[gnome-software/fix-locale-updates] flatpak: Properly check if an app is a runtime

commit 06c114183a5828044cc4ff71360ab7690c1a9597
Author: Matthew Leeds <matthew leeds endlessm com>
Date:   Wed Apr 22 15:50:40 2020 -0700

    flatpak: Properly check if an app is a runtime
    In gs_flatpak_set_kind_from_flatpak(), we use AS_APP_KIND_LOCALIZATION
    and AS_APP_KIND_GENERIC in addition to AS_APP_KIND_RUNTIME, all for
    things which from Flatpak's perspective are runtimes (their ref starts
    with "runtime/"). So change checks in a few places to correctly identify
    Flatpak runtimes instead of checking for AS_APP_KIND_RUNTIME, which has
    the effect of ensuring that applications properly show as needing an
    update when their locale extension needs an update, e.g. because the
    user chose a language other than the one the locale extensions already
    Together with an update of libflatpak to 1.7.3 when that is released,
    this commit addresses the issue described in this MR:
    Closes: #539

 plugins/flatpak/gs-flatpak.c | 12 ++++++++----
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plugins/flatpak/gs-flatpak.c b/plugins/flatpak/gs-flatpak.c
index a98ca934..6374a0e0 100644
--- a/plugins/flatpak/gs-flatpak.c
+++ b/plugins/flatpak/gs-flatpak.c
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ gs_flatpak_create_app (GsFlatpak *self, const gchar *origin, FlatpakRef *xref)
                return app_cached;
        /* fallback values */
-       if (gs_app_get_kind (app) == AS_APP_KIND_RUNTIME) {
+       if (gs_flatpak_app_get_ref_kind (app) == FLATPAK_REF_KIND_RUNTIME) {
                g_autoptr(AsIcon) icon = NULL;
                gs_app_set_name (app, GS_APP_QUALITY_NORMAL,
                                 flatpak_ref_get_name (FLATPAK_REF (xref)));
@@ -1010,8 +1010,12 @@ gs_flatpak_set_metadata_installed (GsFlatpak *self, GsApp *app,
                gs_app_set_install_date (app, mtime);
-       /* if it's a runtime, check if the main-app info should be set */
-       if (gs_app_get_kind (app) == AS_APP_KIND_RUNTIME &&
+    /* If it's a runtime, check if the main-app info should be set. Note that
+     * checking the app for AS_APP_KIND_RUNTIME is not good enough because it
+     * could be e.g. AS_APP_KIND_LOCALIZATION and still be a runtime from
+     * Flatpak's perspective.
+     */
+       if (gs_flatpak_app_get_ref_kind (app) == FLATPAK_REF_KIND_RUNTIME &&
            gs_flatpak_app_get_main_app_ref_name (app) == NULL) {
                g_autoptr(GError) error = NULL;
                g_autoptr(GKeyFile) metadata_file = NULL;
@@ -1374,7 +1378,7 @@ get_real_app_for_update (GsFlatpak *self,
        GsApp *main_app = NULL;
        g_autoptr(GError) error_local = NULL;
-       if (gs_app_get_kind (app) == AS_APP_KIND_RUNTIME)
+       if (gs_flatpak_app_get_ref_kind (app) == FLATPAK_REF_KIND_RUNTIME)
                main_app = get_main_app_of_related (self, app, cancellable, &error_local);
        if (main_app == NULL) {

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