[gnome-clocks/zbrown/list-alarms: 14/25] alarms: update rows for new design

commit 2158c342b9220f3f55b5b94cd83719935134bf6f
Author: Zander Brown <zbrown gnome org>
Date:   Mon Jan 13 16:34:12 2020 +0000

    alarms: update rows for new design
    repeats/labels show/hide automatically now

 data/css/gnome-clocks.css       |  63 ++------------
 data/gnome-clocks.gresource.xml |   2 +-
 data/gtk/help-overlay.ui        |   7 --
 data/ui/alarm.ui                |  42 ++--------
 data/ui/alarmdaypickerrow.ui    |   3 +-
 data/ui/alarmringing.ui         |  29 ++++---
 data/ui/alarmrow.ui             | 180 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 data/ui/alarmsetupdialog.ui     |  96 +++++++--------------
 data/ui/alarmtile.ui            |  31 -------
 src/alarm.vala                  |  83 +++++++++++++-----
 src/headerbar.vala              |   7 +-
 11 files changed, 311 insertions(+), 232 deletions(-)
diff --git a/data/css/gnome-clocks.css b/data/css/gnome-clocks.css
index 5142675..b045384 100644
--- a/data/css/gnome-clocks.css
+++ b/data/css/gnome-clocks.css
@@ -65,66 +65,21 @@ row.snoozing {
     font-weight: bold;
-.alarm-tile:backdrop {
-    color: shade(@insensitive_fg_color,0.9);
-    background-color: transparent;
-    background-image: -gtk-gradient(radial,
-                                    center center, 0,
-                                    center bottom, 1.0,
-                                    from(shade(@insensitive_bg_color,0.9)), 
-.tile.prelight .alarm-tile,
-.tile.prelight .alarm-tile:backdrop {
-    color: @insensitive_fg_color;
-    background-color: transparent;
-    background-image: -gtk-gradient(radial,
-                                    center center, 0,
-                                    center bottom, 1.0,
-                                    from(shade(@insensitive_bg_color,0.99)), 
-.active .alarm-tile,
-.active .alarm-tile:backdrop {
-    color: white;
-    background-color: transparent;
-    background-image: -gtk-gradient(radial,
-                                    center center, 0,
-                                    center bottom, 1.0,
-                                    from(shade(@theme_selected_bg_color,1.2)), to(@theme_selected_bg_color));
+.alarm-row button {
+    min-width: 24px;
+    min-height: 24px;
-.tile.prelight .active .alarm-tile,
-.tile.prelight .active .alarm-tile:backdrop {
-    color: white;
-    text-shadow: 0 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
-    background-color: transparent;
-    background-image: -gtk-gradient(radial,
-                                    center center, 0,
-                                    center bottom, 1.0,
-                                    from(shade(@theme_selected_bg_color, 1.4)), 
+.alarm-name {
+    font-weight: bold;
-.snoozing .alarm-tile,
-.snoozing .alarm-tile:backdrop {
-    color: white;
-    background-color: transparent;
-    background-image: -gtk-gradient(radial,
-                                    center center, 0,
-                                    center bottom, 1.0,
-                                    from(@warning_color), to(shade(@warning_color,0.9)));
+.alarm-time {
+    font-size: 2.5em;
-.tile.prelight .snoozing .alarm-tile,
-.tile.prelight .snoozing .alarm-tile:backdrop {
-    color: white;
-    text-shadow: 0 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
-    background-color: transparent;
-    background-image: -gtk-gradient(radial,
-                                    center center, 0,
-                                    center bottom, 1.0,
-                                    from(shade(@warning_color,1.1)), to(shade(@warning_color,0.99)));
+.alarm-list {
+    border-radius: 6px;
 .clocks-ampm-toggle-button {
diff --git a/data/gnome-clocks.gresource.xml b/data/gnome-clocks.gresource.xml
index a774c8a..30461ed 100644
--- a/data/gnome-clocks.gresource.xml
+++ b/data/gnome-clocks.gresource.xml
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
     <file preprocess="xml-stripblanks">ui/world.ui</file>
     <file preprocess="xml-stripblanks">ui/worldtile.ui</file>
     <file preprocess="xml-stripblanks">ui/alarmringing.ui</file>
-    <file preprocess="xml-stripblanks">ui/alarmtile.ui</file>
+    <file preprocess="xml-stripblanks">ui/alarmrow.ui</file>
     <file preprocess="xml-stripblanks">ui/alarmdaypickerrow.ui</file>
     <file preprocess="xml-stripblanks">ui/alarmsetupdialog.ui</file>
     <file preprocess="xml-stripblanks">ui/alarm.ui</file>
diff --git a/data/gtk/help-overlay.ui b/data/gtk/help-overlay.ui
index f4e3a38..f93eed3 100644
--- a/data/gtk/help-overlay.ui
+++ b/data/gtk/help-overlay.ui
@@ -89,13 +89,6 @@
                 <property name="title" translatable="yes" context="shortcut window">Add an alarm</property>
