[gimp-web/testing] 2019 report: simpler language at drc's suggestion

commit 7bd99c580d2a7f1c5763248b787f737d2837e2f8
Author: Alexandre Prokoudine <alexandre prokoudine gmail com>
Date:   Fri Jan 3 20:03:10 2020 +0300

    2019 report: simpler language at drc's suggestion

 content/news/2020/2020-01-04_2019_annual_report/index.md | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/content/news/2020/2020-01-04_2019_annual_report/index.md 
index 2432ee5e..89ab9aae 100644
--- a/content/news/2020/2020-01-04_2019_annual_report/index.md
+++ b/content/news/2020/2020-01-04_2019_annual_report/index.md
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Either way, there have been three updates in 2019. In terms of focus, here is wh
 ## Usability improvements
 - GIMP is finally able to optionally display and edit pixels outside the canvas boundaries.
-- There's a new preference to allow the editing of layers with disabled visibility.
+- There's a new preference to allow the editing of hidden layers.
 - On-canvas handles of transformation tools can now be readjusted after zooming in or out.
 - The _Free Select_ tool now creates a preliminary selection so that you could both copy and paste the 
selection and tweak positions of nodes when you do a polygonal selection. 
 - You can now switch to a particular layer by pointing at its pixels and pressing `Alt + middle click`.

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