[gtk] (90 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/ottie/print

The branch 'wip/ottie/print' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  98337f7... gsk: Add GskPath
  4eb7d68... gsk: Add GskFillNode
  e7bbed5... snapshot: Add gtk_snapshot_push_fill()
  3c91d0b... demos: Add a simple demo filling a path
  c279e1a... gsk: Add GskStroke
  2d7897a... gsk: Add GskStrokeNode
  118e41f... snapshot: Add gtk_snapshot_push_stroke()
  2bd3aa3... popover: Use fill and stroke nodes instead of Cairo
  9a2e4ac... path: Change data structure for standard path
  207feeb... gsk: Add GskPathMeasure
  c82ad02... path: Add gsk_path_builder_add_path()
  483a477... pathmeasure: Add gsk_path_measure_add_segment()
  a3ac003... testsuite: Add path tests
  d2cfe74... path: Collect flags
  801c634... path: Add gsk_path_foreach()
  a0b9238... path: Implement gsk_path_to_cairo() using foreach()
  b0d6130... pathmeasure: Implement support for beziers
  fc2c6f1... path: Add gsk_path_add_circle()
  e4c147c... path: Add gsk_path_measure_get_point()
  b658c26... xxx: path_fill demo
  5d69887... gtk-demo: Add a text-on-path demo
  f7c3673... testsuite: Add tests for gsk_path_measure_add_segment()
  00b9af6... spline: Use Skia's tolerance checks
  790a420... path: Add gsk_path_measure_get_closest_point()
  445b238... testsuite: Add tests for gsk_path_measure_get_closest_point
  9b957c2... gtk-demo: Add cute maze demo
  7ff6235... testsuite: Update create_random_path()
  76d6fed... testsuite: Add a test for get_point()
  916d950... testsuite: Add a test using get_point() and get_closest_poi
  5225d01... path: Split GskPathBuilder into its own file
  c74970e... xxx: demo
  9fe71e7... pathbuilder: Redo semantics for starting curves
  683729c... path: Add GSK_CIRCLE_POINT_INIT() to initialize points on t
  237c37f... pathbuilder: Add relative path commands
  120e449... testsuite: Add relative path functions
  ff47bfd... Documentation typo fixes
  6917741... stroke: Add miter limit
  abbbaef... path: Implement SVG arcs
  2478963... path: Implement gsk_path_parse
  87b3cb1... testsuite: Add librsvg path tests
  a7ba2bd... path: Fix serialization for circles
  cb10cf0... path: Special-case rects and circles
  34725c1... testsuite: Add a parsing test
  a593110... Implement gsk_path_measure_in_fill
  78a07cd... testsuite: Add an in_fill() test
  a71c3ca... path: Add flags to gsk_path_foreach()
  dedc83f... gsk: Implement parsing fill and stroke nodes
  63b90ee... stroke: Add support for dashes
  5ae231d... path: Make all private contour APIs take a GskContour
  c8c713f... path: Split contours into their own file
  a2671b4... path: Rename to gtk_path_builder_add_segment()
  1613133... path: Add conic curves
  98842b7... WIP: pathbuilder: Add gsk_path_builder_add_rounded_rect()
  33a0b41... WIP: css: Replace border rendering code with GskPath
  0b33b5a... path: Introduce gskpathop
  8e2896e... path: Add GskCurve
  86d106a... testsuite: Add conics to the random paths
  1e2e9ed... Add gsk_curve_get_{start,end}_tangent
  00883bb... curve: Split eval() into get_point() and get_tangent()
  7ddb13e... testuite: Add tests for gsk_curve_get_point()
  80db090... testuite: Add tests for gsk_curve_get_tangent()
  db6228b... testsuite: Add a test for gsk_curve_decompose()
  a6d1e9f... path: Add gsk_curve_segment()
  1e96041... testsuite: Add a test for the conic that got us segment()
  b1d4b37... testsuite Add curve tangent tests
  37717e1... path: Always decompose conics into at least 2 segments
  f14529b... path: Deal with non-uniformness of progress parameter
  c24d199... path: Add a foreach function that dashes a path
  cce4959... testsuite: Add tests for the dasher
  a4080fb... Add gsk_path_get_stroke_bounds
  fad8462... xxx path)_fill
  694b9a2... Add gsk_path_measure_get_{path,tolerance}
  dc123e4... path: Add gsk_path_measure_restrict_to_contour()
  340cc3f... path: Add gsk_path_measure_is_closed ()
  893a1dc... path: Change semantics of gtk_path_builder_add_segment()
  16afd9b... path: Add gsk_path_builder_add_ellipse()
  34bb1bf... gsk: Add gsk_path_builder_add_layout
  5b4956e... path fill demo: Use gsk_path_builder_add_layout
  58acd83... gtk-demo: Make path-text demo use gsk_builder_add_layout()
  b333f8f... gtk-demo: Rewrite the text mask demo
  bdd2453... path: Move gsk_path_new_from_cairo() away
  1f51266... Ottie: Add
  709e5c9... ottie: Add a command-line tool
  e4680e0... ottie: Add a snapshot testsuite test
  8613481... Ottie: Add Fantastic, the Ottie Editor
  ac6050e... Add some docs
  79f86b6... ottie: Add printing
  e96b696... fantastic: Implement saving

Commits added to the branch:

  72f5c6d... API: Add gtk_picture_add_paintable_bounds() (*)
  8c6c1c6... gsk: Add GskPath (*)
  89cb862... gsk: Add GskFillNode (*)
  95e72be... snapshot: Add gtk_snapshot_push_fill() (*)
  2713766... demos: Add a simple demo filling a path (*)
  b9c6586... gsk: Add GskStroke (*)
  7752462... gsk: Add GskStrokeNode (*)
  ca2059b... snapshot: Add gtk_snapshot_push_stroke() (*)
  1a03d73... popover: Use fill and stroke nodes instead of Cairo (*)
  d270456... path: Change data structure for standard path (*)
  0e69f58... gsk: Add GskPathMeasure (*)
  1783c9b... path: Add gsk_path_builder_add_path() (*)
  53b64f6... pathmeasure: Add gsk_path_measure_add_segment() (*)
  cda8d66... testsuite: Add path tests (*)
  811d248... path: Collect flags (*)
  7ff39c6... path: Add gsk_path_foreach() (*)
  865c4da... path: Implement gsk_path_to_cairo() using foreach() (*)
  9fd1dea... pathmeasure: Implement support for beziers (*)
  e024982... path: Add gsk_path_add_circle() (*)
  4a1dcef... path: Add gsk_path_measure_get_point() (*)
  073c98a... xxx: path_fill demo (*)
  e6249c6... gtk-demo: Add a text-on-path demo (*)
  8cd37aa... testsuite: Add tests for gsk_path_measure_add_segment() (*)
  758958a... spline: Use Skia's tolerance checks (*)
  2cd08ec... path: Add gsk_path_measure_get_closest_point() (*)
  3533d58... testsuite: Add tests for gsk_path_measure_get_closest_point (*)
  0c3c5c9... gtk-demo: Add cute maze demo (*)
  cc2523b... testsuite: Update create_random_path() (*)
  e9f4047... testsuite: Add a test for get_point() (*)
  4d38358... testsuite: Add a test using get_point() and get_closest_poi (*)
  1c308f0... path: Split GskPathBuilder into its own file (*)
  f3dfcbd... xxx: demo (*)
  01a12b0... pathbuilder: Redo semantics for starting curves (*)
  8b330e3... path: Add GSK_CIRCLE_POINT_INIT() to initialize points on t (*)
  d0f6346... pathbuilder: Add relative path commands (*)
  47ca083... testsuite: Add relative path functions (*)
  5c15a26... Documentation typo fixes (*)
  6292519... stroke: Add miter limit (*)
  b7931f9... path: Implement SVG arcs (*)
  358a7e8... path: Implement gsk_path_parse (*)
  01536b4... testsuite: Add librsvg path tests (*)
  68a3561... path: Fix serialization for circles (*)
  ca4d1de... path: Special-case rects and circles (*)
  fe31eef... testsuite: Add a parsing test (*)
  04b9746... Implement gsk_path_measure_in_fill (*)
  745a879... testsuite: Add an in_fill() test (*)
  1dd85f0... path: Add flags to gsk_path_foreach() (*)
  662001c... gsk: Implement parsing fill and stroke nodes (*)
  6fdbe22... stroke: Add support for dashes (*)
  0b7e0d4... path: Make all private contour APIs take a GskContour (*)
  8959654... path: Split contours into their own file (*)
  70b84a7... path: Rename to gtk_path_builder_add_segment() (*)
  28d5833... path: Add conic curves (*)
  60a2886... WIP: pathbuilder: Add gsk_path_builder_add_rounded_rect() (*)
  9759262... WIP: css: Replace border rendering code with GskPath (*)
  43c010f... path: Introduce gskpathop (*)
  ef10028... path: Add GskCurve (*)
  e36d8c1... testsuite: Add conics to the random paths (*)
  cf88197... Add gsk_curve_get_{start,end}_tangent (*)
  6855c28... curve: Split eval() into get_point() and get_tangent() (*)
  d4fd835... testuite: Add tests for gsk_curve_get_point() (*)
  4fac596... testuite: Add tests for gsk_curve_get_tangent() (*)
  617ffad... testsuite: Add a test for gsk_curve_decompose() (*)
  9ac9761... path: Add gsk_curve_segment() (*)
  e767c21... testsuite: Add a test for the conic that got us segment() (*)
  fe9f81a... testsuite Add curve tangent tests (*)
  17d3d32... path: Always decompose conics into at least 2 segments (*)
  5f0161c... path: Deal with non-uniformness of progress parameter (*)
  3a98c39... path: Add a foreach function that dashes a path (*)
  a8d5296... testsuite: Add tests for the dasher (*)
  7f046e0... Add gsk_path_get_stroke_bounds (*)
  855c503... xxx path)_fill (*)
  749ae52... Add gsk_path_measure_get_{path,tolerance} (*)
  38a2da8... path: Add gsk_path_measure_restrict_to_contour() (*)
  7e10659... path: Add gsk_path_measure_is_closed () (*)
  5c77b02... path: Change semantics of gtk_path_builder_add_segment() (*)
  98bad2e... path: Add gsk_path_builder_add_ellipse() (*)
  de624e2... gsk: Add gsk_path_builder_add_layout (*)
  a0c322f... path fill demo: Use gsk_path_builder_add_layout (*)
  367a4cf... gtk-demo: Make path-text demo use gsk_builder_add_layout() (*)
  43e777d... gtk-demo: Rewrite the text mask demo (*)
  a732ac5... path: Move gsk_path_new_from_cairo() away (*)
  d97469f... Ottie: Add (*)
  dd15bae... ottie: Add a command-line tool (*)
  4756bfe... ottie: Add a snapshot testsuite test (*)
  85fbeb1... Ottie: Add Fantastic, the Ottie Editor (*)
  2c073e6... Add some docs
  b558107... ottie: Add printing
  43d9fe9... fantastic: Implement saving
  7515715... ottie: Support text layers

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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