[iagno] Introduce ThemeManager.

commit 38f1ecac6a5361a421a3da7c9fe41b370eb29da1
Author: Arnaud Bonatti <arnaud bonatti gmail com>
Date:   Tue Jan 14 17:59:28 2020 +0100

    Introduce ThemeManager.
    Just moving code, for now.

 src/iagno.vala         |  29 ++---
 src/meson.build        |   4 +-
 src/reversi-view.vala  | 280 +++++++++++++------------------------------------
 src/theme-manager.vala | 187 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 281 insertions(+), 219 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/iagno.vala b/src/iagno.vala
index 5aed9cf..888de5e 100644
--- a/src/iagno.vala
+++ b/src/iagno.vala
@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ private class Iagno : Gtk.Application, BaseApplication
     private HistoryButton history_button_1;
     private HistoryButton history_button_2;
+    private ThemeManager theme_manager = new ThemeManager ();
     /* Computer player (if there is one) */
     internal ComputerPlayer? computer { internal get; private set; default = null; }
@@ -258,7 +260,7 @@ private class Iagno : Gtk.Application, BaseApplication
         /* UI parts */
-        view = new ReversiView (this);
+        view = new ReversiView (this, theme_manager);
         view.move.connect (player_move_cb);
         view.clear_impossible_to_move_here_warning.connect (clear_impossible_to_move_here_warning);
@@ -364,7 +366,7 @@ private class Iagno : Gtk.Application, BaseApplication
                 if (wanted_theme_id == (!) filename)
                     theme_name_found = true;
-                    view.theme = wanted_theme_id;
+                    theme_manager.theme = wanted_theme_id;
@@ -377,7 +379,7 @@ private class Iagno : Gtk.Application, BaseApplication
             warning (@"Theme $wanted_theme_id not found, using default.");
             settings.set_string ("theme", "default");
             wanted_theme_id = "default";
-         // view.theme defaults on "default" (in fact, on null)
+         // theme_manager.theme defaults on "default" (in fact, on null)
         section.freeze ();
         appearance_menu.append_section (null, section);
@@ -425,7 +427,7 @@ private class Iagno : Gtk.Application, BaseApplication
         window.back.connect (back_cb);
         window.undo.connect (undo_cb);
-        window.gtk_theme_changed.connect (view.gtk_theme_changed);
+        window.gtk_theme_changed.connect (theme_manager.gtk_theme_changed);
         /* Actions and preferences */
         add_action_entries (app_actions, this);
@@ -447,9 +449,9 @@ private class Iagno : Gtk.Application, BaseApplication
         add_action (settings.create_action ("theme"));
         add_action (settings.create_action ("type"));        // TODO window action?
-        settings.bind ("highlight-playable-tiles", view, "show-playable-tiles", SettingsBindFlags.GET);
-        settings.bind ("highlight-turnable-tiles", view, "show-turnable-tiles", SettingsBindFlags.GET);
-        settings.bind ("theme",                    view, "theme",               SettingsBindFlags.GET);
+        settings.bind ("highlight-playable-tiles", view,            "show-playable-tiles", 
+        settings.bind ("highlight-turnable-tiles", view,            "show-turnable-tiles", 
+        settings.bind ("theme",                    theme_manager,   "theme",               
         /* New-game screen signals */
         alternate_who_starts_action = (SimpleAction) lookup_action ("alternate-who-starts");
@@ -542,7 +544,7 @@ private class Iagno : Gtk.Application, BaseApplication
         requires (gvariant != null)
         night_light_monitor.set_use_night_mode (((!) gvariant).get_boolean ());
-        view.gtk_theme_changed ();
+        theme_manager.gtk_theme_changed ();
@@ -953,25 +955,28 @@ private class Iagno : Gtk.Application, BaseApplication
             if (sound_context_state == SoundContextState.INITIAL)
                 init_sound ();
             if (sound_context_state == SoundContextState.WORKING)
-                _play_sound (sound, sound_context, ref view);
+                _play_sound (sound, sound_context, theme_manager);
-    private static void _play_sound (Sound sound, GSound.Context sound_context, ref ReversiView view)
+    private static inline void _play_sound (Sound sound, GSound.Context sound_context, ThemeManager 
      // requires (sound_context_state == SoundContextState.WORKING)
         string name;
         switch (sound)
             case Sound.FLIP:
-                name = view.sound_flip;
+                name = theme_manager.sound_flip;
             case Sound.GAMEOVER:
-                name = view.sound_gameover;
+                name = theme_manager.sound_gameover;
+        if (name == "")
