[chronojump] DB: 1.82. Jump, JumpRj have datetime

commit 2c37d34beac4d04862396cd06596694ea90be1f3
Author: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
Date:   Wed Jan 8 11:22:52 2020 +0100

    DB: 1.82. Jump, JumpRj have datetime

 src/execute/jump.cs  | 17 ++++++++++-------
 src/jump.cs          | 13 +++++++++----
 src/sqlite/jump.cs   | 22 +++++++++++++---------
 src/sqlite/jumpRj.cs | 14 ++++++++------
 src/sqlite/main.cs   | 19 ++++++++++++++++++-
 src/treeview/jump.cs |  4 ++--
 6 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/execute/jump.cs b/src/execute/jump.cs
index b6367002..89010ee6 100644
--- a/src/execute/jump.cs
+++ b/src/execute/jump.cs
@@ -467,14 +467,16 @@ public class JumpExecute : EventExecute
                needShowFeedbackMessage = true; 
                string table = Constants.JumpTable;
+               string datetime = UtilDate.ToFile(DateTime.Now);
                uniqueID = SqliteJump.Insert(false, table, "NULL", personID, sessionID, 
                                type, tv, tc, fall,  //type, tv, tc, fall
-                               weight, description, angle, Util.BoolToNegativeInt(simulated));
+                               weight, description, angle, Util.BoolToNegativeInt(simulated),
+                               datetime);
                //define the created object
                eventDone = new Jump(uniqueID, personID, sessionID, type, tv, tc, fall, 
-                               weight, description, angle, Util.BoolToNegativeInt(simulated)); 
+                               weight, description, angle, Util.BoolToNegativeInt(simulated), datetime);
                if(! avoidGraph)
@@ -1033,6 +1035,7 @@ public class JumpRjExecute : JumpExecute
+               string datetime = UtilDate.ToFile(DateTime.Now);
                        SqliteJumpRj.Insert(false, Constants.TempJumpRjTable, "NULL", personID, sessionID, 
@@ -1040,19 +1043,19 @@ public class JumpRjExecute : JumpExecute
                                        fall, weight, description,
                                        Util.GetAverage(tvString), Util.GetAverage(tcString),
                                        tvString, tcString,
-                                       jumps, Util.GetTotalTime(tcString, tvString), limitString, 
angleString, Util.BoolToNegativeInt(simulated)
-                                       );
+                                       jumps, Util.GetTotalTime(tcString, tvString), limitString, 
angleString, Util.BoolToNegativeInt(simulated),
+                                       datetime);
                else {
                        uniqueID = SqliteJumpRj.Insert(false, Constants.JumpRjTable, "NULL", personID, 
                                        type, Util.GetMax(tvString), Util.GetMax(tcString), 
                                        fall, weight, description,
                                        Util.GetAverage(tvString), Util.GetAverage(tcString),
                                        tvString, tcString,
-                                       jumps, Util.GetTotalTime(tcString, tvString), limitString, 
angleString, Util.BoolToNegativeInt(simulated)
-                                       );
+                                       jumps, Util.GetTotalTime(tcString, tvString), limitString, 
angleString, Util.BoolToNegativeInt(simulated),
+                                       datetime);
                        //define the created object
-                       eventDone = new JumpRj(uniqueID, personID, sessionID, type, tvString, tcString, fall, 
weight, description, jumps, Util.GetTotalTime(tcString, tvString), limitString, angleString, 
+                       eventDone = new JumpRj(uniqueID, personID, sessionID, type, tvString, tcString, fall, 
weight, description, jumps, Util.GetTotalTime(tcString, tvString), limitString, angleString, 
Util.BoolToNegativeInt(simulated), datetime);
                        //event will be raised, and managed in chronojump.cs
diff --git a/src/jump.cs b/src/jump.cs
index 5209a26b..9c447481 100644
--- a/src/jump.cs
+++ b/src/jump.cs
@@ -35,12 +35,13 @@ public class Jump : Event
        //for not checking always in database
        protected bool hasFall;
        private double angle;
+       protected string datetime;
        public Jump() {
        //after inserting database (SQL)
-       public Jump(int uniqueID, int personID, int sessionID, string type, double tv, double tc, double 
fall, double weight, string description, double angle, int simulated)
+       public Jump(int uniqueID, int personID, int sessionID, string type, double tv, double tc, double 
fall, double weight, string description, double angle, int simulated, string datetime)
                this.uniqueID = uniqueID;
