[chronojump] Created tag 2.0.0

The unsigned tag '2.0.0' was created.

Tagger: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
Date: 1594285313 +0200

    Chronojump 2.0

Changes since the last tag '1.9.0':

Alex-P. Natsios (1):
      Update Greek translation

Anders Jonsson (2):
      Update Swedish translation
      Update Swedish translation

Andoni Morales Alastruey (5):
      Remove checks for unused deps
      Add a new script to package macOS
      Fix mono version and RPATH of the main binary
      Add missing dll map for pango
      Fix display in high resolution screens for macOS

Andre Klapper (3):
      Fix broken markup in Italian UI translation
      howto_compile.txt: Replace broken git clone URL with GNOME Gitlab URL
      Fix broken markup in Slovenian UI translation

Asier Sarasua Garmendia (1):
      Add Basque translation

Balázs Úr (2):
      Update Hungarian translation
      Update Hungarian translation

Daniel Garcia Moreno (1):
      Merge branch 'revert' into 'master'

Daniel García Moreno (1):
      Revert "Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.gnome.org:GNOME/chronojump"

Daniel Mustieles (50):
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Fixed typo in string
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Fixed typo in string
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Spanish translation

Enrico Nicoletto (1):
      Update Brazilian Portuguese translation

Federico Perego (1):
      Update Italian translation

Florentina Mușat (4):
      Update Romanian translation
      Update Romanian translation
      Update Romanian translation
      Update Romanian translation

Jordi Mas (4):
      Update Catalan translation
      Update Catalan translation
      Fixes to Spainsih translation
      Update Catalan translation

JordiRodeiro (4):
      Force sensor units
      Updated monodevelop csproj
      Sqlite selection for jump DJa
      Overloaded GetInitialSpeed string/double

Julien Hardelin (1):
      Update French translation

Piotr Drąg (7):
      Update POTFILES.in
      Update POTFILES.in
      Update POTFILES.in
      Update POTFILES.in
      Update POTFILES.in
      Update POTFILES.in
      Update POTFILES.in

Rafael Fontenelle (2):
      Update Brazilian Portuguese translation
      Update Brazilian Portuguese translation

Xavier Padullés (58):
      Added chronopic-bootloader-firmware-encoder.hex
      Updated spanish manual
      Updated enlish manual
      RaceAnalyzer device fixed
      Accelerometer bluetooth arduino code added
      Froce sensor arduino code license updated
      Accelerometer arduino hange log
      Arduino force senso. speeding tare and calibrate
      Force sensor. Updated version with the faster tare and calibrating
      Updated Catalan translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated Catalan translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated forceSensorExerciseParameters
      RaceEncoder. Updated legend and default plots
      Force sensor. Minor updadte of exercice creation texts
      Force Sensor. Exercices creation texts can be translated
      Updated Catalan translation
      Updated Spanish translation
      Updated manual
      Uploaded R functions to calculate repetitions and dynamics of force sensor
      New method to detec the repetitions with force sensor
      RaceAnalyzer firmware minor optimization
      Updated forcePosition in order to diferentiate minDisplacement in ecc or con
      Race Analyzer firmware. Sending in binary mode
      Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.gnome.org:GNOME/chronojump
      When detecting repetitions, the ecc/con minimum displacement can be diferent
      ForceSensor. Fixed offset after uploading firmware
      printRadar. Allows the time not to start at zero
      RaceAnalyzer. Aesthetic improvements in graph. Plotting force and Power
      Legends using unicode characters
      RaceEncoder. Fixed first sample speed
      Improved the detection of the start
      RaceAnalyzer firmware in binary format and not sending pps in each sample
      RaceAnalyzer. Added parameter of acceleration for start detection
      RaceAnalyzer. Speed and Accel X axes now match
      First code for using an LCD with the force sensor. TODO fix not reading the force sensor
      raceAnalyzer firmware. Added the RCA events readings
      RaceAnalyzer. Added triggers to the arduino firmware. encoderDisplacement added to the dataframe sent
      RaceAnalyzer. Fixed wrong speed at trigger signals
      Maximum Isometric force. Mean error in percentage and message
      RaceAnalyzer. First sample is not a trigger sample.
      RaceAnalyzer. Fixed nls with singular gradient error
      RaceAnalyzer. Plot pmax.pitted an tpmax.fitted
      ForcePosition doesn't plot the graph by default
      ForcePosition.R doesn't plot
      R script to calibrate the rubbers using the encoder and the force sensor
      Updated r-scripts licences
      Fixed api address
      Howto create a MacOS virtual machine
      Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.gnome.org:GNOME/chronojump Instructions for compile with a virtual 
      Updated Catalan translation
      Better comments for detecting the onset of the force test
      Some tests for the bestFit option in RFD tests
      Fixed ForceSensor LCD pinout
      Fixed negatives numbers and improved LCD characters positions
      ForceSensorLCD. Added RCA triggers in arduino code
      ForceSensor + LCD. Added button to tare

