[gnome-2048/arnaudb/wip/gtk4: 4/36] Remove Clutter.

commit a4c6483c8a3600f1a495695b45230c61e2b360c9
Author: Arnaud Bonatti <arnaud bonatti gmail com>
Date:   Fri Mar 6 18:34:28 2020 +0100

    Remove Clutter.

 src/application.vala |  39 ++------
 src/game-window.vala |  22 +++--
 src/game.vala        | 265 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 src/view.vala        |  74 +++++++-------
 4 files changed, 189 insertions(+), 211 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/application.vala b/src/application.vala
index a749a59..85737b6 100644
--- a/src/application.vala
+++ b/src/application.vala
@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ using Gtk;
 private class TwentyFortyEight : Gtk.Application
+    /* Translators: name of the program, as seen in the headerbar, in GNOME Shell, or in the about dialog */
+    private const string PROGRAM_NAME = _("2048");
     private GameWindow _window;
     private static bool show_version;
@@ -67,37 +70,6 @@ private class TwentyFortyEight : Gtk.Application
         Intl.bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");
         Intl.textdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE);
-        OptionContext context = new OptionContext ("");
-        context.add_main_entries (option_entries, GETTEXT_PACKAGE);
-        context.add_group (get_option_group (true));
-        context.add_group (Clutter.get_option_group_without_init ());
-        try {
-            context.parse (ref args);
-        } catch (Error e) {
-            stderr.printf ("%s\n", e.message);
-            return Posix.EXIT_FAILURE;
-        }
-        const string application_name = "org.gnome.TwentyFortyEight";
-        Environment.set_application_name (application_name);
-        Window.set_default_icon_name ("org.gnome.TwentyFortyEight");
-        try {
-            GtkClutter.init_with_args (ref args, "", new OptionEntry[0], null);
-        } catch (Error e) {
-            MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog (null,
-                                                      DialogFlags.MODAL,
-                                                      MessageType.ERROR,
-                                                      ButtonsType.NONE,
-                                                      "Unable to initialize Clutter:\n%s", e.message);
-            dialog.set_title (application_name);
-            dialog.run ();
-            dialog.destroy ();
-            return Posix.EXIT_FAILURE;
-        }
         TwentyFortyEight app = new TwentyFortyEight ();
         return app.run (args);
@@ -105,6 +77,8 @@ private class TwentyFortyEight : Gtk.Application
     private TwentyFortyEight ()
         Object (application_id: "org.gnome.TwentyFortyEight", flags: ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE);
+        add_main_option_entries (option_entries);
     protected override int handle_local_options (GLib.VariantDict options)  // options will be empty, we 
used a custom OptionContext
@@ -151,6 +125,9 @@ private class TwentyFortyEight : Gtk.Application
         base.startup ();
+        Environment.set_application_name (PROGRAM_NAME);
+        Window.set_default_icon_name ("org.gnome.TwentyFortyEight");
         add_action_entries (action_entries, this);
         _window = new GameWindow (this, cols, rows);
diff --git a/src/game-window.vala b/src/game-window.vala
index df4b517..016e147 100644
--- a/src/game-window.vala
+++ b/src/game-window.vala
@@ -21,13 +21,17 @@
 using Games;
 using Gtk;
+private class Board : Widget
 [GtkTemplate (ui = "/org/gnome/TwentyFortyEight/ui/game-window.ui")]
 private class GameWindow : ApplicationWindow
     private GLib.Settings _settings;
     [GtkChild] private GameHeaderBar    _header_bar;
-    [GtkChild] private GtkClutter.Embed _embed;
+    [GtkChild] private Board            _board;
     [GtkChild] private Button           _unfullscreen_button;
@@ -47,7 +51,7 @@ private class GameWindow : ApplicationWindow
         _init_window ();
         _create_scores_dialog ();   // the library forbids to delay the dialog creation
-        notify ["has-toplevel-focus"].connect (() => _embed.grab_focus ());