-            <child>
-              <object class="GtkShortcutsShortcut">
-                <property name="visible">1</property>
-                <property name="accelerator">&lt;ctrl&gt;A</property>
-                <property name="title" translatable="yes" context="shortcut window">Select all 
-              </object>
-            </child>
diff --git a/data/ui/alarm.ui b/data/ui/alarm.ui
index 5b84659..3e1a782 100644
--- a/data/ui/alarm.ui
+++ b/data/ui/alarm.ui
@@ -51,47 +51,15 @@
             <property name="visible">True</property>
             <property name="maximum-width">500</property>
-              <object class="GtkBox">
+              <object class="GtkListBox" id="listbox">
                 <property name="visible">True</property>
-                <property name="margin">24</property>
+                <property name="margin">12</property>
                 <property name="valign">start</property>
-                <property name="orientation">vertical</property>
-                <child>
-                  <object class="GtkListBox" id="listbox">
-                    <property name="visible">True</property>
-                    <property name="selection-mode">none</property>
-                  </object>
-                </child>
-                <child>
-                  <object class="GtkSeparator">
-                    <property name="visible">True</property>
-                    <property name="orientation">horizontal</property>
-                  </object>
-                </child>
-                <child>
-                  <object class="GtkListBox">
-                    <property name="visible">True</property>
-                    <property name="selection-mode">none</property>
-                    <signal name="row-activated" handler="create_alarm" swapped="no"/>
-                    <child>
-                      <object class="GtkListBoxRow">
-                        <property name="visible">True</property>
-                        <child>
-                          <object class="GtkLabel">
-                            <property name="visible">True</property>
-                            <property name="label">Add a new Alarm…</property>
-                            <property name="margin-start">12</property>
-                            <property name="margin-end">12</property>
-                            <property name="margin-top">18</property>
-                            <property name="margin-bottom">18</property>
-                          </object>
-                        </child>
-                      </object>
-                    </child>
-                  </object>
-                </child>
+                <property name="selection-mode">none</property>
+                <property name="activate-on-single-click">False</property>
                   <class name="frame"/>
+                  <class name="alarm-list"/>
diff --git a/data/ui/alarmdaypickerrow.ui b/data/ui/alarmdaypickerrow.ui
index 8c557ce..594684b 100644
--- a/data/ui/alarmdaypickerrow.ui
+++ b/data/ui/alarmdaypickerrow.ui
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
   <template class="ClocksAlarmDayPickerRow" parent="HdyActionRow">
     <property name="visible">True</property>
-    <property name="title">Repeats</property>
+    <property name="title">_Repeat</property>
+    <property name="use-underline">True</property>
     <child type="action">
       <object class="GtkImage" id="icon">
         <property name="visible">True</property>
diff --git a/data/ui/alarmringing.ui b/data/ui/alarmringing.ui
index bf44229..d889110 100644
--- a/data/ui/alarmringing.ui
+++ b/data/ui/alarmringing.ui
@@ -1,13 +1,10 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!-- Generated with glade 3.22.1 -->
-  <!-- interface-requires gtk+ 3.0 -->
+  <requires lib="gtk+" version="3.20"/>
   <template class="ClocksAlarmRingingPanel" parent="GtkGrid">
     <property name="visible">True</property>
     <property name="can_focus">False</property>
-    <property name="visible">True</property>
-    <property name="can_focus">False</property>
-    <property name="halign">center</property>
-    <property name="valign">center</property>
     <property name="hexpand">True</property>
     <property name="vexpand">True</property>
     <property name="row_spacing">48</property>
@@ -20,6 +17,8 @@
         <property name="valign">center</property>
         <property name="justify">center</property>
         <property name="wrap">True</property>
+        <property name="hexpand">True</property>
+        <property name="vexpand">True</property>
           <class name="clocks-ringing-label"/>
@@ -27,14 +26,17 @@
         <property name="left_attach">0</property>
