[gnome-build-meta/valentindavid/gnome-os-ostree: 13/23] OSTree: Allow support FAT boot filesystem

commit 2ffd7aa4d42221260433d4a096e41f540963b722
Author: Valentin David <valentin david codethink co uk>
Date:   Fri Jan 3 14:17:03 2020 +0100

    OSTree: Allow support FAT boot filesystem
    Systemd boot requires the boot partition to be the EFI partition which
    means FAT is required. OSTree uses symlinking as a way to do atomic
    There is no solution yet for atomic update of FAT partitions. THis
    patch however changes symlinking by doing directory move which can be
    atomic in conditions. In practice filesystems with symbolic link
    support usually also support atomic rename of directories. But this
    allows to also work when no atomic update is working.
    Patch was submitted upstream as

 elements/core-deps/ostree.bst      |   2 +
 files/ostree/no-boot-symlink.patch | 313 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 315 insertions(+)
diff --git a/elements/core-deps/ostree.bst b/elements/core-deps/ostree.bst
index b6afd885..56998d82 100644
--- a/elements/core-deps/ostree.bst
+++ b/elements/core-deps/ostree.bst
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ kind: autotools
 - kind: tar
   url: github_com:ostreedev/ostree/releases/download/v2019.5/libostree-2019.5.tar.xz
+- kind: patch
+  path: files/ostree/no-boot-symlink.patch
 - sdk/gobject-introspection.bst
diff --git a/files/ostree/no-boot-symlink.patch b/files/ostree/no-boot-symlink.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..13a197e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/ostree/no-boot-symlink.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+diff --git a/src/libostree/ostree-sysroot-cleanup.c b/src/libostree/ostree-sysroot-cleanup.c
+index ef95d13c..33756f7d 100644
+--- a/src/libostree/ostree-sysroot-cleanup.c
++++ b/src/libostree/ostree-sysroot-cleanup.c
+@@ -216,6 +216,15 @@ cleanup_other_bootversions (OstreeSysroot       *self,
+   const int cleanup_subbootversion = self->subbootversion == 0 ? 1 : 0;
+   /* Reusable buffer for path */
+   g_autoptr(GString) buf = g_string_new ("");
++  struct stat stbuf;
++  if ((glnx_fstatat_allow_noent (self->sysroot_fd, "boot/loader", &stbuf, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW, error))
++      && (!S_ISLNK (stbuf.st_mode)))
++    {
++      g_string_truncate (buf, 0); g_string_append_printf (buf, "boot/loader.%d", self->bootversion);
++      if (!glnx_shutil_rm_rf_at (self->sysroot_fd, buf->str, cancellable, error))
++        return FALSE;
++    }
+   /* These directories are for the other major version */
+   g_string_truncate (buf, 0); g_string_append_printf (buf, "boot/loader.%d", cleanup_bootversion);
+diff --git a/src/libostree/ostree-sysroot-deploy.c b/src/libostree/ostree-sysroot-deploy.c
+index a09c354b..8a32e090 100644
+--- a/src/libostree/ostree-sysroot-deploy.c
++++ b/src/libostree/ostree-sysroot-deploy.c
+@@ -1829,38 +1829,89 @@ install_deployment_kernel (OstreeSysroot   *sysroot,
+   return TRUE;
+ }
+-/* We generate the symlink on disk, then potentially do a syncfs() to ensure
+- * that it (and everything else we wrote) has hit disk. Only after that do we
+- * rename it into place.
