[gnome-builder] cargo: remove error extraction from cargo builds

commit 4e17af736e9f52195c570d2c2a3fff832b0ea840
Author: Christian Hergert <chergert redhat com>
Date:   Tue Jan 14 12:01:05 2020 -0800

    cargo: remove error extraction from cargo builds
    Quite frankly I'm sick of cargo and their inability to create tooling that
    is appealing to existing C programmers. But alas, I'd rather drop the
    error extraction from build consoles than deal with it any more. Rust
    programmers can use RLS and perhaps someday we can propagate the error
    extraction there to the side-bar.
    Fixes #1124
    Fixes #825

 src/plugins/cargo/cargo_plugin.py | 26 --------------------------
 1 file changed, 26 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/plugins/cargo/cargo_plugin.py b/src/plugins/cargo/cargo_plugin.py
index 0b43b2149..6f311b274 100644
--- a/src/plugins/cargo/cargo_plugin.py
+++ b/src/plugins/cargo/cargo_plugin.py
@@ -74,23 +74,6 @@ class CargoPipelineAddin(Ide.Object, Ide.PipelineAddin):
     The CargoPipelineAddin is responsible for creating the necessary build
     stages and attaching them to phases of the build pipeline.
-    error_format_id = None
-    launcher_handler = None
-    def _on_launcher_created_cb(self, pipeline, launcher):
-        # Set RUSTFLAGS so that we can parse error formats
-        if launcher.getenv('RUSTFLAGS') is None:
-            eq_srcdir = '=' + pipeline.get_srcdir()
-            escaped = GLib.shell_quote(eq_srcdir)
-            flags = '--error-format=short --remap-path-prefix ' + escaped
-            launcher.setenv('RUSTFLAGS', flags, False)
-    def do_prepare(self, pipeline):
-        self.error_format_id = pipeline.add_error_format(_ERROR_FORMAT_REGEX,
-                                                         GLib.RegexCompileFlags.OPTIMIZE |
-                                                         GLib.RegexCompileFlags.CASELESS);
-        self.launcher_handler = pipeline.connect('launcher-created',
-                                                 self._on_launcher_created_cb)
     def do_load(self, pipeline):
         context = self.get_context()
@@ -164,15 +147,6 @@ class CargoPipelineAddin(Ide.Object, Ide.PipelineAddin):
         build_stage.connect('query', self._query)
         self.track(pipeline.attach(Ide.PipelinePhase.BUILD, 0, build_stage))
-    def do_unload(self, pipeline):
-        if self.error_format_id is not None:
-            pipeline.remove_error_format(self.error_format_id)
-            self.error_format_id = None
-        if self.launcher_handler is not None:
-            pipeline.disconnect(self.launcher_handler)
-            self.launcher_handler = None
     def _query(self, stage, pipeline, targets, cancellable):
         # Always defer to cargo to check if build is needed

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