+        notify ["has-toplevel-focus"].connect (() => _board.grab_focus ());
     internal GameWindow (TwentyFortyEight application, uint8 cols, uint8 rows)
@@ -107,7 +111,7 @@ private class GameWindow : ApplicationWindow
         _init_window_state (this);
         _load_window_state (this, ref _settings);
-        _header_bar.popover_closed.connect (() => _embed.grab_focus ());
+        _header_bar.popover_closed.connect (() => _board.grab_focus ());
         _settings.changed.connect ((settings, key_name) => {
                 switch (key_name)
@@ -131,7 +135,7 @@ private class GameWindow : ApplicationWindow
         _header_bar._update_hamburger_menu (_settings.get_boolean ("allow-undo"));
         _game.load_settings (ref _settings);
-        _game.view = _embed.get_stage ();
+        _game.view = _board;
         set_events (get_events () | Gdk.EventMask.STRUCTURE_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.KEY_PRESS_MASK | 
@@ -258,14 +262,14 @@ private class GameWindow : ApplicationWindow
         _header_bar.clear_subtitle ();
         _game.undo ();
-        _embed.grab_focus ();
+        _board.grab_focus ();
     private void new_game_cb (/* SimpleAction action, Variant? variant */)
         _header_bar.clear_subtitle ();
         _game.new_game (ref _settings);
-        _embed.grab_focus ();
+        _board.grab_focus ();
     private void new_game_sized_cb (SimpleAction action, Variant? variant)
@@ -311,7 +315,7 @@ private class GameWindow : ApplicationWindow
     private static inline bool on_key_pressed (EventControllerKey _key_controller, uint keyval, uint 
keycode, Gdk.ModifierType state)
         GameWindow _this = (GameWindow) _key_controller.get_widget ();
-        if (_this._header_bar.has_popover () || (_this.focus_visible && !_this._embed.is_focus))
+        if (_this._header_bar.has_popover () || (_this.focus_visible && !_this._board.is_focus))
             return false;
         if (_this._game.cannot_move ())
             return false;
@@ -346,13 +350,13 @@ private class GameWindow : ApplicationWindow
     private inline void _init_gestures ()
-        gesture_swipe = new GestureSwipe (_embed);  // _window works, but problems with headerbar; the main 
grid or the aspectframe do as _embed
+        gesture_swipe = new GestureSwipe (_board);  // _window works, but problems with headerbar; the main 
grid or the aspectframe do as _board
         gesture_swipe.set_propagation_phase (PropagationPhase.CAPTURE);
         gesture_swipe.set_button (/* all buttons */ 0);
         gesture_swipe.swipe.connect (_on_swipe);
-    private inline void _on_swipe (GestureSwipe _gesture_swipe, double velocity_x, double velocity_y)   // 
do not make static, _gesture_swipe.get_wigdet () is _embed, not the window
+    private inline void _on_swipe (GestureSwipe _gesture_swipe, double velocity_x, double velocity_y)   // 
do not make static, _gesture_swipe.get_wigdet () is _board, not the window
         uint button = _gesture_swipe.get_current_button ();
         if (button != Gdk.BUTTON_PRIMARY && button != Gdk.BUTTON_SECONDARY)
diff --git a/src/game.vala b/src/game.vala
index d2fca7a..c879c04 100644
--- a/src/game.vala
+++ b/src/game.vala
@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ private class Game : Object
     private Gee.LinkedList<Tile?>         _to_show = new Gee.LinkedList<Tile?> ();
     private GameState _state = GameState.STOPPED;
-    private Clutter.TransitionGroup _show_hide_trans;
-    private Clutter.TransitionGroup _move_trans;
+//    private Clutter.TransitionGroup _show_hide_trans;
+//    private Clutter.TransitionGroup _move_trans;
     private int _animations_duration;
     private string _saved_path = Path.build_filename (Environment.get_user_data_dir (), "gnome-2048", 
@@ -83,32 +83,33 @@ private class Game : Object
     * * view
-    private Clutter.Actor _view;
-    private Clutter.Actor _view_background;
-    private Clutter.Actor _view_foreground;
-    [CCode (notify = false)] internal Clutter.Actor view {
-        internal get { return _view; }
-        internal set {
-            _view = value;
-            _view.allocation_changed.connect (_on_allocation_changed);