+            assert_not_reached ();
         string path = Path.build_filename (SOUND_DIRECTORY, name);
diff --git a/src/meson.build b/src/meson.build
index 3ab390b..f3d3a20 100644
--- a/src/meson.build
+++ b/src/meson.build
@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ executable(meson.project_name(),
-        'reversi-view.vala'
+        'reversi-view.vala',
+        'theme-manager.vala'
     ] + resources,
     install: true,
     c_args: [
diff --git a/src/reversi-view.vala b/src/reversi-view.vala
index 4b30099..f09483a 100644
--- a/src/reversi-view.vala
+++ b/src/reversi-view.vala
@@ -30,48 +30,6 @@ private class ReversiView : Gtk.DrawingArea
     [CCode (notify = false)] internal bool show_turnable_tiles { private get; internal set; default = false; 
-    /* Theme */
-    private string pieces_file;
-    private double background_red = 0.2;
-    private double background_green = 0.6;
-    private double background_blue = 0.4;
-    private int background_radius = 0;
-    private double texture_alpha = 0.25;
-    private bool   apply_texture = false;
- // private double mark_red = 0.2;
- // private double mark_green = 0.6;
- // private double mark_blue = 0.4;
- // private int mark_width = 2;
-    private double border_red = 0.1;
-    private double border_green = 0.1;
-    private double border_blue = 0.1;
-    private int border_width = 3;
-    private double half_border_width = 1.5;
-    private double spacing_red = 0.1;
-    private double spacing_green = 0.3;
-    private double spacing_blue = 0.2;
-    private int spacing_width = 2;
-    private double highlight_hard_red = 0.1;
-    private double highlight_hard_green = 0.3;
-    private double highlight_hard_blue = 0.2;
-    private double highlight_hard_alpha = 0.4;
-    private double highlight_soft_red = 0.1;
-    private double highlight_soft_green = 0.3;
-    private double highlight_soft_blue = 0.2;
-    private double highlight_soft_alpha = 0.2;
-    // private int margin_width = 0;
-    [CCode (notify = false)] internal string sound_flip     { internal get; private set; }
-    [CCode (notify = false)] internal string sound_gameover { internal get; private set; }
     private int board_x;
     private int board_y;
@@ -218,131 +176,18 @@ private class ReversiView : Gtk.DrawingArea
                   | Gdk.EventMask.LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK
                   | Gdk.EventMask.STRUCTURE_MASK);
         init_mouse ();
-    }
-    private Iagno iagno_instance;
-    internal ReversiView (Iagno iagno_instance)
-    {
-        this.iagno_instance = iagno_instance;
-    }
-    /*\
-    * * theme
-    \*/
-    internal void gtk_theme_changed ()
-    {
-        if (theme == null || (!) theme == "default")
-            theme = "default";  // yes
-    }
-    private string? _theme = null;
-    [CCode (notify = false)] internal string? theme
-    {
-        get { return _theme; }
-        set {
-            KeyFile key = new KeyFile ();
-            if (value == null || (!) value == "default")
-                set_default_theme (ref key);
-            else
-                try
-                {
-                    string key_path = Path.build_filename (DATA_DIRECTORY, "themes", "key");
-                    string filepath = Path.build_filename (key_path, (!) value);
-                    if (Path.get_dirname (filepath) != key_path)
-                        throw new FileError.FAILED ("Theme file is not in the \"key\" directory.");
-                    key.load_from_file (filepath, GLib.KeyFileFlags.NONE);
-                }
-                catch (Error e)
-                {
-                    warning ("Failed to load theme: %s", e.message);
-                    set_default_theme (ref key);
-                    value = "default";
-                }
-            load_theme (key);
-            _theme = value;
-            /* redraw all */
-            tiles_pattern = null;
-            queue_draw ();
-        }
-    }
-    private void set_default_theme (ref KeyFile key)
-    {
-        Gtk.Settings? defaults = Gtk.Settings.get_default ();
-        string filename;
-        if (defaults != null && "HighContrast" in ((!) defaults).gtk_theme_name)
-            filename = "high_contrast.theme";
-        else if (defaults != null && (((!) defaults).gtk_application_prefer_dark_theme == true
-                                   || ((!) defaults).gtk_theme_name == "Adwaita-dark"))
-            filename = "adwaita.theme";
-        else
-            filename = "classic.theme";
-        string filepath = Path.build_filename (DATA_DIRECTORY, "themes", "key", filename);
-        try
-        {
-            key.load_from_file (filepath, GLib.KeyFileFlags.NONE);
