[vala] (214 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/issue/278

The branch 'wip/issue/278' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  d142af8... Add supported for sealed classes
  4e84e21... WIP

Commits added to the branch:

  465be97... Bump version suffix to 0.48 (*)
  f9acb47... codegen: Move a bunch of methods to static functions (*)
  5182ac2... codegen: Move type-argument checks to SemanticAnalyzer (*)
  72061ee... vala: Warn when directly accessing member of silent cast-ex (*)
  b4ad44e... vala: Add package_name to missing member error for external (*)
  fc246aa... vala: Allow to override virtual interface implementations (*)
  34f49f4... vala: Perform stricter compatibility check for delegates (*)
  9a0cc13... gstreamer: Update from 1.17.0+ git master (*)
  7a1f0b3... gtk4: Update to 3.96.0+bcea9652 (*)
  469d043... gtk4: Constructors of Gtk.MediaFile needs to be static func (*)
  7d317eb... vala: Let methods return an unowned reference to internal c (*)
  4ed61d4... vala: Let DataType.get_return_type() return an unowned refe (*)
  2b00c99... vala: Return unowned references of internal helper symbols (*)
  061c02a... vala: Rename DataType.data_type property to DataType.type_s (*)
  a6bdd4c... codegen: Follow rename of DataType data_type property to ty (*)
  72b187a... valadoc: Follow rename of DataType data_type property to ty (*)
  7f40ed8... vala: Micro optimizations for SemanticAnalyzer (*)
  1618e76... vala: Micro optimizations for MethodCall (*)
  740b5db... vala: Micro optimizations for MemberAccess (*)
  2be23ae... vala: Micro optimizations for Assignment (*)
  29a3cae... vala: Unify backing symbol instance of data-types (*)
  f01dde8... vala: Move common implementations to CallableType (*)
  325c81d... vala: Drop DelegateType.to_qualified_string() which is dupl (*)
  9811ebe... vala: Micro optimizations (*)
  67b98ff... codegen: Accept children after generating type specific dec (*)
  7bfd9a3... ccode: Implicitly register declaration for added CCodeFunct (*)
  b2b162d... Sync NEWS from 0.46 (*)
  f3248c8... codegen: Support gobject property of null-terminated array  (*)
  10754be... vala: Unify backing symbol instance of data-types (2) (*)
  d4bb50a... docs: Mention requirement of autoconf-archive as build-depe (*)
  c39b767... glib-2.0: Set default_value attribute for GLib.pointer (*)
  32d9bb6... codegen: Preserve full access to delegate variables and its (*)
  b5aa04b... codegen: Initialize delegate temp-var which is assigned by  (*)
  f0b5be7... codegen: Silence warning about copying if delegate doesn't  (*)
  1bce8c0... tests: Add dedicated "delegate without target through varar (*)
  bab871f... codegen: Allow passing/retrieving any delegate to/from vara (*)
  2e6f652... codegen: Support gobject property of delegates not carrying (*)
  ca7ab54... vala: Add delegate_target_type and delegate_target_destroy_ (*)
  c054da9... vala: Add DelegateType.target/destroy fields to access its  (*)
  7da59be... tests: Extend "fastvapi" test to increase coverage (*)
  059b748... vala: Fix compatible/disposable check between structs and t (*)
  02d821b... xcb: Fix "missing return statement at end of subroutine bod (*)
  1265b39... avahi-client: Fix "use of possibly unassigned parameter" wa (*)
  2145369... gnutls: Fix "use of possibly unassigned parameter" warnings (*)
  b0f0ad0... tokyocabinet: Fix deprecation warnings (*)
  ecdda66... vala: Don't issue a warning for non-public struct fields in (*)
  d9c368a... vapi: Perform syntax and semantic check for all bindings on (*)
  44b19fd... girparser: Add required copy/free attributes for gtype-boxe (*)
  3c4b42d... codegen: Use gtype-boxed API for structs with "g_boxed_free (*)
  b8c28eb... Regenerate GIR-based bindings to pick up copy/free attribut (*)