-            _view_background = new Clutter.Actor ();
-            _view_foreground = new Clutter.Actor ();
-            _view_background.show ();
-            _view_foreground.show ();
-            _view.add_child (_view_background);
-            _view.add_child (_view_foreground);
-        }
-    }
-    private void _on_allocation_changed (Clutter.ActorBox box, Clutter.AllocationFlags flags)
-    {
-        if (_background_init_done)
-            _resize_view ();
-        else
-            _init_background ();
-    }
+    private Board _view;
+//    private Clutter.Actor _view;
+//    private Clutter.Actor _view_background;
+//    private Clutter.Actor _view_foreground;
+//    [CCode (notify = false)] internal Clutter.Actor view {
+//        internal get { return _view; }
+//        internal set {
+//            _view = value;
+//            _view.allocation_changed.connect (_on_allocation_changed);
+//            _view_background = new Clutter.Actor ();
+//            _view_foreground = new Clutter.Actor ();
+//            _view_background.show ();
+//            _view_foreground.show ();
+//            _view.add_child (_view_background);
+//            _view.add_child (_view_foreground);
+//        }
+//    }
+//    private void _on_allocation_changed (Clutter.ActorBox box, Clutter.AllocationFlags flags)
+//    {
+//        if (_background_init_done)
+//            _resize_view ();
+//        else
+//            _init_background ();
+//    }
     * * others
@@ -204,15 +205,15 @@ private class Game : Object
         uint8 rows = _grid.rows;
         uint8 cols = _grid.cols;
-        Clutter.Color background_color = Clutter.Color.from_string ("#babdb6");
-        _view.set_background_color (background_color);
+//        Clutter.Color background_color = Clutter.Color.from_string ("#babdb6");
+//        _view.set_background_color (background_color);
         _background     = new RoundedRectangle [rows, cols];
         _foreground_cur = new TileView? [rows, cols];
         _foreground_nxt = new TileView? [rows, cols];
-        float canvas_width  = _view.width;
-        float canvas_height = _view.height;
+//        float canvas_width  = _view.width;
+//        float canvas_height = _view.height;
         canvas_width  -= (cols + 1) * BLANK_COL_WIDTH;
         canvas_height -= (rows + 1) * BLANK_ROW_HEIGHT;
@@ -229,7 +230,7 @@ private class Game : Object
                 RoundedRectangle rect = new RoundedRectangle (x, y, tile_width, tile_height);
-                _view_background.add_child (rect.actor);
+//                _view_background.add_child (rect.actor);
                 rect.canvas.invalidate ();
                 rect.actor.show ();
@@ -245,8 +246,8 @@ private class Game : Object
         uint8 rows = _grid.rows;
         uint8 cols = _grid.cols;
-        float canvas_width  = _view.width;
-        float canvas_height = _view.height;
+//        float canvas_width  = _view.width;
+//        float canvas_height = _view.height;
         canvas_width  -= (cols + 1) * BLANK_COL_WIDTH;
         canvas_height -= (rows + 1) * BLANK_ROW_HEIGHT;
@@ -271,8 +272,8 @@ private class Game : Object
-        if (_resize_view_id == 0)
-            _resize_view_id = Clutter.Threads.Timeout.add (1000, _idle_resize_view);
+//        if (_resize_view_id == 0)
+//            _resize_view_id = Clutter.Threads.Timeout.add (1000, _idle_resize_view);
     private bool _idle_resize_view ()
@@ -319,11 +320,11 @@ private class Game : Object
         GridPosition pos = tile.pos;
         assert (_foreground_nxt [pos.row, pos.col] == null);
-        Clutter.Actor actor = _background [pos.row, pos.col].actor;
-        _foreground_nxt [pos.row, pos.col] = new TileView (actor.x,
-                                                           actor.y,
-                                                           actor.width,
-                                                           actor.height,
+        RoundedRectangle rect = _background [pos.row, pos.col];
+        _foreground_nxt [pos.row, pos.col] = new TileView (rect.x,
+                                                           rect.y,
+                                                           rect.width,
