[evolution/wip/mcrha/webkit-jsc-api] GetContent and StyleSheet changes

commit 5d0a06c025c38b10c72cc879b13e67c079f1f45c
Author: Milan Crha <mcrha redhat com>
Date:   Fri Sep 27 14:20:45 2019 +0200

    GetContent and StyleSheet changes

 src/e-util/e-web-view-jsc-utils.c | 170 +++++++++++----
 src/e-util/e-web-view-jsc-utils.h |  35 +++-
 src/e-util/e-web-view.c           |  89 ++------
 src/e-util/e-web-view.h           |   4 -
 src/e-util/test-web-view.c        | 429 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 src/web-extensions/ext-utils.js   | 141 +++++++++++--
 6 files changed, 703 insertions(+), 165 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/e-util/e-web-view-jsc-utils.c b/src/e-util/e-web-view-jsc-utils.c
index 2a3e37a713..9930195ead 100644
--- a/src/e-util/e-web-view-jsc-utils.c
+++ b/src/e-util/e-web-view-jsc-utils.c
@@ -157,7 +157,8 @@ e_web_view_jsc_printf_scriptv (const gchar *script_format,
                        case '%':
                                g_string_append_c (script, ptr[1]);
-                       case 'b': {
+                       /* Using %x for boolean, because %b is unknown to gcc, thus it claims format warnings 
+                       case 'x': {
                                gboolean arg = va_arg (va, gboolean);
                                g_string_append (script, arg ? "true" : "false");
@@ -336,35 +337,50 @@ e_web_view_jsc_set_element_attribute (WebKitWebView *web_view,
-e_web_view_jsc_create_css_style_sheet (WebKitWebView *web_view,
-                                      const gchar *iframe_id,
-                                      const gchar *style_sheet_id,
-                                      const gchar *content,
-                                      GCancellable *cancellable)
+e_web_view_jsc_create_style_sheet (WebKitWebView *web_view,
+                                  const gchar *iframe_id,
+                                  const gchar *style_sheet_id,
+                                  const gchar *content,
+                                  GCancellable *cancellable)
        g_return_if_fail (WEBKIT_IS_WEB_VIEW (web_view));
        g_return_if_fail (style_sheet_id != NULL);
        e_web_view_jsc_run_script (web_view, cancellable,
-               "Evo.CreateCSSStyleSheet(%s,%s,%s)",
+               "Evo.CreateStyleSheet(%s,%s,%s)",
-e_web_view_jsc_add_css_rule_into_style_sheet (WebKitWebView *web_view,
-                                             const gchar *iframe_id,
-                                             const gchar *style_sheet_id,
-                                             const gchar *selector,
-                                             const gchar *style,
-                                             GCancellable *cancellable)
+e_web_view_jsc_remove_style_sheet (WebKitWebView *web_view,
+                                  const gchar *iframe_id,
+                                  const gchar *style_sheet_id,
+                                  GCancellable *cancellable)
+       g_return_if_fail (WEBKIT_IS_WEB_VIEW (web_view));
+       g_return_if_fail (style_sheet_id != NULL);
+       e_web_view_jsc_run_script (web_view, cancellable,
+               "Evo.RemoveStyleSheet(%s,%s)",
+               iframe_id,
+               style_sheet_id);
+e_web_view_jsc_add_rule_into_style_sheet (WebKitWebView *web_view,
+                                         const gchar *iframe_id,
+                                         const gchar *style_sheet_id,
+                                         const gchar *selector,
+                                         const gchar *style,
+                                         GCancellable *cancellable)
        g_return_if_fail (WEBKIT_IS_WEB_VIEW (web_view));
        g_return_if_fail (style_sheet_id != NULL);
        e_web_view_jsc_run_script (web_view, cancellable,
-               "Evo.AddCSSRuleIntoStyleSheet(%s,%s,%s,%s)",
+               "Evo.AddRuleIntoStyleSheet(%s,%s,%s,%s)",
@@ -386,29 +402,11 @@ e_web_view_jsc_register_element_clicked (WebKitWebView *web_view,
-e_web_view_jsc_get_selection (WebKitWebView *web_view,
-                             ETextFormat format,
-                             GCancellable *cancellable,
-                             GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
-                             gpointer user_data)
-       gchar *script;
-       g_return_if_fail (WEBKIT_IS_WEB_VIEW (web_view));
-       script = e_web_view_jsc_printf_script ("Evo.GetSelection(%d)", format);
-       webkit_web_view_run_javascript (web_view, script, cancellable, callback, user_data);
-       g_free (script);
-e_web_view_jsc_get_selection_finish (WebKitWebView *web_view,
-                                    GAsyncResult *result,
-                                    GSList **out_texts,
-                                    GError **error)
+static gboolean
+ewv_jsc_get_content_finish (WebKitWebView *web_view,
+                           GAsyncResult *result,
+                           GSList **out_texts,
+                           GError **error)
        WebKitJavascriptResult *js_result;
        GError *local_error = NULL;
@@ -455,3 +453,101 @@ e_web_view_jsc_get_selection_finish (WebKitWebView *web_view,
        return TRUE;
+e_web_view_jsc_get_selection (WebKitWebView *web_view,
+                             ETextFormat format,
+                             GCancellable *cancellable,
+                             GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+                             gpointer user_data)
+       gchar *script;
+       g_return_if_fail (WEBKIT_IS_WEB_VIEW (web_view));
+       script = e_web_view_jsc_printf_script ("Evo.GetSelection(%d)", format);
+       webkit_web_view_run_javascript (web_view, script, cancellable, callback, user_data);
+       g_free (script);
+e_web_view_jsc_get_selection_finish (WebKitWebView *web_view,
+                                    GAsyncResult *result,
+                                    GSList **out_texts,
+                                    GError **error)
+       g_return_val_if_fail (WEBKIT_IS_WEB_VIEW (web_view), FALSE);
+       g_return_val_if_fail (result != NULL, FALSE);
+       g_return_val_if_fail (out_texts != NULL, FALSE);
+       return ewv_jsc_get_content_finish (web_view, result, out_texts, error);
+e_web_view_jsc_get_document_content (WebKitWebView *web_view,
+                                    const gchar *iframe_id,
+                                    ETextFormat format,
+                                    GCancellable *cancellable,
+                                    GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+                                    gpointer user_data)
+       gchar *script;
+       g_return_if_fail (WEBKIT_IS_WEB_VIEW (web_view));
+       script = e_web_view_jsc_printf_script ("Evo.GetDocumentContent(%s,%d)", iframe_id, format);
+       webkit_web_view_run_javascript (web_view, script, cancellable, callback, user_data);
+       g_free (script);
+e_web_view_jsc_get_document_content_finish (WebKitWebView *web_view,
+                                           GAsyncResult *result,
+                                           GSList **out_texts,
+                                           GError **error)
+       g_return_val_if_fail (WEBKIT_IS_WEB_VIEW (web_view), FALSE);
+       g_return_val_if_fail (result != NULL, FALSE);
+       g_return_val_if_fail (out_texts != NULL, FALSE);
+       return ewv_jsc_get_content_finish (web_view, result, out_texts, error);
+e_web_view_jsc_get_element_content (WebKitWebView *web_view,
+                                   const gchar *iframe_id,
+                                   const gchar *element_id,
+                                   ETextFormat format,
+                                   gboolean use_outer_html,