  dc1d788... glib-2.0: Add binding for "gettext()" (*)
  91fc970... codegen: Make CCodeBaseModule.generate_method_declaration() (*)
  f413cb3... codegen: Fix custom reference-counting for compact classes (*)
  774f69b... valadoc/tests: Use type for property which is compatible wi (*)
  278797a... libvaladoc: Fix parameter and property ownership declaratio (*)
  c3b972e... libvaladoc: Drop unused code (*)
  743e8f9... libvaladoc: Remove TypeReference.pass_ownership API (*)
  5024c64... glib-2.0: Guard against passing null source to GLib.Memory. (*)
  05a7609... Sync NEWS from 0.46 (*)
  0927777... libvaladoc: Fix ownership declarations of Constants (*)
  9776597... parser: `owned` is not allowed on Constants (*)
  9792611... vala: Replace if-else-tree with switch in UnaryExpression.c (*)
  73dfbd9... vala: Replace if-else-tree with switch in BinaryExpression. (*)
  7db6bc9... codegen: Replace if-else-tree with switch in CCodeBaseModul (*)
  683ee16... vala: Use private argument_list field instead of get_argume (*)
  d392d3d... codegen: ErrorType is not a Symbol (*)
  f3f466b... tests: Add "wrongly named constructor" tests (*)
  40dbdc2... glib-2.0: Add new symbols from 2.64 (*)
  2661221... vala: Respect --abi-stability in Class/Interface.accept_chi (*)
  d79401a... vala: Accept interface as inner type for object-type symbol (*)
  b1d2580... glib-2.0: Add binding for "warning_once()" since 2.64 (*)
  377dd29... gstreamer: Update from 1.17.0+ git master (*)
  4ad6246... webkit2gtk-4.0: Update to 2.27.1 (*)
  555a434... vapi: Update GIR-based bindings (*)
  0943223... girwriter: Restore behaviour for delegate-types (*)
  98d7546... tests: Extent "girwriter" test to increase coverage (*)
  cfb2e99... codegen: Drop unreachable and misplaced code (*)
  7ca183c... tests: Extent "post-condition" virtual method test to incre (*)
  91661e2... tests: Add "default-handler with base-access" signal test t (*)
  0aace7b... codegen: Use G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_INTERFACE to get vtable fo (*)
  33e1154... tests: Fix makefile syntax :( (*)
  f3ce99e... tests: Extend "property base-access" interface test to incr (*)
  513faa8... valadoc: Rename FormalParameter to Parameter (*)
  af8fcf8... codegen: Reduce code duplications when generation base-acce (*)
  7714596... codegen: Use alternative for g_strcmp0 in POSIX profile (*)
  45d21be... codegen: Replace hardcoded "gboolean" references (POSIX) (*)
  30f0146... codegen: Replace hardcoded "gint"/"int" references (POSIX) (*)
  a62d95f... codegen: Replace hardcoded "gpointer" references (POSIX) (*)
  f141770... codegen: Use alternative for g_free in POSIX profile (*)
  b45af91... codegen: Use alternative for g_new0 in POSIX profile (*)
  7841739... codegen: Use alternative for g_renew in POSIX profile (*)
  6ac9b05... codegen: Use alternative for g_memdup in POSIX profile (*)
  1267756... codegen: Replace specific hardcoded "GDestroyNotify" refere (*)
  3c17cba... codegen: Make destroy_value() handle array-types in POSIX p (*)
  fdd9377... codegen: Replace specific hardcoded TRUE/FALSE references ( (*)
  b8ca0d9... codegen: Add required includes or generate used symbols (PO (*)
  bf3fd54... codegen: Create alternative for G_N_ELEMENTS in POSIX profi (*)
  b3ff8af... codegen: Correctly transform arguments of Array.resize() fo (*)
  148f1d9... vala: Allow direct access to array-typed members in POSIX p (*)
  b49b85c... libusb-1.0: Use a wrapper for Context.get_device_list() (*)
  8050521... libusb-1.0: Don't depend on glib-2.0 (*)
  8d55ec8... glib-2.0: Add optional "base" parameter to *.parse/try_pars (*)
  ae72809... glib-2.0: Add (u)int.try_parse() (*)
  3b7082a... posix: Bind some essential memory allocation functions (*)
