[gnome-music/wip/mschraal/coresong-thumbnail-prop: 179/179] albumartcache: Ditch unused stuff

commit 6802a792a2351d52a9d597d2ff010f6c7ef7aed1
Author: Marinus Schraal <mschraal gnome org>
Date:   Sun Jan 5 17:11:15 2020 +0100

    albumartcache: Ditch unused stuff

 gnomemusic/albumartcache.py | 510 +-------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 509 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gnomemusic/albumartcache.py b/gnomemusic/albumartcache.py
index fbfd1f0f..2cd6fbd1 100644
--- a/gnomemusic/albumartcache.py
+++ b/gnomemusic/albumartcache.py
@@ -24,14 +24,11 @@
 from enum import Enum
 from math import pi
-import os
 import cairo
 import gi
-gi.require_version('GstTag', '1.0')
 gi.require_version('MediaArt', '2.0')
-from gi.repository import (Gdk, GdkPixbuf, Gio, GLib, GObject, Gtk, MediaArt,
-                           Gst, GstTag, GstPbutils)
+from gi.repository import GObject, Gtk, MediaArt
 from gnomemusic.musiclogger import MusicLogger
@@ -156,20 +153,6 @@ class DefaultIcon(GObject.GObject):
 class Art(GObject.GObject):
-    """Retrieves art for an album or song
-    This is the control class for retrieving art.
-    It looks for art in
-    1. The MediaArt cache
-    2. Embedded or in the directory
-    3. Remotely
-    """
-    __gsignals__ = {
-        'finished': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ())
-    }
-    _blacklist = {}
     class Size(Enum):
         """Enum for icon sizes"""
@@ -183,494 +166,3 @@ class Art(GObject.GObject):
             """Intialize width and height"""
             self.width = width
             self.height = height
-    def __init__(self, size, coresong, scale=1):
-        super().__init__()
-        self._size = size
-        self._coresong = coresong
-        # FIXME: Albums do not have a URL.
-        try:
-            self._url = self._coresong.props.url
-        except AttributeError:
-            self._url = None
-        self._surface = None
-        self._scale = scale
-    def lookup(self):
-        """Starts the art lookup sequence"""
-        if self._in_blacklist():
-            self._no_art_available()
-            return
-        cache = Cache()
-        cache.connect('miss', self._cache_miss)
-        cache.connect('hit', self._cache_hit)
-        cache.query(self._coresong)
-    def _cache_miss(self, klass):
-        embedded_art = EmbeddedArt()
-        embedded_art.connect('found', self._embedded_art_found)
-        embedded_art.connect('unavailable', self._embedded_art_unavailable)
-        embedded_art.query(self._coresong)
-    def _cache_hit(self, klass, pixbuf):
-        surface = Gdk.cairo_surface_create_from_pixbuf(
-            pixbuf, self._scale, None)
-        surface = _make_icon_frame(surface, self._size, self._scale)
-        self._surface = surface
-        self.emit('finished')
-    def _embedded_art_found(self, klass):
-        cache = Cache()
-        # In case of an error in local art retrieval, there are two
-        # options:
-        # 1. Go and check for remote art instead
-        # 2. Consider it a fail and add it to the blacklist
-        # Go with option 1 here, because it gives the user the biggest
-        # chance of getting artwork.