-        }
-        catch { assert_not_reached (); }
+        theme_manager.theme_changed.connect (() => {
+                tiles_pattern = null;
+                queue_draw ();
+            });
-    private void load_theme (GLib.KeyFile key)
+    [CCode (notify = false)] public Iagno           iagno_instance  { private get; protected construct; }
+    [CCode (notify = false)] public ThemeManager    theme_manager   { private get; protected construct; }
+    internal ReversiView (Iagno iagno_instance, ThemeManager theme_manager)
-        try
-        {
-            string svg_path = Path.build_filename (DATA_DIRECTORY, "themes", "svg");
-            pieces_file = Path.build_filename (svg_path, key.get_string ("Pieces", "File"));
-            if (Path.get_dirname (pieces_file) != svg_path)
-                pieces_file = Path.build_filename (svg_path, "black_and_white.svg");
-            background_red       = key.get_double  ("Background", "Red");
-            background_green     = key.get_double  ("Background", "Green");
-            background_blue      = key.get_double  ("Background", "Blue");
-            background_radius    = key.get_integer ("Background", "Radius");
-            texture_alpha        = key.get_double  ("Background", "TextureAlpha");
-            apply_texture        = (texture_alpha > 0.0) && (texture_alpha <= 1.0);
-         // mark_red             = key.get_double  ("Mark", "Red");
-         // mark_green           = key.get_double  ("Mark", "Green");
-         // mark_blue            = key.get_double  ("Mark", "Blue");
-         // mark_width           = key.get_integer ("Mark", "Width");
-            border_red           = key.get_double  ("Border", "Red");
-            border_green         = key.get_double  ("Border", "Green");
-            border_blue          = key.get_double  ("Border", "Blue");
-            border_width         = key.get_integer ("Border", "Width");
-            half_border_width    = (double) border_width / 2.0;
-            spacing_red          = key.get_double  ("Spacing", "Red");
-            spacing_green        = key.get_double  ("Spacing", "Green");
-            spacing_blue         = key.get_double  ("Spacing", "Blue");
-            spacing_width        = key.get_integer ("Spacing", "Width");
-            highlight_hard_red   = key.get_double  ("Highlight hard", "Red");
-            highlight_hard_green = key.get_double  ("Highlight hard", "Green");
-            highlight_hard_blue  = key.get_double  ("Highlight hard", "Blue");
-            highlight_hard_alpha = key.get_double  ("Highlight hard", "Alpha");
-            highlight_soft_red   = key.get_double  ("Highlight soft", "Red");
-            highlight_soft_green = key.get_double  ("Highlight soft", "Green");
-            highlight_soft_blue  = key.get_double  ("Highlight soft", "Blue");
-            highlight_soft_alpha = key.get_double  ("Highlight soft", "Alpha");
-         // margin_width         = key.get_integer ("Margin", "Width");
-            sound_flip           = key.get_string  ("Sound", "Flip");
-            sound_gameover       = key.get_string  ("Sound", "GameOver");
-        }
-        catch (KeyFileError e)      // TODO better
-        {
-            warning ("Errors when loading theme: %s", e.message);
-        }
+        Object (iagno_instance: iagno_instance, theme_manager: theme_manager);
@@ -362,11 +207,11 @@ private class ReversiView : Gtk.DrawingArea
         int allocated_width  = get_allocated_width ();
         int allocated_height = get_allocated_height ();
         int size = int.min (allocated_width, allocated_height);
-        paving_size = (size - 2 * border_width + spacing_width) / game_size;
-        tile_size = paving_size - spacing_width;
-        board_size = paving_size * game_size - spacing_width + 2 * border_width;
-        board_x = (allocated_width  - board_size) / 2 + border_width;
-        board_y = (allocated_height - board_size) / 2 + border_width;
+        paving_size = (size - 2 * theme_manager.border_width + theme_manager.spacing_width) / game_size;
+        tile_size = paving_size - theme_manager.spacing_width;
+        board_size = paving_size * game_size - theme_manager.spacing_width + 2 * theme_manager.border_width;
+        board_x = (allocated_width  - board_size) / 2 + theme_manager.border_width;
+        board_y = (allocated_height - board_size) / 2 + theme_manager.border_width;
         if (humans_opening_intensity != 0)
             configure_overture_origin ();
@@ -386,33 +231,33 @@ private class ReversiView : Gtk.DrawingArea
         if (game_size % 2 == 0)
-            overture_origin_xs [0] = (game_size - 3) * board_size / (2 * game_size) - border_width - 