+                                   GCancellable *cancellable,
+                                   GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+                                   gpointer user_data)
+       gchar *script;
+       g_return_if_fail (WEBKIT_IS_WEB_VIEW (web_view));
+       g_return_if_fail (element_id != NULL);
+       script = e_web_view_jsc_printf_script ("Evo.GetElementContent(%s,%s,%d,%x)", iframe_id, element_id, 
format, use_outer_html);
+       webkit_web_view_run_javascript (web_view, script, cancellable, callback, user_data);
+       g_free (script);
+e_web_view_jsc_get_element_content_finish (WebKitWebView *web_view,
+                                          GAsyncResult *result,
+                                          GSList **out_texts,
+                                          GError **error)
+       g_return_val_if_fail (WEBKIT_IS_WEB_VIEW (web_view), FALSE);
+       g_return_val_if_fail (result != NULL, FALSE);
+       g_return_val_if_fail (out_texts != NULL, FALSE);
+       return ewv_jsc_get_content_finish (web_view, result, out_texts, error);
diff --git a/src/e-util/e-web-view-jsc-utils.h b/src/e-util/e-web-view-jsc-utils.h
index 7351256870..104895dde5 100644
--- a/src/e-util/e-web-view-jsc-utils.h
+++ b/src/e-util/e-web-view-jsc-utils.h
@@ -73,13 +73,18 @@ void                e_web_view_jsc_set_element_attribute
                                                 const gchar *qualified_name,
                                                 const gchar *value,
                                                 GCancellable *cancellable);
-void           e_web_view_jsc_create_css_style_sheet
+void           e_web_view_jsc_create_style_sheet
                                                (WebKitWebView *web_view,
                                                 const gchar *iframe_id,
                                                 const gchar *style_sheet_id,
                                                 const gchar *content,
                                                 GCancellable *cancellable);
-void           e_web_view_jsc_add_css_rule_into_style_sheet
+void           e_web_view_jsc_remove_style_sheet
+                                               (WebKitWebView *web_view,
+                                                const gchar *iframe_id,
+                                                const gchar *style_sheet_id,
+                                                GCancellable *cancellable);
+void           e_web_view_jsc_add_rule_into_style_sheet
                                                (WebKitWebView *web_view,
                                                 const gchar *iframe_id,
                                                 const gchar *style_sheet_id,
@@ -108,6 +113,32 @@ gboolean   e_web_view_jsc_get_selection_finish
                                                 GAsyncResult *result,
                                                 GSList **out_texts,
                                                 GError **error);
+void           e_web_view_jsc_get_document_content
+                                               (WebKitWebView *web_view,
+                                                const gchar *iframe_id,
+                                                ETextFormat format,
+                                                GCancellable *cancellable,
+                                                GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+                                                gpointer user_data);
+gboolean       e_web_view_jsc_get_document_content_finish
+                                               (WebKitWebView *web_view,
+                                                GAsyncResult *result,
+                                                GSList **out_texts,
+                                                GError **error);
+void           e_web_view_jsc_get_element_content
+                                               (WebKitWebView *web_view,
+                                                const gchar *iframe_id,
+                                                const gchar *element_id,
+                                                ETextFormat format,
+                                                gboolean use_outer_html,
+                                                GCancellable *cancellable,
+                                                GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
+                                                gpointer user_data);
+gboolean       e_web_view_jsc_get_element_content_finish
+                                               (WebKitWebView *web_view,
+                                                GAsyncResult *result,
+                                                GSList **out_texts,
+                                                GError **error);
diff --git a/src/e-util/e-web-view.c b/src/e-util/e-web-view.c
index 86c2feb702..6863568f7d 100644
--- a/src/e-util/e-web-view.c
+++ b/src/e-util/e-web-view.c
@@ -814,6 +814,7 @@ web_view_load_changed_cb (WebKitWebView *webkit_web_view,
        /* Make sure the initialize function is called for the top document when it is loaded. */
        e_web_view_jsc_run_script (webkit_web_view, web_view->priv->load_cancellable,
        style_updated_cb (web_view);
        web_view_update_document_highlights (web_view);
@@ -2741,30 +2742,25 @@ get_document_content_html_cb (GObject *source_object,
                               GAsyncResult *result,
                               gpointer user_data)
-       GDBusProxy *web_extension;
        GTask *task = user_data;
-       GVariant *result_variant;
-       gchar *html_content = NULL;
-       GError *error = NULL;
+       GSList *texts = NULL;
+       GError *local_error = NULL;
-       g_return_if_fail (G_IS_DBUS_PROXY (source_object));
+       g_return_if_fail (E_IS_WEB_VIEW (source_object));
        g_return_if_fail (G_IS_TASK (task));
-       web_extension = G_DBUS_PROXY (source_object);
+       e_web_view_jsc_get_document_content_finish (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (source_object), result, &texts, 
-       result_variant = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (web_extension, result, &error);
-       if (result_variant)
-               g_variant_get (result_variant, "(s)", &html_content);
-       g_variant_unref (result_variant);
+       if (local_error) {
+               g_task_return_error (task, local_error);
+               g_warn_if_fail (texts == NULL);
+       } else {
+               g_task_return_pointer (task, texts ? texts->data : NULL, g_free);
+               /* The texts::data is owned by the task now */
+               g_slist_free (texts);
+       }
-       g_task_return_pointer (task, html_content, g_free);
        g_object_unref (task);
-       if (error)
-               g_dbus_error_strip_remote_error (error);
-       e_util_claim_dbus_proxy_call_error (web_extension, "GetDocumentContentHTML", error);
-       g_clear_error (&error);
@@ -2773,29 +2769,14 @@ e_web_view_get_content_html (EWebView *web_view,
                              GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
                              gpointer user_data)
-       GDBusProxy *web_extension;
        GTask *task;
        g_return_if_fail (E_IS_WEB_VIEW (web_view));
        task = g_task_new (web_view, cancellable, callback, user_data);
-       web_extension = e_web_view_get_web_extension_proxy (web_view);
-       if (web_extension) {
-               g_dbus_proxy_call (
-                       web_extension,
-                       "GetDocumentContentHTML",
-                       g_variant_new (
-                               "(t)",
-                               webkit_web_view_get_page_id (