Xavier de Blas (1091):
      Fixed On races show contact only if time is started https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/chronojump/issues/110
      Commented (now unused) update contacts code
      On Run interval capture show Start/End dinamically
      Changed one string on glade/preferences
      Encoder bars plot shows range as yellow line
      DB:1.65 encoderCaptureSecondaryVariable
      Encoder barplot secondaryVariable on repetitiveConditions and SQL
      Updated compile/new version instructions
      encoder changing display of secondary variables on bars
      Fix in last commit
      Minor change on webcam code
      Encoder capture barplot with new EncoderGraphDoPlot class
      Removed a couple of comments
      new Util.ListStringToString()
      Encoder: better management of set at end of continuous capture
      New method: Util.DivideSafeAndGetInt()
      DB: 1.66 preferences: encoderCaptureSecondaryVariableShow
      encoder: secondaryVariable can be on/off at repetitiveConditionsWin
      Miising on last commit
      Updated howto_compujump_client instructions
      Minor change
      Networks new parameter on config: HideTaskDone
      Networks: show "new" icon if there are tasks on other stations
      Fixed: MANY translated str at constants.cs didn't appear tr on software
      Reorganized code: treeviews on treeview folder
      Added material design forward/backward images
      Several usability improvements on device window
      Added jump/run yellow icons
      Menuitem Mode from radio to imagemenuitem. jumps/runs done!
      Fixes to last commit
      Added yellow encoder icons
      Menuitem Mode from radio to imagemenuitem. Encoder done!
      Added force sensor icons
      Menuitem Mode from radio to imagemenuitem. Force sensor done!
      force sensor tare/calibrate blanks event_execute_label_message
      Added reaction time icons
      Menuitem Mode from radio to imagemenuitem. Reaction time done!
      Added race encoder and other icons
      Menuitem Mode from radio to imagemenuitem: other/race encoder. All done!
      Menu "Mode" has bold label of selected mode
      Start menu can select races with photocells or with encoder
      button_start_quit can quit on ctrl+q
      start selector jumps/races/encoder with label centered
      Start menu "Back" instead of "Cancel". TODO: change icon
      Race encoder "Open data folder" on new race encoder menu
      Race encoder can change device type. UNTESTED!
      Race encoder recalculate cannot recalculate if there is no signal
      button_start_selector_back works ok
      Updated start runs selector (without photocells and more modern)
      Arrow back for start menu. Done!
      forceSensor: can capture using absolute values or inverted values
      Force sensor capture uses exercise percentBodyWeight
      Generic window can have a boolean: CHECK1
      DB: 1.67 forceSensor tare before capture implemented
      MakeURLabsolute / MakeURLrelative on util.cs
      New Sqlite.ExistsAndGetUniqueID. Exists method rewritten.
      DB: 1.68, 1.69 force sensor capture on SQL and import old data
      Updated Sqlite diagrams
      Force sensor implemented load window
      force sensor gui: load without label and hidden recalculate
      Fix on forceSensor import sets
      Force sensor load. Done!
      force sensor analyze RFD automatic, recalculate renamed analyze
      forceSensor object and SQL with captureOption
      forceSensor import with .csv
      force sensor load assigns correctly the captureOption
      Force sensor recalculate done!
      Minor change
      Changed race analyzer names: manual / resisted
      Added accelerometer to chronopicRegister
      Updated diagram (captureOption on forceSensor)
      ForceSensor Capture options string shown
      Force sensor webcam capture done!
      ForceSensor webcam play done!
      Minor change
      ForceSensor webcam on capture after the arduino connect
      forceSensor: Cannot recalculate a cancelled capture
      forceSensor recalculate updates analyze graph
      Encoder delete exercise shows sets of it (not rows: sets + reps)
      ForceSensor exercise delete takes care of existing forceSensor records
      ForceSensor unsensitive recalculate when person changes
      ForceSensor delete last test working
      Fix on two catalan strings
      forceSensor improvements on gui delete_last_test
      ForceSensor edit/delete on load set initial gui.
      More info on Util.FileMove
      Encoder load/editmove usensitivizes the load button
      ForceSensor change person at load works!
      ForceSensor can delete test at load set
      GenericWindow treeview no right button popup. Now use edit/del buttons
      Encoder analyze mode 2 cannot edit repetitions author, only delete them.
      Removed EncoderSelectReps IndividualCurrentSession genericWin edit stuff
      GenericWindow fix sometimes have double combo: id:name
      genericWindow treeview edit/delete better sensitivity
      force sensor capture graph is ok now for really low forces
      Force capture drawingarea can be resized at anytime and graph is redrawn
      Session load window shows force sensor tests
      Experimental raceEncoder file load
      New method Util.GetExtension
      DB: 1.70, 1,71 Table runEncoder and import existing files
      RunEncoder with load and recalculate using SQL
      renamed strings on code: RaceEncoder RaceAnalyzer to RunEncoder
      RunEncoder load/recalculate on top options
      Run encoder comments
      Vertical adjustments on some app1 top buttons
      Continuation of last commit
      RunEncoderExercise, also on import. Note DB 1.69-1.70 changed
      import 1.70 to 1.71 improved
      RunEncoder exercise add. Done!
      Fix on RunEncoderExercise SQL update method
      Fix on forceSensorExercise combo when last exercise is deleted
      RunEncoder exercise edit/delete done!
      RunEncoder load/recalculate manage ok exercise
      removed old runEncoder load file method
      ctrl+v/d video play/delete. And force sensor save comment button done!
      RunEncoder save comment, and fixed forceSensor save comment
      Moved race analyzer widht/height buttons
      While capturing menuitems cannot be clicked
      While capturing encoder device button cannot be pressed
      diagram updated to runEncoder runEncoderExercise
      Fixed bug on runEncoderComboExercisesString since last commits
      forceSensor/runEncoder blank comment after capture
      Run encoder capture inserts at SQL
      RunEncoder capture simulated activable from prefs debug mode
      ForceSensor/RunEncoder url relative on SQLUpdate
      ForceSensor RunEncoder delete, deletes also the video (if exists)
      Fixed ForceSensor personChange extension .csv
      RunEncoder at load set can edit/delete
      RunEncoder capture video done!
      runEncoder can play videos (after capture/load)
      RunEncoder delete last done!
      RunEncoder graph widht/height depending on viewport size
      RunsEncoder: Better sensitivity for capture
      try/catch on ALTER TABLE DB 1.66: REExercise already has tareBeforeCapture
      Catalan translation: Two strings fixed
      Webcam capture framerate can have decimal point as . and not be always 30
      DB backup always backup all the data (including csv, mp4, ...)
      RunEncoder: thread starts at connect
      RunEncoder fixed capture without the device
      Removed OSX Chronopic disconnect message
      ForceSensor tare/calibrate do not need to check for sensor 0.4
      missing in last commit
      Force sensor connect is more robust
      New feature: force sensor capture with scroll
      ForceSensor capture graph: Better vertical space while capturing
      ForceSensor transmission check more reliable
      ForceSensor capture with scroll working ok!
      ForceSensor current force label at right (better for scroll)
      ForceSensor capture graph widthInSeconds configurable
      ForceSensor show label at checkVersion from menu
      DB: 1.72 preferences: forceSensorCaptureWidthSeconds, forceSensorCaptureScroll
      ForceSensor capture scroll at 90% of screen
      Force sensor max/current/min labels at right of capture graph
      ForceSensor feedback rectangle with checkbox (better gui)