         <property name="top_attach">0</property>
-        <property name="width">1</property>
-        <property name="height">1</property>
       <object class="GtkGrid" id="button_grid">
         <property name="visible">True</property>
         <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+        <property name="halign">center</property>
+        <property name="valign">center</property>
+        <property name="hexpand">True</property>
+        <property name="vexpand">True</property>
+        <property name="row_spacing">24</property>
         <property name="column_spacing">24</property>
           <object class="GtkButton" id="stop_button">
@@ -47,13 +49,12 @@
               <class name="clocks-button"/>
               <class name="clocks-stop"/>
+              <class name="destructive-action"/>
             <property name="left_attach">0</property>
             <property name="top_attach">0</property>
-            <property name="width">1</property>
-            <property name="height">1</property>
@@ -63,24 +64,22 @@
             <property name="visible">True</property>
             <property name="can_focus">True</property>
             <property name="receives_default">True</property>
+            <property name="relief">none</property>
             <signal name="clicked" handler="snooze_clicked" swapped="no"/>
               <class name="clocks-button"/>
+              <class name="clocks-snooze"/>
-            <property name="left_attach">1</property>
-            <property name="top_attach">0</property>
-            <property name="width">1</property>
-            <property name="height">1</property>
+            <property name="left_attach">0</property>
+            <property name="top_attach">1</property>
         <property name="left_attach">0</property>
         <property name="top_attach">1</property>
-        <property name="width">1</property>
-        <property name="height">1</property>
diff --git a/data/ui/alarmrow.ui b/data/ui/alarmrow.ui
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21d4583
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/ui/alarmrow.ui
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!-- Generated with glade 3.22.1 -->
+  <requires lib="gtk+" version="3.20"/>
+  <template class="ClocksAlarmRow" parent="GtkListBoxRow">
+    <property name="visible">True</property>
+    <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+    <property name="activatable">False</property>
+    <property name="selectable">False</property>
+    <child>
+      <object class="GtkGrid">
+        <property name="visible">True</property>
+        <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+        <property name="valign">center</property>
+        <property name="margin_left">12</property>
+        <property name="margin_right">12</property>
+        <property name="margin_top">6</property>
+        <property name="margin_bottom">6</property>
+        <property name="hexpand">True</property>
+        <property name="row_spacing">6</property>
+        <property name="column_spacing">12</property>
+        <child>
+          <object class="GtkSwitch" id="toggle">
+            <property name="visible">True</property>
+            <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+            <property name="tooltip_text" translatable="yes">Active</property>
+            <property name="valign">center</property>
+          </object>
+          <packing>
+            <property name="left_attach">1</property>
+            <property name="top_attach">1</property>
+          </packing>
+        </child>
+        <child>
+          <object class="GtkRevealer" id="title_reveal">
+            <property name="visible">True</property>
+            <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+            <property name="transition_type">slide-up</property>
+            <child>
+              <object class="GtkLabel" id="title">
+                <property name="visible">True</property>
+                <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+                <property name="hexpand">True</property>
+                <property name="label">Name</property>
+                <property name="ellipsize">end</property>
+                <property name="xalign">0</property>
+                <style>
+                  <class name="alarm-name"/>
+                </style>
+              </object>
+            </child>
+          </object>
+          <packing>
+            <property name="left_attach">0</property>
+            <property name="top_attach">0</property>
+            <property name="width">2</property>
+          </packing>
+        </child>
+        <child>
+          <object class="GtkLabel" id="time">
