[librsvg] (19 commits) ...Merge branch 'svenfoo/librsvg-fix-clippy-warnings'

Summary of changes:

  b69fa36... Remove redundant imports
  7973438... Remove needless return statements
  13d346a... Express `Result.and_then(|x| Ok(y))` as `map(|x| y)`
  92c8470... Use as_deref() instead of `.as_ref().map(String::as_str)` o
  71d87b0... Implement Default where missing
  673b469... Allow many single char variable names in some places
  72d10c4... Avoid having if/else with the same body
  71c959b... Avoid strict comparison of floating point values
  c75eb46... Avoid using match for destructuring a single pattern
  bdc2b6a... Make the early return explicit instead of using Err(x)?
  5c03f49... Replace find() followed by is_some() with any()
  e11b383... Simplify logic in PathParser::should_break_arg_sequence()
  7bac028... Avoid cloning an owned value that is going to be dropped
  4878c6e... Avoid calling map(f) where f is a closure that returns the 
  2f5db26... Remove lifetime annotations that can be elided
  4b990f3... Remove obsolete comment
  12921c5... Bump rustc requirement to 1.40
  a2abaea... Remove PathBuilder::new and just derive(Default) for it
  e49c965... Merge branch 'svenfoo/librsvg-fix-clippy-warnings'

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