      ForceSensor capture feedback minor improvements and only positive
      PersonShowAllEvents show de forceSensor tests
      runEncoder device from radio to combo just above capture button
      Better iccon for board-arduino-run-encoder.png
      Added run-encoder-manual/resisted pngs
      run_encoder image_test changes when device manual/resisted changes
      ForceSensor analyze buttons better sensitivity
      ForceSensor Better sensitivity capture drawingarea, save signal button
      ForceSensor minor gui improvements
      ForceSensor drawingarea HVLines improvements
      Fixed a crash from today commits
      Fixed import session if importing database has not forceSensor table
      Updated catalan translation
      Catalan translation: one string fixed
      Fixed: ForceSensorCapture options translated
      Updated Spanish translation
      Jumps/Runs capture graph: Improvements on result alignment
      DB:1.73 Jumps Dj capture graph can show times or heights
      Preferences window: Improved jumps tab
      Fixed minor glitch on preferences win/jumps q/dj index since... ever
      Added one translatable string
      Jumps Dj capture graph with legend
      Added two translatable strings
      Added forcesensor-capturescroll.dia
      Added forceSensorExerciseParameters.dia
      Updated forceSensorExerciseParameters.dia
      Added force_sensor_exercise windows WIP
      ForceSensor calibrate && set_calibration_factor(v 0.1) correctly uses '.'
      ForceSensor analyze feedback error only if checkbos is active
      Catalan translation: fixed one string
      Updated diagram: forceSensorExerciseParameters
      ForceSensorExercise window recursivity WIP
      Encoder image analyze cancel changed icon
      Fixed encoder analyze instantaneous if !showPosition since polygon drawing
      Updated diagrams/processes/forceSensorExerciseParameters.dia
      Cleaned call to new forceSensorExercise window
      ForceSensorExercise window main logic done
      Fixed bug on last commit (about angle top text)
      DB:1.74 ForceSensorExercise Edit/Add SQL and GUI done
      ForceSensor laterality buttons without labels
      ForceSensor laterality buttons without labels
      genericWindow show only one widget can be unsensitive
      Encoder exercise delete on separate button (not on edit)
      ForceSensor exercise delete on separate button (not on edit)
      Encoder predefined exercises can now be deleted
      Minor change
      SqliteEncoderExercise update better method
      Encoder exercises can be renamed
      Minor change
      Extra safety on genericWindow HideAndNull
      Fixes on encoder exercise edit/delete since last commits
      RunEncoder exercise deleted done. and improvements on edit
      ChronojumpImporter with a debug mode depending on preferences/debug
      Improved chronojump-importer/howto_easily_debug.txt
      Chronojump importer imports forceSession. also old files at DB <1.68
      Catalan translation: changed one string
      Chronojump importer imports runEncoder. also old files at DB <1.70
      small improvements on session load (import window)
      Improvements on session load import window
      Better defaults at force_sensor_exercise.glade for having raw always raw
      Catalan translation: changed one string
      ForceSensor & runEncoder cannot capture without an exercise
      Session load shows runEncoder data
      ShowAllPersonsEvents show also runEncoder
      EncoderOverview with inheritance on renamed gui/overview.cs
      ForceSensor session overview: done!
      RunEncoder session overview: done!
      Icons for session overview
      Marked to translate forceSensorExercise strings
      Added missing file on POTFILES.in
      gui/forceSensorExercise.cs finally can be translated
      ForceSensor Analyze rectangle yellow rectangle light to see A,B
      At runEncoder capture now we can recalculate without the need of load
      ForceSensorCaptureScroll is the default method
      Better debug of Chronojump import
      fixed crash on chronojump_importer.py debug
      Created import diagram
      Import session with updateDB WIP
      At import old sensor files: unknown person/ps if person cannot match
      Import with thread WIP
      RunEncoder recalculate with label
      Comment on TODO of directionChangePeriod
      Import with thread verbose
      Import gui with notebook and without other windows
      Import (python) Fixed import of duplicated unicode session name
      Importer error shown on same window and removed file from POTFILES.in
      Minor change
      Chronojump import GUI - Many improvements
      code reorganization: gui/session.cs split in 3 files
      webcam binaries for windows 32 bits
      Better params for r-scripts/forcePosition.R
      Fixed cancel on import session bug that made cj point to importing db
      Better comments on force sensor unused binary capture
      ForceSensor & RunEncoder unsentive the last test buttons on capture
      Better race analyzer read version
      RunEncoder capture compatible with 0.2 and reading on binary
      Fixed load session cancel since recent commits
      At database import can easily import again from new/same .db file
      session load/import hidden notebook tabs again
      Updated chronojump_sqlite diagram
      DB 1.75, 1.76. ForceSensor elastic code
      ForceSensor elastic "Configure fixation" when stiffness is 0
      SqliteForceSensor.Select returns List<>
      ForceSensor load set shows stiffness
      Force sensor load set stiffness
      ForceSensor elastic manage multiple of each fixture
      ForceSensor stiffness better use of * and recalculate
      Fixed crash when there are no forceSensor exercises since last commits
      ForceSensor bands configuration better messages and gui
      ForceSensor show error when stiffness does not match at loading set
      DB 1.77 Preferences.ForceSensorGraphsLineWidth
      Spanish translation: fixed one string
      ForceSensor analyze general AB with first/last buttons
      EncoderCurve can be copied
      minor: Fixed caption on ../glade/repetitive_conditions.glade
      Added Util.FoundOnListInt()
      Encoder: implemented BestN save repetitions method
      Nicer method for FindPostOfBestN (con and eccon)
      Fixed a bug on FindPosOfBestN since last commits
      Encoder best n with number selection
      DB: 1.78 EncoderAutoSaveCurveBestNValue on capture/gui/preferences/SQL
      encoder auto save curve buttons as a combo an a button
      encoder save best_n_consecutives working for concentric
      Encoder auto save curve best n working also for ec
      Encoder auto save curve removed from preferences window
      encoder preferences win capture: better gui with last changes
      button_encoder_capture_curves_save changes on saved and combo/spin use
      new feature: encoder/forceSensor/runEncoder play from load win
      Preferences encoder capture: better gui
      Encoder: Added RFD calculation
      encoder treeviews headers clearly says now RPD, RFD
      DB:1.79 encoderWorkKcal or joules and gui/preferences
      Encoder util.R calcules work and impulse
      Encoder capture fixed realtime show of table data (missed two values)
      webcam: Fixed parameters parsing on all OSs since last version
      Encoder graph single ec better labels for ecc/con time values
      Encoder ecc ground phase starts when force >= 0 like in paint (not >= weight)
      Webcam on edit/new person has the correct parameters
      Preferences webcam. Better sensitivity on change camera.
      Added support for old JPEG webcams
      A webcam can be configured without framerate
      On Linux now can detect Supported modes of >1 camera
      webcam on windows can get params from unsorted pixel_formats
      Encdoder inertial: Fixed labels ecc/con
      At networks show red icon and label if encoder or rfid disconnected
      webcam snapshot: if cannot change size, do it again without forcing it
      Webcam photo temp filename without the videoDevice (great for windows)
      If encoder is missing on networks: do not open device window
      networks: encder device button not sensitive after capture
      Added one translatable string
      networks: Fixed calling to show rfid disconnected all the time
      Webcam windows and mac should remember now last camera on gui/preferences
