[gnome-build-meta] (27 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch jjardon/wayland_only

The branch 'jjardon/wayland_only' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  10ca643... Do not build libxklavier and libgnomekbd
  f782d9d... Only wayland
  d82d333... elements/sdk/gtk+-3.bst: Add patch to fix compilation on wa
  ab5f9f8... elements/core-deps/libnma.bst: Make it compile in wayland-o
  d3dd881... Add static refs
  5e7f503... elements/sdk/libcanberra.bst: allow to build in wayland
  a2d686a... ibus: disable XIM and explicity enable wayland and gtk3
  770e5cd... elements/sdk/cogl.bst: disable x11 support
  aa8b28f... elements/sdk/clutter.bst: Disable x11 backend
  517022f... Do not build gedit: it hard depend on x11
  53059e1... Do not build gnome-screenshot for now
  460efd4... Do not build GDM for now
  236e29c... Update refs
  2f543b9... Use GCR branch to not hard-depend on X11
  60740cc... Update refs

Commits added to the branch:

  9fbf813... core-deps/libhandy: Update libhandy to 0.0.12 (*)
  365b79f... junction.refs: update to freedesktop-sdk 19.08.5 (*)
  228466d... CI: comment out the vm image build temporarly (*)
  18509b6... utils/update-local-cve-database.py: don't error out if the  (*)
  b32610a... Add debug patch to wpebackend-fdo (*)
  a868f01... sdk/gcr.bst: gcr now has Meson support (*)
  4a11b04... gcr.bst: depend on gnupg.bst (*)
  b19e42d... Revert "sdk/gcr.bst: gcr now has Meson support" (*)
  3d8345c... Revert "Revert "sdk/gcr.bst: gcr now has Meson support"" (*)
  5b2060d... Revert "Revert "Revert "sdk/gcr.bst: gcr now has Meson supp (*)
  a5f61e5... core-deps: remove libcroco (*)
  5d56af5... core-deps/osinfo-db-tools: update to 1.7.0 and switch to me (*)
  1dc15b6... core-deps:{ModemManager, libevdev, libosinfo}: update tarba (*)
  bdcdca5... core/evince.bst: update tarball source to something newer (*)
  2bc0cd0... Do not build libxklavier and libgnomekbd
  e27448a... Only wayland
  86b2499... elements/core-deps/libnma.bst: Make it compile in wayland-o
  6d95c4e... Add static refs
  7beb862... elements/sdk/libcanberra.bst: allow to build in wayland
  eb1c58b... ibus: disable XIM and explicity enable wayland and gtk3
  79ad612... elements/sdk/cogl.bst: disable x11 support
  ba49de6... elements/sdk/clutter.bst: Disable x11 backend
  3b555c8... Do not build gedit: it hard depend on x11
  a32620a... Do not build gnome-screenshot for now
  277ce05... Do not build GDM for now
  e3c01ad... Update refs
  25879d2... Use GCR branch to not hard-depend on X11

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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