-                                       WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (web_view))),
-                       G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE,
-                       -1,
-                       cancellable,
-                       get_document_content_html_cb,
-                       g_object_ref (task));
-       } else
-               g_task_return_pointer (task, NULL, NULL);
+       e_web_view_jsc_get_document_content (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (web_view), "", E_TEXT_FORMAT_HTML,
+               cancellable, get_document_content_html_cb, g_object_ref (task));
 gchar *
@@ -2809,44 +2790,6 @@ e_web_view_get_content_html_finish (EWebView *web_view,
        return g_task_propagate_pointer (G_TASK (result), error);
-gchar *
-e_web_view_get_content_html_sync (EWebView *web_view,
-                                  GCancellable *cancellable,
-                                  GError **error)
-       GDBusProxy *web_extension;
-       g_return_val_if_fail (E_IS_WEB_VIEW (web_view), NULL);
-       web_extension = e_web_view_get_web_extension_proxy (web_view);
-       if (web_extension) {
-               GVariant *result;
-               result = e_util_invoke_g_dbus_proxy_call_sync_wrapper_full (
-                               web_extension,
-                               "GetDocumentContentHTML",
-                               g_variant_new (
-                                       "(t)",
-                                       webkit_web_view_get_page_id (
-                                               WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (web_view))),
-                               G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE,
-                               -1,
-                               cancellable,
-                               error);
-               if (result) {
-                       gchar *html_content = NULL;
-                       g_variant_get (result, "(s)", &html_content);
-                       g_variant_unref (result);
-                       return html_content;
-               }
-       }
-       return NULL;
 e_web_view_get_caret_mode (EWebView *web_view)
@@ -4526,7 +4469,7 @@ e_web_view_add_css_rule_into_style_sheet (EWebView *web_view,
        g_return_if_fail (selector && *selector);
        g_return_if_fail (style && *style);
-       e_web_view_jsc_add_css_rule_into_style_sheet (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (web_view),
+       e_web_view_jsc_add_rule_into_style_sheet (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (web_view),
                "", style_sheet_id, selector, style,
diff --git a/src/e-util/e-web-view.h b/src/e-util/e-web-view.h
index f98f43fa04..fa5778157c 100644
--- a/src/e-util/e-web-view.h
+++ b/src/e-util/e-web-view.h
@@ -151,10 +151,6 @@ gchar *            e_web_view_get_content_html_finish
                                                (EWebView *web_view,
                                                 GAsyncResult *result,
                                                 GError **error);
-gchar *                e_web_view_get_content_html_sync
-                                               (EWebView *web_view,
-                                                GCancellable *cancellable,
-                                                GError **error);
 GDBusProxy *   e_web_view_get_web_extension_proxy
                                                (EWebView *web_view);
 gboolean       e_web_view_get_caret_mode       (EWebView *web_view);
diff --git a/src/e-util/test-web-view.c b/src/e-util/test-web-view.c
index bbbc78947b..f150c046e7 100644
--- a/src/e-util/test-web-view.c
+++ b/src/e-util/test-web-view.c
@@ -436,6 +436,8 @@ test_utils_load_iframe_content (TestFixture *fixture,
        test_utils_wait (fixture);
        g_signal_handler_disconnect (fixture->web_view, handler_id);
+       test_utils_wait_noop (fixture);
 static void
@@ -465,6 +467,8 @@ test_utils_load_string (TestFixture *fixture,
        test_utils_wait (fixture);
        g_signal_handler_disconnect (fixture->web_view, handler_id);
+       test_utils_wait_noop (fixture);
 static void
@@ -744,6 +748,19 @@ test_style_sheets (TestFixture *fixture)
                "       return 
+               "Test.hasStyle = function(iframe_id, style_sheet_id)\n"
+               "{\n"
+               "       var doc = Evo.findIFrameDocument(iframe_id);\n"
+               "       var styles = doc.head.getElementsByTagName(\"style\"), ii;\n"
+               "\n"
+               "       for (ii = styles.length - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) {\n"
+               "               if (styles[ii].id == style_sheet_id) {\n"
+               "                       return true;\n"
+               "               }\n"
+               "       }\n"
+               "       return false;\n"
+               "}\n"
+               "\n"
                "Test.getStyle = function(iframe_id, style_sheet_id, selector, property_name)\n"
                "       var styles = Evo.findIFrameDocument(iframe_id).head.getElementsByTagName(\"style\"), 
@@ -777,7 +794,7 @@ test_style_sheets (TestFixture *fixture)
        g_assert_cmpint (0, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_int32_sync (fixture, "Test.nStyles(\"frm2\")"));
        test_utils_jsc_call_string_and_verify (fixture, "Test.getStyle(\"\", \"sheet1\", \"body\", 
\"color\")", NULL);
-       e_web_view_jsc_create_css_style_sheet (fixture->web_view, "", "sheet1", "body { color:green; }", 
+       e_web_view_jsc_create_style_sheet (fixture->web_view, "", "sheet1", "body { color:green; }", NULL);
        test_utils_wait_noop (fixture);
        g_assert_cmpint (2, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_int32_sync (fixture, "Test.nStyles(\"\")"));
@@ -787,7 +804,7 @@ test_style_sheets (TestFixture *fixture)
        test_utils_jsc_call_string_and_verify (fixture, "Test.getStyle(\"\", \"sheet1\", \"body\", 
\"color\")", "green");
        test_utils_jsc_call_string_and_verify (fixture, "Test.getStyle(\"frm1_1\", \"sheet2\", \"body\", 
\"background-color\")", NULL);
-       e_web_view_jsc_add_css_rule_into_style_sheet (fixture->web_view, "frm1_1", "sheet2", "body", 
"background-color:black;", NULL);
+       e_web_view_jsc_add_rule_into_style_sheet (fixture->web_view, "frm1_1", "sheet2", "body", 
"background-color:black;", NULL);
        test_utils_wait_noop (fixture);
        g_assert_cmpint (2, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_int32_sync (fixture, "Test.nStyles(\"\")"));
@@ -801,7 +818,7 @@ test_style_sheets (TestFixture *fixture)
        test_utils_jsc_call_string_and_verify (fixture, "Test.getStyle(\"frm1_1\", \"sheet3\", \"body\", 
\"color\")", NULL);
        test_utils_jsc_call_string_and_verify (fixture, "Test.getStyle(\"frm2\", \"sheet3\", \"body\", 
\"color\")", NULL);
-       e_web_view_jsc_add_css_rule_into_style_sheet (fixture->web_view, "*", "sheet3", "body", 
"color:orange;", NULL);
+       e_web_view_jsc_add_rule_into_style_sheet (fixture->web_view, "*", "sheet3", "body", "color:orange;", 
        test_utils_wait_noop (fixture);
        g_assert_cmpint (3, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_int32_sync (fixture, "Test.nStyles(\"\")"));
@@ -814,6 +831,87 @@ test_style_sheets (TestFixture *fixture)
        test_utils_jsc_call_string_and_verify (fixture, "Test.getStyle(\"frm1\", \"sheet3\", \"body\", 
\"color\")", "orange");
        test_utils_jsc_call_string_and_verify (fixture, "Test.getStyle(\"frm1_1\", \"sheet3\", \"body\", 
\"color\")", "orange");
        test_utils_jsc_call_string_and_verify (fixture, "Test.getStyle(\"frm2\", \"sheet3\", \"body\", 
\"color\")", "orange");
+       g_assert_cmpint (0, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_bool_sync (fixture, "Test.hasStyle(\"\", \"sheetA\")") ? 