      Fix to last commit
      forceSensor load, recalculate does not update RFD graph
      Force sensor capture does not update RFD graph
      Minor changes on translatable strings
      Added two translatable strings
      force sensor: Several changes on elastic band management
      Chronojump import shows on tmp SQL selects if debug mode active
      Importer imports triggers
      Encoder graph instant always show triggers above position polygon
      generic win buttons at bottom now not grow vertically (error since few commits)
      Fixed import to import correctly forceSensor files from old versions
      Convert from 1_68 shows rate/subrate pulsebars and progressing text
      Catalan translation: fix one string
      Catalan translation: fixed one string
      ForceSensor Fixed translated exercise on combo at load file
      ForceSensor resultant force calculation done (at not elastic)
      ForceSensor calculating forceResultant of full set
      ForceSensorDynamics class for management of dynamics on elasticity
      ForceSensor analyze general show PSAP on elastic
      ForceSensor dynamics smoothing
      Missing on previous commit
      raceAnalyzer bauds to 115200
      New method to plot horizontal legend on R barplot, much better spacings
      Fixed forceSensor elastic recalculate since last commits (needed stiffness)
      Force sensor: force labels with two decimals on elastic
      endoder: "Impulse" will be translated on graph.R
      forceSensor dynamics ok smoothing on elastic
      Removed red colorize of 1sts/lasts values on forceSensorDynamics elastic
      ForceSensor elastic bands window with delete confirm GUI
      ForceSensor AI table with all info. No more values on graph
      R MaximumIsometricForce with unicode · and superscript -1
      MaximumIsometricForce Fmax model label moved to the right
      forceSensor unsensivize RFD image on load/capture/recalculate
      Encoder graph words eccentric/concentric will be translated on graphs
      Encoder graph.R unicode fix now show chars/translations ok on windows
      More unicode fixes, using \u instead of \U
      Fixed maximumIsometricForce unicode title
      Minor changes on forcePosition.R
      ForceSensor elastic calcule and plot repetitions
      ForceSensor export csv AB without passing label values
      ForceSensor AB export with elastic stuff
      ForceSensor export AB refactorized code
      ForceSensor exports the repetition number
      ForceSensor show repetition count at analyze graph
      forceSensor: Fixed export since last commit
      Added howto_git.odt with merge basic instructions
      ForceSensor: implemented repetitions on not-elastic
      DB:1.80 ForceSensor repetitions min displ/force on preferences
      Uploaded code needed on last commit
      same as before
      ForceSensor export repetitions on not elastic
      Use at all program button for exercise instructions... like on encoder
      Fixed delete-event on load window since import_session integration
      Several changes on main gui to have contacts like encoder
      Minor changes on preferences win
      DB: 1.81 preferences forceSensorCaptureFeedbackActive /At /Range
      Minor change
      Big change on gui making all contacts stuff look like encoder
      New icon for encoder gravitatory
      Exercise icon button depends on mode (nice!)
      Jumps automatic mode compatible with new gui
      Fixed accelerator ctrl+space on all tests
      Several improvements on new contacts gui
      label_contacts_exercise_selected shows selected ex. of all modes
      Minor fixes on main gui
      Better code for: label_contacts_exercise_selected_name
      Minor change on app1 contacts exercise options in 2 rows
      Fixed forceSensor analyze crash on click []B after zoom
      Minor gui change
      Updated howto_git.odt
      contacts image test nicer
      Contacts exercise gui shows options on jumps
      Contacts exercise gui shows options on jumps rj
      Jumps code reorg
      Runs code reorg
      Contacts exercise gui shows options on runs simple
      Util.GetHeightInCentimeters can send/receive a double
      LeastSquares calculate maxY
      jumpsDjOptimalFallingHeight for upcoming optimal falling height prediction
      Fixed paint of Dj fall higher than max Dj height
      Fixed jumps simple graph show black outline at bottom
      Several improvements on new gui jumps, jumps_rj
      Contacts exercise gui shows options on runs interval
      minor improvements on new gui of forceSensor exercise options
      Minor gui changes on forceSensor, runEncoder
      forceSensor gui code reorganization
      Pulses gui reorganization
      Better gui for pulses
      Reaction time code reorganization
      new gui for reaction time
      Person win with height on 1st tab and other gui improvements
      Minor (continue last commit)
      Person stores clubID
      Missing in last commit
      Nicer gui for personWin
      personWin can have a clubID
      minor fixes on forceSensor gui
      contacts threshold/adjust/camera controls on 3 rows
      Encoder analyze 4 radiobuttons show animated text explanations
      Started JumpsDjOptimalFall gui and JumpsProfile code reorg
      Code reorg: moved chronojumpIcons file
      jumpsDjOptimalFall WIP
      Comment for clubID translations
      Fixed SqliteJump.SelectDJa query
      JumpsDjOptimalFall Cairo graph WIP
      RunEncoder capture show finish/cancel buttons
      RunEncoder capture unsensitivize exercice button while capturing
      Fixed variable names on UtilMath.LeastSquares
      JumpsDjOptimalFall Cairo graph WIP (cont)
      Added needed changes to last commit
      JumpsDjOptimalFall Cairo graph WIP (cont 2)
      minor change on sqliteJumps.SelectDJa
      Added processMultiDatabase program
      Improvements on processMultiDatabases
      processMultiDatabases added person name, sex
      processMultiDatabases separated sqlite methods
      processMultiDatabases has computerDB records
      jumpsDjOptimalFall.cs uses only jump of max height of each equal fall value
      processMultiDatabases: added all cities/computers/exercises
      processMultiDatabases search moment in Barcelona data
      JumpsDjOptimalFall with X,Y as doubles (nice curved line)
      JumpsDjOptimal save image implemented
      Added icon for DjOptimalFall
      Minor change
      processMultidatabases fixed if callR process ends
      JumpsDjOptimalFall nicer code and not static
      JumpsDjOptimalFall manage ok when there are no jumps or < 3
      JumpsDjOptimalFall manages ok inverted paraboles and other problems
      JumpsDjOptimalFall much better on quasi straight convex predictions
      JumpsDjOptimalFall: better grid
      JumpsDjOptimalFall shows title, date
      Encoder export: Fixed values on Kcal or Joules
      Encoder analyze instant superpose show also propulsiveEnd
      JumpsDjOptimalFall with jump type selection. Almost done all!
      ForceSensor: Removed export code on test was not from current person
      ForceSensor 4 exports include exercise (stiffness), lat
      Renamed two files
      Fixed weight on Jump creation at SqliteJump.DataReaderToJump
      Refactorized cairo graphs
      Minor change
      JUmpsWeightFVProfile can save image
      Fix from last commit
      JumpsDjOptimal and FVProfile labels fixed
      JumpsFV: Hidden jumps type selection
      JumpsFV: added icon
      Renamed chronojumpIcons.cs to icons.cs
      Added missing file from last commits
      Cairo XY grid with decimals
      Nicer code on Cairo grid
      Minor change
      personSession stores leg_length, trochanter-floor. gui on addModifyWin
      Needed on last commit
      Code reorganization on gui/person
      Minor change
      cairo jump graphs show better messages if need data
      Jumps/general graph. Fixed graph black palette since 1.9.1 (unpublished)
      Implemented Samozino jump weight profile
      Added missing file
      Jumps general statistics renamed Advanced and moved at end
      Moved one file (non translatable)
      Fixed crash on 1st jumpsFrofile drawn since recent commits
      new cairo graphs only have save button sensitive when all ok
      RunInterval sprint is the first analyze option
      DB: 1.82. Jump, JumpRj have datetime
