[librsvg] (15 commits) ...Merge branch 'shapes' into 'master'

Summary of changes:

  60a3730... Pass the StrokeLinecap instead of the ComputedValues to Pat
  46c9dd1... shapes - move the make_path functions to a BasicShape trait
  d33219c... BasicShape::make_path - return an Rc<SvgPath>
  9c63a3b... impl BasicShape for Path
  0910b3e... derive(Default) for Path
  cda9d80... Path: use a simple Rc<SvgPath>, not an Option around that
  026465e... PathBuilder does not need to impl Clone
  d6e1ec1... impl Default for Points so Polygon and Polyline don't need 
  b0edebe... impl BasicShape for Polygon and Polyline
  bc7f135... Rename BasicShape::make_path to make_shape
  0fb8c0f... shapes: implement all the Draw with a macro
  02e279d... Rename DrawingCtx.draw_path to draw_shape and pass it a Sha
  e8e7a27... Call draw_ctx.draw_shape() directly
  2a38a77... The draw_ctx does not need to be mutable in make_shape()
  07dec0a... Merge branch 'shapes' into 'master'

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