[gnome-usage] Created tag v3.37.1

The unsigned tag 'v3.37.1' was created.

Tagger: Adrien Plazas <kekun plazas laposte net>
Date: 1596571593 +0200

    Version 3.37.1

Changes since the last tag 'v3.33.2':

Adrien Plazas (34):
      doap: Add Adrien Plazas as a maintainer
      flatpak: Use the tracker-2.3 branch for Tracker
      flatpak: Add libhandy dependency
      CI: Load submodules recursively
      CI: Install redhat-rpm-config
      build: Add libhandy 0.82.0 dependency
      header-bar: Make it a HdyHeaderBar
      window: Add a HdyViewSwitcherBar
      header-bar: Wrap the search button in a revealer
      icons: Add the speedometer-symbolic icon
      application: Load icon resources
      Add icons to the pages
      header-bar: Replace the GtkStackSwitcher by a HdyViewSwitcherTitle
      performance-view: Replace the GtkPaned by a HdyLeaflet
      storage-view: Replace the GtkPaned by a HdyLeaflet
      performance-view: Use a HdyColumn
      cpu-sub-view: Don't horizontally center
      cpu-sub-view: Don't hardcode the width
      memory-sub-view: Don't horizontally center
      process-row: Don't hardcode the width
      performance-view: Make the search bar adaptive
      performance-view: Set a minimum width to the content box
      window: Reduce the hardcoded minimum size
      window: Add action_on_search()
      application: Don't access the header bar directly
      window: Drop get_header_bar()
      window: Use a GtkBuilder template
      window: Inline the header into the window
      window: Specialize Hdy.ApplicationWindow
      Bump libhandy to 0.83.0
      application: Init libhandy
      meson: Bump Meson to 0.50.0
      ci: Bump Fedora to 32
      Version 3.37.1

Anders Jonsson (1):
      Update Swedish translation

Asier Sarasua Garmendia (1):
      Update Basque translation

Benjamin Berg (4):
      process: Add function to read cgroup information
      app-item: Add application ID based on .desktop file name
      app-item: Add application lookup based on cgroup information
      app-item: Add newline at end of file

Bilal Elmoussaoui (2):
      Gitlab CI: build & publish nightlies
      Build: Setup dual installation

Dušan Kazik (1):
      Update Slovak translation

Dz Chen (1):
      Add Chinese (China) translation

Efstathios Iosifidis (1):
      Add Greek translation

Felipe Borges (1):
      doap: Removing myself

Florentina Mușat (1):
      Add Romanian translation

Gianvito Cavasoli (1):
      Update Italian translation

Jiri Grönroos (1):
      Update Finnish translation

Jordan Petridis (3):
      ci: remove deprecated jobs
      ci: flatpak: remove meson-args variable
      flatpak: avoid explicitly setting cflags

Jordi Mas (1):
      Update Catalan translation

Matej Urbančič (1):
      Added Slovenian translation

Maxime Hardy (1):
      Update French translation

Nathan Follens (1):
      Update Dutch translation

Piotr DrÄ…g (2):
      Update POTFILES.in
      Update POTFILES.skip

Sabri Ãœnal (1):
      Update Turkish translation

Yi-Jyun Pan (1):
      Update Chinese (Taiwan) translation

Yuri Chornoivan (2):
      Add Ukrainian translation
      Update Ukrainian translation

Zander Brown (1):
      Update British English translation

Марко Костић (1):
      Update Serbian translation

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