tile_size / 2;
-            overture_origin_xs [1] = (game_size - 1) * board_size / (2 * game_size) - border_width - 
tile_size / 2;
-            overture_origin_xs [2] = (game_size + 1) * board_size / (2 * game_size) - border_width - 
tile_size / 2;
-            overture_origin_xs [3] = (game_size + 3) * board_size / (2 * game_size) - border_width - 
tile_size / 2;
+            overture_origin_xs [0] = (game_size - 3) * board_size / (2 * game_size) - 
theme_manager.border_width - tile_size / 2;
+            overture_origin_xs [1] = (game_size - 1) * board_size / (2 * game_size) - 
theme_manager.border_width - tile_size / 2;
+            overture_origin_xs [2] = (game_size + 1) * board_size / (2 * game_size) - 
theme_manager.border_width - tile_size / 2;
+            overture_origin_xs [3] = (game_size + 3) * board_size / (2 * game_size) - 
theme_manager.border_width - tile_size / 2;
             if (game_size == 4)
                 // where we can
-                overture_origin_y  = (int) ((game_size + 2.6) * board_size / (2 * game_size) - border_width 
- tile_size / 2);
+                overture_origin_y  = (int) ((game_size + 2.6) * board_size / (2 * game_size) - 
theme_manager.border_width - tile_size / 2);
                 // on the line under the center zone
-                overture_origin_y  = (game_size + 4) * board_size / (2 * game_size) - border_width - 
tile_size / 2;
+                overture_origin_y  = (game_size + 4) * board_size / (2 * game_size) - 
theme_manager.border_width - tile_size / 2;
-            overture_origin_xs [0] = (game_size - 2) * board_size / (2 * game_size) - border_width - 
tile_size / 2;
-            overture_origin_xs [2] =  game_size      * board_size / (2 * game_size) - border_width - 
tile_size / 2;
-            overture_origin_xs [4] = (game_size + 2) * board_size / (2 * game_size) - border_width - 
tile_size / 2;
+            overture_origin_xs [0] = (game_size - 2) * board_size / (2 * game_size) - 
theme_manager.border_width - tile_size / 2;
+            overture_origin_xs [2] =  game_size      * board_size / (2 * game_size) - 
theme_manager.border_width - tile_size / 2;
+            overture_origin_xs [4] = (game_size + 2) * board_size / (2 * game_size) - 
theme_manager.border_width - tile_size / 2;
             overture_origin_xs [1] = overture_origin_xs [0];
             overture_origin_xs [3] = overture_origin_xs [2];
             overture_origin_xs [5] = overture_origin_xs [4];
             if (game_size == 5)
                 // where we can
-                overture_origin_y  = (int) ((game_size + 3.6) * board_size / (2 * game_size) - border_width 
- tile_size / 2);
+                overture_origin_y  = (int) ((game_size + 3.6) * board_size / (2 * game_size) - 
theme_manager.border_width - tile_size / 2);
                 // on the line under the center zone
-                overture_origin_y  = (game_size + 5) * board_size / (2 * game_size) - border_width - 
tile_size / 2;
+                overture_origin_y  = (game_size + 5) * board_size / (2 * game_size) - 
theme_manager.border_width - tile_size / 2;
@@ -425,14 +270,17 @@ private class ReversiView : Gtk.DrawingArea
             init_patterns (cr);
         // draw board
-        cr.translate (board_x - border_width, board_y - border_width);
+        cr.translate (board_x - theme_manager.border_width, board_y - theme_manager.border_width);
         cr.set_source ((!) board_pattern);
-        cr.rectangle (0, 0, /* width and height */ board_size, board_size);
+        cr.rectangle (/* x and y */ 0.0,
+                                    0.0,
+                      /* w and h */ board_size,
+                                    board_size);
         cr.fill ();
         // draw tiles (and highlight)
-        cr.translate (border_width, border_width);
+        cr.translate (theme_manager.border_width, theme_manager.border_width);
         if (humans_opening_intensity != 0)
             draw_overture (cr);
@@ -464,7 +312,7 @@ private class ReversiView : Gtk.DrawingArea
         // noise pattern
         Cairo.Pattern? noise_pattern = null;
-        if (apply_texture)
+        if (theme_manager.apply_texture)
             Gdk.Pixbuf? noise_pixbuf = null;
@@ -482,7 +330,7 @@ private class ReversiView : Gtk.DrawingArea
                 context = new Cairo.Context (surface);
                 Gdk.cairo_set_source_pixbuf (context, (!) noise_pixbuf, 0, 0);
-                context.paint_with_alpha (texture_alpha);
+                context.paint_with_alpha (theme_manager.texture_alpha);
                 // or  surface = Gdk.cairo_surface_create_from_pixbuf ((!) noise_pixbuf, 0, null); ?