      Jump, JumpRj treeviews show datetime
      jump, jumpRj datetime on export session
      Util DivideSafe methods moved to UtilAll
      Missed on last commit
      New jumpsEvolution cairo graph and other improvements on cairo graphs
      Missing on last commit
      Some comments for UtilMath LeastSquares debug
      Jumps evolution cairo graph with date as X
      JumpsEvolution graph can be saved
      jumps and runs analyze buttons on second row
      jumps and runs analyze buttons at right again
      Class LeastSquares renamed to LeastSquaresParabole
      New method for LeastSquares linear regression
      Cairo JumpsEvolution and FVProfile show linear regression
      Cairo: added methods for knowing real point of a coordinate
      Jump type add: drop jump clarified
      Cairo jumps by years now can show also months if X resolution is high
      Several improvements on Cairo graphs: clickable show nearest point
      Spanish translation: Fixed one string
      Cairo grid step with a much better method
      Fixed import debugToFile on Windows
      Cairo calculatePaintX-Y methods cleaner
      Cairo FindClosestPoint now finds using graph X,Y
      Linux camera code can have more than on digit
      webcam supportedModes parses resolution ok on raspberry
      webcam supportedModes manages ok Raspberry Stepwise modes
      processMultiDatabases: Updated code
      processMultiDatabases finds personCode
      Fixed load multiple persons crash since last commits
      graph.R discards image creation on processMultiDatabases
      processMultiDatabases calls callR without generating curves image
      processMultiDatabases: Tweaks to analyze belfast
      processMultiDatabases process different distMin by exercise
      missed to upload changes on util.cs for workJ fix on last commits
      Updated processMultiDatabases code
      processMultidabases files with path
      processMultidatabases personCode for Ulm
      processMultiDatabases minor change
      Minor fix
      processMultiDatabases: minor fixes
      processMultiDatabaes: Minor fix
      runEncoder with title "person-exercise" and datetime
      WIP encoder bars mouse button press will allow select/deselect reps
      Encoder bars (grav and inertial) can be sel/deselecte clicking
      RunEncoder image unsensitive on change person
      Butterworth code compiled again
      Removed file (needed on last commit)
      Encoder trigger code renamed variables
      RunEncoder with triggers UNTESTED
      Import RunEncoder triggers UNTESTED, check import encoder triggers
      Minor change
      RunEncoder load button on analyze tab
      System.Diagnostics.Process.Start with try/catch avoiding mono linux problem
      Added missing "TakeOff", "TakeOffWeight" on predefined types
      Fixed isPredefined values on runType
      Minor change
      DB:1.83 Added missing agility_t_test image
      jump/run type delete button unsensitive if isPredefined
      Contacts see all / add button better displayed
      Better icon for "contacts" tests add
      Jumps/Runs type delete win can be closed with Escape
      RunEncoder triggers with scrolled window
      Encoder triggers with scrolled window
      Run encoder trigger display blank if no triggers
      RunEncoder with triggers, encoderDisplacement, ...
      Changed two "server is disconnected" strings
      Networks: check active Internet devices (show on rfid person popup)
      NetworksCheckDevices checks: eth*, en*, wl*
      Minor change on dialog_person_popup networks info
      Fixed crash on new code selecting bars on encoder by clicking
      Networks: Initial code to upload force sensor data
      Organized networks compujump code
      Networs: more checks for Internet devices
      Networks encoder/rfid problem centered and usable for other sensors
      Networks: Signal to know if encoder has been connected on devices window
      Fix to last commit
      More on last commit
      ...Almost done
      ... almost done
      Minor gui tweaks related to last commits
      networks minor gui change
      Added chronojumpScholarGraph.R
      Encoder loss result and graph from max to min (has to be after)
      UtilMath.Point renamed UtilMath.PointF
      Encoder bars loss with arrow (at new method UtilGtk.DrawArrow)
      Encoder loss new code on json compjumpEncoder (NEED TESTS)
      ForceSensor RFD automatic graph with exercise and date
      maximumIsometricForce.R code reorg on title, datetime
      sprintEncoder.R better format for title, exercise, datetime
      RunEncoder: Trigger with spurious management
      ForceSensor maximumIsometric force configurable % loss max force
      Encoder bars plot. Loss cannot hide bars results.
      Encoder bars loss arrow in gray_light
      Encoder bars fixed dLeft, dWidths for ec
      Encoder bars loss with loss title on gray
      Encoder bars secondary variable above loss arrow
      ForceSensor MaximumIsometricForce seconds/percent spins better params
      code reorg: preferencesWin PreferencesChange moved to preferences.cs
      DB:1.84 preferences: forceSensorMIFDuration Mode/Seconds/Percent
      code reorg: moved gui/forceSensorAnalyze to gui/app1
      Encoder test config with button: "close and capture"
      Code reorg: gui/encoder.cs -> gui/app1/encoder.cs
      ForceSensor RFD options with button: close_and_analyze
      DB: 1.85 preferences: 5 vars EncoderCapture... to record feedback vars
      Networks: fixed change wristband after an encoder capture cancel
      Erase encoder bars at new capture
      minor: triggerList.SpuriousType renamed triggerList.Type3
      Fixed two crashing errors on sprintEncoder
      Trigger to R can export ON and OFF triggers
      Now before an runEncoder load/recalculate, png is deleted
      RunEncoder graph with triggers. UNTESTED.
      DB:1.86 Preferences: RunEncoderMinAccel, and pref gui done
      RunEncoderMinAccel (startAccel) passed and applied in R
      runEncoder prefs min start accel can be 0.1
      Fixed 3 unneded updated sql preferences (when they had no change)
      ForceSensor: Updated preferences_win rep ecc no elastic spinbutton
      Changing a person updates result treeviews for jump/Rj/run/runI
      Encoder historical maxPower checks also laterality
      Encoder historical records and feedback of also meanSpeed and meanForce
      Encoder relative to not need open repetitiveConditions win to be shown
      Encoder analyze mode 2 select reps, show also meanSpeed and meanForce
      EncoderBarsLimits -> RepetitionMouseLimits
      On personChanged forceSensorAI graph is erased
      ForceSensor analyze instant, removed B checkbox
      ForceSensor AI graph: click zooms repetition
      ForceSensor AI zoom with correct repetition labels
      ForceSensorAI: Better cut of selected repetition
      Encoder Person's best with discont line
      Force sensor zoom out can be done with 'Escape'
      Forcesensor: fixed moving AB on a zoom of 1 frame
      More fixes like last commit. Now zoom has to be more than one frame wide
      FSAI graph axis with cont lines
      Force sensor capture top/bottom margins better
      Force sensor signal graph with "Force (N)" at y axis
      Improved forcePosition.R manages better first sample
      Fix on forcePosition.R detection of pre first rep
      Several improvements of forceSensorDynamics (repetitions)
      ForceSensor: fixed bugs/crashes analyze instant repetitions since last commits
      ForceSensor analyze instant with AB Cairo transparent rectangle
      Encoder analyze instant uses Cairo rectangle on CairoUtil
      Removed unneded code since last two commits
      Better CairoUtil rectangles for encoder/forceSensorAnalyze
      ForceSensor AI graph redrawn on prefernces accept
      ForceSensoAnalyzeInstant: Better code for repetition display
      forceSensorDoGraphAI updated on preferences accept, even on capture tab
      UtilGtk.DrawHorizontalLine() with optional empty arrows
      Safer forceSensor.GetTimeAtCount() method
      ForceSensor select AB in light yellow. Feedback in blue
      ForceSensorAnalyzeInstant reps much better graph/code
      ForceSensor/Encoder: Changed color or transparent AB rectangle
      Fixed typo "Sell all" to "See all"
      ForceSensor repetitions cut now discards low force zones at start/end
