[librsvg] (45 commits) ...Merge branch 'refactor-gradient'

Summary of changes:

  1d73b9f... Use or_else() to compute fallbacks in gradients/patterns
  453e81b... set_pattern_on_draw_context(): consume the pattern instead 
  845cd6e... CommonGradient: new struct, a resolved version of CommonGra
  4167d25... LinearGradient: resolved version of LinearGradientData
  4d91da6... RadialGradient: resolved version of RadialGradientData
  bb76723... CommonGradientData::set_on_cairo_pattern(): rename from set
  2c4ddaf... Rename PaintSource's associated type Source to Resolved
  4ef3d70... Move set_pattern_on_draw_context() to a new ResolvedPaintSo
  6e7ad24... Add ResolvedLinearGradient and ResolvedRadialGradient
  7d45042... Implement to_resolved() for NodeFooGradient as a macro
  af76b4d... Move the functions which set the gradient on the DrawingCtx
  ca80aa8... Specify the resolved gradient type to impl_paint_source!()
  aaf920e... impl_paint_source! - use a type, not a token tree, for the 
  2f80a1e... gradient.rs: remove "pub" in a bunch of places
  deebf5c... Move the fallback field from CommonGradientData to NodeLine
  cede339... Replace the two gradient nodes with a single NodeGradient
  b6d48d5... Simplify the while loop in NodeGradient::resolve()
  0f55aa1... gradient.rs: Don't impl Resolve; do everything directly in 
  c6fcf06... gradient.rs: Rename all the things to make them more consis
  6066421... Add an UnresolvedGradient, and use that instead of temporar
  7a64dff... add_color_stops_from_node(): Borrow the child node only onc
  f0308ab... NodeGradient::resolve(): Rename temporary variables
  b1af8cf... Inline Common into Gradient
  8d0060e... Inline Linear/Radial into Variant
  1c00a94... Give a name to the (UnresolvedGradient, next_fallback) tupl
  d49c6d2... Make resolve_*() not mutate self
  c9bf746... Remove NodeStop.get_offset(); access the field directly
  1656ff2... Fix tests
  125c661... Remove superfluous binding
  7a701f6... gradient: check the validity of the bbox as late as possibl
  c43c4b1... Remove the bbox argument from PaintSource::resolve()
  c356f4f... PaintSource::resolve() - Return a PaintServerError, not a R
  154b806... Refactor DrawingCtx::get_clip_in_user_and_object_space()
  e5bffea... Make sure we always pass a Some() to get_node_of_type()
  0419915... DrawingCtx::get_node_of_type(): Take a &Fragment, not Optio
  07f72ad... Return Result<Resolved> from resolve(), not Result<Option<R
  6adabd4... Go back to having NodeLinearGradient and NodeRadialGradient
  601df3a... Add back a Common structure for NodeFooGradient fields
  f2913f0... Split off a get_unresolved_variant() function from each gra
  832be04... Compress get_unresolved() with a macro
  aa36e08... Cache resolved gradients
  3505623... Move the resolved field into Common
  55c5562... Document the structs in gradient.rs
  233b26c... Clone the stops directly; don't use a helper clone_stops()
  73893a4... Merge branch 'refactor-gradient'

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