                 noise_pattern = new Cairo.Pattern.for_surface (surface);
@@ -503,17 +351,20 @@ private class ReversiView : Gtk.DrawingArea
     private inline void draw_board_background (Cairo.Context cr)
-        cr.set_source_rgba (spacing_red, spacing_green, spacing_blue, 1.0);
-        cr.rectangle (half_border_width, half_border_width, /* width and height */ board_size - 
border_width, board_size - border_width);
+        cr.set_source_rgba (theme_manager.spacing_red, theme_manager.spacing_green, 
theme_manager.spacing_blue, 1.0);
+        cr.rectangle (/* x and y */ theme_manager.half_border_width,
+                                    theme_manager.half_border_width,
+                      /* w and h */ board_size - theme_manager.border_width,
+                                    board_size - theme_manager.border_width);
         cr.fill_preserve ();
-        cr.set_source_rgba (border_red, border_green, border_blue, 1.0);
-        cr.set_line_width (border_width);
+        cr.set_source_rgba (theme_manager.border_red, theme_manager.border_green, theme_manager.border_blue, 
+        cr.set_line_width (theme_manager.border_width);
         cr.stroke ();
     private inline void draw_tiles_background (Cairo.Context cr, ref Cairo.Pattern? noise_pattern)
-        cr.translate (border_width, border_width);
+        cr.translate (theme_manager.border_width, theme_manager.border_width);
         for (uint8 x = 0; x < game_size; x++)
             for (uint8 y = 0; y < game_size; y++)
@@ -521,9 +372,9 @@ private class ReversiView : Gtk.DrawingArea
     private inline void draw_tile_background (Cairo.Context cr, ref Cairo.Pattern? noise_pattern, int 
tile_x, int tile_y)
-        cr.set_source_rgba (background_red, background_green, background_blue, 1.0);
-        rounded_square (cr, tile_x, tile_y, tile_size, 0, background_radius);
-        if (apply_texture && noise_pixbuf_loaded)
+        cr.set_source_rgba (theme_manager.background_red, theme_manager.background_green, 
theme_manager.background_blue, 1.0);
+        rounded_square (cr, tile_x, tile_y, tile_size, 0, theme_manager.background_radius);
+        if (theme_manager.apply_texture && noise_pixbuf_loaded)
             cr.fill_preserve ();
@@ -702,7 +553,10 @@ private class ReversiView : Gtk.DrawingArea
                           /* texture y */ (pixmap / 8) * tile_size - /* y position */ tile_y);
         ((!) tiles_pattern).set_matrix (matrix);
         cr.set_source ((!) tiles_pattern);
-        cr.rectangle (tile_x, tile_y, /* width and height */ tile_size, tile_size);
+        cr.rectangle (/* x and y */ tile_x,
+                                    tile_y,
+                      /* w and h */ tile_size,
+                                    tile_size);
         cr.fill ();
@@ -732,7 +586,7 @@ private class ReversiView : Gtk.DrawingArea
     private inline void draw_overture_indicator (Cairo.Context cr)
         double diameter_factor = game_size == 4 ? 1.95 : 1.8;
-        cr.set_source_rgba (background_red, background_green, background_blue, 1.0);
+        cr.set_source_rgba (theme_manager.background_red, theme_manager.background_green, 
theme_manager.background_blue, 1.0);
         cr.arc ((double) overture_origin_xs [current_overture_playable] + (double) tile_size / 2.0,
                 (double) overture_origin_y + (double) tile_size / 2.0,
                 (double) tile_size / diameter_factor,
@@ -775,7 +629,10 @@ private class ReversiView : Gtk.DrawingArea
                           /* texture y */ (pixmap / 8) * tile_size - /* y position */ tile_y);
         ((!) tiles_pattern).set_matrix (matrix);
         cr.set_source ((!) tiles_pattern);
-        cr.rectangle (tile_x, tile_y, /* width and height */ tile_size, tile_size);
+        cr.rectangle (/* x and y */ tile_x,
+                                    tile_y,
+                      /* w and h */ tile_size,
+                                    tile_size);
         cr.fill ();
     private void get_x_and_y (uint8 playable_id, out uint8 x, out uint8 y)