+            <property name="visible">True</property>
+            <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+            <property name="hexpand">True</property>
+            <property name="label">12:34</property>
+            <property name="xalign">0</property>
+            <style>
+              <class name="alarm-time"/>
+            </style>
+          </object>
+          <packing>
+            <property name="left_attach">0</property>
+            <property name="top_attach">1</property>
+          </packing>
+        </child>
+        <child>
+          <object class="GtkRevealer" id="repeats_reveal">
+            <property name="visible">True</property>
+            <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+            <child>
+              <object class="GtkLabel" id="repeats">
+                <property name="visible">True</property>
+                <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+                <property name="hexpand">True</property>
+                <property name="label">Repeats</property>
+                <property name="ellipsize">end</property>
+                <property name="xalign">0</property>
+                <style>
+                  <class name="dim-label"/>
+                  <class name="alarm-repeate"/>
+                </style>
+              </object>
+            </child>
+          </object>
+          <packing>
+            <property name="left_attach">0</property>
+            <property name="top_attach">2</property>
+            <property name="width">2</property>
+          </packing>
+        </child>
+        <child>
+          <object class="GtkSeparator">
+            <property name="visible">True</property>
+            <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+          </object>
+          <packing>
+            <property name="left_attach">2</property>
+            <property name="top_attach">0</property>
+            <property name="height">3</property>
+          </packing>
+        </child>
+        <child>
+          <object class="GtkButton">
+            <property name="visible">True</property>
+            <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+            <property name="receives_default">True</property>
+            <property name="tooltip_text" translatable="yes">Edit</property>
+            <property name="halign">end</property>
+            <property name="valign">center</property>
+            <signal name="clicked" handler="edit" swapped="no"/>
+            <child>
+              <object class="GtkImage">
+                <property name="visible">True</property>
+                <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+                <property name="margin_bottom">1</property>
+                <property name="icon_name">document-edit-symbolic</property>
+              </object>
+            </child>
+            <style>
+              <class name="circular"/>
+            </style>
+          </object>
+          <packing>
+            <property name="left_attach">3</property>
+            <property name="top_attach">1</property>
+          </packing>
+        </child>
+        <child>
+          <object class="GtkButton">
+            <property name="visible">True</property>
+            <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+            <property name="receives_default">True</property>
+            <property name="tooltip_text" translatable="yes">Delete</property>
+            <property name="halign">end</property>
+            <property name="valign">center</property>
+            <signal name="clicked" handler="delete" swapped="no"/>
+            <child>
+              <object class="GtkImage">
+                <property name="visible">True</property>
+                <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+                <property name="icon_name">edit-delete-symbolic</property>
+              </object>
+            </child>
+            <style>
+              <class name="circular"/>
+            </style>
+          </object>
+          <packing>
+            <property name="left_attach">4</property>
+            <property name="top_attach">1</property>
+          </packing>
+        </child>
+        <child>
+          <placeholder/>
+        </child>
+        <child>
+          <placeholder/>
+        </child>
+        <child>
+          <placeholder/>
+        </child>
+        <child>
+          <placeholder/>
+        </child>
+      </object>
+    </child>
+    <style>
+      <class name="alarm-row"/>
+    </style>
+  </template>
diff --git a/data/ui/alarmsetupdialog.ui b/data/ui/alarmsetupdialog.ui
index 473a2b1..4a6d308 100644
--- a/data/ui/alarmsetupdialog.ui
