[evolution-ews/wip/mcrha/office365: 46/50] Calendar: RRULE write (limited) and some fixes for RRULE read

commit 6d7efdcfca1b982283cd6aeccfa0a65e3d253bcc
Author: Milan Crha <mcrha redhat com>
Date:   Wed Jul 29 14:28:02 2020 +0200

    Calendar: RRULE write (limited) and some fixes for RRULE read

 src/Microsoft365/calendar/e-cal-backend-m365.c | 451 ++++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 359 insertions(+), 92 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Microsoft365/calendar/e-cal-backend-m365.c b/src/Microsoft365/calendar/e-cal-backend-m365.c
index a34180d9..2b2cf473 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft365/calendar/e-cal-backend-m365.c
+++ b/src/Microsoft365/calendar/e-cal-backend-m365.c
@@ -219,8 +219,15 @@ ecb_m365_get_date_time_zone (ECalBackendM365 *cbm365,
        tt = e_m365_date_time_get_date_time (value);
        zone = e_m365_date_time_get_time_zone (value);
-       /* Reads the time in UTC, just make sure it's still a true expectation */
-       g_warn_if_fail (!zone || !*zone || g_strcmp0 (zone, "UTC") == 0);
+       if (zone && *zone)
+               zone = e_m365_tz_utils_get_ical_equivalent (zone);
+       tz = zone && *zone ? ecb_m365_get_timezone_sync (cbm365, zone) : NULL;
+       if (!tz)
+               tz = i_cal_timezone_get_utc_timezone ();
+       itt = i_cal_time_new_from_timet_with_zone (tt, e_m365_event_get_is_all_day (m365_event), tz);
        tzid = e_m365_tz_utils_get_ical_equivalent (tzid);
@@ -228,7 +235,6 @@ ecb_m365_get_date_time_zone (ECalBackendM365 *cbm365,
                tzid = "UTC";
        tz = ecb_m365_get_timezone_sync (cbm365, tzid);
-       itt = i_cal_time_new_from_timet_with_zone (tt, e_m365_event_get_is_all_day (m365_event), 
i_cal_timezone_get_utc_timezone ());
        if (tz && !e_m365_event_get_is_all_day (m365_event))
                i_cal_time_convert_to_zone_inplace (itt, tz);
@@ -1055,6 +1061,102 @@ ecb_m365_add_attendees (ECalBackendM365 *cbm365,
                g_hash_table_destroy (old_value);
+static void
+ecb_m365_get_importance (ECalBackendM365 *cbm365,
+                        EM365Event *m365_event,
+                        ICalComponent *inout_comp,
+                        ICalPropertyKind prop_kind)
+       EM365ImportanceType value;
+       ICalProperty *prop = NULL;
+       value = e_m365_event_get_importance (m365_event);
+       if (value == E_M365_IMPORTANCE_LOW)
+               prop = i_cal_property_new_priority (9);
+       else if (value == E_M365_IMPORTANCE_NORMAL)
+               prop = i_cal_property_new_priority (5);
+       else if (value == E_M365_IMPORTANCE_HIGH)
+               prop = i_cal_property_new_priority (1);
+       if (prop)
+               i_cal_component_take_property (inout_comp, prop);
+static void
+ecb_m365_add_importance (ECalBackendM365 *cbm365,
+                        ICalComponent *new_comp,
+                        ICalComponent *old_comp,
+                        ICalPropertyKind prop_kind,
+                        JsonBuilder *builder)
+       gint old_value = -1, new_value = -1;
+       ICalProperty *prop;
+       prop = i_cal_component_get_first_property (new_comp, prop_kind);
+       if (prop) {
+               new_value = i_cal_property_get_priority (prop);
+               g_clear_object (&prop);
+       }
+       prop = old_comp ? i_cal_component_get_first_property (old_comp, prop_kind) : NULL;
+       if (prop) {
+               old_value = i_cal_property_get_priority (prop);
+               g_clear_object (&prop);
+       }
+       if (new_value != old_value) {
+               EM365ImportanceType value = E_M365_IMPORTANCE_NOT_SET;
+               if (new_value >= 1 && new_value <= 4) {
+                       value = E_M365_IMPORTANCE_HIGH;
+               } else if (new_value == 5) {
+                       value = E_M365_IMPORTANCE_NORMAL;
