[gtk] (123 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch mask-nodes

The branch 'mask-nodes' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  44600f8... video: When autoplaying, start playing once the video is pr
  3bc6792... picture: Fix copy/paste error in docs
  f6bac23... roundedbox: Remove unused API
  126af91... docs: Put render nodes in their own sections
  f4bba71... listview: Use the correct scroll policy
  a67161f... gsk: Add GskPath
  3696a0c... gsk: Add GskFillNode
  5ea2c5f... snapshot: Add gtk_snapshot_push_fill()
  d7466d1... demos: Add a simple demo filling a path
  049f8bd... gsk: Add GskStroke
  d0beaf5... gsk: Add GskStrokeNode
  8243bad... snapshot: Add gtk_snapshot_push_stroke()
  3f8fbfb... popover: Use fill and stroke nodes instead of Cairo
  ad4d692... path: Change data structure for standard path
  a67e18a... gsk: Add GskPathMeasure
  68e0abd... path: Add gsk_path_builder_add_path()
  bb42d95... pathmeasure: Add gsk_path_measure_add_segment()
  6534429... testsuite: Add path tests
  7ebb212... path: Collect flags
  3d9c639... path: Add gsk_path_foreach()
  c05f3d4... path: Implement gsk_path_to_cairo() using foreach()
  5ae28c0... pathmeasure: Implement support for beziers
  613001b... path: Add gsk_path_add_circle()
  18c15b1... path: Add gsk_path_measure_get_point()
  d22cb9a... xxx: path_fill demo
  1fec65a... gtk-demo: Add a text-on-path demo
  6bd42e1... testsuite: Add tests for gsk_path_measure_add_segment()
  99ad2d2... spline: Use Skia's tolerance checks
  2a1f59a... path: Add gsk_path_measure_get_closest_point()
  2e3e163... testsuite: Add tests for gsk_path_measure_get_closest_point
  4d0e817... gtk-demo: Add cute maze demo
  6d8adff... testsuite: Update create_random_path()
  7348364... testsuite: Add a test for get_point()
  4461765... testsuite: Add a test using get_point() and get_closest_poi
  64ad9e3... path: Split GskPathBuilder into its own file
  8278fec... xxx: demo
  7876f2c... pathbuilder: Redo semantics for starting curves
  2035db9... path: Add GSK_CIRCLE_POINT_INIT() to initialize points on t
  5315061... pathbuilder: Add relative path commands
  db4d5ab... testsuite: Add relative path functions
  b57d749... Documentation typo fixes
  9713d2b... stroke: Add miter limit
  4f1d081... path: Implement SVG arcs
  c6b7c1a... path: Implement gsk_path_parse
  3ad04f9... testsuite: Add librsvg path tests
  dfce49d... path: Fix serialization for circles
  3614457... path: Special-case rects and circles
  163899d... testsuite: Add a parsing test
  92ccaa1... Implement gsk_path_measure_in_fill
  14685a1... testsuite: Add an in_fill() test
  c8ebec1... path: Add flags to gsk_path_foreach()
  58aca3e... gsk: Implement parsing fill and stroke nodes
  d615681... stroke: Add support for dashes
  c43656b... path: Make all private contour APIs take a GskContour
  2f12e86... path: Split contours into their own file
  c91ed61... path: Rename to gtk_path_builder_add_segment()
  72a3ffa... path: Add conic curves
  e70e1d7... WIP: pathbuilder: Add gsk_path_builder_add_rounded_rect()
  6c92e6d... WIP: css: Replace border rendering code with GskPath
  358f3b5... path: Introduce gskpathop
  40c0b41... path: Add GskCurve
  058007a... testsuite: Add conics to the random paths
  e80d44d... Add gsk_curve_get_{start,end}_tangent
  f0a511a... curve: Split eval() into get_point() and get_tangent()
  b6f9f63... testuite: Add tests for gsk_curve_get_point()
  a104d7b... testuite: Add tests for gsk_curve_get_tangent()
  0b97ffb... testsuite: Add a test for gsk_curve_decompose()
  f28f712... path: Add gsk_curve_segment()
  de0b2fe... testsuite: Add a test for the conic that got us segment()
  17840b4... testsuite Add curve tangent tests
  04a0ca3... path: Always decompose conics into at least 2 segments
  27966ae... path: Deal with non-uniformness of progress parameter
  5b223e9... path: Add a foreach function that dashes a path
  4fec638... testsuite: Add tests for the dasher
  84ab6e8... Add gsk_path_get_stroke_bounds
  1efe86a... xxx path)_fill
  b1ebcbe... Add gsk_path_measure_get_{path,tolerance}