  925c723... libuse-1.0: Remove unused private "malloc" binding (*)
  bacd147... tests: Make (u)int.try_parse() tests more 32bit friendly (*)
  b540e4e... glib-2.0: Check errno for EINVAL and ERANGE in *.try_parse( (*)
  51cb343... girparser: Detect and replace "-" in parameter names (*)
  554c5ca... webkit2gtk-4.0: Update to 2.27.2 (*)
  d6a6516... vapi: Update GIR-based bindings (*)
  8e91efb... vala: Issue warning when passing arrays to typeof(), except (*)
  bfb50bd... tests: Add "typeof" tests for fundamental GLib.Type (*)
  9b13e24... tests: Add invalid "silent cast of array" test to increase  (*)
  b41694a... linux: Add memfd_create(2) (*)
  e679740... vala: Don't falsely resolve binary-expression to bool (*)
  83af5c8... gtksourceview-2.0: Fix iter parameter in SourceBuffer.backw (*)
  9ab99ed... glib-2.0: Add new symbols from 2.64 (*)
  7b2e66e... gtk+-*.0: Fix iter parameter of TextBuffer.backspace() (*)
  7d3290e... vala: Do not allow += for arrays with fixed length (*)
  ff3ec83... vala: Infer array length of inline allocated arrays for fie (*)
  2e62cf3... vala: Do not allow to .resize() on arrays with fixed length (*)
  c9e00a0... vala: Do not allow to change .length of arrays with fixed l (*)
  4e34272... vala: Improve error message for arrays as type arguments (*)
  5baca30... codegen: Fix setting of generic-type properties for gobject (*)
  8a8db31... girwriter: Add readable="0"/private="1" attribute to type-s (*)
  7cb3a3f... girwriter: Fix position of priv field (--abi-stability) (*)
  8e908c0... codegen: G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC must not declared mo (*)
  988e77e... vala: Improve error reporting for invalid interface prerequ (*)
  9404890... tests: Add invalid "multiple base classes" tests to increas (*)
  a06892e... codegen: Make type-parameter properties readable (*)
  d14248f... vala: Add GenericType.dup/destroy fields (*)
  984c034... vala: Write value of constants/enums in fast-vapi if they a (*)
  47e0679... vala: Don't mark method as used on recursive usage of itsel (*)
  103da8b... gio-2.0: Use custom TaskReadyCallback delegate in Task.repo (*)
  efe38fd... g-i: Calculate size correctly, avoid use-after-free (*)
  ab71791... g-i: Avoid use of uninitialized "markup" warning (*)
  62c964d... g-i: Ignore flags like -mfpmath=sse, -msse or -msse2 (*)
  7c36778... gtk4,gtk4-unix-print: Update to 3.96.0+fbea677a (*)
  39331e2... vala: Support "unowned var" to declare local variables (*)
  417dd66... libvaladoc: Move gmodule-2.0 to Requires.private of pkg-con (*)
  0391ba9... vala: Add missing gmodule-2.0 to Requires.private of pkg-co (*)
  99c0e25... gstreamer: Update from 1.17.0+ git master (*)
  d3e66db... vapi: Update GIR-based bindings (*)
  3197d84... compiler: Add "--list-sources" options to output a list of  (*)
  42dca91... vala: Restore DestroysInstance behaviour for non-compact cl (*)
  6690ea0... vala: Improve check of delegate assignments and initializer (*)
  6139fcf... glib-2.0: Add "has_typedef = false" to custom MarkupParser* (*)
  bdd1382... vala: Set GLib.Error as symbol of error-types if no error-d (*)
  35bfea8... vala: Make Callable derive from Symbol (*)
  2957adf... codegen: Use SemanticAnalyzer.get_data_type_for_symbol() (*)
  dff819f... codegen: Commonize the determining of return-type for deleg (*)
  dd89c26... Sync NEWS from 0.46 (*)
  2fbb228... Release 0.47.1 (*)
  bd5c499... test: Add "GLib.Log constants" tests to increase coverage (*)
  07ff873... test: Add "GLib.Closure parameter" test to increase coverag (*)
  9c7a789... codegen: Fix support of dynamic DBus methods (*)
  d11ee98... vala: Report error for async creation expression without yi (*)
  a91ac04... codegen: Fix vfunc signature of delegate-typed property in  (*)
