[niepce] ui: remove unused code in ThumbStripview

commit 6e37fda7e6cc8a133a4b69d4f39114faf41a2012
Author: Hubert Figuière <hub figuiere net>
Date:   Sat Jan 4 11:43:38 2020 -0500

    ui: remove unused code in ThumbStripview

 src/niepce/ui/thumbstripview.cpp | 131 ---------------------------------------
 src/niepce/ui/thumbstripview.hpp |   7 ---
 2 files changed, 138 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/niepce/ui/thumbstripview.cpp b/src/niepce/ui/thumbstripview.cpp
index 4daa4fc..f936840 100644
--- a/src/niepce/ui/thumbstripview.cpp
+++ b/src/niepce/ui/thumbstripview.cpp
@@ -80,8 +80,6 @@ ThumbStripView::ThumbStripView(const Glib::RefPtr<ui::ImageListStore> & store,
     : Glib::ObjectBase(typeid(ThumbStripView))
     , Gtk::IconView(Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeModel>::cast_dynamic(store))
     , property_item_height(*this, "item-height", 100)
-    , m_start_thumb(0)
-    , m_end_thumb(0)
     , m_store(store)
     , m_model_item_count(0)
@@ -108,9 +106,6 @@ ThumbStripView::ThumbStripView(const Glib::RefPtr<ui::ImageListStore> & store,
     set_row_spacing (THUMB_STRIP_VIEW_SPACING);
     set_margin (0);
-    signal_parent_changed().connect(
-        sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ThumbStripView::on_parent_set));
 //  enable_model_drag_source (target_table, Gdk::MODIFIER_MASK, Gdk::ACTION_COPY);
 //  signal_drag_data_get().connect(
@@ -165,132 +160,6 @@ void ThumbStripView::update_item_count()
-ThumbStripView::clear_range (int start_thumb, int end_thumb)
-//    Gtk::TreeIter iter;
-//    int thumb = start_thumb;
-    g_assert (start_thumb <= end_thumb);
-//    for (iter = m_store->children().begin() + start_thumb;
-//         iter && thumb <= end_thumb;
-//         ++iter, thumb++) {
-//             eog_list_store_thumbnail_unset (get_pointer(store), &iter);
-//    }
-ThumbStripView::add_range (int start_thumb, int end_thumb)
-//    Gtk::TreeIter iter;
-//    gint thumb = start_thumb;
-    g_assert (start_thumb <= end_thumb);
-//    for (iter = m_store->children().begin() + start_thumb;
-//         iter  && thumb <= end_thumb;
-//         ++iter, thumb++) {
-//             eog_list_store_thumbnail_set (get_pointer(store), &iter);
-//    }
-ThumbStripView::update_visible_range (int start_thumb, int end_thumb)
-    int old_start_thumb, old_end_thumb;
-    old_start_thumb = m_start_thumb;
-    old_end_thumb = m_end_thumb;
-    if (start_thumb == old_start_thumb &&
-        end_thumb == old_end_thumb) {
-        return;
-    }
-    if (old_start_thumb < start_thumb)
-        clear_range (old_start_thumb, MIN (start_thumb - 1, old_end_thumb));
-    if (old_end_thumb > end_thumb)
-        clear_range (MAX (end_thumb + 1, old_start_thumb), old_end_thumb);
-    add_range (start_thumb, end_thumb);
-    m_start_thumb = start_thumb;
-    m_end_thumb = end_thumb;
-    Gtk::TreePath path1, path2;
-    if (!get_visible_range (path1, path2)) {
-        return;
-    }
-    update_visible_range (path1[0], path2[0]);
-ThumbStripView::on_adjustment_changed ()
-    Gtk::TreePath path1, path2;
-    int start_thumb, end_thumb;
-    if (!get_visible_range (path1, path2)) {
-        return;
-    }
-    start_thumb = path1 [0];
-    end_thumb = path2 [0];
-    add_range (start_thumb, end_thumb);
-    /* case we added an image, we need to make sure that the shifted thumbnail is cleared */
-    clear_range (end_thumb + 1, end_thumb + 1);
-    m_start_thumb = start_thumb;
-    m_end_thumb = end_thumb;
-ThumbStripView::on_parent_set (Gtk::Widget */*old_parent*/)
-    Gtk::Widget *parent = get_parent ();
-    Gtk::ScrolledWindow *sw = dynamic_cast<Gtk::ScrolledWindow*>(parent);
-    if (!sw) {
-        // TODO shouldn't we disconnect all of that?
-        return;
-    }
-    Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Adjustment> hadjustment;
-    Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Adjustment> vadjustment;
-    /* if we have been set to a ScrolledWindow, we connect to the callback
-       to set and unset thumbnails. */
-    hadjustment = sw->get_hadjustment ();
-    vadjustment = sw->get_vadjustment ();
-    /* when scrolling */
-    hadjustment->signal_value_changed().connect(
-        sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ThumbStripView::on_visible_range_changed));
-    vadjustment->signal_value_changed().connect(
-        sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ThumbStripView::on_visible_range_changed));
-    /* when the adjustment is changed, ie. probably we have new images added. */
-    hadjustment->signal_changed().connect(
-        sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ThumbStripView::on_adjustment_changed));
-    vadjustment->signal_changed().connect(
-        sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ThumbStripView::on_adjustment_changed));
-    /* when resizing the scrolled window */
-    sw->signal_size_allocate().connect(
-        sigc::hide<0>(sigc::mem_fun(*this,
-                                    &ThumbStripView::on_visible_range_changed)));
 void ThumbStripView::on_drag_data_get(const Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::DragContext>&,
                                       Gtk::SelectionData& /*data*/,guint,guint)
diff --git a/src/niepce/ui/thumbstripview.hpp b/src/niepce/ui/thumbstripview.hpp
index fc1a904..30e8b27 100644
--- a/src/niepce/ui/thumbstripview.hpp
+++ b/src/niepce/ui/thumbstripview.hpp
@@ -44,14 +44,9 @@ public:
     Glib::Property<gint> property_item_height;
-    void on_parent_set(Gtk::Widget* previous_parent);
-    void on_visible_range_changed();
-    void on_adjustment_changed();
     void on_drag_data_get(const Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::DragContext>&,
                           Gtk::SelectionData&,guint,guint) override;
     void update_visible_range(int, int);
-    void add_range(int, int);
-    void clear_range (int start_thumb, int end_thumb);
     void setup_model(const Glib::RefPtr<ui::ImageListStore> & store);
     void row_added(const Gtk::TreeModel::Path&,
@@ -59,8 +54,6 @@ private:
     void row_deleted(const Gtk::TreeModel::Path&);
     void update_item_count();
-    gint m_start_thumb; /* the first visible thumbnail */
-    gint m_end_thumb;   /* the last visible thumbnail  */
     Glib::RefPtr<ui::ImageListStore> m_store;
     Gtk::CellRendererPixbuf  *m_renderer;

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