[gimp-macos-build/wip/DesMcG/tests: 1/2] removed python test tool and trash from readme, and cleaned up config file

commit c81642e9bcce5dac11cc326b2c3728cbe1787748
Author: Des McGuinness <desmondmcguinness gmail com>
Date:   Sat Dec 12 15:55:05 2020 +0000

    removed python test tool and trash from readme, and cleaned up config file

 .circleci/config.yml   |  7 ++-----
 README.md              |  5 -----
 jhbuildrc-gtk-osx-gimp | 18 +-----------------
 3 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.circleci/config.yml b/.circleci/config.yml
index d1fd2a4..8c6aa80 100644
--- a/.circleci/config.yml
+++ b/.circleci/config.yml
@@ -18,9 +18,6 @@ jobs:
               cd ~/
               curl -L 'https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.6.8/python-3.6.8-macosx10.9.pkg' > 
               sudo installer -pkg python-3.6.8-macosx10.9.pkg -target /
-              curl https://gitlab.gnome.org/DesMcGuinness/gtk-osx/raw/gimp/python-diag > python-diag
-              chmod +x python-diag
-              ./python-diag
         - run:
             name: Setup 10.9 SDK
             command: |
@@ -60,7 +57,7 @@ jobs:
         # we can try to make it automatically depended on the corresponding modules
         - restore_cache:
-              - gimp-2.10.20-v1
+              - gimp-2.10.22-v1
               - webkit-v20
               - gimp-deps-v9
               - bootstrap-v19
@@ -123,7 +120,7 @@ jobs:
         - save_cache:
               - ~/gtk
-            key: gimp-2.10.20-v1
+            key: gimp-2.10.22-v1
         - run:
             name: Importing signing certificate
             command: |
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index bf52b43..82bc51d 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -59,9 +59,4 @@ framework. Probably could be a small Python plugin as [there is a module](https:
 - `debug`: same as the `master`, but with full debug symbols
 - `hardened-runtime`: singed and notarized package with a hardened runtime enabled
-## Tennis game to trigger builds (sorry Jehan)
diff --git a/jhbuildrc-gtk-osx-gimp b/jhbuildrc-gtk-osx-gimp
index 12fe5e0..601f9d0 100644
--- a/jhbuildrc-gtk-osx-gimp
+++ b/jhbuildrc-gtk-osx-gimp
@@ -154,38 +154,22 @@ environ_prepend('OBJCFLAGS', "-O3")
 # os.environ["CC"] = "/usr/bin/gcc-4.0"
-# DJM - use my fork of Alex's fork of the original gtk-osx moduleset <sigh/> so I can add my own patches.
+# DJM - use my fork (of Alex's fork) of the original gtk-osx moduleset so changes can be applied in his 
 moduleset = 'https://gitlab.gnome.org/DesMcGuinness/gtk-osx/raw/gimp/modulesets-stable/gtk-osx.modules'
-# DJM - since I'm using my own fork, I can fix these overrides "at source" instead of here.
-branches['gtk-doc'] =  'https://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/gtk-doc/1.32/gtk-doc-1.32.tar.xz'
-branches['x265'] = 'https://download.videolan.org/pub/videolan/x265/x265_3.2.1.tar.gz'
 # force python 3.6 for the libxml2 to avoid build issues
 module_extra_env['libxml2'] = { "ac_cv_path_PYTHON": "python3.6" }
 # meson needs UTF-8 charset for build python scripts to work correctly
 module_extra_env['meson'] = { "LC_ALL": "en_US.UTF-8" }
-# DJM - the last successful bootstrap on CircleCI used Python3, which broke the python section of libxslt's 
-# script.  This module was then built successfully.  There is something wrong with that library's configure 
-# MacOSX python2 (it does not pick up the path for the python2.7 library).  Avoid python for now
-append_autogenargs('libxslt', '--without-python')
 # DJM - gtk-doc needs PYTHON to be python3, and then creates gtkdoc-rebase with a shebang of $PYTHON, so we 
need to be
 # absolute here, otherwise anything calling gtkdoc-rebase (i.e. the later gtk+ install) will err with  "bad 
 module_extra_env['gtk-doc'] = { 'PYTHON': '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/bin/python3.6' }
-# DJM - Apple's openssl is ancient, and is missing some of the functions included in nettles tests/examples. 
 Disable (for now).
-append_autogenargs('libnettle', '--disable-openssl')
-# DJM - the build is not finding libcups for some reason, skip for now
-append_autogenargs("ghostscript", "--disable-cups")
 # DJM - c files built from defs are not including all necessary headers - ignore that
 module_extra_env['pygtk'] = { 'CFLAGS' : '-Wno-error=implicit-function-declaration' }
 class _cmd_bootstrap_gtk_osx_gimp(jhbuild.commands.base.cmd_build):
     doc = 'Build buildsystem tools not provided by MacOS.'

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