      Force sensor: better repetitions cut
      ForceSensor elastic only concentric repetitions
      ForceSensor preferences elastic hidden eccMinDisplacement
      ForceSensor AI graph not shown on change person and resize/change radios
      ForceSensor: Fixed crash on repetitions detection
      Fixed repeated forceSensorExercise add on import_from_1_68_to_1_69()
      ForceSensor exercise edit/delete buttons only if ex selected
      DB: 1.87 ALTER TABLE forceSensorExercise adding eccReps, eccMin, conMin
      force sensor preferences not elastic eccMin conMin from 10 to 50N
      ForceSensor preferencesWin eccMin not elastic hidden. Better gui
      ForceSensorExercise gui ready for repetitions detect stuff
      Fixed prefs force sensor displ/force spinbuttons
      ForceSensorExercise gui with repetitions tab done!
      Encoder removeSignalFromGuiBecauseDeletedOrCancelled no hide drawingarea
      Encoder message on start capture on drawingarea
      encoder finish cont mode can be "Escaped"
      Encoder capturing message bigger
      Encoder secondary variable circle diameter shorter on small drawingarea
      Encoder eccentric overload drawn with green arrow
      Fixed crash on forceSensor when exercise is elastic but raw data
      More care on ForceSensor Elatic and ComputeAsElastic
      DB:1.88 Inserted into preferences: encoderCaptureInertialEccOverloadMode
      EncoderInertial EccOverload repCondWin, graph (also with text)
      ForceSensor AIgraph uses exercise cut reps criteria
      ForceSensor AIgraph show ecc reps depending on exercise
      ForceSensor AIgraph with position (needs debugging)
      ForceSensor click on drawingarea does not zoom now
      Zoom is temporarily disabled on elastic exercises
      ForceSensor graphAI show ForceN label at Y axis
      ForceSensor AI grpah more margin at right
      ForceSensor elastic distance axis and other axis improvements
      ForceSensor minor adjustments on repetitions cut
      ForceSensor AI pos line at 0 solid
      ForceSensor better AI position Y values
      networks RFID improvements while capturing
      Continuing with last commit
      networks rfid wait message shown again!
      Newtworks: Icon for rest times on encoder
      More from last commit
      DB:1.89. preferences: encoderCaptureFeedbackEccon. encoder feedback by phases
      RepetitiveConditions apply at start without need to open/close window
      ForceSensor AI Y axis good for all displacements
      ForceSensor feedback rectangle with better margins
      forceSensor AI displ in bold
      ForceSensor AI max and min if they fit
      ForceSensor AI other improvements
      Encoder WIP of discard last repetition while capture
      Encoder button_finish without tooltip on networks
      Encoder Ecc overload better calculation
      Fixed last commit
      Loss does not use last repetition if it's range of movement is low
      Networks encoder loss upload same criteria (do not use rep with low ROM)
      On inertial, end capture also when 2*inactivity endTime since last phase
      First code for a chronojump dinamic logo at start
      Improvements on chronojumpLogo animation
      More of last commit
      ChronojumpLogo now has its specific class
      Fix ChronojumpLogo if chronojump crashed before
      show ChronojumpLogo after sending log
      contacts execute drawingarea gets deleted when Y resized
      event_execute_drawingarea gets updated on any resize on contacts
      Added compujump icons
      Encoder fixed labels capture on ec at showNBars
      DB:1.90 Inserted into preferences: units
      PersonWin manages better units: metric/imperial (50% done)
      PersonWin height witn new code for metric/imperial
      Minor gui change on person_win
      personWin units: metric/imperial done!
      Error message on Chronopic/encoder connection WIP
      Fixed crash on animationLogo at start on networks
      Better message for Chronpic unplugged from encoder
      Better for position of person on (top view) at contacts and encoder
      ForceSensor AI, better condition for zoom at: OutsideGraphChangeValues
      ForceSensor AI on zoom find correctly end time px
      ForceSensor AI zoom cut after calcule and get dynamics
      forceSensor AI zoom on elastic available from GUI again
      Changed one string
      Deleted View menu (everything was on preferences)
      Moved gui/chronojumpPersons.cs to gui/app1/chronojumpPersons.cs
      new 2.0 gui with menu on the side
      Needed for last commit
      More on new menu
      Colors for main gui
      Background color can be selected on preferences win
      Made a copy of app1.glade befere deleting old vbox_presentation
      app1.glade without vbox_presentation
      code without vbox_presentation
      app1.glade without notebook_person_session
      Changed code for removal of notebook_session_person
      More gui improvements
      DB:1.91 ColorBackground can be changed on preferences
      Added encoder to new menu
      Menu with yellow background on selected checkbuttons
      Preferences win with frame for colorbackground
      capture/analyze buttons with yellow background if active/prelight
      Minor fix for new Menu code
      Not show menu encoder on start page after return from encoder mode
      menu buttons also in yellow when active/prelight
      Yellow color for button menu and mode
      Fixed crash for missing alignment_session_person since last commits
      Removed quit button on maximized. added preferences/help icons
      Added 3 icons
      3 icons on the menu
      Added folders_blue icon for session
      Code for the session icon (folders.png)
      Fixed some tooltips on new menu
      Added images for shortcuts (accelerators) and about
      Menu: code for accelerators and about icons
      Accelerators renamed Shortcuts
      Menu: Added help/documents icon/code
      Menu: Fixed? menu width
      DB:1.92 menuType: ALL, TEXT, ICONS
      hpaned_contacts_main resize/shrinks ok when menu/changes
      Menu width respect persons width
      At start 4 modes are shown. Button to show 6.
      Fixed some color problem on recent commits
      Fixed comment on last commit
      menu hidden when new session
      ICONS menu does not resize by viewport_persons
      menu_tiny as a separated menu
      DB 1.91 -> 1.92 assigns menuType according to personWinHide
      Menus are correctly differentiated now
      preferencesWin manages ok personsAtTop and menuType
      persons left bar not shown on preferences accept
      menu / persons much clearer with radio at top
      Menu subuttons with YELLOW_LIGHT
      Fixed one catalan string
      Menu_tiny unsensitvizes edit/delete when session is active
      MenuTiny subuttons with YELLOW_LIGHT
      removed unneded person modify code from menu at glade
      MenuTiny: improved spacements
      session_add_edit name in bold
      On session delete, its name is shown (and in bold)
      delete session moved to edit session
      jumps simple analyze buttons on second row (to allow personsOnTop)
      menu: Hidden encoder stuff
      Added jump, run images (not simple/multiple, generic)
      Preferences window can show more tabs
      On start page, preferences window does not show initially any specific tab
      labels on top (contacts/encoder) contrast with background
      Fixed one race analyzer overview string
      Overview (encoder/forcesensor/raceanalyzer) on menus
      button session/advanced (right now import)
      Added icon for "more" horizontal
      Better methods for contrasting labels in containers
      Fixed alignment_menu_and_persons not appearing after preferences
      Fixed show modes on change of menu
      ExportSession cancel does not popup window
      gui: load and import moved to app1
      Removed unused session_load.glade
      gui/session/load.cs -> gui/app1/sessionLoadAndImport.cs
      At session load an animation "Loading" is shown
      Better UtilGtk contrast. nice gui: session/more[/import]
      improved gui on continuation of last commit
      Spanish translation: minor fix
      params: encoder type, exercise, ... moved up like hpaned. gained space.
      Button encoder recalculate moved to exercise options
      Button forceSensor/raceAnalyzer recalculate moved to exercise options