1 : 0);
+       g_assert_cmpint (0, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_bool_sync (fixture, "Test.hasStyle(\"frm1\", 
\"sheetA\")") ? 1 : 0);
+       g_assert_cmpint (0, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_bool_sync (fixture, "Test.hasStyle(\"frm1_1\", 
\"sheetA\")") ? 1 : 0);
+       e_web_view_jsc_add_rule_into_style_sheet (fixture->web_view, "", "sheetA", "body", "color:blue;", 
+       e_web_view_jsc_add_rule_into_style_sheet (fixture->web_view, "frm1", "sheetA", "body", "color:blue;", 
+       e_web_view_jsc_add_rule_into_style_sheet (fixture->web_view, "frm1_1", "sheetA", "body", 
"color:blue;", NULL);
+       test_utils_wait_noop (fixture);
+       g_assert_cmpint (1, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_bool_sync (fixture, "Test.hasStyle(\"\", \"sheetA\")") ? 
1 : 0);
+       g_assert_cmpint (1, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_bool_sync (fixture, "Test.hasStyle(\"frm1\", 
\"sheetA\")") ? 1 : 0);
+       g_assert_cmpint (1, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_bool_sync (fixture, "Test.hasStyle(\"frm1_1\", 
\"sheetA\")") ? 1 : 0);
+       g_assert_cmpint (4, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_int32_sync (fixture, "Test.nStyles(\"\")"));
+       g_assert_cmpint (2, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_int32_sync (fixture, "Test.nStyles(\"frm1\")"));
+       g_assert_cmpint (3, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_int32_sync (fixture, "Test.nStyles(\"frm1_1\")"));
+       g_assert_cmpint (1, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_int32_sync (fixture, "Test.nStyles(\"frm2\")"));
+       e_web_view_jsc_remove_style_sheet (fixture->web_view, "frm1", "sheetA", NULL);
+       test_utils_wait_noop (fixture);
+       g_assert_cmpint (1, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_bool_sync (fixture, "Test.hasStyle(\"\", \"sheetA\")") ? 
1 : 0);
+       g_assert_cmpint (0, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_bool_sync (fixture, "Test.hasStyle(\"frm1\", 
\"sheetA\")") ? 1 : 0);
+       g_assert_cmpint (1, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_bool_sync (fixture, "Test.hasStyle(\"frm1_1\", 
\"sheetA\")") ? 1 : 0);
+       g_assert_cmpint (4, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_int32_sync (fixture, "Test.nStyles(\"\")"));
+       g_assert_cmpint (1, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_int32_sync (fixture, "Test.nStyles(\"frm1\")"));
+       g_assert_cmpint (3, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_int32_sync (fixture, "Test.nStyles(\"frm1_1\")"));
+       g_assert_cmpint (1, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_int32_sync (fixture, "Test.nStyles(\"frm2\")"));
+       e_web_view_jsc_remove_style_sheet (fixture->web_view, "*", "sheetA", NULL);
+       test_utils_wait_noop (fixture);
+       g_assert_cmpint (0, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_bool_sync (fixture, "Test.hasStyle(\"\", \"sheetA\")") ? 
1 : 0);
+       g_assert_cmpint (0, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_bool_sync (fixture, "Test.hasStyle(\"frm1\", 
\"sheetA\")") ? 1 : 0);
+       g_assert_cmpint (0, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_bool_sync (fixture, "Test.hasStyle(\"frm1_1\", 
\"sheetA\")") ? 1 : 0);
+       g_assert_cmpint (3, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_int32_sync (fixture, "Test.nStyles(\"\")"));
+       g_assert_cmpint (1, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_int32_sync (fixture, "Test.nStyles(\"frm1\")"));
+       g_assert_cmpint (2, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_int32_sync (fixture, "Test.nStyles(\"frm1_1\")"));
+       g_assert_cmpint (1, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_int32_sync (fixture, "Test.nStyles(\"frm2\")"));
+       e_web_view_jsc_remove_style_sheet (fixture->web_view, "frm1_1", "*", NULL);
+       test_utils_wait_noop (fixture);
+       g_assert_cmpint (3, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_int32_sync (fixture, "Test.nStyles(\"\")"));
+       g_assert_cmpint (1, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_int32_sync (fixture, "Test.nStyles(\"frm1\")"));
+       g_assert_cmpint (0, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_int32_sync (fixture, "Test.nStyles(\"frm1_1\")"));
+       g_assert_cmpint (1, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_int32_sync (fixture, "Test.nStyles(\"frm2\")"));
+       e_web_view_jsc_add_rule_into_style_sheet (fixture->web_view, "", "sheetB", "body", "color:green;", 
+       e_web_view_jsc_add_rule_into_style_sheet (fixture->web_view, "frm1_1", "sheetB", "body", 
"color:green;", NULL);
+       e_web_view_jsc_add_rule_into_style_sheet (fixture->web_view, "frm1_1", "sheetC", "body", 
"color:yellow;", NULL);
+       test_utils_wait_noop (fixture);
+       g_assert_cmpint (4, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_int32_sync (fixture, "Test.nStyles(\"\")"));
+       g_assert_cmpint (1, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_int32_sync (fixture, "Test.nStyles(\"frm1\")"));
+       g_assert_cmpint (2, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_int32_sync (fixture, "Test.nStyles(\"frm1_1\")"));
+       g_assert_cmpint (1, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_int32_sync (fixture, "Test.nStyles(\"frm2\")"));
+       e_web_view_jsc_remove_style_sheet (fixture->web_view, "", "*", NULL);
+       test_utils_wait_noop (fixture);
+       g_assert_cmpint (0, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_int32_sync (fixture, "Test.nStyles(\"\")"));
+       g_assert_cmpint (1, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_int32_sync (fixture, "Test.nStyles(\"frm1\")"));
+       g_assert_cmpint (2, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_int32_sync (fixture, "Test.nStyles(\"frm1_1\")"));
+       g_assert_cmpint (1, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_int32_sync (fixture, "Test.nStyles(\"frm2\")"));
+       e_web_view_jsc_add_rule_into_style_sheet (fixture->web_view, "", "sheetC", "body", "color:yellow;", 
+       test_utils_wait_noop (fixture);
+       g_assert_cmpint (1, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_int32_sync (fixture, "Test.nStyles(\"\")"));
+       g_assert_cmpint (1, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_int32_sync (fixture, "Test.nStyles(\"frm1\")"));