                this.personID = personID;
@@ -53,6 +54,7 @@ public class Jump : Event
                this.description = description;
                this.angle = angle;
                this.simulated = simulated;
+               this.datetime = datetime;
        //used to select a jump at SqliteJump.SelectJumpData and at Sqlite.converTables
@@ -69,6 +71,7 @@ public class Jump : Event
                this.description = eventString[8].ToString();
                this.angle = Convert.ToDouble(Util.ChangeDecimalSeparator(eventString[9]));
                this.simulated = Convert.ToInt32(eventString[10]);
+               this.datetime = eventString[11];
@@ -78,7 +81,7 @@ public class Jump : Event
                                personID, sessionID, 
                                type, tv, tc, fall, 
                                weight, description, 
-                               angle, simulated);
+                               angle, simulated, datetime);
        public virtual double Stiffness(double personMassInKg, double extraMass) 
@@ -144,7 +147,7 @@ public class JumpRj : Jump
        //after inserting database (SQL)
        public JumpRj(int uniqueID, int personID, int sessionID, string type, 
                        string tvString, string tcString, double fall, double weight, 
-                       string description, int jumps, double time, string limited, string angleString, int 
+                       string description, int jumps, double time, string limited, string angleString, int 
simulated, string datetime)
                this.uniqueID = uniqueID;
                this.personID = personID;
@@ -160,6 +163,7 @@ public class JumpRj : Jump
                this.limited = limited;
                this.angleString = angleString;
                this.simulated = simulated;
+               this.datetime = datetime;
        //used to select a jump at SqliteJump.SelectRjJumpData and at Sqlite.convertTables
@@ -182,6 +186,7 @@ public class JumpRj : Jump
                this.limited = eventString[15];
                this.angleString = eventString[16];
                this.simulated = Convert.ToInt32(eventString[17]);
+               this.datetime = eventString[18];
@@ -193,7 +198,7 @@ public class JumpRj : Jump
                                type, TvMax, TcMax, fall, weight,
                                description, TvAvg, TcAvg, tvString, tcString,
                                jumps, time, limited, 
-                               angleString, simulated);
+                               angleString, simulated, datetime);
diff --git a/src/sqlite/jump.cs b/src/sqlite/jump.cs
index 83ef081b..83311b3e 100644
--- a/src/sqlite/jump.cs
+++ b/src/sqlite/jump.cs
@@ -52,10 +52,11 @@ class SqliteJump : Sqlite
                        "weight TEXT, " + //string because can contain "33%" or "50Kg"
                        "description TEXT, " +
                        "angle FLOAT, " + //-1.0 if undef
-                       "simulated INT )";      //since db: 0.60 (cj simulated = -1, real test (not 
uploaded to server) = 0, 
+                       "simulated INT, " +     //since db: 0.60 (cj simulated = -1, real test (not 
uploaded to server) = 0,
                                                //positive numbers represent the serverUniqueID
                                                //the simulated has two purposes, but it's logical because 
                                                //only real tests can be uploaded
+                       "datetime TEXT )";
@@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ class SqliteJump : Sqlite
        //public static int Insert(int personID, int sessionID, string type, double tv, double tc, int fall, 
double weight, string limited, string description, int simulated)
-       public static int Insert(bool dbconOpened, string tableName, string uniqueID, int personID, int 
sessionID, string type, double tv, double tc, double fall, double weight, string description, double angle, 
int simulated)
+       public static int Insert(bool dbconOpened, string tableName, string uniqueID, int personID, int 
sessionID, string type, double tv, double tc, double fall, double weight, string description, double angle, 
int simulated, string datetime)
                if(! dbconOpened)
@@ -74,12 +75,12 @@ class SqliteJump : Sqlite
                        uniqueID = "NULL";
                dbcmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO " + tableName +  
-                               " (uniqueID, personID, sessionID, type, tv, tc, fall, weight, description, 
angle, simulated)" +
+                               " (uniqueID, personID, sessionID, type, tv, tc, fall, weight, description, 
angle, simulated, datetime)" +