@@ -814,7 +671,10 @@ private class ReversiView : Gtk.DrawingArea
         if (radius_percent <= 0)
-            cr.rectangle (x + width / 2.0, y + width / 2.0, /* width and height */ size + width, size + 
+            cr.rectangle (/* x and y */ x + width / 2.0,
+                                        y + width / 2.0,
+                          /* w and h */ size + width,
+                                        size + width);
@@ -835,10 +695,11 @@ private class ReversiView : Gtk.DrawingArea
     private void load_image (Cairo.Context c, int width, int height)
+     // requires (theme_manager.pieces_file != "")
-            Rsvg.Handle h = new Rsvg.Handle.from_file (pieces_file);
+            Rsvg.Handle h = new Rsvg.Handle.from_file (theme_manager.pieces_file);
             Cairo.Matrix m = Cairo.Matrix.identity ();
             m.scale ((double) width / h.width, (double) height / h.height);
@@ -854,43 +715,52 @@ private class ReversiView : Gtk.DrawingArea
-            Gdk.Pixbuf p = new Gdk.Pixbuf.from_file_at_scale (pieces_file, width, height, false);
+            Gdk.Pixbuf p = new Gdk.Pixbuf.from_file_at_scale (theme_manager.pieces_file, width, height, 
             Gdk.cairo_set_source_pixbuf (c, p, 0, 0);
             c.paint ();
         catch (Error e)
-            warning ("Failed to load theme image %s: %s", pieces_file, e.message);
+            warning ("Failed to load theme image %s: %s", theme_manager.pieces_file, e.message);
     private void highlight_tile (Cairo.Context cr, uint8 x, uint8 y, uint8 intensity, bool soft_highlight)
         if (soft_highlight)
-            cr.set_source_rgba (highlight_soft_red, highlight_soft_green, highlight_soft_blue, 
+            cr.set_source_rgba (theme_manager.highlight_soft_red,
+                                theme_manager.highlight_soft_green,
+                                theme_manager.highlight_soft_blue,
+                                theme_manager.highlight_soft_alpha);
-            cr.set_source_rgba (highlight_hard_red, highlight_hard_green, highlight_hard_blue, 
+            cr.set_source_rgba (theme_manager.highlight_hard_red,
+                                theme_manager.highlight_hard_green,
+                                theme_manager.highlight_hard_blue,
+                                theme_manager.highlight_hard_alpha);
         rounded_square (cr,
                         // TODO odd/even sizes problem
                         tile_xs [x, y] + tile_size * (HIGHLIGHT_MAX - intensity) / (2 * HIGHLIGHT_MAX),
                         tile_ys [x, y] + tile_size * (HIGHLIGHT_MAX - intensity) / (2 * HIGHLIGHT_MAX),
                         tile_size * intensity / HIGHLIGHT_MAX,
-                        background_radius);
+                        theme_manager.background_radius);
         cr.fill ();
     private void darken_tile (Cairo.Context cr, uint8 x, uint8 y)
-        double alpha = highlight_hard_alpha * 1.6 * (double) humans_opening_intensity / (double) 
-        cr.set_source_rgba (highlight_hard_red, highlight_hard_green, highlight_hard_blue, alpha);
+        double alpha = theme_manager.highlight_hard_alpha * 1.6 * (double) humans_opening_intensity / 
+        cr.set_source_rgba (theme_manager.highlight_hard_red,
+                            theme_manager.highlight_hard_green,
+                            theme_manager.highlight_hard_blue,
+                            alpha);
         rounded_square (cr,
                         // TODO odd/even sizes problem
                         tile_xs [x, y],
                         tile_ys [x, y],
-                        background_radius);
+                        theme_manager.background_radius);
         cr.fill ();
diff --git a/src/theme-manager.vala b/src/theme-manager.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b0aaeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/theme-manager.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+/* -*- Mode: vala; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+   This file is part of GNOME Reversi, also known as Iagno.