+               } else if (new_value >= 6 && new_value <= 9) {
+                       value = E_M365_IMPORTANCE_LOW;
+               }
+               e_m365_event_add_importance (builder, value);
+       }
+static void
+ecb_m365_get_status (ECalBackendM365 *cbm365,
+                    EM365Event *m365_event,
+                    ICalComponent *inout_comp,
+                    ICalPropertyKind prop_kind)
+       ICalPropertyStatus status = I_CAL_STATUS_NONE;
+       if (e_m365_event_get_is_cancelled (m365_event)) {
+               status = I_CAL_STATUS_CANCELLED;
+       } else {
+               EM365ResponseStatus *response_status;
+               response_status = e_m365_event_get_response_status (m365_event);
+               if (response_status) {
+                       EM365ResponseType response;
+                       response = e_m365_response_status_get_response (response_status);
+                       if (response == E_M365_RESPONSE_TENTATIVELY_ACCEPTED)
+                               status = I_CAL_STATUS_TENTATIVE;
+                       else if (response == E_M365_RESPONSE_ACCEPTED)
+                               status = I_CAL_STATUS_CONFIRMED;
+                       else if (response == E_M365_RESPONSE_DECLINED)
+                               status = I_CAL_STATUS_CANCELLED;
+                       else if (response == E_M365_RESPONSE_NOT_RESPONDED)
+                               status = I_CAL_STATUS_NEEDSACTION;
+               }
+       }
+       if (status != I_CAL_STATUS_NONE)
+               i_cal_component_take_property (inout_comp, i_cal_property_new_status (status));
 static ICalRecurrenceWeekday
 ecb_m365_day_of_week_to_ical (EM365DayOfWeekType dow)
@@ -1080,6 +1182,38 @@ ecb_m365_day_of_week_to_ical (EM365DayOfWeekType dow)
        return I_CAL_NO_WEEKDAY;
+static EM365DayOfWeekType
+ecb_m365_day_of_week_from_ical (ICalRecurrenceWeekday dow)
+       switch (dow) {
+       case I_CAL_SUNDAY_WEEKDAY:
+               return E_M365_DAY_OF_WEEK_SUNDAY;
+               break;
+       case I_CAL_MONDAY_WEEKDAY:
+               return E_M365_DAY_OF_WEEK_MONDAY;
+               break;
+               return E_M365_DAY_OF_WEEK_TUESDAY;
+               break;
+               return E_M365_DAY_OF_WEEK_WEDNESDAY;
+               break;
+               return E_M365_DAY_OF_WEEK_THURSDAY;
+               break;
+       case I_CAL_FRIDAY_WEEKDAY:
+               return E_M365_DAY_OF_WEEK_FRIDAY;
+               break;
+               return E_M365_DAY_OF_WEEK_SATURDAY;
+               break;
+       default:
+               break;
+       }
+       return E_M365_DAY_OF_WEEK_UNKNOWN;
 static void
 ecb_m365_set_index_to_ical (ICalRecurrence *recr,
                            EM365WeekIndexType index)
@@ -1110,6 +1244,27 @@ ecb_m365_set_index_to_ical (ICalRecurrence *recr,
                i_cal_recurrence_set_by_set_pos (recr, 0, by_pos);
+static void
+ecb_m365_add_index_from_ical (JsonBuilder *builder,
+                             gint by_pos)
+       EM365WeekIndexType index = E_M365_WEEK_INDEX_UNKNOWN;
+       if (by_pos == 1)
+               index = E_M365_WEEK_INDEX_FIRST;
+       else if (by_pos == 2)
+               index = E_M365_WEEK_INDEX_SECOND;
+       else if (by_pos == 3)
+               index = E_M365_WEEK_INDEX_THIRD;
+       else if (by_pos == 4)
+               index = E_M365_WEEK_INDEX_FOURTH;
+       else if (by_pos == -1)
+               index = E_M365_WEEK_INDEX_LAST;
+       if (index != E_M365_WEEK_INDEX_UNKNOWN)
+               e_m365_recurrence_pattern_add_index (builder, index);
 static void
 ecb_m365_set_days_of_week_to_ical (ICalRecurrence *recr,
                                   JsonArray *days_of_week)
@@ -1137,10 +1292,38 @@ ecb_m365_set_days_of_week_to_ical (ICalRecurrence *recr,
 static void
+ecb_m365_add_days_of_week_from_ical (JsonBuilder *builder,