+                                                           rect.height,
@@ -331,38 +332,38 @@ private class Game : Object
         debug (@"show tile pos $pos");
-        Clutter.PropertyTransition trans;
+//        Clutter.PropertyTransition trans;
         TileView? tile_view = _foreground_nxt [pos.row, pos.col];
         if (tile_view == null)
             assert_not_reached ();
-        Clutter.Actor actor = ((!) tile_view).actor;
-        ((!) tile_view).canvas.invalidate ();
-        actor.set_opacity (0);
-        actor.show ();
-        _view_foreground.add_child (actor);
-        trans = new Clutter.PropertyTransition ("scale-x");
-        trans.set_from_value (1.0);
-        trans.set_to_value (1.1);
-        trans.set_duration (_animations_duration);
-        trans.set_animatable (actor);
-        _show_hide_trans.add_transition (trans);
-        trans = new Clutter.PropertyTransition ("scale-y");
-        trans.set_from_value (1.0);
-        trans.set_to_value (1.1);
-        trans.set_duration (_animations_duration);
-        trans.set_animatable (actor);
-        _show_hide_trans.add_transition (trans);
-        trans = new Clutter.PropertyTransition ("opacity");
-        trans.set_from_value (0);
-        trans.set_to_value (255);
-        trans.set_remove_on_complete (true);
-        trans.set_duration (_animations_duration / 2);
-        actor.add_transition ("show", trans);
+//        Clutter.Actor actor = ((!) tile_view).actor;
+//        ((!) tile_view).canvas.invalidate ();
+//        actor.set_opacity (0);
+//        actor.show ();
+//        _view_foreground.add_child (actor);
+//        trans = new Clutter.PropertyTransition ("scale-x");
+//        trans.set_from_value (1.0);
+//        trans.set_to_value (1.1);
+//        trans.set_duration (_animations_duration);
+//        trans.set_animatable (actor);
+//        _show_hide_trans.add_transition (trans);
+//        trans = new Clutter.PropertyTransition ("scale-y");
+//        trans.set_from_value (1.0);
+//        trans.set_to_value (1.1);
+//        trans.set_duration (_animations_duration);
+//        trans.set_animatable (actor);
+//        _show_hide_trans.add_transition (trans);
+//        trans = new Clutter.PropertyTransition ("opacity");
+//        trans.set_from_value (0);
+//        trans.set_to_value (255);
+//        trans.set_remove_on_complete (true);
+//        trans.set_duration (_animations_duration / 2);
+//        actor.add_transition ("show", trans);
     private void _move_tile (GridPosition from, GridPosition to)
@@ -388,12 +389,12 @@ private class Game : Object
         if (tile_view == null)
             assert_not_reached ();
-        Clutter.PropertyTransition trans = new Clutter.PropertyTransition (row_move ? "y" : "x");
-        trans.set_from_value (row_move ? rect_from.actor.y : rect_from.actor.x);
-        trans.set_to_value (row_move ? rect_to.actor.y : rect_to.actor.x);
-        trans.set_duration (_animations_duration);
-        trans.set_animatable (((!) tile_view).actor);
-        _move_trans.add_transition (trans);
+//        Clutter.PropertyTransition trans = new Clutter.PropertyTransition (row_move ? "y" : "x");
+//        trans.set_from_value (row_move ? rect_from.actor.y : rect_from.actor.x);
+//        trans.set_to_value (row_move ? rect_to.actor.y : rect_to.actor.x);
+//        trans.set_duration (_animations_duration);
+//        trans.set_animatable (((!) tile_view).actor);
+//        _move_trans.add_transition (trans);
     private void _dim_tile (GridPosition pos)
@@ -403,30 +404,30 @@ private class Game : Object
             assert_not_reached ();
         debug (@"diming tile at $pos " + ((!) tile_view).color.to_string ());
-        Clutter.Actor actor;
-        Clutter.PropertyTransition trans;
+//        Clutter.Actor actor;
+//        Clutter.PropertyTransition trans;
-        actor = ((!) tile_view).actor;
+//        actor = ((!) tile_view).actor;
-        trans = new Clutter.PropertyTransition ("opacity");
-        trans.set_from_value (actor.opacity);
-        trans.set_to_value (0);
-        trans.set_duration (_animations_duration);
-        trans.set_animatable (actor);
