[gnome-klotski] More internal documentation.

commit 34dc9f0e26e5e90203a1f214631d45c0016db453
Author: Arnaud Bonatti <arnaud bonatti gmail com>
Date:   Sun Feb 9 04:32:14 2020 +0100

    More internal documentation.

 src/puzzle-view.vala |   4 +-
 src/puzzle.vala      | 119 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 2 files changed, 75 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/puzzle-view.vala b/src/puzzle-view.vala
index dbdac41..e1ef9df 100644
--- a/src/puzzle-view.vala
+++ b/src/puzzle-view.vala
@@ -208,9 +208,9 @@ private class PuzzleView : Gtk.DrawingArea
         if (puzzle.get_piece_id (puzzle.map, x, y) == '*')
-            uint8 tile_value = 22;
+            uint8 tile_value = 22;  // pyramid; only the center will be used, for marking the red donkey
             if (puzzle.get_piece_id (puzzle.orig_map, x, y) == '.')
-                tile_value = 20;
+                tile_value = 20;    // if at the final place, just use the green dots as usual
             int overlay_size = THEME_OVERLAY_SIZE * tile_size / THEME_TILE_SIZE;
             int overlay_offset = THEME_TILE_CENTER * tile_size / THEME_TILE_SIZE - overlay_size / 2;
diff --git a/src/puzzle.vala b/src/puzzle.vala
index e676770..8ad560d 100644
--- a/src/puzzle.vala
+++ b/src/puzzle.vala
@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@
 private class Puzzle : Object
-      1   2   4
+        1   2   4
-      8   *   16
+        8   *  16
-      32  64  128
+        32 64 128
     private const int [] image_map =
@@ -56,49 +56,76 @@ private class Puzzle : Object
         72,  19, // ┓
         /* Follows in the file */
-        // small dot for creating the target
-        // empty
-        // dots for marking the red donkey, but not at scale? fixed thing?
-        // square for exit door
-        // black square (?)
-        // ??
-        /* Misc */
-        56,   5,
-        152,  5,
-        70,   2,
-        67,   2,
-        194,  2,
-        98,   2,
-        9,    6,
-        20,   4,
-        144,  4,
-        3,    3,
-        40,   6,
-        25,   5,
-        28,   5,
-        96,   1,
-        19,  16,
-        201, 19,
-        146, 16,
-        198,  2,
-        84,  18,
-        46,  17,
-        112, 18,
-        6,    3,
-        184,  5,
-        192,  1,
-        147, 16,
-        73,  19,
-        42,  17,
-        200, 19,
-        99,   2,
-        116, 18,
-        29,   5,
-        14,  17,
-        26,  25,
-        224,  1,
+        // 20 = small dot for creating the target; direct return from get_piece_nr()
+        // 21 = empty; direct return from get_piece_nr()
+        // 22 = pyramid; its center (only!) is used for making the dots on the red donkey; used from 
+        // 23 = square for exit door, direct return from get_piece_nr()
+        //      black square (?)
+        //      ??
+        /* left and right and */
+        25,   5, // top-left
+        28,   5, // top-right
+        56,   5, // bottom-left
+        152,  5, // bottom-right
+        184,  5, // bottom-left and bottom-right; used in Sunshine and Pelopones
+        29,   5, // top-left and top-right; used in Sunshine
+        // nine more doable
+        /* top and bottom and */
+        67,   2, // top-left
+        70,   2, // top-right
+        98,   2, // bottom-left
+        194,  2, // bottom-right
+        99,   2, // top-left and bottom-left; used in Sunshine
+        198,  2, // top-right and bottom-right; used in Sunshine
+        // nine more doable
+        /* left and */
+        9,    6, // top-left
+        40,   6, // bottom-left
+        // one more doable
+        /* right and */
+        20,   4, // top-right
+        144,  4, // bottom-right
+        // one more doable
+        /* top and */
+        3,    3, // top-left
+        6,    3, // top-right
+        // one more doable
+        /* bottom and */
+        96,   1, // bottom-left
+        192,  1, // bottom-right
+        224,  1, // bottom-left and bottom-right; used in Shark and Transeuropa (1/2)
+        /* top and left and */
+        14,  17, // top-right
+        42,  17, // bottom-left
+        46,  17, // top-right and bottom-left
+        /* top and right and */
+        19,  16, // top-left
+        146, 16, // bottom-right
+        147, 16, // top-left and bottom-right
+        /* bottom and left and */
+        73,  19, // top-left
+        200, 19, // bottom-right
+        201, 19, // top-left and bottom-right
+        /* bottom and right and */
+        84,  18, // top-right
+        112, 18, // bottom-left
+        116, 18, // top-right and bottom-left
+        /* top and left and right */
+        26,  25, // used in Shark and Transeuropa (2/2)
+        // many more of this kind doable
+        /* end of array */
         -1,  -1

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