-        cache.connect('miss', self._embedded_art_unavailable)
-        cache.connect('hit', self._cache_hit)
-        cache.query(self._coresong)
-    def _embedded_art_unavailable(self, klass):
-        remote_art = RemoteArt()
-        remote_art.connect('retrieved', self._remote_art_retrieved)
-        remote_art.connect('unavailable', self._remote_art_unavailable)
-        remote_art.connect('no-remote-sources', self._remote_art_no_sources)
-        remote_art.query(self._coresong)
-    def _remote_art_retrieved(self, klass):
-        cache = Cache()
-        cache.connect('miss', self._remote_art_unavailable)
-        cache.connect('hit', self._cache_hit)
-        cache.query(self._coresong)
-    def _remote_art_unavailable(self, klass):
-        self._add_to_blacklist()
-        self._no_art_available()
-    def _remote_art_no_sources(self, klass):
-        self._no_art_available()
-    def _no_art_available(self):
-        self._surface = DefaultIcon().get(
-            DefaultIcon.Type.MUSIC, self._size, self._scale)
-        self.emit('finished')
-    def _add_to_blacklist(self):
-        # FIXME: coresong can be a CoreAlbum
-        try:
-            album = self._coresong.props.album
-        except AttributeError:
-            album = self._coresong.props.title
-        artist = self._coresong.props.artist
-        if artist not in self._blacklist:
-            self._blacklist[artist] = []
-        album_stripped = MediaArt.strip_invalid_entities(album)
-        self._blacklist[artist].append(album_stripped)
-    def _in_blacklist(self):
-        # FIXME: coresong can be a CoreAlbum
-        try:
-            album = self._coresong.props.album
-        except AttributeError:
-            album = self._coresong.props.title
-        artist = self._coresong.props.artist
-        album_stripped = MediaArt.strip_invalid_entities(album)
-        if artist in self._blacklist:
-            if album_stripped in self._blacklist[artist]:
-                return True
-        return False
-    @GObject.Property
-    def surface(self):
-        if self._surface is None:
-            self._surface = DefaultIcon().get(
-                DefaultIcon.Type.LOADING, self._size, self._scale)
-        return self._surface
-class Cache(GObject.GObject):
-    """Handles retrieval of MediaArt cache art
-    Uses signals to indicate success or failure.
-    """
-    __gsignals__ = {
-        'miss': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ()),
-        'hit': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, (GObject.GObject, ))
-    }
-    def __init__(self):
-        super().__init__()
-        self._log = MusicLogger()
-        # FIXME: async
-        self.cache_dir = os.path.join(GLib.get_user_cache_dir(), 'media-art')
-        if not os.path.exists(self.cache_dir):
-            try:
-                Gio.file_new_for_path(self.cache_dir).make_directory(None)
-            except GLib.Error as error:
-                self._log.warning(
-                    "Error: {}, {}".format(error.domain, error.message))
-                return
-    def query(self, coresong):
-        """Start the cache query
-        :param CoreSong coresong: The CoreSong object to search art for
-        """
-        thumb_file = lookup_art_file_from_cache(coresong)
-        if thumb_file:
-            thumb_file.read_async(
-                GLib.PRIORITY_LOW, None, self._open_stream, None)
-            return
-        self.emit('miss')
-    def _open_stream(self, thumb_file, result, arguments):
-        try:
-            stream = thumb_file.read_finish(result)
-        except GLib.Error as error:
-            self._log.warning(
-                "Error: {}, {}".format(error.domain, error.message))
-            self.emit('miss')
-            return
-        GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_stream_async(
-            stream, None, self._pixbuf_loaded, None)
-    def _pixbuf_loaded(self, stream, result, data):
-        try:
-            pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_stream_finish(result)
-        except GLib.Error as error:
-            self._log.warning(
-                "Error: {}, {}".format(error.domain, error.message))
-            self.emit('miss')
-            return
-        stream.close_async(GLib.PRIORITY_LOW, None, self._close_stream, None)
-        self.emit('hit', pixbuf)
-    def _close_stream(self, stream, result, data):
-        try:
-            stream.close_finish(result)
-        except GLib.Error as error:
-            self._log.warning(
-                "Error: {}, {}".format(error.domain, error.message))
-class EmbeddedArt(GObject.GObject):
-    """Lookup local art
-    1. Embedded through Gstreamer
-    2. Available in the directory through MediaArt
-    """
-    __gsignals__ = {