      Minor fix of a label
      Fixed colorizing of RadioButton label (like all the widgets colorized today)
      Overview on top of button load (encoder, forceSensor, raceAnalyzer)
      removed overview from top menu and session/more
      While capture, menu is insensitive
      Escape opens menu
      Better vertical spacements for side menu (everything/text)
      On selecting a mode: show the persons at left
      Arrows for persons manage
      Code reorg
      On question if deleting a person, name is in bold
      shortcuts window without icon at left
      Shortcuts without unneded parentheses
      Better alignments on main hpaned
      Menu manages better buttons with big translated labels
      Moved muteLogs checkbox on preferences advanced
      Done gui for last page of import
      Done gui for penultimate page of import (all done!)
      Fixed persons manage arrows on new session, load session
      On load session, menu cannot be used. So Escape will cance loading.
      On prefernces/appearance, shown recommended options for small screens
      DB: 1.93 Inserted into preferences: EncoderCaptureInfinite, LogoAnimatedShow
      PreferencesWin with AnimatedLogo checkbox
      PreferencesWin with encoderCaptureInfinite
      Encoder capture 1set/cont according to preferences. Changed app1 GUI.
      Better format for preferences_win tabs
      Fixed a crash on start software and clicking on encoder
      Done code for disabling animated logo
      Button export current set (raw data) on analyze
      At session/more behind export, shown jumps/races message
      on exercise click (contacts/encoder) menus are insensitive
      After a import/cancel, persons at not shown, shown menu
      Better info at select file on import database
      Cancelling on any export does not display the "Cancelled" windows
      Encoder set load (at both tabs) show progress bar
      Added a YELLOW_LIGHT icon for rest
      encoder rest time (persons at top) is yellow is background is dark
      Minor change
      Encoder restTime with buttons (dinamically visible) on personsOnTop
      Removed unneded minimize buttons for networks
      Removed unneded menu top right buttons for networks
      Removed unneded preferences (top right) buttons for networks
      Removed hboxes with top right buttons for networks
      top rest times with buttons done for contacts
      Removed personName on top of contacts eventgraph that mades main gui messy when too long
      Better management of background color contrast and labels
      Changed just one string
      Minor change
      Delete session has its own button again (at session/more)
      Missed on last commit
      Session delete on main gui
      Code reorg
      Logo on top right on personsAtLeft. Icon on bottom left on personsOnTop
      Not show both logos on personsAtTop
      Added transparent logos
      Updated SVGs
      Better ColorIsDark formula
      Logos transparent or not depending on background
      Continuation of last commit but for encoder. Done!
      Confirm message shown at exit
      minor change
      code clean
      minor gui changes on order of buttons accept/cancel
      Session add/edit on main window
      delete session buttons order: cancel, accept
      Better exit confirmation buttons
      menu tiny aligned vertically with notebook_sup
      colorized viewport on exit confirm
      EventBoxColorBackgroundActive with distinct color for active, prelight
      6 new apps icon (for each mode)
      More column space on restTimes (personsAtTop)
      on session new/load, if we are on analyze, switch to capture tab
      label_top_encoder_person_name.Text="" at new session
      load/import can show/hide persons data: sport, specialty, level
      load/import erase filter each time
      Fixed Force sensor zoom out: hscale_b moves to the left
      Minor adjustments on margins at main window
      contrastLabel method public
      send_log tab in user background colors
      chronojump-networks problems, in user background
      Networks problems moved to a page with menu
      Networks: recheck encoder on problems with better label
      Fixed double logo on encoder after change to menu_tiny
      Minor gui change
      At force sensor load, check file is not empty.
      personsAtTop button change with yellow_prelight
      Several improvements on forceSensor analyze to match zoom in/out
      eventboxes for session buttons
      log button and exit confirm buttons with colorized eventboxes
      Fixed: at force sensor zoom, if we resize window, graph is not ok
      session buttons not available on UNIQUE && MONTHLY
      For networks, shown devices button on networks_problems/RFID
      if a mode is defined on config, modes button is not shown
      Updated copyright notices
      encoder personsOnTop, session change to a session without persons not show old currentPerson
      New icon for load set (to be different than load session)
      New feature: overview win can select person
      Added missing file
      Added missing file
      Fixed import exercise on forceSensor, runEncoder. Removed unneded code
      gui improvements on session/more
      runEncoder gui moved to app1
      menus insensitive on encoder/forceSensor/runEncoder actions
      On ping send only the first 11 chars
      RunEncoderAnalyze options, gui 90% done
      RunEncoder sends analyze accel, force, power options to R
      Updated chronojump.csproj
      Some improvements to sprintEncoder.R legend and more
      Encoder analyze options in a scrolled window to allow all widgets
      RunEncoder analyze images can be saved
      Better display of runEncoder capture page
      Better margins for runEncoderAnalyze
      Several gui improvements on sendlog
      Minor change
      LSqlEnTrans: New method for managing 3 lists (sql, en, translation) and combo
      DB:1.94 ForceSensorAnalyzeOptions on SQL with LSqlEnTrans
      Fixed crash on load runEncoder empty (defective) captures
      sendLog win shows correctly version and send error button matches label
      chronojumpImport verbose pulsebar depending on tests imported
      Fixed exercise options label on changing mode
      developers rewritten on about
      Minor change
      Fixed graph.R unicoded strings with c() or other operations
      Minor (Fixed one m/s^2 on graph.R)
      Added yellow icons for load and import
      Load now is more similar to session/more
      Better sensitive on menu_tiny (used at load, execute...)
      Added two pngs to csproj
      Import trigger on RaceAnalyzer. Test import session w encoder,RA triggers
      Updated Sqlite diagram with trigger runEncoder info
      Sqlite diagram much improved
      missing delete accelerator for jumps results
      Accelerators stuff moved to gui/app1/shortcuts.cs
      new Shortcuts dialog, much clear than before
      encoder sets can be deleted with ctrl+d
      ForceSensor analyze general: zoom/unzoom shortcut: z
      dialogShortcuts shows Command/Return on Mac
      Overview: select this person unsensitivizes the button
      Mac ffmpeg/ffplay 4.2.2
      howto_compile.txt with mac ffmpeg/ffplay update
      new shortcuts: ctrl+l, ctrl+o, ctrl+r. Shown command on mac
      Shortcuts dialog with notebook and icons (and all new shortcuts)
      Removed old help menu
      Removed old mode menu
      Removed old forceSensor menu
      Removed old runEncoder menu
      removed old main_menu/session and old the main_menu
      Force sensor analyze move AB does not mess up on multi movements
      Fixed encoder inertial feedback historical
      Better message for encoder feedback historical
      Fixed bug where session menu could get unsensitive
      sensitize button_persons_up/_down depending on existence on persons and which is selected
      Fixed feedback on c not should depend on ecc-con radios: radio_encoder_eccon_*
      Session more "this session" stuff together
      Database backup... to session/more 30% done
      Fixed diff chars: "ñ", "ñ" on import
      moved modes button from menus to left to capture tab
      app1s_label_import_file with ... on middle
      Fixed incorrect changing currentSession on import
      Better perspective for 2 conical machine icons
      Database backup... to session/more 50% done
