[dia: 2/2] Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.gnome.org:GNOME/dia

commit bc89e98ec082fa1978676ae79776040d4f107cb3
Merge: a527c2d7 72fe1492
Author: Matej Urbančič <mateju svn gnome org>
Date:   Sat Oct 26 21:40:55 2019 +0200

    Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.gnome.org:GNOME/dia

 app/commands.c                             |   70 +
 app/commands.h                             |   24 +-
 app/dia-guide-dialog.c                     |  208 +++
 app/dia-guide-dialog.h                     |   38 +
 app/dia-guide-tool.c                       |  221 +++
 app/dia-guide-tool.h                       |   52 +
 app/dia-props.c                            |    9 +
 app/dia.gresource.xml                      |    5 +
 app/diagram.c                              |  251 ++-
 app/diagram.h                              |   41 +-
 app/diapagelayout.c                        |    6 +-
 app/display.c                              |   56 +-
 app/display.h                              |   12 +-
 app/grid.c                                 |  115 ++
 app/grid.h                                 |    1 +
 app/icons/dia-guides-snap-off.png          |  Bin 0 -> 361 bytes
 app/icons/dia-guides-snap-off.svg          |   90 ++
 app/icons/dia-guides-snap-on.png           |  Bin 0 -> 373 bytes
 app/icons/dia-guides-snap-on.svg           |   90 ++
 app/interface.c                            |  178 +++
 app/layer-editor/dia-layer-editor-dialog.c |    2 +-
 app/layer-editor/dia-layer-editor-dialog.h |    2 +-
 app/load_save.c                            |  105 +-
 app/menus.c                                |   59 +-
 app/menus.h                                |    1 +
 app/meson.build                            |    5 +
 app/modify_tool.c                          |   28 +
 app/preferences.c                          |   10 +
 app/preferences.h                          |    5 +
 app/ruler.c                                |    2 +-
 app/textedit.c                             |   17 +-
 app/tool.c                                 |   29 +-
 app/tool.h                                 |    7 +-
 app/toolbox.c                              |    3 +
 app/undo.c                                 |  239 ++-
 app/undo.h                                 |   25 +
 build-aux/flatpak/shared-modules           |    2 +-
 data/ui/display-ui.xml                     |    7 +
 data/ui/integrated-ui.xml                  |    7 +
 data/ui/popup-ui.xml                       |    9 +-
 data/ui/properties-dialog.ui               |   29 +-
 docs/dia-app/dia-app-docs.xml              |   25 +-
 docs/dia/dia-docs.xml                      |    1 +
 installer/win32/gennsh.c                   |    4 +-
 lib/arrows.c                               |    2 +-
 lib/beziershape.c                          |   73 +-
 lib/dia-guide.c                            |   58 +
 lib/dia-guide.h                            |   36 +
 lib/dia_svg.c                              |    6 +-
 lib/diagramdata.h                          |    2 +-
 lib/diaoptionmenu.c                        |  143 +-
 lib/diaoptionmenu.h                        |   27 +-
 lib/diatransformrenderer.c                 |    2 +-
 lib/libdia.def                             |    5 +
 lib/meson.build                            |    2 +
 lib/object.c                               |    2 +-
 lib/orth_conn.c                            |  133 +-
 lib/poly_conn.c                            |   62 +-
 lib/polyshape.c                            |   73 +-
 lib/prop_basic.c                           |    4 +-
 lib/prop_matrix.c                          |   40 +-
 lib/text.c                                 |   12 +-
 lib/widgets.c                              |   22 +-
 objects/UML/class.c                        |   10 +-
 objects/UML/class_attributes_dialog.c      |   12 +-
 objects/UML/class_dialog.c                 |   74 +-
 objects/UML/class_dialog.h                 |   31 +-
 objects/UML/class_operations_dialog.c      | 1662 ++++++++++++--------
 objects/UML/uml.h                          |   49 +-
 objects/UML/umloperation.c                 |  110 +-
 objects/UML/umlparameter.c                 |  110 +-
 objects/custom_lines/line_info.c           |   48 +-
 objects/standard/outline.c                 |    2 +-
 plug-ins/drs/dia-render-script-renderer.c  |    2 +-
 plug-ins/python/pydia-diagramdata.c        |   30 +-
 plug-ins/python/pydia-properties.c         |   10 +-
 plug-ins/python/pydia-property.c           |    2 +-
 po-checktrans                              |   23 -
 po-checktrans.py                           |  126 --
 po/POTFILES.in                             |    1 +
 po/POTFILES.skip                           |    1 -
 po/es.po                                   | 2272 +++++++++++++++-------------
 sheets/checktrans                          |    7 -
 sheets/checktrans.py                       |  204 ---
 sheets/meson.build                         |   11 -
 85 files changed, 4940 insertions(+), 2651 deletions(-)

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