+                                    ICalRecurrence *recr)
+       gint ii;
+       e_m365_recurrence_pattern_begin_days_of_week (builder);
+       for (ii = 0; ii < I_CAL_BY_DAY_SIZE; ii++) {
+               ICalRecurrenceWeekday week_day;
+               EM365DayOfWeekType m365_week_day;
+               week_day = i_cal_recurrence_get_by_day (recr, ii);
+               if (((gint) week_day) == I_CAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX)
+                       break;
+               m365_week_day = ecb_m365_day_of_week_from_ical (week_day);
+               if (m365_week_day != E_M365_DAY_OF_WEEK_UNKNOWN)
+                       e_m365_recurrence_pattern_add_day_of_week (builder, m365_week_day);
+       }
+       e_m365_recurrence_pattern_end_days_of_week (builder);
+static gboolean
 ecb_m365_get_recurrence (ECalBackendM365 *cbm365,
                         EM365Event *m365_event,
                         ICalComponent *inout_comp,
-                        ICalPropertyKind prop_kind)
+                        ICalPropertyKind prop_kind,
+                        GCancellable *cancellable,
+                        GError **error)
        EM365PatternedRecurrence *m365_recr;
        EM365RecurrencePattern *m365_pattern;
@@ -1154,7 +1337,7 @@ ecb_m365_get_recurrence (ECalBackendM365 *cbm365,
        m365_range = m365_recr ? e_m365_patterned_recurrence_get_range (m365_recr) : NULL;
        if (!m365_recr || !m365_pattern || !m365_range)
-               return;
+               return TRUE;
        ical_recr = i_cal_recurrence_new ();
@@ -1168,7 +1351,7 @@ ecb_m365_get_recurrence (ECalBackendM365 *cbm365,
                i_cal_recurrence_set_freq (ical_recr, I_CAL_WEEKLY_RECURRENCE);
                i_cal_recurrence_set_interval (ical_recr, e_m365_recurrence_pattern_get_interval 
-               week_day = ecb_m365_day_of_week_to_ical (e_m365_recurrence_pattern_get_first_day_of_week 
+               week_day = ecb_m365_day_of_week_to_ical (e_m365_recurrence_pattern_get_first_day_of_week 
                if (week_day != I_CAL_NO_WEEKDAY)
                        i_cal_recurrence_set_week_start (ical_recr, week_day);
@@ -1184,19 +1367,19 @@ ecb_m365_get_recurrence (ECalBackendM365 *cbm365,
                i_cal_recurrence_set_freq (ical_recr, I_CAL_MONTHLY_RECURRENCE);
                i_cal_recurrence_set_interval (ical_recr, e_m365_recurrence_pattern_get_interval 
                ecb_m365_set_days_of_week_to_ical (ical_recr, e_m365_recurrence_pattern_get_days_of_week 
-               week_day = ecb_m365_day_of_week_to_ical (e_m365_recurrence_pattern_get_first_day_of_week 
+               week_day = ecb_m365_day_of_week_to_ical (e_m365_recurrence_pattern_get_first_day_of_week 
                if (week_day != I_CAL_NO_WEEKDAY)
                        i_cal_recurrence_set_week_start (ical_recr, week_day);
-               ecb_m365_set_index_to_ical (ical_recr, e_m365_recurrence_pattern_get_index (m365_recr));
+               ecb_m365_set_index_to_ical (ical_recr, e_m365_recurrence_pattern_get_index (m365_pattern));
                i_cal_recurrence_set_freq (ical_recr, I_CAL_YEARLY_RECURRENCE);
                i_cal_recurrence_set_interval (ical_recr, e_m365_recurrence_pattern_get_interval 
                i_cal_recurrence_set_by_month_day (ical_recr, 0, e_m365_recurrence_pattern_get_day_of_month 
-               month = e_m365_recurrence_pattern_get_month (m365_recr);
+               month = e_m365_recurrence_pattern_get_month (m365_pattern);
                if (month >= 1 && month <= 12)
                        i_cal_recurrence_set_by_month (ical_recr, 0, month);
@@ -1205,14 +1388,14 @@ ecb_m365_get_recurrence (ECalBackendM365 *cbm365,
                i_cal_recurrence_set_freq (ical_recr, I_CAL_YEARLY_RECURRENCE);
                i_cal_recurrence_set_interval (ical_recr, e_m365_recurrence_pattern_get_interval 