+- */
+ static gboolean
+-prepare_new_bootloader_link (OstreeSysroot  *sysroot,
+-                             int             current_bootversion,
+-                             int             new_bootversion,
+-                             GCancellable   *cancellable,
+-                             GError        **error)
++prepare_new_bootloader_dir (OstreeSysroot  *sysroot,
++                            int             current_bootversion,
++                            int             new_bootversion,
++                            GCancellable   *cancellable,
++                            GError        **error)
+ {
+-  GLNX_AUTO_PREFIX_ERROR ("Preparing final bootloader swap", error);
++  glnx_autofd int boot_dfd = -1;
++  GLNX_AUTO_PREFIX_ERROR ("Preparing new bootloader directory", error);
+   g_assert ((current_bootversion == 0 && new_bootversion == 1) ||
+             (current_bootversion == 1 && new_bootversion == 0));
+-  g_autofree char *new_target = g_strdup_printf ("loader.%d", new_bootversion);
++  if (!glnx_opendirat (sysroot->sysroot_fd, "boot", TRUE, &boot_dfd, error))
++    return FALSE;
+-  /* We shouldn't actually need to replace but it's easier to reuse
+-     that code */
+-  if (!symlink_at_replace (new_target, sysroot->sysroot_fd, "boot/loader.tmp",
+-                           cancellable, error))
++  g_autofree char *loader_dir_name = g_strdup_printf ("loader.%d", new_bootversion);
++  if (!glnx_shutil_mkdir_p_at (boot_dfd, loader_dir_name, 0755,
++                               cancellable, error))
++    return FALSE;
++  g_autofree char *version_name = g_strdup_printf ("%s/version", loader_dir_name);
++  if (!glnx_file_replace_contents_at (boot_dfd, version_name,
++                                      (guint8*)loader_dir_name, strlen(loader_dir_name),
++                                      0, cancellable, error))
+     return FALSE;
+   return TRUE;
+ }
++static gboolean
++renameat2_exchange (int         olddirfd,
++                    const char *oldpath,
++                    int         newdirfd,
++                    const char *newpath,
++                    gboolean   *is_atomic,
++                    GError    **error)
++  if (renameat2(olddirfd, oldpath, newdirfd, newpath, RENAME_EXCHANGE) == 0)
++    return TRUE;
++  else
++    {
++      if ((errno == EINVAL)
++          || (errno == ENOSYS))
++        {
++          if (glnx_renameat2_exchange (olddirfd, oldpath, newdirfd, newpath) == 0)
++            {
++              is_atomic = FALSE;
++              return TRUE;
++            }
++        }
++    }
++  if (errno != ENOENT)
++    return glnx_throw_errno_prefix (error, "renameat2");
++  if (renameat2(olddirfd, oldpath, newdirfd, newpath, RENAME_NOREPLACE) == 0)
++    return TRUE;
++  else
++    {
++      if ((errno == EINVAL)
++          || (errno == ENOSYS))
++        {
++          if (glnx_renameat2_noreplace (olddirfd, oldpath, newdirfd, newpath) == 0)
++            {
++              is_atomic = FALSE;
++              return TRUE;
++            }
++        }
++    }
++  return glnx_throw_errno_prefix (error, "renameat2");
+ /* Update the /boot/loader symlink to point to /boot/loader.$new_bootversion */
+ static gboolean
+ swap_bootloader (OstreeSysroot  *sysroot,
+                  OstreeBootloader *bootloader,
+                  int             current_bootversion,
+                  int             new_bootversion,
++                 gboolean       *is_atomic,
+                  GCancellable   *cancellable,
+                  GError        **error)
+ {
+@@ -1873,11 +1924,8 @@ swap_bootloader (OstreeSysroot  *sysroot,
+   if (!glnx_opendirat (sysroot->sysroot_fd, "boot", TRUE, &boot_dfd, error))
+     return FALSE;
+-  /* The symlink was already written, and we used syncfs() to ensure
+-   * its data is in place.  Renaming now should give us atomic semantics;
+-   * see https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=755595
+-   */
+-  if (!glnx_renameat (boot_dfd, "loader.tmp", boot_dfd, "loader", error))
++  g_autofree char *new_target = g_strdup_printf ("loader.%d", new_bootversion);
++  if (!renameat2_exchange(boot_dfd, new_target, boot_dfd, "loader", is_atomic, error))
+     return FALSE;
+   /* Now we explicitly fsync this directory, even though it
+@@ -2098,6 +2146,7 @@ write_deployments_bootswap (OstreeSysroot     *self,
+                             OstreeSysrootWriteDeploymentsOpts *opts,
+                             OstreeBootloader  *bootloader,
+                             SyncStats         *out_syncstats,
++                            gboolean          *is_atomic,
+                             GCancellable      *cancellable,
+                             GError           **error)
+ {
+@@ -2160,15 +2209,16 @@ write_deployments_bootswap (OstreeSysroot     *self,
+         return glnx_prefix_error (error, "Bootloader write config");
+     }
+-  if (!prepare_new_bootloader_link (self, self->bootversion, new_bootversion,
+-                                    cancellable, error))
++  if (!prepare_new_bootloader_dir (self, self->bootversion, new_bootversion,
++                                   cancellable, error))
+     return FALSE;
+   if (!full_system_sync (self, out_syncstats, cancellable, error))
+     return FALSE;
+   if (!swap_bootloader (self, bootloader, self->bootversion, new_bootversion,
+-                        cancellable, error))
++                        is_atomic, cancellable, error))