  d78434a... Ottie: Add
  7d26b85... Only test conic weights between 1/20 and 20
  52f3339... Add gsk_curve_get_bounds
  c3ddc12... Add gsk_curve_intersect
  2e9c802... Add curve intersection tests
  8add25f... xxx: work around bounding box problems
  0dc60eb... Add another intersection testcase
  aec01a0... Add curve split tests
  913ab44... Add a performance test for curve intersection
  70b0a6b... Add a performance test for curve eval
  d2c255b... Add gsk_curve_decompose_curve
  cdd9f87... path: support conic->curve in foreach
  3b0fe45... Add conic decomposition tests
  5f118cb... Add gsk_curve_offset
  16876ba... Add gsk_curve_reverse
  adee881... Add gsk_path_stroke
  8c4c7e8... Special-case rects for strokes
  17250b5... Special-case circles for strokes
  a25576c... Implement stroking
  7ac54ba... Add basic tests for strokes
  a1e4fcb... Add another stroker test
  068f500... stroke: Add back some debugging
  b03160e... Handle degenerate curves
  5ac7896... Add an interactive path test
  e496589... Add a path editor demo
  6ff2f7e... curve2: Add a way to compare to cairo
  b0534ff... stroke: Fix gsk_stroke_equal
  f0fa988... gsk: Use stroke bounds in the stroke node
  ea92c31... Introduce mask nodes
  b27993d... gl: Add a shader for mask nodes
  4238e5c... Render fill and stroke nodes using the mask shader
  e1ca06d... gsk: Add gsk_stroke_hash
  fa51a22... gl: Add a path cache
  141d4e2... curve2: Add a zoom slider
  1995c9c... Apply scale for the path cache

Commits added to the branch:

  a170429... gtk-demo: Don't put the search bar in the scroll area (*)
  d8dec82... video: When autoplaying, start playing once the video is pr (*)
  501e8c5... picture: Fix copy/paste error in docs (*)
  8374a8c... roundedbox: Remove unused API (*)
  7fbaa41... docs: Put render nodes in their own sections (*)
  1285a23... listview: Use the correct scroll policy (*)
  6f453d6... gsk: Add GskPath (*)
  c3166d8... gsk: Add GskFillNode (*)
  f15c9d1... snapshot: Add gtk_snapshot_push_fill() (*)
  42e60fc... demos: Add a simple demo filling a path (*)
  5244b51... gsk: Add GskStroke (*)
  45992b2... gsk: Add GskStrokeNode (*)
  a49ca12... snapshot: Add gtk_snapshot_push_stroke() (*)
  6f74445... popover: Use fill and stroke nodes instead of Cairo (*)
  b4c2756... path: Change data structure for standard path (*)
  836b78e... gsk: Add GskPathMeasure (*)
  9c316dd... path: Add gsk_path_builder_add_path() (*)
  57a2b23... pathmeasure: Add gsk_path_measure_add_segment() (*)
  5002d3e... testsuite: Add path tests (*)
  8b46482... path: Collect flags (*)
  66f1774... path: Add gsk_path_foreach() (*)
  1d06b25... path: Implement gsk_path_to_cairo() using foreach() (*)
  f607314... pathmeasure: Implement support for beziers (*)
  86617e0... path: Add gsk_path_add_circle() (*)
  a300002... path: Add gsk_path_measure_get_point() (*)
  5cf05db... xxx: path_fill demo (*)
  b33778c... gtk-demo: Add a text-on-path demo (*)
  d4b393b... testsuite: Add tests for gsk_path_measure_add_segment() (*)
  af38089... spline: Use Skia's tolerance checks (*)
  afa8cfa... path: Add gsk_path_measure_get_closest_point() (*)
  5b8acfb... testsuite: Add tests for gsk_path_measure_get_closest_point (*)
  d33fdb2... gtk-demo: Add cute maze demo (*)
  e676341... testsuite: Update create_random_path() (*)
  b4700fa... testsuite: Add a test for get_point() (*)
  fe1dcc0... testsuite: Add a test using get_point() and get_closest_poi (*)
  3b94c3c... path: Split GskPathBuilder into its own file (*)
  e8aef57... xxx: demo (*)
  1b46896... pathbuilder: Redo semantics for starting curves (*)
  8eadf59... path: Add GSK_CIRCLE_POINT_INIT() to initialize points on t (*)
  b4982b6... pathbuilder: Add relative path commands (*)
  77f351c... testsuite: Add relative path functions (*)
  0d5d6e8... Documentation typo fixes (*)
  7da5e49... stroke: Add miter limit (*)
  cc60624... path: Implement SVG arcs (*)
  81a23a0... path: Implement gsk_path_parse (*)
  3e017d3... testsuite: Add librsvg path tests (*)
  7deed20... path: Fix serialization for circles (*)