  9ca70b4... codegen: Share generate_struct_*() helpers between classes  (*)
  5bf8402... vala: Don't require constant initializer in fast-vapi (*)
  8af4e49... tests: Add "invalid address-of" test to increase coverage (*)
  30008bf... vala: scope "owner" of constructor/destructor subroutines i (*)
  626d3e6... gidl/girparser: Creation methods must not be marked as stat (*)
  96635dd... vala: Allow SemanticAnalyzer.get_this_type() to handle more (*)
  5e8005f... vala: Unify "this_parameter" creation using SemanticAnalyze (*)
  49a6d47... vala: Check "this_parameter" if available (*)
  552467a... codegen: Use result of CCodeBaseModule.get_this_type() (*)
  b5442af... vala: VoidType is actually compatible with itself (*)
  7d772d3... vala: Improve handling of "void" as generic type (*)
  f4bad5f... vala: Keep formal_target_type when transforming method-call (*)
  8cd5a57... tests: Fix and make fast-vapi test actually fatal (*)
  a6112f0... vala: Add a basic parameter check for [Print] methods (*)
  0f518f8... gstreamer: Update from 1.17.0+ git master (*)
  e68c0fa... gtk4: Update to 3.96.0+5e11a2ae (*)
  e5dcf78... vapi: Update GIR-based bindings (*)
  cc20843... pango: Update to 1.44+ (*)
  a148cc6... tests: Extend "float and integer" tests to increase coverag (*)
  ba76c57... tests: Add "scanner" tests to increase coverage (*)
  f11b86c... tests: Add "member-access" tests to increase coverage (*)
  44ec058... scanner: "\x" requires two hex digits at most (*)
  6962b8d... parser: Implicit "main" method of main-block is public and  (*)
  e722f76... vala: Let the parser have set namespace members as static (*)
  b054509... vala: Drop Namespace.remove_struct() (*)
  88aa22a... scanner: "\x" requires two hex digits at most and ignore le (*)
  77fe44c... scanner: Improve check of "\u" escape sequence (*)
  aa628ac... vala: Include type_name to default implementation of CCode. (*)
  34409b1... codegen: Fix precondition in creation method of structs (*)
  787a1e3... vala: Don't ignore inner errors in Block and acknowledge th (*)
  6acc214... vala: Don't report further errors if MemberInitializer.chec (*)
  fa51754... test: Add some "method-call" tests to increase coverage (*)
  f491267... webkit2gtk-4.0: Update to 2.27.3 (*)
  ef7e66a... gtk4: Update to 3.96.0+9f69c7f3 (*)
  b234716... gstreamer: Update from 1.17.0+ git master (*)
  8677f09... vala: Improve error message for unsupported inner types and (*)
  8ee44db... vala: Don't allow "va_list" as return-type or type of field (*)
  7551bbb... codegen: Remove unreachable code in TypeRegisterFunction.in (*)
  6b03920... codegen: Improve *_get_type() fast path (requires glib >= 2 (*)
  804160d... codegen: Don't attribute *_get_type_once() with G_GNUC_CONS (*)
  cf4a50c... glib-2.0: Add to_string() for GLib.PollFd and GLib.Pid (*)
  e0a963f... glib-2.0: Add new symbols from 2.64 (*)
  6465dbb... vala: Check before accessing "name" of parent_symbol which  (*)
  edf4b3d... vapi: Update GIR-based bindings (*)
  b977da4... vala: Allow to override base interface properties explicitl (*)
  4e78d77... compiler: Add "--depfile" option writing package dependenci (*)
  1384dd0... genie: Fix parser's inner state when a struct is declared a (*)
  af236c9... glib-2.0: Reset errno before calling strto*() functions. (*)
  8876875... gtk4: Update to 3.96.0+448a4023 (*)
  46274b7... gstreamer: Update from 1.17.0+ git master (*)
  f4ec912... vapi: Update GIR-based bindings (*)
  03b481e... tests: Fix make distcheck (*)
  02ca1ff... Release 0.47.2 (*)
  ce690e9... codegen: Don't set implemenation of interface property to i (*)
  079cd62... Add supported for sealed classes
  ac3217b... WIP

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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