-        'found': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ()),
-        'unavailable': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ())
-    }
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '<EmbeddedArt>'
-    def __init__(self):
-        super().__init__()
-        self._log = MusicLogger()
-        try:
-            Gst.init(None)
-            GstPbutils.pb_utils_init()
-        except GLib.Error as error:
-            self._log.warning(
-                "Error: {}, {}".format(error.domain, error.message))
-            return
-        self._media_art = MediaArt.Process.new()
-        self._album = None
-        self._artist = None
-        self._coresong = None
-        self._path = None
-    def query(self, coresong):
-        """Start the local query
-        :param CoreSong coresong: The CoreSong object to search art for
-        """
-        try:
-            if coresong.props.url is None:
-                self.emit('unavailable')
-                return
-        except AttributeError:
-            self.emit('unavailable')
-            return
-        # FIXME: coresong can be a CoreAlbum
-        try:
-            self._album = coresong.props.album
-        except AttributeError:
-            self._album = coresong.props.title
-        self._artist = coresong.props.artist
-        self._coresong = coresong
-        try:
-            discoverer = GstPbutils.Discoverer.new(Gst.SECOND)
-        except GLib.Error as error:
-            self._log.warning(
-                "Error: {}, {}".format(error.domain, error.message))
-            self._lookup_cover_in_directory()
-            return
-        discoverer.connect('discovered', self._discovered)
-        discoverer.start()
-        success, path = MediaArt.get_path(self._artist, self._album, "album")
-        if not success:
-            self.emit('unavailable')
-            discoverer.stop()
-            return
-        self._path = path
-        success = discoverer.discover_uri_async(self._coresong.props.url)
-        if not success:
-            self._log.warning("Could not add url to discoverer.")
-            self.emit('unavailable')
-            discoverer.stop()
-            return
-    def _discovered(self, discoverer, info, error):
-        tags = info.get_tags()
-        index = 0
-        if (error is not None
-                or tags is None):
-            if error:
-                self._log.warning("Discoverer error: {}, {}".format(
-                    Gst.CoreError(error.code), error.message))
-            discoverer.stop()
-            self.emit('unavailable')
-            return
-        while True:
-            success, sample = tags.get_sample_index(Gst.TAG_IMAGE, index)
-            if not success:
-                break
-            index += 1
-            struct = sample.get_info()
-            success, image_type = struct.get_enum(
-                'image-type', GstTag.TagImageType)
-            if not success:
-                continue
-            if image_type != GstTag.TagImageType.FRONT_COVER:
-                continue
-            buf = sample.get_buffer()
-            success, map_info = buf.map(Gst.MapFlags.READ)
-            if not success:
-                continue
-            try:
-                mime = sample.get_caps().get_structure(0).get_name()
-                MediaArt.buffer_to_jpeg(map_info.data, mime, self._path)
-                self.emit('found')
-                discoverer.stop()
-                return
-            except GLib.Error as error:
-                self._log.warning("Error: {}, {}".format(
-                    MediaArt.Error(error.code), error.message))
-        discoverer.stop()
-        self._lookup_cover_in_directory()
-    def _lookup_cover_in_directory(self):
-        # Find local art in cover.jpeg files.
-        self._media_art.uri_async(
-            MediaArt.Type.ALBUM, MediaArt.ProcessFlags.NONE,
-            self._coresong.props.url, self._artist, self._album,
-            GLib.PRIORITY_LOW, None, self._uri_async_cb, None)
-    def _uri_async_cb(self, src, result, data):
-        try:
-            success = self._media_art.uri_finish(result)
-            if success:
-                self.emit('found')
-                return
-        except GLib.Error as error:
-            if MediaArt.Error(error.code) == MediaArt.Error.SYMLINK_FAILED:
-                # This error indicates that the coverart has already
-                # been linked by another concurrent lookup.
-                self.emit('found')
-                return
-            else:
-                self._log.warning("Error: {}, {}".format(
-                    MediaArt.Error(error.code), error.message))
-        self.emit('unavailable')
-class RemoteArt(GObject.GObject):
-    """Looks for remote art through Grilo
-    Uses Grilo coverart providers to retrieve art.
