[gjs/mozjs78: 42/50] Adapt to new JS::PrintError API. - Remove code copied from upstream.

commit 07a1be53bbb3e93317d5f69732b55e7f84ac9449
Author: Evan Welsh <noreply evanwelsh com>
Date:   Sat Jul 4 22:30:15 2020 -0500

    Adapt to new JS::PrintError API.
    - Remove code copied from upstream.

 modules/console.cpp | 132 +++-------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 126 deletions(-)
diff --git a/modules/console.cpp b/modules/console.cpp
index a8519bc6..29b71b56 100644
--- a/modules/console.cpp
+++ b/modules/console.cpp
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
 #include <js/CompilationAndEvaluation.h>
 #include <js/CompileOptions.h>
 #include <js/ErrorReport.h>
+#include <js/Exception.h>
 #include <js/RootingAPI.h>
 #include <js/SourceText.h>
 #include <js/TypeDecls.h>
@@ -73,128 +74,6 @@ namespace mozilla {
 union Utf8Unit;
-enum class PrintErrorKind { Error, Warning, StrictWarning, Note };
-template <typename T>
-static void print_single_error(T* report, PrintErrorKind kind);
-static void print_error_line(const char* prefix, JSErrorReport* report);
-static void print_error_line(const char*, JSErrorNotes::Note*) {}
-static void
-gjs_console_print_error(JSErrorReport *report)
-    // Code modified from SpiderMonkey js/src/vm/JSContext.cpp, js::PrintError()
-    g_assert(report);
-    PrintErrorKind kind = PrintErrorKind::Error;
-    if (JSREPORT_IS_WARNING(report->flags)) {
-        if (JSREPORT_IS_STRICT(report->flags))
-            kind = PrintErrorKind::StrictWarning;
-        else
-            kind = PrintErrorKind::Warning;
-    }
-    print_single_error(report, kind);
-    if (report->notes) {
-        for (auto&& note : *report->notes)
-            print_single_error(note.get(), PrintErrorKind::Note);
-    }
-    return;
-template <typename T>
-static void print_single_error(T* report, PrintErrorKind kind) {
-    JS::UniqueChars prefix;
-    if (report->filename)
-        prefix.reset(g_strdup_printf("%s:", report->filename));
-    if (report->lineno) {
-        prefix.reset(g_strdup_printf("%s%u:%u ", prefix ? prefix.get() : "",
-                                     report->lineno, report->column));
-    }
-    if (kind != PrintErrorKind::Error) {
-        const char* kindPrefix = nullptr;
-        switch (kind) {
-            case PrintErrorKind::Warning:
-                kindPrefix = "warning";
-                break;
-            case PrintErrorKind::StrictWarning:
-                kindPrefix = "strict warning";
-                break;
-            case PrintErrorKind::Note:
-                kindPrefix = "note";
-                break;
-            case PrintErrorKind::Error:
-            default:
-                g_assert_not_reached();
-        }
-        prefix.reset(
-            g_strdup_printf("%s%s: ", prefix ? prefix.get() : "", kindPrefix));
-    }
-    const char* message = report->message().c_str();
-    /* embedded newlines -- argh! */
-    const char *ctmp;
-    while ((ctmp = strchr(message, '\n')) != 0) {
-        ctmp++;
-        if (prefix)
-            fputs(prefix.get(), stderr);
-        mozilla::Unused << fwrite(message, 1, ctmp - message, stderr);
-        message = ctmp;
-    }
-    /* If there were no filename or lineno, the prefix might be empty */
-    if (prefix)
-        fputs(prefix.get(), stderr);
-    fputs(message, stderr);
-    print_error_line(prefix.get(), report);
-    fputc('\n', stderr);
-    fflush(stderr);
-static void print_error_line(const char* prefix, JSErrorReport* report) {
-    if (const char16_t* linebuf = report->linebuf()) {
-        size_t n = report->linebufLength();
-        fputs(":\n", stderr);
-        if (prefix)
-            fputs(prefix, stderr);
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
-            fputc(static_cast<char>(linebuf[i]), stderr);
-        // linebuf usually ends with a newline. If not, add one here.
-        if (n == 0 || linebuf[n - 1] != '\n')
-            fputc('\n', stderr);
-        if (prefix)
-            fputs(prefix, stderr);
-        n = report->tokenOffset();
-        for (size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < n; i++) {
-            if (linebuf[i] == '\t') {
-                for (size_t k = (j + 8) & ~7; j < k; j++)
-                    fputc('.', stderr);
-                continue;
-            }
-            fputc('.', stderr);
-            j++;
-        }
-        fputc('^', stderr);
-    }
-static void gjs_console_warning_reporter(JSContext*, JSErrorReport* report) {
-    gjs_console_print_error(report);
 /* Based on js::shell::AutoReportException from SpiderMonkey. */
 class AutoReportException {
     JSContext *m_cx;
@@ -226,8 +105,7 @@ public:
         JSErrorReport* report = error_from_exception_value(v_exn);
         if (report) {
-            g_assert(!JSREPORT_IS_WARNING(report->flags));
-            gjs_console_print_error(report);
+            JS::PrintError(m_cx, stderr, report, false);
         } else {
             GjsAutoChar display_str = gjs_value_debug_string(m_cx, v_exn);
             g_printerr("error: %s\n", display_str.get());
@@ -318,9 +196,11 @@ gjs_console_interact(JSContext *context,
     int lineno;
     int startline;
-    JS::SetWarningReporter(context, gjs_console_warning_reporter);
+    JS::SetWarningReporter(context, [](JSContext* cx, JSErrorReport* report) {
+        JS::PrintError(cx, stderr, report, true);
+    });
-        /* It's an interactive filehandle; drop into read-eval-print loop. */
+    /* It's an interactive filehandle; drop into read-eval-print loop. */
     lineno = 1;
     do {

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