                ecb_m365_set_days_of_week_to_ical (ical_recr, e_m365_recurrence_pattern_get_days_of_week 
-               week_day = ecb_m365_day_of_week_to_ical (e_m365_recurrence_pattern_get_first_day_of_week 
+               week_day = ecb_m365_day_of_week_to_ical (e_m365_recurrence_pattern_get_first_day_of_week 
                if (week_day != I_CAL_NO_WEEKDAY)
                        i_cal_recurrence_set_week_start (ical_recr, week_day);
-               ecb_m365_set_index_to_ical (ical_recr, e_m365_recurrence_pattern_get_index (m365_recr));
+               ecb_m365_set_index_to_ical (ical_recr, e_m365_recurrence_pattern_get_index (m365_pattern));
-               month = e_m365_recurrence_pattern_get_month (m365_recr);
+               month = e_m365_recurrence_pattern_get_month (m365_pattern);
                if (month >= 1 && month <= 12)
                        i_cal_recurrence_set_by_month (ical_recr, 0, month);
@@ -1220,7 +1403,8 @@ ecb_m365_get_recurrence (ECalBackendM365 *cbm365,
                g_object_unref (ical_recr);
                g_warning ("%s: Unknown pattern type: %d", G_STRFUNC, e_m365_recurrence_pattern_get_type 
-               return;
+               /* Ignore the error (in the code) and continue. */
+               return TRUE;
        switch (e_m365_recurrence_range_get_type (m365_range)) {
@@ -1249,118 +1433,201 @@ ecb_m365_get_recurrence (ECalBackendM365 *cbm365,
                g_warning ("%s: Unknown range type: %d", G_STRFUNC, e_m365_recurrence_range_get_type 
                g_object_unref (ical_recr);
-               return;
+               /* Ignore the error (in the code) and continue. */
+               return TRUE;
        i_cal_component_take_property (inout_comp, i_cal_property_new_rrule (ical_recr));
        g_object_unref (ical_recr);
+       return TRUE;
-static void
+static gboolean
 ecb_m365_add_recurrence (ECalBackendM365 *cbm365,
                         ICalComponent *new_comp,
                         ICalComponent *old_comp,
                         ICalPropertyKind prop_kind,
-                        JsonBuilder *builder)
+                        const gchar *m365_id,
+                        JsonBuilder *builder,
+                        GCancellable *cancellable,
+                        GError **error)
-       /* TODO */                      
+       ICalProperty *new_value, *old_value;
+       gboolean success = TRUE;
-static void
-ecb_m365_get_importance (ECalBackendM365 *cbm365,
-                        EM365Event *m365_event,
-                        ICalComponent *inout_comp,
-                        ICalPropertyKind prop_kind)
-       EM365ImportanceType value;
-       ICalProperty *prop = NULL;
+       if (i_cal_component_count_properties (new_comp, prop_kind) > 1) {
+               g_propagate_error (error, EC_ERROR_EX (E_CLIENT_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+                       _("Microsoft 365 calendar cannot store more than one recurrence")));
-       value = e_m365_event_get_importance (m365_event);
+               return FALSE;
+       }
-       if (value == E_M365_IMPORTANCE_LOW)
-               prop = i_cal_property_new_priority (9);
-       else if (value == E_M365_IMPORTANCE_NORMAL)
-               prop = i_cal_property_new_priority (5);
-       else if (value == E_M365_IMPORTANCE_HIGH)
-               prop = i_cal_property_new_priority (1);
+       if (i_cal_component_count_properties (new_comp, I_CAL_RDATE_PROPERTY) > 0 ||
+           i_cal_component_count_properties (new_comp, I_CAL_EXDATE_PROPERTY) > 0 ||
+           i_cal_component_count_properties (new_comp, I_CAL_EXRULE_PROPERTY) > 0) {
+               g_propagate_error (error, EC_ERROR_EX (E_CLIENT_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+                       _("Microsoft 365 calendar cannot store component with RDATE, EXDATE or RRULE 