                                " VALUES (" + uniqueID + ", "
                                + personID + ", " + sessionID + ", \"" + type + "\", "
                                + Util.ConvertToPoint(tv) + ", " + Util.ConvertToPoint(tc) + ", " + 
Util.ConvertToPoint(fall) + ", \"" 
                                + Util.ConvertToPoint(weight) + "\", \"" + description + "\", "
-                               + Util.ConvertToPoint(angle) + ", " + simulated +")" ;
+                               + Util.ConvertToPoint(angle) + ", " + simulated + ", \"" + datetime + "\")" ;
@@ -155,8 +156,8 @@ class SqliteJump : Sqlite
                int count = new int();
                count = 0;
-               while(reader.Read()) {
+               while(reader.Read())
+               {
                        myArray.Add (reader[0].ToString() + ":" +       //person.name
                                        reader[1].ToString() + ":" +    //jump.uniqueID
                                        reader[2].ToString() + ":" +    //jump.personID
@@ -169,7 +170,8 @@ class SqliteJump : Sqlite
                                        reader[9].ToString() + ":" +    //description
                                        Util.ChangeDecimalSeparator(reader[10].ToString()) + ":" +      
                                        reader[11].ToString() + ":" +   //simulated
-                                       reader[12].ToString()           //person.weight
+                                       reader[12].ToString() + ":" +   //datetime
+                                       reader[13].ToString()           //person.weight
                        count ++;
@@ -203,7 +205,7 @@ class SqliteJump : Sqlite
                reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader();
-               Jump myJump = new Jump(DataReaderToStringArray(reader, 11));
+               Jump myJump = new Jump(DataReaderToStringArray(reader, 12));
@@ -325,7 +327,9 @@ class SqliteJump : Sqlite
                                  reader[8].ToString(),                                // description
                                                  reader[9].ToString())),                          //angle
-                                 Convert.ToInt32(reader[10].ToString()));              //simulated
+                                 Convert.ToInt32(reader[10].ToString()),              //simulated
+                                 reader[11].ToString()                               //datetime
+                                );
diff --git a/src/sqlite/jumpRj.cs b/src/sqlite/jumpRj.cs
index 90120a10..cd27abd8 100644
--- a/src/sqlite/jumpRj.cs
+++ b/src/sqlite/jumpRj.cs
@@ -54,11 +54,12 @@ class SqliteJumpRj : SqliteJump
                        "time FLOAT, " + //if limit it's 'n' jumps, we probably waste 7.371 seconds
                        "limited TEXT, " + //for RJ, "11J" or "11S" (11 Jumps, 11 seconds)
                        "angleString TEXT, " + //"-1" if undef
-                       "simulated INT )";
+                       "simulated INT, " +
+                       "datetime TEXT )";
-       public static int Insert (bool dbconOpened, string tableName, string uniqueID, int personID, int 
sessionID, string type, double tvMax, double tcMax, double fall, double weight, string description, double 
tvAvg, double tcAvg, string tvString, string tcString, int jumps, double time, string limited, string 
angleString, int simulated )
+       public static int Insert (bool dbconOpened, string tableName, string uniqueID, int personID, int 
sessionID, string type, double tvMax, double tcMax, double fall, double weight, string description, double 
tvAvg, double tcAvg, string tvString, string tcString, int jumps, double time, string limited, string 
angleString, int simulated, string datetime )
                Console.WriteLine("At SQL insert RJ");
@@ -70,14 +71,14 @@ class SqliteJumpRj : SqliteJump
                dbcmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO " + tableName + 
                                " (uniqueID, personID, sessionID, type, tvMax, tcMax, fall, weight, 
description, " +
-                               "tvAvg, tcAvg, tvString, tcString, jumps, time, limited, angleString, 
simulated )" +
+                               "tvAvg, tcAvg, tvString, tcString, jumps, time, limited, angleString, 
simulated, datetime )" +
                                "VALUES (" + uniqueID + ", " +
                                personID + ", " + sessionID + ", \"" + type + "\", " +
                                Util.ConvertToPoint(tvMax) + ", " + Util.ConvertToPoint(tcMax) + ", \"" + 
                                Util.ConvertToPoint(fall) + "\", \"" + Util.ConvertToPoint(weight) + "\", \"" 