+++ b/data/ui/alarmsetupdialog.ui
@@ -186,78 +186,32 @@
-                  <object class="GtkBox">
+                  <object class="GtkListBox" id="listbox">
                     <property name="visible">True</property>
+                    <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+                    <property name="selection_mode">none</property>
                     <property name="margin">6</property>
-                    <property name="orientation">vertical</property>
-                      <object class="GtkListBox" id="listbox">
+                      <object class="ClocksAlarmDayPickerRow" id="repeats">
                         <property name="visible">True</property>
-                        <property name="can_focus">False</property>
-                        <property name="selection_mode">none</property>
-                        <child>
-                          <object class="HdyActionRow">
-                            <property name="visible">True</property>
-                            <property name="can_focus">True</property>
-                            <property name="activatable_widget">name_entry</property>
-                            <property name="title" translatable="yes">Name</property>
-                            <child type="action">
-                              <object class="GtkEntry" id="name_entry">
-                                <property name="visible">True</property>
-                                <property name="can_focus">True</property>
-                                <property name="valign">center</property>
-                                <property name="hexpand">True</property>
-                                <property name="activates_default">True</property>
-                                <signal name="changed" handler="entry_changed" 
object="ClocksAlarmSetupDialog" swapped="no"/>
-                              </object>
-                            </child>
-                          </object>
-                        </child>
-                        <child>
-                          <object class="ClocksAlarmDayPickerRow" id="repeats">
-                            <property name="visible">True</property>
-                            <signal name="days_changed" handler="days_changed" swapped="no" />
-                          </object>
-                        </child>
+                        <signal name="days_changed" handler="days_changed" swapped="no" />
-                      <object class="GtkBox" id="delete_area">
-                        <property name="visible">False</property>
-                        <property name="no-show-all">True</property>
-                        <property name="orientation">vertical</property>
-                        <child>
-                          <object class="GtkSeparator">
-                            <property name="visible">True</property>
-                            <property name="orientation">horizontal</property>
-                          </object>
-                        </child>
-                        <child>
-                          <object class="GtkListBox">
+                      <object class="HdyActionRow">
+                        <property name="visible">True</property>
+                        <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+                        <property name="activatable_widget">name_entry</property>
+                        <property name="title" translatable="yes">Name</property>
+                        <property name="subtitle" translatable="yes">Optional</property>
+                        <child type="action">
+                          <object class="GtkEntry" id="name_entry">
                             <property name="visible">True</property>
-                            <property name="can_focus">False</property>
-                            <property name="selection_mode">none</property>
-                            <signal name="row-activated" handler="delete_alarm" swapped="no"/>
-                            <child>
-                              <object class="GtkListBoxRow">
-                                <property name="visible">True</property>
-                                <property name="can_focus">True</property>
-                                <child>
-                                  <object class="GtkLabel">
-                                    <property name="visible">True</property>
-                                    <property name="can_focus">False</property>
-                                    <property name="margin_left">12</property>
-                                    <property name="margin_right">12</property>
-                                    <property name="margin_top">18</property>
