enumerate */                                           \
-        nullptr,  /* newEnumerate */                                        \
-        nullptr,  /* resolve */                                             \
-        nullptr,  /* mayResolve */                                          \
-        gjs_##cname##_finalize                                              \
-    };                                                                      \
-    static struct JSClass gjs_##cname##_class = {                           \
-        type_name,                                                          \
-        JSCLASS_HAS_PRIVATE | jsclass_flags,                                \
-        &gjs_##cname##_class_ops                                            \
-    };                                                                      \
-    _GJS_DEFINE_GET_PROTO(cname)                                            \
-    _GJS_DEFINE_DEFINE_PROTO(cname, parent_cname, ctor, gtype)
-// clang-format on
-#define GJS_DEFINE_PROTO_FUNCS_WITH_PARENT(cname, parent_cname)  \
-G_GNUC_UNUSED static                                             \
-_GJS_DEFINE_GET_PROTO(cname)                                     \
-G_GNUC_UNUSED static                                             \
-_GJS_DEFINE_DEFINE_PROTO(cname, parent_cname,                    \
-                         gjs_##cname##_constructor, G_TYPE_NONE)
-#define GJS_DEFINE_PROTO_FUNCS(cname)  \
-#define _GJS_DEFINE_GET_PROTO(cname)                                           \
-    GJS_USE JSObject* gjs_##cname##_get_proto(JSContext* cx) {                 \
-        JS::RootedValue v_proto(                                               \
-            cx, gjs_get_global_slot(cx, GJS_GLOBAL_SLOT_PROTOTYPE_##cname));   \
-        g_assert(((void)"gjs_" #cname "_define_proto() must be called before " \
-                        "gjs_" #cname "_get_proto()",                          \
-                  !v_proto.isUndefined()));                                    \
-        g_assert(((void)"Someone stored some weird value in a global slot",    \
-                  v_proto.isObject()));                                        \
-        return &v_proto.toObject();                                            \
-    }
-#define _GJS_DEFINE_DEFINE_PROTO(cname, parent_cname, ctor, type)              \
-    GJS_JSAPI_RETURN_CONVENTION                                                \
-    bool gjs_##cname##_define_proto(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject module,    \
-                                    JS::MutableHandleObject proto) {           \
-        /* If we've been here more than once, we already have the proto */     \
-        JS::RootedValue v_proto(                                               \
-            cx, gjs_get_global_slot(cx, GJS_GLOBAL_SLOT_PROTOTYPE_##cname));   \
-        if (!v_proto.isUndefined()) {                                          \
-            g_assert(                                                          \
-                ((void)"Someone stored some weird value in a global slot",     \
-                 v_proto.isObject()));                                         \
-            proto.set(&v_proto.toObject());                                    \
-            return true;                                                       \
-        }                                                                      \
-                                                                               \
-        /* If module is not given, we are defining a global class */           \
-        JS::RootedObject in_obj(cx, module);                                   \
-        if (!in_obj)                                                           \
-            in_obj = gjs_get_import_global(cx);                                \
-                                                                               \
-        /* Create the class, prototype, and constructor */                     \
-        JS::RootedObject parent_proto(cx, gjs_##parent_cname##_get_proto(cx)); \
-        proto.set(JS_InitClass(cx, in_obj, parent_proto, &gjs_##cname##_class, \
-                               ctor, 0, gjs_##cname##_proto_props,             \
-                               gjs_##cname##_proto_funcs, nullptr,             \
-                               gjs_##cname##_static_funcs));                   \
-        if (!proto)                                                            \
-            return false;                                                      \
-        gjs_set_global_slot(cx, GJS_GLOBAL_SLOT_PROTOTYPE_##cname,             \
-                            JS::ObjectValue(*proto));                          \
-                                                                               \
-        /* Look up the constructor */                                          \
-        JS::RootedObject ctor_obj(cx);                                         \
-        JS::RootedId class_name(                                               \
-            cx, gjs_intern_string_to_id(cx, gjs_##cname##_class.name));        \
-        if (class_name == JSID_VOID)                                           \
-            return false;                                                      \
-        if (!gjs_object_require_property(cx, in_obj, #cname " constructor",    \
-                                         class_name, &ctor_obj))               \
-            return false;                                                      \
-                                                                               \
-        /* JS_InitClass defines the constructor as a property on the given     \
-         * "global" object. If it's a module and not the real global object,   \
-         * redefine it with different flags so it's enumerable; cairo copies   \
-         * properties from cairoNative, for example */                         \
-        if (module) {                                                          \
-            if (!JS_DefinePropertyById(cx, module, class_name, ctor_obj,       \
-                                       GJS_MODULE_PROP_FLAGS))                 \
-                return false;                                                  \
-        }                                                                      \
-                                                                               \
-        /* Define the GType value as a "$gtype" property on the constructor */ \
-        if (type != G_TYPE_NONE) {                                             \
-            if (!gjs_wrapper_define_gtype_prop(cx, ctor_obj, type))            \
-                return false;                                                  \
-        }                                                                      \
-        gjs_debug(GJS_DEBUG_CONTEXT, "Initialized class %s prototype %p",      \
-                  gjs_##cname##_class.name, proto.get());                      \
-        return true;                                                           \
-    }
- * Prototype a constructor.
- */
-#define GJS_NATIVE_CONSTRUCTOR_DECLARE(name)                          \
-    GJS_JSAPI_RETURN_CONVENTION static bool gjs_##name##_constructor( \
-        JSContext* context, unsigned argc, JS::Value* vp)
- * Declare variables necessary for the constructor; should
- * be at the very top.
- */
-#define GJS_NATIVE_CONSTRUCTOR_VARIABLES(name)                      \
-    JS::RootedObject object(context);                               \
-    JS::CallArgs argv G_GNUC_UNUSED = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
- * Call after the initial variable declaration.
- */
-#define GJS_NATIVE_CONSTRUCTOR_PRELUDE(name)                                  \
-{                                                                             \
-    if (!argv.isConstructing()) {                                             \
-        gjs_throw_constructor_error(context);                                 \
-        return false;                                                         \
-    }                                                                         \
-    object = JS_NewObjectForConstructor(context, &gjs_##name##_class, argv);  \
-    if (!object)                                                              \
-        return false;                                                         \
- * Call this at the end of a constructor when it's completed
- * successfully.
- */
-#define GJS_NATIVE_CONSTRUCTOR_FINISH(name)             \
-    argv.rval().setObject(*object);
- * Defines a constructor whose only purpose is to throw an error
- * and fail. To be used with classes that require a constructor (because they have
- * instances), but whose constructor cannot be used from JS code.
- */
-    GJS_NATIVE_CONSTRUCTOR_DECLARE(name)                        \
-    {                                                           \
-        JS::CallArgs args = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);       \
-        gjs_throw_abstract_constructor_error(context, args);    \
-        return false;                                           \
-    }
 template <class Base, typename Wrapped, GjsGlobalSlot SLOT>
 class NativeObject {

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