      moved database backup from preferences win to main gui
      care of import/backup threads on quit program
      Fixed last commit
      Minor change
      Removed menu help drowpdown to avoid confusion with session dropdown
      Minor change
      Better sensitivity for session/more, help, ...
      Fixed widgets out of window at right when starting chronojump and selecting inertial
      preferences_win/appearance much clearer
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'ylatuya/macos-pkg'
      temporarily added resources.txt to help win compilation
      removed a duplicated icon resource
      removed (moved to old) helpPorts stuff
      Code for selecting python version but commented
      label to promote backups
      mac package name longer (not just 1.9.0)
      mac Makefile using python3 on osxrelocator.py
      Fix on preferences/open logs folder
      gui for preferences python version
      Updated howto_compile
      DB:1.95 importerPythonVersion
      preferences win with python version implemented
      Better title for research chronojumpScholarGraph.R
      chronojump_importer.py utf-8 file to avoid ñ problem (event in comments)
      on linux/mac importer can use python/2/3 selectable on prefs
      Minor fix on contacts/framed logo
      Updated howto_git with remote branches
      Several improvements on repetitive conditions window
      Feedback win buttons test sound on new tab
      encoder feedback historical cannot be ecc or con, have to be both
      Encoder feedback ec currentSet takes in account desired phase
      Encoder ec if ! EncoderPhasesEnum.BOTH, show unwanted on gray (graph & treeview)
      Encoder loss not shown if ec && Preferences.EncoderPhasesEnum.ECC
      Encoder plot bars title autoadjust font size to fit
      Encoder graph title checks EncoderPhasesEnum to calcule X, XSaved
      Encoder treevews check EncoderPhasesEnum to colorize according phase
      Encoder: Fixed old crash on rendering treeviews with ec
      encoder: Added 'e' or 'c' on ecS set/repetition export to csv
      Updated intltool-update to current perl versions and howto_translate.txt
      Fixed encoder barplot height related to historical since last commits
      Removed attention confusing messages on jumpsRj, runsI delete
      jumpRj type combo changes event_graph_label_graph_test and delete graph
      runI type combo changes event_graph_label_graph_test and delete graph
      Fixed sensitiveness of button_delete_last_test
      Added chronojump-importer executable python3 for windows
      Importer on windows can use python3
      Updated howto_new_version chronojump-importer windows pyhon3 instructions
      yellow images for modes on main page
      6-icon-images updated yellow
      Updated chronojump-jumps-small.xcf
      Updated chronojump-1.7.1.svg (now with 2.0 icons)
      drawn 0 line for jumps simple, runs simple, reaction times
      hidden hbox_gui_tests (was shown on debug mode)
      At importer also show progress of jumps, races
      At importer if debug active, shows all sql commands
      Updated sqlite diagram
      Added new translatable string
      Importer now import correctly tests taking care of session
      removed git hash on the buildVersion display at main gui
      device selector icons updated to 2.0 yellowish
      upated race_encoder mini icon
      Hidden device accelerometer
      Changed order of devices on device window according to main gui
      4+2 icons separator button on bottom (more hidden and easier align than on middle)
      string [] SqliteJumps.SelectJumps() renamed SelectJumpsSA (String Array)
      jump simple graph uses List<Jump> instead of string []
      Jumps/runs/rt simple graph on capture show the 0 line of moving bar
      JumpsEvolution selects correctly jumpType in English
      New method to get List<Person> from session
      New feature: Jumps simple capture graph can show all persons
      label contacts/encoder ex selected with chars limit to not break gui
      Removed "threshold" word from its button
      contacts threshold & forceSensor adjust to 1st row. camera stuff to 2nd
      Exit software can be cancelled with Escape
      Fixed two Mitja/Mitjana on catalan translation
      side legend for contacts graph (jump/run)simple, rt
      Added icons: individual.png, grupal.png
      radio_contacts_graph_currentPerson/allPersons with icons
      Minor fixes to last commits
      calculateLayoutFontForText() divided in two methods
      contacts graph plot text below bar can have n words in a row
      SqliteSession.selectEventsOfAType accepts events of type == "" (all)
      jumps simple graph show one type/all, and display under the bar
      jump simple graph bars on preferences.background color
      Hidden selection of jump reactive units (always use fall and height)
      UtilGtk.GetColorShifted() to get a darker or lighter color
      Several improvement on jump simple graph to compare any test
      run simple, rt graphs bars with preferences.background color
      Disabled graph controls for reaction time
      simple run graph with axis
      Sqlite.SelectRuns() renamed SelectRunsSA()
      Static method for List<Jump>,List<Run> to return List<event>
      Sqlite.SelectRunsSA with a separated selectRunsCreateSelection()
      new Sqlite.Run List<Run> SelectRuns() method
      Run simple graph can compare between run types and persons
      needed on last commit
      Updated howto compile on mac
      ForceSensorElasticBands better GUI WIP
      ForceSensorElasticBands better GUI WIP
      ForceSensorElasticBands delete shows sessions with their captures
      Two new icons for force_sensor elastic/not_elastic
      Force sensor exercise icon showing elastic/not_elastic
      Improved force_sensor_elastic.png force_sensor_not_elastic.png
      Fix on last commits
      Updated chronojump.csproj
      Updated R install path for mac
      csproj with AutoGenerateBindingRedirects true for monodevelop mac
      Open data folder -> View data folder
      Created export session (to database) button (inactive)
      Better session more buttons and frame spacing
      Added missing ctrl+t shortcut for test config
      Updated howto_git instructions
      Session export half gui done
      UtilCopy prepared to discard unwanted sessions (for exportSession)
      export session copy files done (need deletes on db and pulsebars)
      Manage threadExport on Chronojump exit
      Fixed one string on catalan translation
      Closed and opened SqliteDataReader
      SqliteSession.DeleteAllStuff SPECIFIC -> IMPORT
      Session: DeleteAllStuff deletes forceSensor and runEncoder
      export session done!
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'ylatuya/mainline'
      Minor change
      Fixed import since last commits
      Fixed: DeleteAllStuff deletes forceSensor and runEncoder since last commits
      ForceSensor min F values on prefs from 10 to 100N
      Fixed GetPrefixDir on mac
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'ylatuya/mainline' hidpi macOS
      Fixed weird glitch on weirder macs when importing before load session
      buttons on session notebook normal->half
      Minor change
      Mac ffmpeg/ffplay 4.3
      Update howto_new_version.txt with info on ffmpeg mac
      Removed troubleshooting.pdf, chronojump_crash.pdf from Makefile.am
      Fixed width of extra_mass at top of encoder tab
      Updated README
      2.0 mac shortcuts will be ctrl. show it everywhere.
      ForceSensor can read trigger: rca, button on firmware >= 0.5 text
      on contacts, if no exercise, Shown: "Need to create an exercise."
      text above save comment (contacts & encoder) same size than button
      Better gui on contacts/encoder capture top exercise display
      less calls to UtilAll.GetOSEnum() on gui/app1/chronojump.cs
      less calls to UtilAll.GetOSEnum() on chronojump.cs, util.cs
      ffplay can play sounds (all systems). removed gstreamer on macOS.
      Removed chronojump_crash.pdf, troubleshooting.pdf
      Minor change
      Fixes on webcam mac for ffmpeg 4.3
      updated howto_compile.txt windows instructions
      Added processMultiDatabases/joinGroup.R

Yuri Chornoivan (6):
      Add Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation

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