-                                    <property name="margin_bottom">18</property>
-                                    <property name="label" translatable="yes">Delete Alarm</property>
-                                    <style>
-                                      <class name="destructive-action"/>
-                                    </style>
-                                  </object>
-                                </child>
-                              </object>
-                            </child>
+                            <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+                            <property name="valign">center</property>
+                            <property name="hexpand">True</property>
+                            <property name="activates_default">True</property>
+                            <signal name="changed" handler="entry_changed" object="ClocksAlarmSetupDialog" 
@@ -267,6 +221,20 @@
+                <child>
+                  <object class="GtkButton" id="delete_button">
+                    <property name="visible">True</property>
+                    <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+                    <property name="label" translatable="yes">R_emove Alarm</property>
+                    <property name="use-underline">True</property>
+                    <property name="margin">6</property>
+                    <property name="halign">start</property>
+                    <signal name="clicked" handler="delete" swapped="no" />
+                    <style>
+                      <class name="destructive-action"/>
+                    </style>
+                  </object>
+                </child>
                   <object class="GtkRevealer" id="label_revealer">
                     <property name="visible">True</property>
diff --git a/src/alarm.vala b/src/alarm.vala
index e87553d..c38c686 100644
--- a/src/alarm.vala
+++ b/src/alarm.vala
@@ -276,32 +276,43 @@ private class Item : Object, ContentItem {
-[GtkTemplate (ui = "/org/gnome/clocks/ui/alarmtile.ui")]
-private class Row : Hdy.ActionRow {
+[GtkTemplate (ui = "/org/gnome/clocks/ui/alarmrow.ui")]
+private class Row : Gtk.ListBoxRow {
     public Item alarm { get; construct set; }
     public Face face { get; construct set; }
     private Gtk.Switch toggle;
+    private Gtk.Label title;
+    [GtkChild]
+    private Gtk.Revealer title_reveal;
+    [GtkChild]
+    private Gtk.Label time;
+    [GtkChild]
     private Gtk.Label repeats;
+    [GtkChild]
+    private Gtk.Revealer repeats_reveal;
     public Row (Item alarm, Face face) {
         Object (alarm: alarm, face: face);
-        alarm.bind_property ("name", this, "subtitle", BindingFlags.DEFAULT | BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE);
-        alarm.bind_property ("active", toggle, "active", BindingFlags.DEFAULT | BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE);
+        alarm.notify["days"].connect (update_repeats);
+        alarm.bind_property ("active", toggle, "active", SYNC_CREATE | BIDIRECTIONAL);
+        alarm.notify["name"].connect (update);
         alarm.notify["active"].connect (update);
         alarm.notify["state"].connect (update);
         alarm.notify["time"].connect (update);
-        alarm.notify["days"].connect (update);
+        update_repeats ();
         update ();
-    public override void activate () {
-        face.edit(alarm);
+    private void update_repeats () {
+        repeats_reveal.reveal_child = !alarm.days.empty;
+        repeats.label = alarm.days_label;
     private void update () {
@@ -313,13 +324,41 @@ private class Row : Hdy.ActionRow {
         if (alarm.state == Item.State.SNOOZING) {
             get_style_context ().add_class ("snoozing");
-            title = "%s (%s)".printf (alarm.snooze_time_label, alarm.time_label);
+            time.label = alarm.snooze_time_label;
         } else {
             get_style_context ().remove_class ("snoozing");
-            title = alarm.time_label;
+            time.label = alarm.time_label;
-        repeats.label = alarm.days_label;
+        var label = alarm.name;
+        // Prior to 3.36 unamed alarms would just be called "Alarm",
+        // pretend alarms called "Alarm" don't have a name (of course
+        // this fails if the language/translation has since changed)
+        if (alarm.name == _("Alarm")) {
+            label = null;
+        }
+        if (alarm.state == Item.State.SNOOZING) {
+            if (label != null && label.length > 0) {
+                label = "Snoozed from %s: %s".printf (alarm.time_label, label);
+            } else {
+                label = "Snoozed from %s".printf (alarm.time_label);