+     return FALSE;
+   return TRUE;
+@@ -2407,7 +2457,8 @@ ostree_sysroot_write_deployments_with_options (OstreeSysroot     *self,
+       /* Note equivalent of try/finally here */
+       gboolean success = write_deployments_bootswap (self, new_deployments, opts, bootloader,
+-                                                     &syncstats, cancellable, error);
++                                                     &syncstats, &bootloader_is_atomic,
++                                                     cancellable, error);
+       /* Below here don't set GError until the if (!success) check */
+       if (boot_was_ro_mount)
+         {
+diff --git a/src/libostree/ostree-sysroot.c b/src/libostree/ostree-sysroot.c
+index 1c9dbf37..5973db1f 100644
+--- a/src/libostree/ostree-sysroot.c
++++ b/src/libostree/ostree-sysroot.c
+@@ -432,6 +432,60 @@ compare_loader_configs_for_sorting (gconstpointer  a_pp,
+   return compare_boot_loader_configs (a, b);
+ }
++static gboolean
++read_current_bootversion (OstreeSysroot *self,
++                          int           *out_bootversion,
++                          GCancellable  *cancellable,
++                          GError       **error)
++  int ret_bootversion;
++  struct stat stbuf;
++  if (!glnx_fstatat_allow_noent (self->sysroot_fd, "boot/loader", &stbuf, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW, error))
++    return FALSE;
++  if (errno == ENOENT)
++    {
++      ret_bootversion = 0;
++    }
++  else
++    {
++      if (!S_ISLNK (stbuf.st_mode))
++        {
++          gsize len;
++          g_autofree char* version_content = glnx_file_get_contents_utf8_at(self->sysroot_fd, 
++                                                                            &len, cancellable, error);
++          if (version_content == NULL) {
++            return FALSE;
++          }
++          if (len != 8)
++            return glnx_throw (error, "Invalid version in boot/loader/version");
++          else if (g_strcmp0 (version_content, "loader.0") == 0)
++            ret_bootversion = 0;
++          else if (g_strcmp0 (version_content, "loader.1") == 0)
++            ret_bootversion = 1;
++          else
++            return glnx_throw (error, "Invalid version in boot/loader/version");
++        }
++      else
++        {
++          /* Backward compatibility with boot symbolic links */
++          g_autofree char *target =
++            glnx_readlinkat_malloc (self->sysroot_fd, "boot/loader", cancellable, error);
++          if (!target)
++            return FALSE;
++          if (g_strcmp0 (target, "loader.0") == 0)
++            ret_bootversion = 0;
++          else if (g_strcmp0 (target, "loader.1") == 0)
++            ret_bootversion = 1;
++          else
++            return glnx_throw (error, "Invalid target '%s' in boot/loader", target);
++        }
++    }
++  *out_bootversion = ret_bootversion;
++  return TRUE;
+ gboolean
+ _ostree_sysroot_read_boot_loader_configs (OstreeSysroot *self,
+                                           int            bootversion,
+@@ -445,12 +499,22 @@ _ostree_sysroot_read_boot_loader_configs (OstreeSysroot *self,
+   g_autoptr(GPtrArray) ret_loader_configs =
+     g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func ((GDestroyNotify)g_object_unref);
+-  g_autofree char *entries_path = g_strdup_printf ("boot/loader.%d/entries", bootversion);
++  g_autofree char *entries_path = NULL;
++  int current_version;
++  if (!read_current_bootversion (self, &current_version, cancellable, error))
++    return FALSE;
++  if (current_version == bootversion)
++    entries_path = g_strdup ("boot/loader/entries");
++  else
++    entries_path = g_strdup_printf ("boot/loader.%d/entries", bootversion);
+   gboolean entries_exists;
+   g_auto(GLnxDirFdIterator) dfd_iter = { 0, };
+   if (!ot_dfd_iter_init_allow_noent (self->sysroot_fd, entries_path,
+                                      &dfd_iter, &entries_exists, error))
+     return FALSE;
+   if (!entries_exists)
+     {
+       /* Note early return */
+@@ -490,42 +554,6 @@ _ostree_sysroot_read_boot_loader_configs (OstreeSysroot *self,
+   return TRUE;
+ }
+-static gboolean
+-read_current_bootversion (OstreeSysroot *self,
+-                          int           *out_bootversion,
+-                          GCancellable  *cancellable,
+-                          GError       **error)
+-  int ret_bootversion;
+-  struct stat stbuf;
+-  if (!glnx_fstatat_allow_noent (self->sysroot_fd, "boot/loader", &stbuf, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW, error))
+-    return FALSE;
+-  if (errno == ENOENT)
+-    {
+-      ret_bootversion = 0;
+-    }
+-  else
+-    {
+-      if (!S_ISLNK (stbuf.st_mode))
+-        return glnx_throw (error, "Not a symbolic link: boot/loader");
+-      g_autofree char *target =
+-        glnx_readlinkat_malloc (self->sysroot_fd, "boot/loader", cancellable, error);
+-      if (!target)
+-        return FALSE;
+-      if (g_strcmp0 (target, "loader.0") == 0)
+-        ret_bootversion = 0;
+-      else if (g_strcmp0 (target, "loader.1") == 0)
+-        ret_bootversion = 1;
+-      else
+-        return glnx_throw (error, "Invalid target '%s' in boot/loader", target);
+-    }
+-  *out_bootversion = ret_bootversion;
+-  return TRUE;
+ static gboolean
+ load_origin (OstreeSysroot   *self,
+              OstreeDeployment *deployment,

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