+       g_assert_cmpint (2, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_int32_sync (fixture, "Test.nStyles(\"frm1_1\")"));
+       g_assert_cmpint (1, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_int32_sync (fixture, "Test.nStyles(\"frm2\")"));
+       e_web_view_jsc_remove_style_sheet (fixture->web_view, "*", "*", NULL);
+       test_utils_wait_noop (fixture);
+       g_assert_cmpint (0, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_int32_sync (fixture, "Test.nStyles(\"\")"));
+       g_assert_cmpint (0, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_int32_sync (fixture, "Test.nStyles(\"frm1\")"));
+       g_assert_cmpint (0, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_int32_sync (fixture, "Test.nStyles(\"frm1_1\")"));
+       g_assert_cmpint (0, ==, test_utils_jsc_call_int32_sync (fixture, "Test.nStyles(\"frm2\")"));
 typedef struct _ElementClickedData {
@@ -1080,47 +1178,56 @@ test_selection_select_in_iframe (TestFixture *fixture,
        test_utils_wait_noop (fixture);
-typedef struct _GetSelectionData {
+typedef struct _GetContentData {
        TestFixture *fixture;
        const gchar *expect_plain;
        const gchar *expect_html;
-} GetSelectionData;
+} GetContentData;
+static void
+test_verify_get_content_data (GetContentData *gcd,
+                             const GSList *texts)
+       g_assert_nonnull (gcd);
+       if (gcd->expect_plain && gcd->expect_html) {
+               g_assert_cmpint (g_slist_length ((GSList *) texts), ==, 2);
+               g_assert_cmpstr (texts->data, ==, gcd->expect_plain);
+               g_assert_cmpstr (texts->next->data, ==, gcd->expect_html);
+       } else if (gcd->expect_plain) {
+               g_assert_cmpint (g_slist_length ((GSList *) texts), ==, 1);
+               g_assert_cmpstr (texts->data, ==, gcd->expect_plain);
+       } else if (gcd->expect_html) {
+               g_assert_cmpint (g_slist_length ((GSList *) texts), ==, 1);
+               g_assert_cmpstr (texts->data, ==, gcd->expect_html);
+       } else {
+               g_assert_cmpint (g_slist_length ((GSList *) texts), ==, 0);
+       }
 static void
 test_selection_ready_cb (GObject *source_object,
                         GAsyncResult *result,
                         gpointer user_data)
-       GetSelectionData *gsd = user_data;
+       GetContentData *gcd = user_data;
        GSList *texts = NULL;
        gboolean success;
        GError *error = NULL;
        g_assert (WEBKIT_IS_WEB_VIEW (source_object));
-       g_assert_nonnull (gsd);
+       g_assert_nonnull (gcd);
        success = e_web_view_jsc_get_selection_finish (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (source_object), result, &texts, 
        g_assert_no_error (error);
        g_assert (success);
-       if (gsd->expect_plain && gsd->expect_html) {
-               g_assert_cmpint (g_slist_length (texts), ==, 2);
-               g_assert_cmpstr (texts->data, ==, gsd->expect_plain);
-               g_assert_cmpstr (texts->next->data, ==, gsd->expect_html);
-       } else if (gsd->expect_plain) {
-               g_assert_cmpint (g_slist_length (texts), ==, 1);
-               g_assert_cmpstr (texts->data, ==, gsd->expect_plain);
-       } else if (gsd->expect_html) {
-               g_assert_cmpint (g_slist_length (texts), ==, 1);
-               g_assert_cmpstr (texts->data, ==, gsd->expect_html);
-       } else {
-               g_assert_cmpint (g_slist_length (texts), ==, 0);
-       }
+       test_verify_get_content_data (gcd, texts);
        g_slist_free_full (texts, g_free);
-       test_flag_set (gsd->fixture->flag);
+       test_flag_set (gcd->fixture->flag);
 static void
@@ -1129,7 +1236,7 @@ test_selection_verify (TestFixture *fixture,
                       const gchar *expect_html)
        ETextFormat format;
-       GetSelectionData *gsd;
+       GetContentData gcd;
        if (expect_plain && expect_html)
                format = E_TEXT_FORMAT_BOTH;
@@ -1138,12 +1245,11 @@ test_selection_verify (TestFixture *fixture,
                format = E_TEXT_FORMAT_PLAIN;
-       gsd = g_new0 (GetSelectionData, 1);
-       gsd->fixture = fixture;
-       gsd->expect_plain = expect_plain;
-       gsd->expect_html = expect_html;
+       gcd.fixture = fixture;
+       gcd.expect_plain = expect_plain;
+       gcd.expect_html = expect_html;
-       e_web_view_jsc_get_selection (fixture->web_view, format, NULL, test_selection_ready_cb, gsd);
+       e_web_view_jsc_get_selection (fixture->web_view, format, NULL, test_selection_ready_cb, &gcd);
        test_utils_wait (fixture);
@@ -1219,6 +1325,274 @@ test_selection (TestFixture *fixture)
        test_selection_verify (fixture, NULL, NULL);
+static void
+test_get_document_content_ready_cb (GObject *source_object,
+                                   GAsyncResult *result,
+                                   gpointer user_data)
+       GetContentData *gcd = user_data;
+       GSList *texts = NULL;
+       gboolean success;
+       GError *error = NULL;
+       g_assert (WEBKIT_IS_WEB_VIEW (source_object));
+       g_assert_nonnull (gcd);
+       success = e_web_view_jsc_get_document_content_finish (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (source_object), result, 
&texts, &error);
+       g_assert_no_error (error);
+       g_assert (success);
+       test_verify_get_content_data (gcd, texts);
+       g_slist_free_full (texts, g_free);
+       test_flag_set (gcd->fixture->flag);
+static void
+test_get_document_content_verify (TestFixture *fixture,
+                                 const gchar *iframe_id,
+                                 const gchar *expect_plain,
+                                 const gchar *expect_html)
+       ETextFormat format;
+       GetContentData gcd;
+       if (expect_plain && expect_html)
+               format = E_TEXT_FORMAT_BOTH;
+       else if (expect_html)
+               format = E_TEXT_FORMAT_HTML;
+       else
+               format = E_TEXT_FORMAT_PLAIN;
+       gcd.fixture = fixture;
+       gcd.expect_plain = expect_plain;
+       gcd.expect_html = expect_html;
+       e_web_view_jsc_get_document_content (fixture->web_view, iframe_id, format, NULL, 
test_get_document_content_ready_cb, &gcd);
+       test_utils_wait (fixture);
+static void
+test_get_element_content_ready_cb (GObject *source_object,
+                                  GAsyncResult *result,