+//        trans = new Clutter.PropertyTransition ("opacity");
+//        trans.set_from_value (actor.opacity);
+//        trans.set_to_value (0);
+//        trans.set_duration (_animations_duration);
+//        trans.set_animatable (actor);
-        _show_hide_trans.add_transition (trans);
+//        _show_hide_trans.add_transition (trans);
     private void _clear_background ()
-        _view_background.remove_all_children ();
+//        _view_background.remove_all_children ();
     private void _clear_foreground ()
         uint8 rows = _grid.rows;
         uint8 cols = _grid.cols;
-        _view_foreground.remove_all_children ();
+//        _view_foreground.remove_all_children ();
         for (uint8 i = 0; i < rows; i++)
             for (uint8 j = 0; j < cols; j++)
@@ -484,9 +485,9 @@ private class Game : Object
         Grid clone = _grid.clone ();
-        _move_trans = new Clutter.TransitionGroup ();
-        _move_trans.stopped.connect (_on_move_trans_stopped);
-        _move_trans.set_duration (_animations_duration);
+//        _move_trans = new Clutter.TransitionGroup ();
+//        _move_trans.stopped.connect (_on_move_trans_stopped);
+//        _move_trans.set_duration (_animations_duration);
         _grid.move (request, ref _to_move, ref _to_hide, ref _to_show);
@@ -506,39 +507,39 @@ private class Game : Object
         if ((_to_move.size > 0) || (_to_hide.size > 0) || (_to_show.size > 0))
             _state = GameState.MOVING;
-            _move_trans.start ();
+//            _move_trans.start ();
             _store_movement (clone);
         _just_restored = false;
-    private void _on_move_trans_stopped (Clutter.Timeline trans, bool is_finished)
-    {
-        debug (@"move animation stopped\n$_grid");
+//    private void _on_move_trans_stopped (Clutter.Timeline trans, bool is_finished)
+//    {
+//        debug (@"move animation stopped\n$_grid");
-        ((Clutter.TransitionGroup) trans).remove_all ();
+//        ((Clutter.TransitionGroup) trans).remove_all ();
-        foreach (TileMovement? e in _to_hide)
-        {
-            if (e == null)
-                assert_not_reached ();
-            _dim_tile (((!) e).from);
-        }
+//        foreach (TileMovement? e in _to_hide)
+//        {
+//            if (e == null)
+//                assert_not_reached ();
+//            _dim_tile (((!) e).from);
+//        }
-        long delta_score = 0;   // do not notify["score"] multiple times
-        foreach (Tile? e in _to_show)
-        {
-            if (e == null)
-                assert_not_reached ();
-            _create_tile ((!) e);
-            _show_tile (((!) e).pos);
-            delta_score += (long) Math.pow (2, ((!) e).val);
-        }
-        score += delta_score;
+//        long delta_score = 0;   // do not notify["score"] multiple times
+//        foreach (Tile? e in _to_show)
+//        {
+//            if (e == null)
+//                assert_not_reached ();
+//            _create_tile ((!) e);
+//            _show_tile (((!) e).pos);
+//            delta_score += (long) Math.pow (2, ((!) e).val);
+//        }
+//        score += delta_score;
-        _create_random_tile ();
-    }
+//        _create_random_tile ();
+//    }
     * * new tile animation
@@ -552,27 +553,27 @@ private class Game : Object
     private void _create_show_hide_transition (bool animate)
-        _show_hide_trans = new Clutter.TransitionGroup ();
-        _show_hide_trans.stopped.connect (_on_show_hide_trans_stopped);
-        /* _show_hide_trans should be finished two times (forward and backward) before
-           one _move_trans is done, so at least animation time should be strictly half */
-        _show_hide_trans.set_duration (animate ? _animations_duration / 3 : 10);
+//        _show_hide_trans = new Clutter.TransitionGroup ();
+//        _show_hide_trans.stopped.connect (_on_show_hide_trans_stopped);
+//        /* _show_hide_trans should be finished two times (forward and backward) before
+//           one _move_trans is done, so at least animation time should be strictly half */
+//        _show_hide_trans.set_duration (animate ? _animations_duration / 3 : 10);
-    private void _on_show_hide_trans_stopped (Clutter.Timeline trans, bool is_finished)