  d11b02a... path: Special-case rects and circles (*)
  27c307b... testsuite: Add a parsing test (*)
  b01e1a2... Implement gsk_path_measure_in_fill (*)
  b14b5dd... testsuite: Add an in_fill() test (*)
  8539f17... path: Add flags to gsk_path_foreach() (*)
  c34adf8... gsk: Implement parsing fill and stroke nodes (*)
  1290639... stroke: Add support for dashes (*)
  d667ae7... path: Make all private contour APIs take a GskContour (*)
  7f3e5c5... path: Split contours into their own file (*)
  4107533... path: Rename to gtk_path_builder_add_segment() (*)
  ccbff7d... path: Add conic curves (*)
  042d87e... WIP: pathbuilder: Add gsk_path_builder_add_rounded_rect() (*)
  844a5d4... WIP: css: Replace border rendering code with GskPath (*)
  53e0bb1... path: Introduce gskpathop (*)
  076f2dc... path: Add GskCurve (*)
  1108968... testsuite: Add conics to the random paths (*)
  a384b2a... Add gsk_curve_get_{start,end}_tangent (*)
  520fc04... curve: Split eval() into get_point() and get_tangent() (*)
  636093f... testuite: Add tests for gsk_curve_get_point() (*)
  afbbc79... testuite: Add tests for gsk_curve_get_tangent() (*)
  2a55b9d... testsuite: Add a test for gsk_curve_decompose() (*)
  e0ed800... path: Add gsk_curve_segment() (*)
  2bac9f4... testsuite: Add a test for the conic that got us segment() (*)
  6bd5ffd... testsuite Add curve tangent tests (*)
  9abf9bb... path: Always decompose conics into at least 2 segments (*)
  65f8338... path: Deal with non-uniformness of progress parameter (*)
  e4910ce... path: Add a foreach function that dashes a path (*)
  c314485... testsuite: Add tests for the dasher (*)
  de6c996... Add gsk_path_get_stroke_bounds (*)
  b0848aa... xxx path)_fill (*)
  6e9bb79... Add gsk_path_measure_get_{path,tolerance} (*)
  4708d17... path: Add gsk_path_measure_restrict_to_contour() (*)
  75f50dd... path: Add gsk_path_measure_is_closed () (*)
  4b9dce7... path: Change semantics of gtk_path_builder_add_segment() (*)
  c323946... Ottie: Add (*)
  012be5a... ottie: Add a command-line tool (*)
  a86be42... ottie: Add a snapshot test (*)
  e3ac15b... Only test conic weights between 1/20 and 20 (*)
  b77c6da... Add gsk_curve_get_bounds (*)
  fd1cee2... Add gsk_curve_intersect (*)
  d40b099... Add curve intersection tests (*)
  78a13b3... xxx: work around bounding box problems (*)
  34be65e... Add another intersection testcase (*)
  b81ff31... Add curve split tests (*)
  c3e29fe... Add a performance test for curve intersection (*)
  982d841... Add a performance test for curve eval (*)
  14aa6b7... Add gsk_curve_decompose_curve (*)
  c8448a4... path: support conic->curve in foreach (*)
  6e56189... Add conic decomposition tests (*)
  a086889... Add gsk_curve_offset (*)
  158fee7... Add gsk_curve_reverse (*)
  8b24dd9... curve: Handle degenerate cases (*)
  c564d5a... Add a test for tangents of degenerate curves (*)
  27972af... Add a test for gsk_curve_reverse (*)
  7c6ea60... Add a test for gsk_curve_offset (*)
  fbb78f1... Add gsk_path_stroke (*)
  d4a6de8... Special-case rects for strokes (*)
  726209c... Special-case circles for strokes (*)
  885edae... Implement stroking (*)
  e284fb5... Add basic tests for strokes (*)
  ca973e3... Add another stroker test (*)
  570eb39... stroke: Add a forgotten case (*)
  c58e9d2... Generalize handling of degenerate curves (*)
  6a79234... stroke: Tweak the way we do smooth joins (*)
  e4acc29... Add an interactive path test (*)
  16b376e... Add a path editor demo (*)
  398488c... xxx: Make gsk_stroke_to_cairo public (*)
  63dadf8... curve2: Add a way to compare to cairo (*)
  edc4ab9... curve2: Add a zoom slider (*)
  0e94a92... xxx: Fix gsk_stroke_equal
  47b9043... gsk: Use stroke bounds in the stroke node
  af17889... gsk: Add gsk_stroke_hash
  ac17cb5... gsk: Introduce mask nodes
  09673f4... gl: Add a shader for mask nodes
  3db9778... gl: Add a path cache
  4ae73eb... gl: Render fill/stroke nodes using the mask shader

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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