+                                  gpointer user_data)
+       GetContentData *gcd = user_data;
+       GSList *texts = NULL;
+       gboolean success;
+       GError *error = NULL;
+       g_assert (WEBKIT_IS_WEB_VIEW (source_object));
+       g_assert_nonnull (gcd);
+       success = e_web_view_jsc_get_document_content_finish (WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW (source_object), result, 
&texts, &error);
+       g_assert_no_error (error);
+       g_assert (success);
+       test_verify_get_content_data (gcd, texts);
+       g_slist_free_full (texts, g_free);
+       test_flag_set (gcd->fixture->flag);
+static void
+test_get_element_content_verify (TestFixture *fixture,
+                                const gchar *iframe_id,
+                                const gchar *element_id,
+                                gboolean use_outer_html,
+                                const gchar *expect_plain,
+                                const gchar *expect_html)
+       ETextFormat format;
+       GetContentData gcd;
+       if (expect_plain && expect_html)
+               format = E_TEXT_FORMAT_BOTH;
+       else if (expect_html)
+               format = E_TEXT_FORMAT_HTML;
+       else
+               format = E_TEXT_FORMAT_PLAIN;
+       gcd.fixture = fixture;
+       gcd.expect_plain = expect_plain;
+       gcd.expect_html = expect_html;
+       e_web_view_jsc_get_element_content (fixture->web_view, iframe_id, element_id, format, use_outer_html, 
NULL, test_get_element_content_ready_cb, &gcd);
+       test_utils_wait (fixture);
+static void
+test_get_content_html_ready_cb (GObject *source_object,
+                               GAsyncResult *result,
+                               gpointer user_data)
+       GetContentData *gcd = user_data;
+       GSList *texts = NULL;
+       gchar *text;
+       GError *error = NULL;
+       g_assert (WEBKIT_IS_WEB_VIEW (source_object));
+       g_assert_nonnull (gcd);
+       text = e_web_view_get_content_html_finish (E_WEB_VIEW (source_object), result, &error);
+       g_assert_no_error (error);
+       if (text)
+               texts = g_slist_prepend (texts, text);
+       test_verify_get_content_data (gcd, texts);
+       g_slist_free_full (texts, g_free);
+       test_flag_set (gcd->fixture->flag);
+static void
+test_get_content_html_verify (TestFixture *fixture,
+                             const gchar *expect_html)
+       GetContentData gcd;
+       gcd.fixture = fixture;
+       gcd.expect_plain = NULL;
+       gcd.expect_html = expect_html;
+       e_web_view_get_content_html (E_WEB_VIEW (fixture->web_view), NULL, test_get_content_html_ready_cb, 
+       test_utils_wait (fixture);
+static void
+test_get_content (TestFixture *fixture)
+       const gchar *html_main =
+               "<html style=\"\"><head><meta charset=\"utf-8\"></head><body>"
+               "<div id=\"frst\">first div</div>"
+               "<div id=\"scnd\">second div</div>"
+               "<iframe id=\"frm1\" src=\"empty:///\"></iframe>"
+               "</body></html>";
+       const gchar *html_frm1 =
+               "<html style=\"\"><head><meta name=\"keywords\" value=\"test\"></head><body>"
+               "<span id=\"frm1p\">"
+               "<div id=\"frst\">frm1 div</div>"
+               "</span>"
+               "</body></html>";
+       const gchar *expect_html, *expect_plain;
+       test_utils_load_string (fixture, html_main);
+       test_utils_load_iframe_content (fixture, "frm1", html_frm1);
+       /* Clean up styles added by EWebView */
+       test_utils_jsc_call_sync (fixture, "Evo.SetElementStyleProperty(\"\",\"*html\",\"color\",null);", 
+       test_utils_jsc_call_sync (fixture, 
"Evo.SetElementStyleProperty(\"\",\"*html\",\"background-color\",null);", NULL);
+       test_utils_jsc_call_sync (fixture, "Evo.SetElementAttribute(\"\",\"*body\",\"\",\"class\",null);", 
+       test_utils_jsc_call_sync (fixture, "Evo.SetElementStyleProperty(\"frm1\",\"*html\",\"color\",null);", 
+       test_utils_jsc_call_sync (fixture, 
"Evo.SetElementStyleProperty(\"frm1\",\"*html\",\"background-color\",null);", NULL);
+       test_utils_jsc_call_sync (fixture, 
"Evo.SetElementAttribute(\"frm1\",\"*body\",\"\",\"class\",null);", NULL);
+       test_utils_jsc_call_sync (fixture, "Evo.RemoveStyleSheet(\"*\",\"*\");", NULL);
+       expect_plain = "first div\nsecond div\n";
+       expect_html = html_main;
+       test_get_document_content_verify (fixture, "", expect_plain, NULL);
+       test_get_document_content_verify (fixture, "", NULL, expect_html);
+       test_get_document_content_verify (fixture, "", expect_plain, expect_html);
+       test_get_content_html_verify (fixture, expect_html);
+       expect_plain = "frm1 div";
+       expect_html = html_frm1;
+       test_get_document_content_verify (fixture, "frm1", expect_plain, NULL);
+       test_get_document_content_verify (fixture, "frm1", NULL, expect_html);
+       test_get_document_content_verify (fixture, "frm1", expect_plain, expect_html);
+       expect_plain = "";
+       expect_html = "<meta charset=\"utf-8\">";
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "", "*head", FALSE, expect_plain, NULL);
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "", "*head", FALSE, NULL, expect_html);
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "", "*head", FALSE, expect_plain, expect_html);
+       expect_html = "<head><meta charset=\"utf-8\"></head>";
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "", "*head", TRUE, expect_plain, NULL);
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "", "*head", TRUE, NULL, expect_html);
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "", "*head", TRUE, expect_plain, expect_html);
+       expect_html = "<meta name=\"keywords\" value=\"test\">";
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "frm1", "*head", FALSE, expect_plain, NULL);
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "frm1", "*head", FALSE, NULL, expect_html);
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "frm1", "*head", FALSE, expect_plain, expect_html);
+       expect_html = "<head><meta name=\"keywords\" value=\"test\"></head>";
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "frm1", "*head", TRUE, expect_plain, NULL);
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "frm1", "*head", TRUE, NULL, expect_html);
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "frm1", "*head", TRUE, expect_plain, expect_html);