-    {
-        debug ("show/hide animation stopped");
+//    private void _on_show_hide_trans_stopped (Clutter.Timeline trans, bool is_finished)
+//    {
+//        debug ("show/hide animation stopped");
-        if (trans.direction == Clutter.TimelineDirection.FORWARD)
-        {
-            trans.direction = Clutter.TimelineDirection.BACKWARD;
-            trans.start ();
-            return;
-        }
+//        if (trans.direction == Clutter.TimelineDirection.FORWARD)
+//        {
+//            trans.direction = Clutter.TimelineDirection.BACKWARD;
+//            trans.start ();
+//            return;
+//        }
-        ((Clutter.TransitionGroup) trans).remove_all ();
-        _apply_move ();
-    }
+//        ((Clutter.TransitionGroup) trans).remove_all ();
+//        _apply_move ();
+//    }
     private void _apply_move ()
@@ -590,9 +591,9 @@ private class Game : Object
             TileView? tile_view = _foreground_cur [pos.row, pos.col];
             if (tile_view == null)
                 assert_not_reached ();
-            ((!) tile_view).actor.hide ();
+//            ((!) tile_view).actor.hide ();
             debug (@"remove child " + ((!) tile_view).color.to_string ());
-            _view_foreground.remove_child (((!) tile_view).actor);
+//            _view_foreground.remove_child (((!) tile_view).actor);
             _foreground_cur [pos.row, pos.col] = null;
diff --git a/src/view.vala b/src/view.vala
index 9392cda..65aa2d3 100644
--- a/src/view.vala
+++ b/src/view.vala
@@ -18,22 +18,16 @@
    along with GNOME 2048.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-private class RoundedRectangle : Object
+private class RoundedRectangle : Gtk.DrawingArea
-    [CCode (notify = false)] internal Clutter.Actor  actor  { internal get; default = new Clutter.Actor (); }
-    [CCode (notify = false)] internal Clutter.Canvas canvas { internal get; default = new Clutter.Canvas (); 
-    [CCode (notify = false)] public float x      { protected construct { actor.x      = value; }}
-    [CCode (notify = false)] public float y      { protected construct { actor.y      = value; }}
-    [CCode (notify = false)] public float width  { protected construct { actor.width  = value; }}
-    [CCode (notify = false)] public float height { protected construct { actor.height = value; }}
+    [CCode (notify = false)] public float x      { internal get; protected construct set; }
+    [CCode (notify = false)] public float y      { internal get; protected construct set; }
+    [CCode (notify = false)] public float width  { internal get; protected construct set; }
+    [CCode (notify = false)] public float height { internal get; protected construct set; }
-        actor.set_content (canvas);
-        actor.set_pivot_point (0.5f, 0.5f);
-        canvas.draw.connect (_draw);
+        set_draw_func (_draw);
         idle_resize ();
@@ -42,22 +36,22 @@ private class RoundedRectangle : Object
         Object (x: x, y: y, width: width, height: height, color: 0);
-    internal void resize (float x, float y, float width, float height)
+    internal void resize (float _x, float _y, float _width, float _height)
-        actor.x = x;
-        actor.y = y;
-        actor.width = width;
-        actor.height = height;
+        x = _x;
+        y = _y;
+        width = _width;
+        height = _height;
     internal void idle_resize ()
-        if (!canvas.set_size ((int) Math.ceilf (actor.width), (int) Math.ceilf (actor.height)))
-            canvas.invalidate ();
+//        if (!canvas.set_size ((int) Math.ceilf (actor.width), (int) Math.ceilf (actor.height)))
+//            canvas.invalidate ();
     private const double HALF_PI = Math.PI / 2.0;
-    protected virtual bool _draw (Cairo.Context ctx, int width, int height)
+    protected virtual void _draw (Cairo.Context ctx, int width, int height)
         double radius = (height > width) ? (height / 20.0) : (width / 20.0);
@@ -73,7 +67,7 @@ private class RoundedRectangle : Object
         ctx.arc (radius,         height - radius, radius,  HALF_PI,  Math.PI);
         ctx.close_path ();
-        Clutter.cairo_set_source_color (ctx, _color);
