[gnome-build-meta/abderrahim/images-s3: 1/4] .gitlab-ci.yml: make building of VM images manual

commit a22823c7bb0f5a7fe389ccbee4f36677fc3d07f8
Author: Abderrahim Kitouni <akitouni gnome org>
Date:   Sun Aug 9 20:52:37 2020 +0100

    .gitlab-ci.yml: make building of VM images manual
    Now that the images can be updated using ostree, there is no need to
    generate images on every commit. This also allows making the
    instructions the same for all images.
    We'll need to build the x86_64 images once per day or so

 .gitlab-ci.yml | 96 ++++++++++++++++------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 30766250..658f5bc0 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ stages:
 - track
 - build
 - deploy-config
-- image
 - deploy
 - prepare_flatpak
 - flatpak
@@ -78,22 +77,17 @@ default:
     - logs
     expire_in: '1 week'
-  stage: image
-  interruptible: true
+  stage: deploy
+  dependencies: [track]
+  when: manual
+  allow_failure: true
-    - ${BST_NO_PUSH} --max-jobs $(( $(nproc) / 4 )) -o arch "${ARCH}" build vm/image.bst
-    - ${BST_NO_PUSH} -o arch "${ARCH}" checkout --hardlinks vm/image.bst image
-  rules:
-  - if: $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME == "master" || $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME =~ /^gnome-\d-\d\d$/
-    when: on_success
-  - if: $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_ID == null
-    when: manual
-    allow_failure: true
+    - ${BST_NO_PUSH} --max-jobs $(( $(nproc) / 4 )) -o arch "${ARCH}" build "${IMAGE}"
+    - ${BST} -o arch "${ARCH}" checkout --hardlinks "${IMAGE}" image
     when: always
-    - logs
     - image
     expire_in: '2 days'
@@ -244,70 +238,32 @@ deploy-flatpak:
-  - .vm-image-template
+  - .manual-image-template
   - .x86_64
-  # run as soon as the x86_64 build job is done, don't wait for other arches
-  needs:
-  - track
-  - job: build-x86_64
-    artifacts: false
+  variables:
+    IMAGE: vm/image.bst
-  extends: .aarch64
-  stage: image
-  script:
-    - ${BST_NO_PUSH} --max-jobs $(( $(nproc) / 4 )) -o arch "${ARCH}" build boards/pinebook-pro/image.bst
-    - ${BST_NO_PUSH} -o arch "${ARCH}" checkout --hardlinks boards/pinebook-pro/image.bst pinebook-pro-image
-  when: manual
-  allow_failure: true
-  artifacts:
-    when: always
-    paths:
-    - logs
-    - pinebook-pro-image
-    expire_in: '2 days'
-  needs:
-  - track
-  - job: build-aarch64
-    artifacts: false
+  extends:
+  - .manual-image-template
+  - .aarch64
+  variables:
+    IMAGE: boards/pinebook-pro/image.bst
-  extends: .aarch64
-  stage: image
-  script:
-    - ${BST_NO_PUSH} --max-jobs $(( $(nproc) / 4 )) -o arch "${ARCH}" build boards/rock64/image.bst
-    - ${BST_NO_PUSH} -o arch "${ARCH}" checkout --hardlinks boards/rock64/image.bst rock64
-  when: manual
-  allow_failure: true
-  artifacts:
-    when: always
-    paths:
-    - logs
-    - rock64
-    expire_in: '2 days'
-  needs:
-  - track
-  - job: build-aarch64
-    artifacts: false
+  extends:
+  - .manual-image-template
+  - .aarch64
+  variables:
+    IMAGE: boards/rock64/image.bst
-  extends: .aarch64
-  stage: image
-  script:
-    - ${BST_NO_PUSH} --max-jobs $(( $(nproc) / 4 )) -o arch "${ARCH}" build boards/raspberrypi-4/image.bst
-    - ${BST_NO_PUSH} -o arch "${ARCH}" checkout --hardlinks boards/raspberrypi-4/image.bst 
-  when: manual
-  allow_failure: true
-  artifacts:
-    when: always
-    paths:
-    - logs
-    - raspberrypi-4-image
-    expire_in: '2 days'
-  needs:
-  - track
-  - job: build-aarch64
-    artifacts: false
+  extends:
+  - .manual-image-template
+  - .aarch64
+  variables:
+    IMAGE: boards/raspberrypi-4/image.bst

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