+       expect_plain = "first div\nsecond div\n";
+       expect_html =
+               "<div id=\"frst\">first div</div>"
+               "<div id=\"scnd\">second div</div>"
+               "<iframe id=\"frm1\" src=\"empty:///\"></iframe>";
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "", "*body", FALSE, expect_plain, NULL);
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "", "*body", FALSE, NULL, expect_html);
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "", "*body", FALSE, expect_plain, expect_html);
+       expect_html = "<body>"
+               "<div id=\"frst\">first div</div>"
+               "<div id=\"scnd\">second div</div>"
+               "<iframe id=\"frm1\" src=\"empty:///\"></iframe></body>";
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "", "*body", TRUE, expect_plain, NULL);
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "", "*body", TRUE, NULL, expect_html);
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "", "*body", TRUE, expect_plain, expect_html);
+       expect_plain = "frm1 div";
+       expect_html ="<span id=\"frm1p\"><div id=\"frst\">frm1 div</div></span>";
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "frm1", "*body", FALSE, expect_plain, NULL);
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "frm1", "*body", FALSE, NULL, expect_html);
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "frm1", "*body", FALSE, expect_plain, expect_html);
+       expect_html = "<body><span id=\"frm1p\"><div id=\"frst\">frm1 div</div></span></body>";
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "frm1", "*body", TRUE, expect_plain, NULL);
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "frm1", "*body", TRUE, NULL, expect_html);
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "frm1", "*body", TRUE, expect_plain, expect_html);
+       expect_plain = "first div";
+       expect_html = "first div";
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "", "frst", FALSE, expect_plain, NULL);
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "", "frst", FALSE, NULL, expect_html);
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "", "frst", FALSE, expect_plain, expect_html);
+       expect_html = "<div id=\"frst\">first div</div>";
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "", "frst", TRUE, expect_plain, NULL);
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "", "frst", TRUE, NULL, expect_html);
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "", "frst", TRUE, expect_plain, expect_html);
+       expect_plain = "frm1 div";
+       expect_html = "frm1 div";
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "frm1", "frst", FALSE, expect_plain, NULL);
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "frm1", "frst", FALSE, NULL, expect_html);
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "frm1", "frst", FALSE, expect_plain, expect_html);
+       expect_html = "<div id=\"frst\">frm1 div</div>";
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "frm1", "frst", TRUE, expect_plain, NULL);
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "frm1", "frst", TRUE, NULL, expect_html);
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "frm1", "frst", TRUE, expect_plain, expect_html);
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "frm1", "frm1p", FALSE, expect_plain, NULL);
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "frm1", "frm1p", FALSE, NULL, expect_html);
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "frm1", "frm1p", FALSE, expect_plain, expect_html);
+       expect_html = "<span id=\"frm1p\"><div id=\"frst\">frm1 div</div></span>";
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "frm1", "frm1p", TRUE, expect_plain, NULL);
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "frm1", "frm1p", TRUE, NULL, expect_html);
+       test_get_element_content_verify (fixture, "frm1", "frm1p", TRUE, expect_plain, expect_html);
 main (gint argc,
       gchar *argv[])
@@ -1243,6 +1617,7 @@ main (gint argc,
        test_utils_add_test ("/EWebView/ElementClicked", test_element_clicked);
        test_utils_add_test ("/EWebView/NeedInputChanged", test_need_input_changed);
        test_utils_add_test ("/EWebView/Selection", test_selection);
+       test_utils_add_test ("/EWebView/GetContent", test_get_content);
        res = g_test_run ();
diff --git a/src/web-extensions/ext-utils.js b/src/web-extensions/ext-utils.js
index 321b80b518..29fd86eb81 100644
--- a/src/web-extensions/ext-utils.js
+++ b/src/web-extensions/ext-utils.js
@@ -44,6 +44,23 @@ Evo.findIFrameDocument = function(iframe_id)
        return document;
+Evo.findElementInDocumentById = function(doc, element_id)
+       if (!doc)
+               return null;
+       if (element_id == "*html")
+               return doc.documentElement;
+       if (element_id == "*head")
+               return doc.head;
+       if (element_id == "*body")
+               return doc.body;
+       return doc.getElementById(element_id);
 Evo.findElementInDocument = function(doc, element_id)
        var elem, iframes, ii;
@@ -51,7 +68,7 @@ Evo.findElementInDocument = function(doc, element_id)
        if (!doc)
                return null;
-       elem = doc.getElementById(element_id);
+       elem = Evo.findElementInDocumentById(doc, element_id);
        if (elem)
                return elem;
@@ -71,7 +88,7 @@ Evo.findElement = function(iframe_id, element_id)
        var iframe;
        if (iframe_id == "")
-               return document.getElementById(element_id);
+               return Evo.findElementInDocumentById(document, element_id);
        if (iframe_id == "*") {
                return Evo.findElementInDocument(document, element_id);
@@ -82,7 +99,7 @@ Evo.findElement = function(iframe_id, element_id)
        if (!iframe)
                return null;
-       return iframe.contentDocument.getElementById(element_id);
+       return Evo.findElementInDocumentById(iframe.contentDocument, element_id);
 Evo.SetElementHidden = function(iframe_id, element_id, value)
@@ -98,7 +115,7 @@ Evo.SetElementStyleProperty = function(iframe_id, element_id, property_name, val
        var elem = Evo.findElement(iframe_id, element_id);
        if (elem) {
-               if (value != "")
+               if (value != null && value != "")
                        elem.style.setProperty(property_name, value);