-       if (prop)
-               i_cal_component_take_property (inout_comp, prop);
+               return FALSE;
+       }
-static void
-ecb_m365_add_importance (ECalBackendM365 *cbm365,
-                        ICalComponent *new_comp,
-                        ICalComponent *old_comp,
-                        ICalPropertyKind prop_kind,
-                        JsonBuilder *builder)
-       gint old_value = -1, new_value = -1;
-       ICalProperty *prop;
+       new_value = i_cal_component_get_first_property (new_comp, prop_kind);
+       old_value = old_comp ? i_cal_component_get_first_property (old_comp, prop_kind) : NULL;
-       prop = i_cal_component_get_first_property (new_comp, prop_kind);
+       if (!new_value && !old_value)
+               return TRUE;
-       if (prop) {
-               new_value = i_cal_property_get_priority (prop);
-               g_clear_object (&prop);
-       }
+       if (new_value) {
+               ICalRecurrence *new_rrule;
+               gboolean same = FALSE;
-       prop = old_comp ? i_cal_component_get_first_property (old_comp, prop_kind) : NULL;
+               new_rrule = i_cal_property_get_rrule (new_value);
-       if (prop) {
-               old_value = i_cal_property_get_priority (prop);
-               g_clear_object (&prop);
-       }
+               if (old_value && new_rrule) {
+                       ICalRecurrence *old_rrule;
-       if (new_value != old_value) {
-               EM365ImportanceType value = E_M365_IMPORTANCE_NOT_SET;
+                       old_rrule = i_cal_property_get_rrule (old_value);
-               if (new_value >= 1 && new_value <= 4) {
-                       value = E_M365_IMPORTANCE_HIGH;
-               } else if (new_value == 5) {
-                       value = E_M365_IMPORTANCE_NORMAL;
-               } else if (new_value >= 6 && new_value <= 9) {
-                       value = E_M365_IMPORTANCE_LOW;
+                       if (old_rrule) {
+                               gchar *new_str, *old_str;
+                               new_str = i_cal_recurrence_to_string (new_rrule);
+                               old_str = i_cal_recurrence_to_string (old_rrule);
+                               same = g_strcmp0 (new_str, old_str) == 0;
+                               g_free (new_str);
+                               g_free (old_str);
+                       }
+                       g_clear_object (&old_rrule);
-               e_m365_event_add_importance (builder, value);
-       }
+               if (!same && new_rrule) {
+                       EM365DayOfWeekType week_day;
+                       ICalTime *dtstart;
+                       gint by_pos, month, yy = 0, mm = 0, dd = 0;
-static void
-ecb_m365_get_status (ECalBackendM365 *cbm365,
-                    EM365Event *m365_event,
-                    ICalComponent *inout_comp,
-                    ICalPropertyKind prop_kind)
-       ICalPropertyStatus status = I_CAL_STATUS_NONE;
+                       e_m365_event_begin_recurrence (builder);
+                       e_m365_patterned_recurrence_begin_pattern (builder);
-       if (e_m365_event_get_is_cancelled (m365_event)) {
-               status = I_CAL_STATUS_CANCELLED;
-       } else {
-               EM365ResponseStatus *response_status;
+                       switch (i_cal_recurrence_get_freq (new_rrule)) {
+                       case I_CAL_DAILY_RECURRENCE:
+                               e_m365_recurrence_pattern_add_type (builder, E_M365_RECURRENCE_PATTERN_DAILY);
+                               e_m365_recurrence_pattern_add_interval (builder, 
i_cal_recurrence_get_interval (new_rrule));
+                               ecb_m365_add_days_of_week_from_ical (builder, new_rrule);
+                               break;
+                       case I_CAL_WEEKLY_RECURRENCE:
+                               e_m365_recurrence_pattern_add_type (builder, 
+                               e_m365_recurrence_pattern_add_interval (builder, 
i_cal_recurrence_get_interval (new_rrule));
-               response_status = e_m365_event_get_response_status (m365_event);
+                               week_day = ecb_m365_day_of_week_from_ical (i_cal_recurrence_get_week_start 
-               if (response_status) {
-                       EM365ResponseType response;
+                               if (week_day != E_M365_DAY_OF_WEEK_UNKNOWN)
+                                       e_m365_recurrence_pattern_add_first_day_of_week (builder, week_day);
-                       response = e_m365_response_status_get_response (response_status);
+                               ecb_m365_add_days_of_week_from_ical (builder, new_rrule);
+                               break;
+                       case I_CAL_MONTHLY_RECURRENCE:
+                               by_pos = i_cal_recurrence_get_by_set_pos (new_rrule, 0);
-                       if (response == E_M365_RESPONSE_TENTATIVELY_ACCEPTED)
-                               status = I_CAL_STATUS_TENTATIVE;
-                       else if (response == E_M365_RESPONSE_ACCEPTED)
-                               status = I_CAL_STATUS_CONFIRMED;
-                       else if (response == E_M365_RESPONSE_DECLINED)
-                               status = I_CAL_STATUS_CANCELLED;
-                       else if (response == E_M365_RESPONSE_NOT_RESPONDED)
-                               status = I_CAL_STATUS_NEEDSACTION;
+                               e_m365_recurrence_pattern_add_interval (builder, 
i_cal_recurrence_get_interval (new_rrule));
+                               if (by_pos == I_CAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX) {
+                                       e_m365_recurrence_pattern_add_type (builder, 
+                                       e_m365_recurrence_pattern_add_day_of_month (builder, 
i_cal_recurrence_get_by_month_day (new_rrule, 0));
+                               } else {
+                                       e_m365_recurrence_pattern_add_type (builder, 
+                                       week_day = ecb_m365_day_of_week_from_ical 
(i_cal_recurrence_get_week_start (new_rrule));
+                                       if (week_day != E_M365_DAY_OF_WEEK_UNKNOWN)
+                                               e_m365_recurrence_pattern_add_first_day_of_week (builder, 
+                                       ecb_m365_add_days_of_week_from_ical (builder, new_rrule);
+                                       ecb_m365_add_index_from_ical (builder, by_pos);
+                               }
+                               break;
+                       case I_CAL_YEARLY_RECURRENCE:
+                               by_pos = i_cal_recurrence_get_by_set_pos (new_rrule, 0);
+                               e_m365_recurrence_pattern_add_interval (builder, 
i_cal_recurrence_get_interval (new_rrule));
+                               month = i_cal_recurrence_get_by_month (new_rrule, 0);
+                               if (month >= 1 && month <= 12)
+                                       e_m365_recurrence_pattern_add_month (builder, month);
+                               if (by_pos == I_CAL_RECURRENCE_ARRAY_MAX) {
+                                       e_m365_recurrence_pattern_add_type (builder, 
+                                       e_m365_recurrence_pattern_add_day_of_month (builder, 
i_cal_recurrence_get_by_month_day (new_rrule, 0));
+                               } else {
+                                       e_m365_recurrence_pattern_add_type (builder, 
+                                       week_day = ecb_m365_day_of_week_from_ical 
(i_cal_recurrence_get_week_start (new_rrule));
