[seahorse/wip/jimmac/nightly-app-icon: 16/16] icon: create a nightly app icon

commit 61c09d663f0be93b840ea0bd6a21066859b6a731
Author: Jakub Steiner <jimmac gmail com>
Date:   Fri Oct 4 21:19:46 2019 +0200

    icon: create a nightly app icon
    - Provide a development variant of the app icon
      See https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/Initiatives/issues/12
      for more info.
    /label ~"9. Initiative: NightlyAppIcons"

 .../icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/org.gnome.seahorse.ApplicationDevel.svg | 1 +
 data/icons/meson.build                                                  | 2 +-
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/data/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/org.gnome.seahorse.ApplicationDevel.svg 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..10106c22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/org.gnome.seahorse.ApplicationDevel.svg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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3.312 1.477-2.617-4.98-1.687 5.117-1.426-1.453-2.617-4.032 3.082L57.625 94zm0 0M70.215 94l1.2 
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94zm0 0M86.215 94l1.2 5.07-3.903-3.28-1.453 2.593 5.011 1.656-5.043 1.59 1.434 2.64 3.953-3.304-1.2 
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0M102.215 94l1.2 5.07-3.903-3.28-1.453 2.593 5.011 1.656-5.043 1.59 1.434 2.64 3.953-3.304-1.2 
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34c0-3.313-2.7-6-6.031-6zm0 0" fill="url(#b)"/><path d="M34 68h24v11
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66h24v11.832L53 78v6l-2 2 2 2v3l-3 3 3 3-2 2 2 2-4 4 4 4-2 2 2 2-9 9h-7l-3-3zm0 0" fill="url(#c)"/><path 
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2.7-6 6.031-6zm0 0" fill="#f6f5f4"/></g><g filter="url(#e)" clip-path="url(#f)" id="h"><use 
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0h128v128H0z"/></g></mask><mask id="o"><use xlink:href="#h"/></mask><filter height="100%" width="100%" y="0%" 
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stroke="#23a168" stroke-width="2"/><path d="M22.215 94l1.2 5.07-3.903-3.28-1.453 2.593 5.011 1.656-5.043 1.59 
1.434 2.64 3.953-3.304-1.2 5.035h3.411l-1.102-4.957 3.836 3.312 1.477-2.617-4.98-1.687 
5.117-1.426-1.453-2.617-4.032 3.082L25.625 94zm0 0" fill="#8ff0a3"/><path d="M56 68v16" fill="
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1.434 2.64 3.953-3.304-1.2 5.035h3.411l-1.102-4.957 3.836 3.312 1.477-2.617-4.98-1.687 
5.117-1.426-1.453-2.617-4.032 3.082L57.625 94zm0 0" fill="#8ff0a3"/><path d="M51 68v16" fill="none" 
stroke="#23a168" stroke-width="2"/><path d="M70.215 94l1.2 5.07-3.903-3.28-1.453 2.593 5.011 1.656-5.043 1.59 
1.434 2.64 3.953-3.304-1.2 5.035h3.411l-1.102-4.957 3.836 3.312 1.477-2.617-4.98-1.687 
5.117-1.426-1.453-2.617-4.032 3.082L73.625 94zm0 0M86.215 94l1.2 5.07-3.903-3.28-1.453 2.593 5.011 
1.656-5.043 1.59 1.434 2.64 3.953-3.304-1.2 5.035h3.411l-1.102-4.957 3.836 3.312 1.477-2.617-4.98-1.687 
5.117-1.426-1.453-2.617-4.032 3.082L89.625 94zm0 0M102.215 94l1.2 5.07-3.903-3.28-1.453 2.593 5.011 
1.656-5.043 1.59 1.434 2.64 3.953-3.304-1.2 5.035h3.411l-1.102-4.957 3.836 3.312 1.477-2.617-4.98-1.687 
5.117-1.426-1.453-2.617-4.032 3.082 1.137-5.09zm0 0" fill="#8ff0a3"/><path d="M16 28h96a8 
 8 0 018 
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fill="#231e30"/><path d="M22 70l-7.2 6 7.2 6zm0 0" fill="#23a168" fill-rule="evenodd"/><path d="M38.215 
94l1.2 5.07-3.903-3.28-1.453 2.593 5.011 1.656-5.043 1.59 1.434 2.64 3.953-3.304-1.2 5.035h3.411l-1.102-4.957 
3.836 3.312 1.477-2.617-4.98-1.687 5.117-1.426-1.453-2.617-4.032 3.082L41.625 94zm0 0" fill="#8ff0a3"/><use 
xlink:href="#n" mask="url(#o)" width="100%" height="100%"/><path d="M45 16c15.465 0 28 12.535 28 28S60.465 72 
45 72 17 59.465 17 44s12.535-28 28-28zm-.031 12c-3.332 0-6.032 2.688-6.032 6 0 3.313 2.7 6 6.032 6S51 37.312 
51 34c0-3.313-2.7-6-6.031-6zm0 0" fill="url(#p)"/><path d="M34 68h24v11.832L53 80v6l-2 2 2 2v3l-3 3 3 3-2 2 2 
2-4 4 4 4-2 2 2 2-9 9h-7l-3-3zm0 0" fill="#75757a"/><path d="M34 66h24v11.832L53 78v6l-2 2 2 2v3l-3 3 3 3-2 2 
2 2-4 4 4 4-2 2 2 2-9 9h-7l-3-3zm0 0" fill="url(#q)"/><path d="M38.586 73.059c1.27-1.266 3.437-.352 3.414 
  2 0 01.
 586-1.445zm0 0" fill="url(#r)"/><path d="M45 14c-15.465 0-28 12.535-28 28s12.535 28 28 28 28-12.535 
28-28-12.535-28-28-28zm.031 12c3.332 0 6.032 2.688 6.032 6 0 3.313-2.7 6-6.032 6S39 35.312 39 32c0-3.313 
2.7-6 6.031-6zm0 0" fill="#f5f5f3"/></svg>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/icons/meson.build b/data/icons/meson.build
index d44854cb..4cd06e55 100644
--- a/data/icons/meson.build
+++ b/data/icons/meson.build
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ install_data(icon_subfolder / 'org.gnome.seahorse.Application-symbolic.svg',
   install_dir: icons_install_dir / icon_subfolder,
 icon_subfolder = 'hicolor' / 'scalable' / 'apps'
-install_data(icon_subfolder / 'org.gnome.seahorse.Application.svg',
+install_data(icon_subfolder / '@0@.svg'.format(application_id),
   install_dir: icons_install_dir / icon_subfolder,

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