[librsvg] Created tag 2.46.2

The signed tag '2.46.2' was created.

Tagger: Federico Mena Quintero <federico gnome org>
Date: 1571072567 -0500

    Tag for version 2.46.2

Changes since the last tag '2.46.0':

Federico Mena Quintero (101):
      (#506): Fix empty patterns which reference a fallback pattern with children
      Start branch explicit-bboxes
      Remove the 91-nonzero-translation.svg test
      Make stroke_and_fill() return a Result<BoundingBox>
      DrawingCtx: remove the bbox field; propagate it through Results
      Merge branch 'explicit-bboxes'
      Use or_else() to compute fallbacks in gradients/patterns
      set_pattern_on_draw_context(): consume the pattern instead of borrowing it
      CommonGradient: new struct, a resolved version of CommonGradientData
      LinearGradient: resolved version of LinearGradientData
      RadialGradient: resolved version of RadialGradientData
      CommonGradientData::set_on_cairo_pattern(): rename from set_on_pattern()
      Rename PaintSource's associated type Source to Resolved
      Move set_pattern_on_draw_context() to a new ResolvedPaintSource trait
      Add ResolvedLinearGradient and ResolvedRadialGradient
      Implement to_resolved() for NodeFooGradient as a macro
      Move the functions which set the gradient on the DrawingCtx to other impls
      Specify the resolved gradient type to impl_paint_source!()
      impl_paint_source! - use a type, not a token tree, for the gradient
      gradient.rs: remove "pub" in a bunch of places
      Move the fallback field from CommonGradientData to NodeLinearGradient/NodeRadialGradient
      Replace the two gradient nodes with a single NodeGradient
      Simplify the while loop in NodeGradient::resolve()
      gradient.rs: Don't impl Resolve; do everything directly in the structs
      gradient.rs: Rename all the things to make them more consistent and shorter
      Add an UnresolvedGradient, and use that instead of temporary clones of NodeGradient
      add_color_stops_from_node(): Borrow the child node only once
      NodeGradient::resolve(): Rename temporary variables
      Inline Common into Gradient
      Inline Linear/Radial into Variant
      Give a name to the (UnresolvedGradient, next_fallback) tuple
      Make resolve_*() not mutate self
      Remove NodeStop.get_offset(); access the field directly
      Fix tests
      Remove superfluous binding
      gradient: check the validity of the bbox as late as possible
      Remove the bbox argument from PaintSource::resolve()
      PaintSource::resolve() - Return a PaintServerError, not a RenderingError
      Refactor DrawingCtx::get_clip_in_user_and_object_space()
      Make sure we always pass a Some() to get_node_of_type()
      DrawingCtx::get_node_of_type(): Take a &Fragment, not Option<&Fragment>
      Return Result<Resolved> from resolve(), not Result<Option<Resolved>>
      Go back to having NodeLinearGradient and NodeRadialGradient
      Add back a Common structure for NodeFooGradient fields
      Split off a get_unresolved_variant() function from each gradient type
      Compress get_unresolved() with a macro
      Cache resolved gradients
      Move the resolved field into Common
      Document the structs in gradient.rs
      Clone the stops directly; don't use a helper clone_stops()
      Merge branch 'refactor-gradient'
      pattern: set the weak ref on the result, not the long-lived node
      Use a strong reference to the pattern's node that has the children to draw
      gradient: Ahem, really make resolve_from_fallback() immutable
      Comment out RsvgWeakNode; it is unused
      gradient: remove the fallback_to! macro now that plain Option.or will do
      NodePattern: move the fallback field to the end
      gradient: really make resolve_from_defaults() immutable
      Make resolve_from_*() take &self, not &mut self
      Prepare trait Resolve for immutability later
      NodePattern: make fields private
      NodePattern: move common fields to a Common struct
      pattern: split off an UnresolvedPattern, similar to the gradient code
      NodePattern: cache the resolved Pattern
      Introduce UnresolvedNodeWithChildren to finally keep track of pattern's children properly
      Rename to UnresolvedChildren / Children
      Rename PaintServerError to AcquireError
      Make get_node_from_type() return a Result, not an Option
      Make get_node() return a Result, not an Option
      Make get_node_of_type() take a slice of valid types, instead of a single one
      Remove the public AcquiredNodes::get_type(); use get_node_of_type() everywhere
      Rename get_node_of_type() to just acquire()
      Make AcquiredNodes private; use DrawingCtx::acquire_node() everywhere instead
      Rename trait and method to AsPaintSource::set_as_paint_source()
      Merge branch 'refactor-pattern'
      Use the cr.path_extents() from gtk-rs, not an unsafe call.
      Use plain Pixbuf::new() now that it detects out-of-memory properly
      Move pixbuf_utils to the librsvg_c_api crate
      Update NEWS
      Bump to version 2.46.1
      Cargo update
      limits.rs - New file; move the constant for maximum instanced nodes here
      Rename num_elements_rendered_through_use to num_elements_acquired
      AcquireError: Add a MaxReferencesExceeded variant
      Do the limits check in acquire_node()
      Propagate AcquireError::MaxReferencesExceeded quickly upstream
      Add test for the billion-laughs equivalent from issue #515
      xml.rs: Export a single xml_load_from_possibly_compressed_stream() function
      XmlState: make a field private
      Inline load_from_possibly_compressed_stream() into its single caller
      Use a IsA<gio::InputStream> generic only in the toplevel librsvg_crate API
      Rename ctx to user_data in the libxml2 callbacks
      Use Xml2Parser for the user_data of libxml2 SAX callbacks instead of XmlState
      Call xmlStopParser() when the start_element callback returns an error
      Use the last error obtained in XmlState as the final result
      (#515) - Add a limit for the number of loaded elements
      Merge branch 'limits'
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into librsvg-2.46
      Bump version to 2.46.2
      Cargo update
      Update NEWS

Jordan Petridis (4):
      Allow failures on anything non-opensuse :/
      Allow failures on anything non-opensuse :/
      COMPILING.md: update fedora deps
      rsvg_internals: remove update note from cargo.toml

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