+                                       if (week_day != E_M365_DAY_OF_WEEK_UNKNOWN)
+                                               e_m365_recurrence_pattern_add_first_day_of_week (builder, 
+                                       ecb_m365_add_days_of_week_from_ical (builder, new_rrule);
+                                       ecb_m365_add_index_from_ical (builder, by_pos);
+                               }
+                               break;
+                       default:
+                               g_set_error (error, E_CLIENT_ERROR, E_CLIENT_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+                                       _("Unknown recurrence frequency (%d)"), i_cal_recurrence_get_freq 
+                               success = FALSE;
+                               break;
+                       }
+                       e_m365_patterned_recurrence_end_pattern (builder);
+                       e_m365_patterned_recurrence_begin_range (builder);
+                       dtstart = i_cal_component_get_dtstart (new_comp);
+                       i_cal_time_get_date (dtstart, &yy, &mm, &dd);
+                       g_clear_object (&dtstart);
+                       e_m365_recurrence_range_add_start_date (builder, e_m365_date_encode (yy, mm, dd));
+                       if (!i_cal_recurrence_get_count (new_rrule)) {
+                               ICalTime *until;
+                               gint yy = 0, mm = 0, dd = 0;
+                               until = i_cal_recurrence_get_until (new_rrule);
+                               if (until)
+                                       i_cal_time_get_date (until, &yy, &mm, &dd);
+                               if (!until || yy == 0) {
+                                       e_m365_recurrence_range_add_type (builder, 
+                               } else {
+                                       e_m365_recurrence_range_add_type (builder, 
+                                       e_m365_recurrence_range_add_end_date (builder, e_m365_date_encode 
(yy, mm, dd));
+                               }
+                               g_clear_object (&until);
+                       } else {
+                               e_m365_recurrence_range_add_type (builder, E_M365_RECURRENCE_RANGE_NUMBERED);
+                               e_m365_recurrence_range_add_number_of_occurrences (builder, 
i_cal_recurrence_get_count (new_rrule));
+                       }
+                       e_m365_patterned_recurrence_end_range (builder);
+                       e_m365_event_end_recurrence (builder);
+               g_clear_object (&new_rrule);
+       } else {
+               e_m365_event_add_null_recurrence (builder);
-       if (status != I_CAL_STATUS_NONE)
-               i_cal_component_take_property (inout_comp, i_cal_property_new_status (status));
+       g_clear_object (&new_value);
+       g_clear_object (&old_value);
+       return success;
 static gboolean
@@ -1870,9 +2137,9 @@ struct _mappings {
        SIMPLE_FIELD    (I_CAL_LOCATION_PROPERTY,       ecb_m365_get_location,          
        SIMPLE_FIELD    (I_CAL_ORGANIZER_PROPERTY,      ecb_m365_get_organizer,         
        SIMPLE_FIELD    (I_CAL_ATTENDEE_PROPERTY,       ecb_m365_get_attendees,         
-       SIMPLE_FIELD    (I_CAL_RRULE_PROPERTY,          ecb_m365_get_recurrence,        
        SIMPLE_FIELD    (I_CAL_PRIORITY_PROPERTY,       ecb_m365_get_importance,        
        SIMPLE_FIELD    (I_CAL_STATUS_PROPERTY,         ecb_m365_get_status,            NULL),
+       COMPLEX_FIELD   (I_CAL_RRULE_PROPERTY,          ecb_m365_get_recurrence,        
        COMPLEX_FIELD   (I_CAL_X_PROPERTY,              ecb_m365_get_reminder,          
        COMPLEX_FIELD_2 (I_CAL_ATTACH_PROPERTY,         ecb_m365_get_attachments,       

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