@@ -110,7 +127,7 @@ Evo.SetElementAttribute = function(iframe_id, element_id, namespace_uri, qualifi
        var elem = Evo.findElement(iframe_id, element_id);
        if (elem) {
-               if (value != "")
+               if (value != null && value != "")
                        elem.setAttributeNS(namespace_uri, qualified_name, value);
                        elem.removeAttributeNS(namespace_uri, qualified_name);
@@ -131,7 +148,7 @@ Evo.createStyleSheet = function(doc, style_sheet_id, content)
        return node;
-Evo.CreateCSSStyleSheet = function(iframe_id, style_sheet_id, content)
+Evo.CreateStyleSheet = function(iframe_id, style_sheet_id, content)
        var doc = Evo.findIFrameDocument(iframe_id);
        var styles = doc.head.getElementsByTagName("style"), ii;
@@ -146,7 +163,46 @@ Evo.CreateCSSStyleSheet = function(iframe_id, style_sheet_id, content)
        Evo.createStyleSheet(doc, style_sheet_id, content);
-Evo.addCSSRuleIntoStyleSheetDocument = function(doc, style_sheet_id, selector, style)
+Evo.removeStyleSheetInDocument = function(doc, style_sheet_id)
+       if (!doc || !doc.head)
+               return;
+       var styles = doc.head.getElementsByTagName("style"), ii;
+       for (ii = styles.length - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) {
+               if (style_sheet_id == "*" || styles[ii].id == style_sheet_id) {
+                       doc.head.removeChild(styles[ii]);
+               }
+       }
+Evo.removeStyleSheetInDocumentRecursive = function(doc, style_sheet_id)
+       if (!doc)
+               return;
+       Evo.removeStyleSheetInDocument(doc, style_sheet_id);
+       var iframes, ii;
+       iframes = doc.getElementsByTagName("iframe");
+       for (ii = 0; ii < iframes.length; ii++) {
+               Evo.removeStyleSheetInDocumentRecursive(iframes[ii].contentDocument, style_sheet_id);
+       }
+Evo.RemoveStyleSheet = function(iframe_id, style_sheet_id)
+       if (iframe_id == "*") {
+               Evo.removeStyleSheetInDocumentRecursive(document, style_sheet_id);
+       } else {
+               Evo.removeStyleSheetInDocument(Evo.findIFrameDocument(iframe_id), style_sheet_id);
+       }
+Evo.addRuleIntoStyleSheetDocument = function(doc, style_sheet_id, selector, style)
        var styles = doc.head.getElementsByTagName("style"), ii, styleobj = null;
@@ -170,27 +226,27 @@ Evo.addCSSRuleIntoStyleSheetDocument = function(doc, style_sheet_id, selector, s
-Evo.addCSSRuleIntoStyleSheetDocumentRecursive = function(doc, style_sheet_id, selector, style)
+Evo.addRuleIntoStyleSheetDocumentRecursive = function(doc, style_sheet_id, selector, style)
-       Evo.addCSSRuleIntoStyleSheetDocument(doc, style_sheet_id, selector, style);
+       Evo.addRuleIntoStyleSheetDocument(doc, style_sheet_id, selector, style);
        var iframes, ii;
        iframes = doc.getElementsByTagName("iframe");
        for (ii = 0; ii < iframes.length; ii++) {
-               Evo.addCSSRuleIntoStyleSheetDocumentRecursive(iframes[ii].contentDocument, style_sheet_id, 
selector, style);
+               Evo.addRuleIntoStyleSheetDocumentRecursive(iframes[ii].contentDocument, style_sheet_id, 
selector, style);
-Evo.AddCSSRuleIntoStyleSheet = function(iframe_id, style_sheet_id, selector, style)
+Evo.AddRuleIntoStyleSheet = function(iframe_id, style_sheet_id, selector, style)
        if (iframe_id == "*") {
-               Evo.addCSSRuleIntoStyleSheetDocumentRecursive(document, style_sheet_id, selector, style);
+               Evo.addRuleIntoStyleSheetDocumentRecursive(document, style_sheet_id, selector, style);
        } else {
                var doc = Evo.findIFrameDocument(iframe_id);
-               Evo.addCSSRuleIntoStyleSheetDocument(doc, style_sheet_id, selector, style);
+               Evo.addRuleIntoStyleSheetDocument(doc, style_sheet_id, selector, style);
@@ -341,6 +397,26 @@ Evo.convertHTMLToPlain = function(node)
        return node.innerText;
+Evo.getElementContent = function(node, format, useOuterHTML)
+       if (!node)
+               return null;
+       var data;
+       if (format == 1) {
+               data = Evo.convertHTMLToPlain(node);
+       } else if (format == 2) {
+               data = useOuterHTML ? node.outerHTML : node.innerHTML;
+       } else if (format == 3) {
+               data = {};
+               data["plain"] = Evo.convertHTMLToPlain(node);
+               data["html"] = useOuterHTML ? node.outerHTML : node.innerHTML;
+       }
+       return data;
 Evo.checkHasSelectionRecursive = function(doc, content)
        var has = false, iframes, ii;
@@ -354,14 +430,7 @@ Evo.checkHasSelectionRecursive = function(doc, content)
                        node = doc.createElement(inpre ? "PRE" : "DIV");
-                       if (content.format == 1) {
-                               content.data = Evo.convertHTMLToPlain(node);
-                       } else if (content.format == 2) {
-                               content.data = inpre ? node.outerHTML : node.innerHTML;
-                       } else if (content.format == 3) {
-                               content.data["plain"] = Evo.convertHTMLToPlain(node);
-                               content.data["html"] = inpre ? node.outerHTML : node.innerHTML;
-                       }
+                       content.data = Evo.getElementContent(node, content.format, inpre);
                return true;
@@ -390,7 +459,7 @@ Evo.selectionChanged = function()
 Evo.GetSelection = function(format)
-       var content = { format: 0, data: {} };
+       var content = { format: 0, data: null };
        content.format = format;
@@ -400,6 +469,34 @@ Evo.GetSelection = function(format)
        return content.data;
+Evo.GetDocumentContent = function(iframe_id, format)
+       var doc;
+       if (iframe_id == "") {
+               doc = document;
+       } else {
+               var iframe = Evo.findIFrame(iframe_id);
+               if (!iframe)
+                       return null;
+               doc = iframe.contentDocument;
+       }
+       return Evo.getElementContent(doc.documentElement, format, true);
+Evo.GetElementContent = function(iframe_id, element_id, format, use_outer_html)
+       var elem = Evo.findElement(iframe_id, element_id);
+       if (!elem)
+               return null;
+       return Evo.getElementContent(elem, format, use_outer_html);
 Evo.Initialize = function(elem)
        var doc, elems, ii;

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