[gimp] app: move OpenCL settings into the Playground.

commit 0f806d0e9cf2b3295df3feca68b01bdd4bdce821
Author: Jehan <jehan girinstud io>
Date:   Fri Jul 17 12:01:17 2020 +0200

    app: move OpenCL settings into the Playground.
    After discussions on IRC, it was decided that our current level of
    support of OpenCL was not good enough. As a normal settings, people just
    see it as a normal acceleration checkbox, even despite the warning text
    and emoticone saying the opposite (i.e. it may even slow things down in
    some cases).
    Basically this feature needs more love to be back into mainstream

 app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c | 31 ++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
diff --git a/app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c b/app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c
index 0fce63adc2..3828e581f6 100644
--- a/app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c
+++ b/app/dialogs/preferences-dialog.c
@@ -1196,20 +1196,6 @@ prefs_dialog_new (Gimp       *gimp,
                          GTK_GRID (grid), 5, size_group);
 #endif /* ENABLE_MP */
-  /*  Hardware Acceleration  */
-  vbox2 = prefs_frame_new (_("Hardware Acceleration"), GTK_CONTAINER (vbox),
-                           FALSE);
-  prefs_check_button_add (object, "use-opencl",
-                          _("Use O_penCL"),
-                          GTK_BOX (vbox2));
-  hbox = prefs_hint_box_new (GIMP_ICON_DIALOG_WARNING,
-                             _("OpenCL drivers and support are experimental, "
-                               "expect slowdowns and possible crashes "
-                               "(please report)."));
-  gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox2), hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
   /*  Internet access  */
   vbox2 = prefs_frame_new (_("Network access"), GTK_CONTAINER (vbox),
@@ -1631,8 +1617,23 @@ prefs_dialog_new (Gimp       *gimp,
       gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
       gtk_widget_show (hbox);
+      /*  Hardware Acceleration  */
+      vbox2 = prefs_frame_new (_("Hardware Acceleration"), GTK_CONTAINER (vbox),
+                               FALSE);
+      hbox = prefs_hint_box_new (GIMP_ICON_DIALOG_WARNING,
+                                 _("OpenCL drivers and support are experimental, "
+                                   "expect slowdowns and possible crashes "
+                                   "(please report)."));
+      gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox2), hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+      prefs_check_button_add (object, "use-opencl",
+                              _("Use O_penCL"),
+                              GTK_BOX (vbox2));
+      /*  Very unstable tools  */
       vbox2 = prefs_frame_new (_("Insane Options"),
-                               GTK_CONTAINER (vbox), TRUE);
+                               GTK_CONTAINER (vbox), FALSE);
       button = prefs_check_button_add (object, "playground-npd-tool",
                                        _("_N-Point Deformation tool"),

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