+            }
+        }
+        title_reveal.reveal_child = label != null && label.length > 0;
+        title.label = label;
+    }
+    [GtkCallback]
+    private void edit () {
+        face.edit (alarm);
+    }
+    [GtkCallback]
+    private void delete () {
+        face.delete (alarm);
@@ -514,7 +553,7 @@ private class SetupDialog : Hdy.Dialog {
     private Gtk.ListBox listbox;
-    private Gtk.Box delete_area;
+    private Gtk.Button delete_button;
     private List<Item> other_alarms;
     static construct {
@@ -524,7 +563,7 @@ private class SetupDialog : Hdy.Dialog {
     public SetupDialog (Gtk.Window parent, Item? alarm, ListModel all_alarms) {
         Object (transient_for: parent, title: alarm != null ? _("Edit Alarm") : _("New Alarm"), 
use_header_bar: 1);
-        delete_area.visible = alarm != null;
+        delete_button.visible = alarm != null;
         listbox.set_header_func((Gtk.ListBoxUpdateHeaderFunc) Hdy.list_box_separator_header);
         other_alarms = new List<Item> ();
@@ -570,7 +609,8 @@ private class SetupDialog : Hdy.Dialog {
         if (alarm == null) {
             var wc = Utils.WallClock.get_default ();
-            name = _("Alarm");
+            // Not great but we can't null it
+            name = "";
             hour = wc.date_time.get_hour ();
             minute = wc.date_time.get_minute ();
             days = null;
@@ -668,11 +708,12 @@ private class SetupDialog : Hdy.Dialog {
-    private void delete_alarm () {
-        response(2);
+    private void delete () {
+        response (2);
 [GtkTemplate (ui = "/org/gnome/clocks/ui/alarmringing.ui")]
 private class RingingPanel : Gtk.Grid {
     public Item alarm {
@@ -736,7 +777,7 @@ public class Face : Gtk.Stack, Clocks.Clock {
     public ViewMode view_mode { get; set; default = NORMAL; }
     public PanelId panel_id { get; construct set; }
     public ButtonMode button_mode { get; set; default = NEW; }
-    public bool can_select { get; set; default = true; }
+    public bool can_select { get; set; default = false; }
     public bool n_selected { get; set; }
     public string title { get; set; default = _("Clocks"); }
     public string subtitle { get; set; }
@@ -832,11 +873,6 @@ public class Face : Gtk.Stack, Clocks.Clock {
-    [GtkCallback]
-    private void create_alarm () {
-        activate_new();
-    }
     private void load () {
         alarms.deserialize (settings.get_value ("alarms"), Item.deserialize);
@@ -865,6 +901,11 @@ public class Face : Gtk.Stack, Clocks.Clock {
         dialog.show_all ();
+    internal void delete (Item alarm) {
+        alarms.delete_item (alarm);
+        save ();
+    }
     private void show_ringing_panel (Item alarm) {
         ringing_panel.alarm = alarm;
         ringing_panel.update ();
diff --git a/src/headerbar.vala b/src/headerbar.vala
index a114e23..367e662 100644
--- a/src/headerbar.vala
+++ b/src/headerbar.vala
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ public class Clocks.HeaderBar : Hdy.HeaderBar {
         set {
             _mode = value;
+            var width = get_allocated_width ();
             switch (_mode) {
                 case SELECTION:
                     title_stack.visible_child_name = "selection";
@@ -52,6 +54,7 @@ public class Clocks.HeaderBar : Hdy.HeaderBar {
                     select_stack.hide ();
                     end_button_stack.visible_child_name = "cancel";
                     centering_policy = LOOSE;
+                    switcher_bar.reveal = width <= 500;
                 case NORMAL:
                     title_stack.visible_child_name = "switcher";
@@ -61,6 +64,7 @@ public class Clocks.HeaderBar : Hdy.HeaderBar {
                     select_stack.show ();
                     end_button_stack.visible_child_name = "menu";
                     centering_policy = STRICT;
+                    switcher_bar.reveal = width <= 500;
                 case STANDALONE:
                     title_stack.visible_child_name = "title";
@@ -68,6 +72,7 @@ public class Clocks.HeaderBar : Hdy.HeaderBar {
                     end_button_stack.hide ();
                     select_stack.hide ();
                     centering_policy = STRICT;
+                    switcher_bar.reveal = false;
@@ -148,7 +153,7 @@ public class Clocks.HeaderBar : Hdy.HeaderBar {
         squeezer.set_child_enabled (title_wide_switcher, allocation.width > 800);
         squeezer.set_child_enabled (title_narrow_switcher, allocation.width > 500);
         squeezer.set_child_enabled (title_text, allocation.width <= 500);
-        switcher_bar.set_reveal (allocation.width <= 500);
+        switcher_bar.reveal = allocation.width <= 500 && view_mode != STANDALONE;

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