+   Copyright 2020 Arnaud Bonatti
+   GNOME Reversi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   GNOME Reversi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with GNOME Reversi.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+private class ThemeManager : Object
+    internal signal void theme_changed ();
+    /*\
+    * * theme
+    \*/
+    internal void gtk_theme_changed ()
+    {
+        if (theme == null || (!) theme == "default")
+            theme = "default";  // yes
+    }
+    private string? _theme = null;
+    [CCode (notify = false)] internal string? theme
+    {
+        get { return _theme; }
+        set {
+            KeyFile key = new KeyFile ();
+            if (value == null || (!) value == "default")
+                set_default_theme (ref key);
+            else
+                try
+                {
+                    string key_path = Path.build_filename (DATA_DIRECTORY, "themes", "key");
+                    string filepath = Path.build_filename (key_path, (!) value);
+                    if (Path.get_dirname (filepath) != key_path)
+                        throw new FileError.FAILED ("Theme file is not in the \"key\" directory.");
+                    key.load_from_file (filepath, GLib.KeyFileFlags.NONE);
+                }
+                catch (Error e)
+                {
+                    warning ("Failed to load theme: %s", e.message);
+                    set_default_theme (ref key);
+                    value = "default";
+                }
+            load_theme (key);
+            _theme = value;
+            /* redraw all */
+            theme_changed ();
+        }
+    }
+    private void set_default_theme (ref KeyFile key)
+    {
+        Gtk.Settings? defaults = Gtk.Settings.get_default ();
+        string filename;
+        if (defaults != null && "HighContrast" in ((!) defaults).gtk_theme_name)
+            filename = "high_contrast.theme";
+        else if (defaults != null && (((!) defaults).gtk_application_prefer_dark_theme == true
+                                   || ((!) defaults).gtk_theme_name == "Adwaita-dark"))
+            filename = "adwaita.theme";
+        else
+            filename = "classic.theme";
+        string filepath = Path.build_filename (DATA_DIRECTORY, "themes", "key", filename);
+        try
+        {
+            key.load_from_file (filepath, GLib.KeyFileFlags.NONE);
+        }
+        catch { assert_not_reached (); }
+    }
+    /*\
+    * * theme
+    \*/
+    [CCode (notify = false)] internal string pieces_file            { internal get; private set; default = 
""; }
+    [CCode (notify = false)] internal double background_red         { internal get; private set; default = 
0.2; }
+    [CCode (notify = false)] internal double background_green       { internal get; private set; default = 
0.6; }
+    [CCode (notify = false)] internal double background_blue        { internal get; private set; default = 
0.4; }
+    [CCode (notify = false)] internal int    background_radius      { internal get; private set; default = 
0;   }
+    [CCode (notify = false)] internal double texture_alpha          { internal get; private set; default = 
0.25; }
+    [CCode (notify = false)] internal bool   apply_texture          { internal get; private set; default = 
false; }
+ // [CCode (notify = false)] internal double mark_red               { internal get; private set; default = 
0.2; }
+ // [CCode (notify = false)] internal double mark_green             { internal get; private set; default = 
0.6; }
+ // [CCode (notify = false)] internal double mark_blue              { internal get; private set; default = 
0.4; }
+ // [CCode (notify = false)] internal int    mark_width             { internal get; private set; default = 
2;   }
+    [CCode (notify = false)] internal double border_red             { internal get; private set; default = 
0.1; }
+    [CCode (notify = false)] internal double border_green           { internal get; private set; default = 
0.1; }
+    [CCode (notify = false)] internal double border_blue            { internal get; private set; default = 
0.1; }
+    [CCode (notify = false)] internal int    border_width           { internal get; private set; default = 
3;   }
+    [CCode (notify = false)] internal double half_border_width      { internal get; private set; default = 
1.5; }
+    [CCode (notify = false)] internal double spacing_red            { internal get; private set; default = 
0.1; }