+        ctx.set_source_rgba (_color);
         ctx.fill ();
         return false;
@@ -83,31 +77,33 @@ private class RoundedRectangle : Object
     * * color
-    private static HashTable<int, Clutter.Color?> colors
-             = new HashTable<int, Clutter.Color?> (direct_hash, direct_equal);
+    private static HashTable<int, Gdk.RGBA?> colors
+             = new HashTable<int, Gdk.RGBA?> (direct_hash, direct_equal);
     static construct
-        colors.insert (/* empty */ 0,  Clutter.Color.from_string ("#ffffff"));  // White
-        colors.insert (/*     2 */ 1,  Clutter.Color.from_string ("#fce94f"));  // Butter 1
-        colors.insert (/*     4 */ 2,  Clutter.Color.from_string ("#8ae234"));  // Chameleon 1
-        colors.insert (/*     8 */ 3,  Clutter.Color.from_string ("#fcaf3e"));  // Orange 1
-        colors.insert (/*    16 */ 4,  Clutter.Color.from_string ("#729fcf"));  // Sky blue 1
-        colors.insert (/*    32 */ 5,  Clutter.Color.from_string ("#ad7fa8"));  // Plum 1
-        colors.insert (/*    64 */ 6,  Clutter.Color.from_string ("#c17d11"));  // Chocolate 2
-        colors.insert (/*   128 */ 7,  Clutter.Color.from_string ("#ef2929"));  // Scarlet red 1
-        colors.insert (/*   256 */ 8,  Clutter.Color.from_string ("#c4a000"));  // Butter 3
-        colors.insert (/*   512 */ 9,  Clutter.Color.from_string ("#4e9a06"));  // Chameleon 3
-        colors.insert (/*  1024 */ 10, Clutter.Color.from_string ("#ce5c00"));  // Orange 3
-        colors.insert (/*  2048 */ 11, Clutter.Color.from_string ("#204a87"));  // Sky blue 3
+        bool success;
+        Gdk.RGBA color;
+        if (color.parse ("#ffffff")) colors.insert (/* empty */  0, color); else assert_not_reached ();  // 
+        if (color.parse ("#fce94f")) colors.insert (/*     2 */  1, color); else assert_not_reached ();  // 
Butter 1
+        if (color.parse ("#8ae234")) colors.insert (/*     4 */  2, color); else assert_not_reached ();  // 
Chameleon 1
+        if (color.parse ("#fcaf3e")) colors.insert (/*     8 */  3, color); else assert_not_reached ();  // 
Orange 1
+        if (color.parse ("#729fcf")) colors.insert (/*    16 */  4, color); else assert_not_reached ();  // 
Sky blue 1
+        if (color.parse ("#ad7fa8")) colors.insert (/*    32 */  5, color); else assert_not_reached ();  // 
Plum 1
+        if (color.parse ("#c17d11")) colors.insert (/*    64 */  6, color); else assert_not_reached ();  // 
Chocolate 2
+        if (color.parse ("#ef2929")) colors.insert (/*   128 */  7, color); else assert_not_reached ();  // 
Scarlet red 1
+        if (color.parse ("#c4a000")) colors.insert (/*   256 */  8, color); else assert_not_reached ();  // 
Butter 3
+        if (color.parse ("#4e9a06")) colors.insert (/*   512 */  9, color); else assert_not_reached ();  // 
Chameleon 3
+        if (color.parse ("#ce5c00")) colors.insert (/*  1024 */ 10, color); else assert_not_reached ();  // 
Orange 3
+        if (color.parse ("#204a87")) colors.insert (/*  2048 */ 11, color); else assert_not_reached ();  // 
Sky blue 3
-    private Clutter.Color _color;
+    private Gdk.RGBA _color;
     private uint8 _color_index;
     [CCode (notify = false)] public uint8 color {
         internal get { return _color_index; }   // protected for TileView, internal for debug
         internal construct {
             _color_index = value;
-            Clutter.Color? color = colors.lookup ((int) value);
+            Gdk.RGBA? color = colors.lookup ((int) value);
             if (color == null)
                 _new_color (value, out _color);
@@ -115,11 +111,11 @@ private class RoundedRectangle : Object
-    private static void _new_color (uint8 tile_value, out Clutter.Color color)
+    private static void _new_color (uint8 tile_value, out Gdk.RGBA color)
         requires (tile_value >= 12)
         requires (tile_value <= 81)
-        Clutter.Color? nullable_color = colors.lookup ((int) ((tile_value - 1) % 11 + 1));
+        Gdk.RGBA? nullable_color = colors.lookup ((int) ((tile_value - 1) % 11 + 1));
         if (nullable_color == null)
             assert_not_reached ();
         color = (!) nullable_color;

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