[gnumeric: 1/2] Add invoke examples for ssconvert/export-graphs.

commit c79866aa361162a5c74cd2125b2a7c433d2c3736
Author: Shlomi Fish <shlomif shlomifish org>
Date:   Mon Feb 10 20:19:47 2020 +0200

    Add invoke examples for ssconvert/export-graphs.
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 doc/ssconvert.1 | 10 ++++++++++
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+)
diff --git a/doc/ssconvert.1 b/doc/ssconvert.1
index 6e7e39f5e..c814772e3 100644
--- a/doc/ssconvert.1
+++ b/doc/ssconvert.1
@@ -373,6 +373,16 @@ specifying the semicolon as the separator character:
 \fBssconvert\fR \fB-O 'separator=; format=raw'\fR \fIsamples/excel/statfuns.xls\fR \fIstatfuns.txt\fR
+To export the charts from the input file \fIinput.gnumeric\fR to numbered
+SVG files:
+\fBssconvert\fR \fB\-\-export\-graphs\fR \fIinput.gnumeric\fR \fI'output.%n.svg'\fR
+To export the charts from the input file \fIinput.gnumeric\fR to numbered
+PNG files:
+\fBssconvert\fR \fB\-\-export\-type=png\fR \fB\-\-export\-graphs\fR \fIinput.gnumeric\fR 

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