-    """
-    __gsignals__ = {
-        'retrieved': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ()),
-        'unavailable': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ()),
-        'no-remote-sources': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ())
-    }
-    def __init__(self):
-        super().__init__()
-        self._log = MusicLogger()
-        self._artist = None
-        self._album = None
-        self._coresong = None
-        self._grilo = None
-    def query(self, coresong):
-        """Start the remote query
-        :param CoreSong coresong: The CoreSong object to search art for
-        """
-        # FIXME: coresong can be a CoreAlbum
-        try:
-            self._album = coresong.props.album
-        except AttributeError:
-            self._album = coresong.props.title
-        self._artist = coresong.props.artist
-        self._coresong = coresong
-        self.emit('no-remote-sources')
-        # FIXME: This is a total hack. It gets CoreModel from the
-        # CoreAlbum or CoreSong about and then retrieves the CoreGrilo
-        # instance.
-        try:
-            self._grilo = self._coresong._coremodel.props.grilo
-        except AttributeError:
-            self._grilo = self._coresong._grilo
-        if not self._grilo.props.cover_sources:
-            self.emit('no-remote-sources')
-            self._grilo.connect(
-                'notify::cover-sources', self._on_grilo_cover_sources_changed)
-        else:
-            # FIXME: It seems this Grilo query does not always return,
-            # especially on queries with little info.
-            self._grilo.get_album_art_for_item(
-                self._coresong, self._remote_album_art)
-    def _on_grilo_cover_sources_changed(self, klass, data):
-        if self._grilo.props.cover_sources:
-            self._grilo.get_album_art_for_item(
-                self._coresong, self._remote_album_art)
-    def _delete_callback(self, src, result, data):
-        try:
-            src.delete_finish(result)
-        except GLib.Error as error:
-            self._log.warning(
-                "Error: {}, {}".format(error.domain, error.message))
-    def _splice_callback(self, src, result, data):
-        tmp_file, iostream = data
-        iostream.close_async(
-            GLib.PRIORITY_LOW, None, self._close_iostream_callback, None)
-        try:
-            src.splice_finish(result)
-        except GLib.Error as error:
-            self._log.warning(
-                "Error: {}, {}".format(error.domain, error.message))
-            self.emit('unavailable')
-            return
-        success, cache_path = MediaArt.get_path(
-            self._artist, self._album, "album")
-        if not success:
-            self.emit('unavailable')
-            return
-        try:
-            # FIXME: I/O blocking
-            MediaArt.file_to_jpeg(tmp_file.get_path(), cache_path)
-        except GLib.Error as error:
-            self._log.warning(
-                "Error: {}, {}".format(error.domain, error.message))
-            self.emit('unavailable')
-            return
-        self.emit('retrieved')
-        tmp_file.delete_async(
-            GLib.PRIORITY_LOW, None, self._delete_callback, None)
-    def _close_iostream_callback(self, src, result, data):
-        try:
-            src.close_finish(result)
-        except GLib.Error as error:
-            self._log.warning(
-                "Error: {}, {}".format(error.domain, error.message))
-    def _read_callback(self, src, result, data):
-        try:
-            istream = src.read_finish(result)
-        except GLib.Error as error:
-            self._log.warning(
-                "Error: {}, {}".format(error.domain, error.message))
-            self.emit('unavailable')
-            return
-        try:
-            [tmp_file, iostream] = Gio.File.new_tmp()
-        except GLib.Error as error:
-            self._log.warning(
-                "Error: {}, {}".format(error.domain, error.message))
-            self.emit('unavailable')
-            return
-        ostream = iostream.get_output_stream()
-        # FIXME: Passing the iostream here, otherwise it gets
-        # closed. PyGI specific issue?
-        ostream.splice_async(
-            istream, Gio.OutputStreamSpliceFlags.CLOSE_SOURCE
-            | Gio.OutputStreamSpliceFlags.CLOSE_TARGET, GLib.PRIORITY_LOW,
-            None, self._splice_callback, [tmp_file, iostream])
-    def _remote_album_art(self, source, param, item, count, error):
-        if error:
-            self._log.warning("Grilo error {}".format(error))
-            self.emit('unavailable')
-            return
-        thumb_uri = item.get_thumbnail()
-        if (thumb_uri is None
-                or thumb_uri == ""):
-            self.emit('unavailable')
-            return
-        src = Gio.File.new_for_uri(thumb_uri)
-        src.read_async(
-            GLib.PRIORITY_LOW, None, self._read_callback, None)

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