[tracker/wip/carlosg/tracker-3.0-api-breaks: 14/92] libtracker-sparql: Drop named/anon graph arguments from DBus methods

commit d5430e08af01b6836ad36abc45e4535107fe91ef
Author: Carlos Garnacho <carlosg gnome org>
Date:   Wed Dec 18 15:47:01 2019 +0100

    libtracker-sparql: Drop named/anon graph arguments from DBus methods
    We have to think first how the DBus interface and a hypothetical search
    portal would interfact for those to be useful. This might be added back
    in the same/different shape in the future, but remove it at the moment
    to make porting from org.freedesktop.Tracker1.Resources/Steroids easier.

 src/libtracker-sparql/tracker-endpoint-dbus.c | 17 +++--------------
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/libtracker-sparql/tracker-endpoint-dbus.c b/src/libtracker-sparql/tracker-endpoint-dbus.c
index 975e5baed..060e89665 100644
--- a/src/libtracker-sparql/tracker-endpoint-dbus.c
+++ b/src/libtracker-sparql/tracker-endpoint-dbus.c
@@ -32,25 +32,17 @@ static const gchar introspection_xml[] =
        "  <interface name='org.freedesktop.Tracker1.Endpoint'>"
        "    <method name='Query'>"
-       "      <arg type='as' name='anon_graphs' direction='in' />"
-       "      <arg type='as' name='named_graphs' direction='in' />"
        "      <arg type='s' name='query' direction='in' />"
        "      <arg type='h' name='output_stream' direction='in' />"
        "      <arg type='as' name='result' direction='out' />"
        "    </method>"
        "    <method name='Update'>"
-       "      <arg type='as' name='anon_graphs' direction='in' />"
-       "      <arg type='as' name='named_graphs' direction='in' />"
        "      <arg type='h' name='input_stream' direction='in' />"
        "    </method>"
        "    <method name='UpdateArray'>"
-       "      <arg type='as' name='anon_graphs' direction='in' />"
-       "      <arg type='as' name='named_graphs' direction='in' />"
        "      <arg type='h' name='input_stream' direction='in' />"
        "    </method>"
        "    <method name='UpdateBlank'>"
-       "      <arg type='as' name='anon_graphs' direction='in' />"
-       "      <arg type='as' name='named_graphs' direction='in' />"
        "      <arg type='h' name='input_stream' direction='in' />"
        "      <arg type='aaa{ss}' name='result' direction='out' />"
        "    </method>"
@@ -393,8 +385,7 @@ endpoint_dbus_iface_method_call (GDBusConnection       *connection,
        fd_list = g_dbus_message_get_unix_fd_list (g_dbus_method_invocation_get_message (invocation));
        if (g_strcmp0 (method_name, "Query") == 0) {
-               /* FIXME: Anon/named graphs are ignored ATM */
-               g_variant_get (parameters, "(asassh)", NULL, NULL, &query, &handle);
+               g_variant_get (parameters, "(sh)", &query, &handle);
                if (fd_list)
                        fd = g_unix_fd_list_get (fd_list, handle, &error);
@@ -418,8 +409,7 @@ endpoint_dbus_iface_method_call (GDBusConnection       *connection,
                g_free (query);
        } else if (g_strcmp0 (method_name, "Update") == 0 ||
                   g_strcmp0 (method_name, "UpdateArray") == 0) {
-               /* FIXME: Anon/named graphs are ignored ATM */
-               g_variant_get (parameters, "(asash)", NULL, NULL, &handle);
+               g_variant_get (parameters, "(h)", &handle);
                if (fd_list)
                        fd = g_unix_fd_list_get (fd_list, handle, &error);
@@ -438,8 +428,7 @@ endpoint_dbus_iface_method_call (GDBusConnection       *connection,
                        update_request_read_next (request, read_update_cb);
        } else if (g_strcmp0 (method_name, "UpdateBlank") == 0) {
-               /* FIXME: Anon/named graphs are ignored ATM */
-               g_variant_get (parameters, "(asash)", NULL, NULL, &handle);
+               g_variant_get (parameters, "(h)", &handle);
                if (fd_list)
                        fd = g_unix_fd_list_get (fd_list, handle, &error);

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