[gtk-web: 1/4] Add a page for Scheme.

commit eadc759380824ce23faf0f5d4118055d861e60f5
Author: Leo Prikler <leo prikler student tugraz at>
Date:   Fri Nov 6 10:55:28 2020 +0100

    Add a page for Scheme.

 _docs/language-bindings/scheme.md | 50 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 50 insertions(+)
diff --git a/_docs/language-bindings/scheme.md b/_docs/language-bindings/scheme.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c9b5d3b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_docs/language-bindings/scheme.md
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# Scheme
+There are numerous implementations of Scheme and just as many language bindings
+for them -- sometimes even multiple ones per implementation.
+This list is by no means exhaustive.
+## GNU Guile
+### G-Golf
+#### About
+G-Golf (Gnome: (Guile Object Library for)) is a library for developing modern applications in Guile Scheme.
+It comprises a direct binding to the GObject Introspection API and higher-level functionality for importing
+Gnome libraries and making GObject classes (and methods) available in Guile's object-oriented programming 
system, GOOPS.
+G-Golf does not yet have a release, but development builds can be made from its [Git 
+#### Hello world
+;; Load Gtk
+(use-modules (g-golf))
+(gi-import "Gtk")
+;; When the application is launched..
+(define (activate app)
+  ;; - Create a new window and a new button
+  (let ((window (make <gtk-application-window> #:application app))
+        (button (make <gtk-button> #:label "Hello, World!")))
+    ;; - Which closes the window when clicked
+    (connect button 'clicked (lambda (b) (close window)))
+    (add window button)
+    (show-all window)))
+;; Create a new application
+(let ((app (make <gtk-application> #:application-id "com.example.GtkApplication")))
+  (connect app 'activate activate)
+  ;; Run the application
+  (run app 0 '()))
+#### See More
+* Savannah Project Page: [http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/g-golf](http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/g-golf)
+* G-Golf Website: [https://www.gnu.org/software/g-golf/](https://www.gnu.org/software/g-golf/)
+* G-Golf Reference Manual: 

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