[gimp-macos-build/wip/DesMcG/tests] Fix the CI build for GIMP 2.10.22.

commit b0142678488a06b07092636382763a1724a3104f
Author: Des McGuinness <desmondmcguinness gmail com>
Date:   Thu Dec 3 18:33:33 2020 +0000

    Fix the CI build for GIMP 2.10.22.
    * Tweak env needed to build the modules listed.
    * be explicit in set of dependencies to build as jhbuild info technique
      does not seem to work
    * our circleCI branches have /'s in them, but our script is really not
      expecting that.

 .circleci/config.yml   | 34 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 jhbuildrc-gtk-osx-gimp |  8 ++++++++
 package/build.sh       |  2 +-
 3 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.circleci/config.yml b/.circleci/config.yml
index c75fb0b..366ba70 100644
--- a/.circleci/config.yml
+++ b/.circleci/config.yml
@@ -27,13 +27,13 @@ jobs:
               echo 'export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.9' >> ~/.profile
         - restore_cache:
-              - jhbuild-v9
+              - jhbuild-v10
         - run:
             name: Setup JHBuild
             command: |
               cd $HOME
               mkdir -p ~/.config && mv ~/project/jhbuildrc-gtk-osx-gimp ~/.config/jhbuildrc-custom
-              curl  https://gitlab.gnome.org/samm-git/gtk-osx/raw/gimp/gtk-osx-setup.sh > gtk-osx-setup.sh
+              curl https://gitlab.gnome.org/samm-git/gtk-osx/raw/gimp/gtk-osx-setup.sh > gtk-osx-setup.sh
               chmod +x gtk-osx-setup.sh
               echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH:$HOME/.new_local/bin"' >> ~/.profile
               echo 'export ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64"' >> ~/.profile
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ jobs:
               - ~/.new_local
               - ~/gtk
               - ~/.config
-            key: jhbuild-v9
+            key: jhbuild-v10
         - run:
             name: Setup gtk-mac-bundler
             command: |
@@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ jobs:
         # we can try to make it automatically depended on the corresponding modules
         - restore_cache:
-              - gimp-2.10.20-v1
-              - webkit-v20
-              - gimp-deps-v9
-              - bootstrap-v19
+              - gimp-2.10.22-v1
+              - webkit-v21
+              - gimp-deps-v10
+              - bootstrap-v20
         - run:
             name: Bootstrap
             command: source ~/.profile && jhbuild build icu55 meta-gtk-osx-freetype meta-gtk-osx-bootstrap 
@@ -70,31 +70,37 @@ jobs:
         - save_cache:
               - ~/gtk
-            key: bootstrap-v19
+            key: bootstrap-v20
         - run:
             name: Build GIMP dependencies (without gegl/babl)
-            command: source ~/.profile && jhbuild build suitesparse $(jhbuild info gimp|grep 
'^Requires:'|sed -e 's|^Requires:||' -e 's|gegl||'|tr -d ',')
+            command: |
+              source ~/.profile && jhbuild build suitesparse lcms libunistring gmp libnettle libtasn1 gnutls 
libjpeg readline python glib-networking openjpeg  gtk-mac-integration poppler poppler-data
+              source ~/.profile && jhbuild build json-glib p2tc exiv2 gexiv2 ilmbase openexr libwebp 
libcroco librsvg-24 json-c
+              source ~/.profile && jhbuild build libmypaint mypaint-brushes libde265 nasm x265 libheif aalib 
shared-mime-info iso-codes libwmf libmng ghostscript
+              source ~/.profile && jhbuild build pycairo pygobject pygtk gtk-mac-integration-python
         - run:
             name: Build all WebKit dependencies
-            command: source ~/.profile && jhbuild build $(jhbuild info webkit|grep '^Requires:'|sed 
's|^Requires:||'|tr -d ',')
+            command: |
+              source ~/.profile && jhbuild build enchant libpsl sqlite vala gnutls
+              source ~/.profile && jhbuild buildone libsoup
         - run:
             name: Cleanup
             command: find  ~/gtk/source -type d -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 | xargs -I% rm -rf %/*
         - save_cache:
               - ~/gtk
-            key: gimp-deps-v9
+            key: gimp-deps-v10
         - run:
             name: Build WebKit v1
             no_output_timeout: 1h
-            command: source ~/.profile && jhbuild build webkit
+            command: source ~/.profile && jhbuild buildone webkit
         - run:
             name: Cleanup
             command: find  ~/gtk/source -type d -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 | xargs -I% rm -rf %/*
         - save_cache:
               - ~/gtk
-            key: webkit-v20
+            key: webkit-v21
         - run:
             name: Build and test babl/gegl
             command: source ~/.profile && jhbuild build --check babl gegl
@@ -114,7 +120,7 @@ jobs:
         - save_cache:
               - ~/gtk
-            key: gimp-2.10.20-v1
+            key: gimp-2.10.22-v1
         - run:
             name: Importing signing certificate
             command: |
diff --git a/jhbuildrc-gtk-osx-gimp b/jhbuildrc-gtk-osx-gimp
index 9999ab0..21d1fe2 100644
--- a/jhbuildrc-gtk-osx-gimp
+++ b/jhbuildrc-gtk-osx-gimp
@@ -159,9 +159,17 @@ moduleset = 'https://gitlab.gnome.org/samm-git/gtk-osx/raw/gimp/modulesets-stabl
 # force python 3.6 for the libxml2 to avoid build issues
 module_extra_env['libxml2'] = { "ac_cv_path_PYTHON": "python3.6" }
 # meson needs UTF-8 charset for build python scripts to work correctly
 module_extra_env['meson'] = { "LC_ALL": "en_US.UTF-8" }
+# DJM - gtk-doc needs PYTHON to be python3, and then creates gtkdoc-rebase with a shebang of $PYTHON, so we 
need to be
+# absolute here, otherwise anything calling gtkdoc-rebase (i.e. the later gtk+ install) will err with  "bad 
+module_extra_env['gtk-doc'] = { 'PYTHON': '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/bin/python3.6' }
+# DJM - c files built from defs are not including all necessary headers - ignore that
+module_extra_env['pygtk'] = { 'CFLAGS' : '-Wno-error=implicit-function-declaration' }
 class _cmd_bootstrap_gtk_osx_gimp(jhbuild.commands.base.cmd_build):
     doc = 'Build buildsystem tools not provided by MacOS.'
diff --git a/package/build.sh b/package/build.sh
index 5859867..9173e68 100755
--- a/package/build.sh
+++ b/package/build.sh
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ if [ -z "${CIRCLECI}" ]
 mkdir -p /tmp/artifacts/

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