+    [CCode (notify = false)] internal double spacing_green          { internal get; private set; default = 
0.3; }
+    [CCode (notify = false)] internal double spacing_blue           { internal get; private set; default = 
0.2; }
+    [CCode (notify = false)] internal int    spacing_width          { internal get; private set; default = 
2;   }
+    [CCode (notify = false)] internal double highlight_hard_red     { internal get; private set; default = 
0.1; }
+    [CCode (notify = false)] internal double highlight_hard_green   { internal get; private set; default = 
0.3; }
+    [CCode (notify = false)] internal double highlight_hard_blue    { internal get; private set; default = 
0.2; }
+    [CCode (notify = false)] internal double highlight_hard_alpha   { internal get; private set; default = 
0.4; }
+    [CCode (notify = false)] internal double highlight_soft_red     { internal get; private set; default = 
0.1; }
+    [CCode (notify = false)] internal double highlight_soft_green   { internal get; private set; default = 
0.3; }
+    [CCode (notify = false)] internal double highlight_soft_blue    { internal get; private set; default = 
0.2; }
+    [CCode (notify = false)] internal double highlight_soft_alpha   { internal get; private set; default = 
0.2; }
+ // [CCode (notify = false)] internal int    margin_width           { internal get; private set; default = 
0; }
+    [CCode (notify = false)] internal string sound_flip             { internal get; private set; default = 
""; }
+    [CCode (notify = false)] internal string sound_gameover         { internal get; private set; default = 
""; }
+    private inline void load_theme (GLib.KeyFile key)
+    {
+        try
+        {
+            string svg_path = Path.build_filename (DATA_DIRECTORY, "themes", "svg");
+            pieces_file = Path.build_filename (svg_path, key.get_string ("Pieces", "File"));
+            if (Path.get_dirname (pieces_file) != svg_path)
+                pieces_file = Path.build_filename (svg_path, "black_and_white.svg");
+            background_red       = key.get_double  ("Background", "Red");
+            background_green     = key.get_double  ("Background", "Green");
+            background_blue      = key.get_double  ("Background", "Blue");
+            background_radius    = key.get_integer ("Background", "Radius");
+            texture_alpha        = key.get_double  ("Background", "TextureAlpha");
+            apply_texture        = (texture_alpha > 0.0) && (texture_alpha <= 1.0);
+         // mark_red             = key.get_double  ("Mark", "Red");
+         // mark_green           = key.get_double  ("Mark", "Green");
+         // mark_blue            = key.get_double  ("Mark", "Blue");
+         // mark_width           = key.get_integer ("Mark", "Width");
+            border_red           = key.get_double  ("Border", "Red");
+            border_green         = key.get_double  ("Border", "Green");
+            border_blue          = key.get_double  ("Border", "Blue");
+            border_width         = key.get_integer ("Border", "Width");
+            half_border_width    = (double) border_width / 2.0;
+            spacing_red          = key.get_double  ("Spacing", "Red");
+            spacing_green        = key.get_double  ("Spacing", "Green");
+            spacing_blue         = key.get_double  ("Spacing", "Blue");
+            spacing_width        = key.get_integer ("Spacing", "Width");
+            highlight_hard_red   = key.get_double  ("Highlight hard", "Red");
+            highlight_hard_green = key.get_double  ("Highlight hard", "Green");
+            highlight_hard_blue  = key.get_double  ("Highlight hard", "Blue");
+            highlight_hard_alpha = key.get_double  ("Highlight hard", "Alpha");
+            highlight_soft_red   = key.get_double  ("Highlight soft", "Red");
+            highlight_soft_green = key.get_double  ("Highlight soft", "Green");
+            highlight_soft_blue  = key.get_double  ("Highlight soft", "Blue");
+            highlight_soft_alpha = key.get_double  ("Highlight soft", "Alpha");
+         // margin_width         = key.get_integer ("Margin", "Width");
+            sound_flip           = key.get_string  ("Sound", "Flip");
+            sound_gameover       = key.get_string  ("Sound", "GameOver");
+        }
+        catch (KeyFileError e)      // TODO better
+        {
+            warning ("Errors when loading theme: %s", e.message);
+        }
+    }

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