+ description + "\", " +
                                Util.ConvertToPoint(tvAvg) + ", " + Util.ConvertToPoint(tcAvg) + ", \"" + 
                                Util.ConvertToPoint(tvString) + "\", \"" + Util.ConvertToPoint(tcString) + 
"\", " +
-                               jumps + ", " + Util.ConvertToPoint(time) + ", \"" + limited + "\", \"" + 
angleString + "\", " + simulated +")" ;
+                               jumps + ", " + Util.ConvertToPoint(time) + ", \"" + limited + "\", \"" + 
angleString + "\", " + simulated + ", \"" + datetime + "\")" ;
@@ -159,7 +160,8 @@ class SqliteJumpRj : SqliteJump
                                        reader[16].ToString() + ":" +   //limited
                                        reader[17].ToString() + ":" +   //angleString
                                        reader[18].ToString() + ":" +   //simulated
-                                       reader[19].ToString()           //person.weight
+                                       reader[19].ToString() + ":" +   //datetime
+                                       reader[20].ToString()           //person.weight
                        count ++;
@@ -194,7 +196,7 @@ class SqliteJumpRj : SqliteJump
                reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader();
-               JumpRj myJump = new JumpRj(DataReaderToStringArray(reader, 18));
+               JumpRj myJump = new JumpRj(DataReaderToStringArray(reader, 19));
diff --git a/src/sqlite/main.cs b/src/sqlite/main.cs
index f78b1661..a24ab813 100644
--- a/src/sqlite/main.cs
+++ b/src/sqlite/main.cs
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ class Sqlite
         * Important, change this if there's any update to database
-       static string lastChronojumpDatabaseVersion = "1.81";
+       static string lastChronojumpDatabaseVersion = "1.82";
        public Sqlite() {
@@ -2576,6 +2576,22 @@ class Sqlite
                                currentVersion = updateVersion("1.81");
+                       if(currentVersion == "1.81")
+                       {
+                               LogB.SQL("Doing alter table jump, jumpRj, tempJumpRj add datetime");
+                               try {
+                                       //sqlite does not have drop column
+                                       executeSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Constants.JumpTable + " ADD COLUMN 
datetime TEXT;");
+                                       executeSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Constants.JumpRjTable + " ADD COLUMN 
datetime TEXT;");
+                                       executeSQL("ALTER TABLE " + Constants.TempJumpRjTable + " ADD COLUMN 
datetime TEXT;");
+                               } catch {
+                                       LogB.SQL("Catched. forceSensor stiffness/stiffnessString already 
+                               }
+                               LogB.SQL("Done!");
+                               currentVersion = updateVersion("1.82");
+                       }
@@ -2789,6 +2805,7 @@ class Sqlite
                //changes [from - to - desc]
 //just testing: 1.79 - 1.80 Converted DB to 1.80 Created table ForceSensorElasticBandGlue and moved 
stiffnessString records there
+               //1.81 - 1.82 Converted DB to 1.82 Doing alter table jump, jumpRj, tempJumpRj add datetime
                //1.80 - 1.81 Converted DB to 1.81 Inserted forceSensorCaptureFeedbackActive /At /Range
                //1.79 - 1.80 Converted DB to 1.80 Inserted forceSensorElasticEccMinDispl, ...
                //1.78 - 1.79 Converted DB to 1.79 Inserted into preferences: encoderWorkKcal
diff --git a/src/treeview/jump.cs b/src/treeview/jump.cs
index 945b0b75..df720a6b 100644
--- a/src/treeview/jump.cs
+++ b/src/treeview/jump.cs
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ public class TreeViewJumps : TreeViewEvent
                myJump.Weight = Convert.ToDouble(myStringOfData[8].ToString());
                //to calculate potency
-               personWeight = Convert.ToDouble(myStringOfData[12]);
+               personWeight = Convert.ToDouble(myStringOfData[13]);
                weightInKg = Util.WeightFromPercentToKg(myJump.Weight, personWeight);
                return myJump;
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ public class TreeViewJumpsRj : TreeViewJumps
                myJumpRj.Weight = Convert.ToDouble(myStringOfData[8].ToString());
-               personWeight = Convert.ToDouble(myStringOfData[19]);
+               personWeight = Convert.ToDouble(myStringOfData[20]);
                weightInKg = Util.WeightFromPercentToKg(myJumpRj.Weight, personWeight);
                return myJumpRj;

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