[indico-web] Rework BuildConfigs and ImageStreams

commit 58ead5fe1b25cd0c4f9185a2d5ab951b9d2fd8d7
Author: Bartłomiej Piotrowski <bpiotrowski gnome org>
Date:   Wed Nov 27 15:01:05 2019 +0100

    Rework BuildConfigs and ImageStreams

 oscp.yml | 153 +++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+), 102 deletions(-)
diff --git a/oscp.yml b/oscp.yml
index 2724423..f6d404d 100644
--- a/oscp.yml
+++ b/oscp.yml
@@ -5,135 +5,84 @@ metadata:
     description: "Indico Openshift template"
     tags: "events, conferences"
   - name: USE_EXTERNAL_DB
     description: Whether an external DB will be used ('y' or 'n').
     value: "y"
-### Image streams
 - apiVersion: v1
-  kind: ImageStream
+  kind: BuildConfig
-    creationTimestamp: null
     name: indico-worker
-  spec: {}
-- apiVersion: v1
-  kind: ImageStream
-  metadata:
-    creationTimestamp: null
-    name: indico-worker-custom
-  spec: {}
-- apiVersion: v1
-  kind: ImageStream
-  metadata:
-    creationTimestamp: null
-    name: indico-static
-  spec: {}
-- apiVersion: v1
-  kind: ImageStream
-  metadata:
-    creationTimestamp: null
-    name: indico-redis
-    tags:
-    - annotations: null
-      from:
-        kind: DockerImage
-        name: redis
-      generation: null
-      importPolicy: {}
-      name: latest
-### Build configurations
+    runPolicy: Serial
+    source:
+      git:
+        uri: https://gitlab.gnome.org/Infrastructure/indico-web.git
+        ref: master
+    contextDir: indico-worker
+    strategy:
+      dockerStrategy:
+        noCache: true
+    output:
+      to:
+        kind: ImageStreamTag
+        name: indico-worker:ltest
 - apiVersion: v1
   kind: BuildConfig
-    creationTimestamp: null
     name: indico-static
-    nodeSelector: null
-    output:
-      to:
-        kind: ImageStreamTag
-        name: indico-static:latest
-    postCommit: {}
-    resources:
-      limits:
-        cpu: 400m
-        memory: 2Gi
-      requests:
-        cpu: 100m
-        memory: 512Mi
     runPolicy: Serial
-      contextDir: indico/static/
+        uri: https://gitlab.gnome.org/Infrastructure/indico-web.git
         ref: master
-        uri: https://github.com/indico/indico-containers.git
-      type: Git
+    contextDir: indico-static
         noCache: true
-      type: Docker
-    triggers:
-    - type: ConfigChange
-    - type: ImageChange
-  status:
-    lastVersion: 0
-- apiVersion: v1
-  kind: BuildConfig
-  metadata:
-    creationTimestamp: null
-    labels:
-      io.kompose.service: indico-web
-    name: indico-worker
-  spec:
-    nodeSelector: null
         kind: ImageStreamTag
-        name: 'indico-worker-custom:stable'
-    postCommit: {}
-    resources:
-      limits:
-        cpu: 400m
-        memory: 2Gi
-      requests:
-        cpu: 100m
-        memory: 512Mi
-    runPolicy: Serial
-    source:
-      dockerfile: |
-        # the FROM line is ignored
-        FROM getindico/indico:2.1.3
+        name: indico-static:ltest
-        ENV INDICO_VIRTUALENV="/opt/indico/.venv/bin"
-        ARG pip="${INDICO_VIRTUALENV}/pip"
-        ARG plugins=""
+- apiVersion: image.openshift.io/v1
+  kind: ImageStream
+  metadata:
+    labels:
+      name: indico-worker
+  spec:
+    tags:
+    - annotations: null
+      from:
+        kind: DockerImage
+        name: indico-worker:latest
+      generation: 2
+      importPolicy: {}
+      name: indico-worker
+      referencePolicy:
+        type: Source
-        USER root
-        RUN IFS=',' read -ra PLUGIN_ARRAY <<< "$plugins"; \
-        for plugin in "${PLUGIN_ARRAY[@]}"; do \
-            ${pip} install $plugin; \
-        done
-      type: Dockerfile
-    strategy:
-      dockerStrategy:
-        from:
-          kind: ImageStreamTag
-          name: 'indico:stable'
-        noCache: true
-      type: Docker
-  status:
-    lastVersion: 0
+- apiVersion: image.openshift.io/v1
+  kind: ImageStream
+  metadata:
+    labels:
+      name: indico-static
+  spec:
+    tags:
+    - annotations: null
+      from:
+        kind: DockerImage
+        name: indico-static:latest
+      generation: 2
+      importPolicy: {}
+      name: indico-static
+      referencePolicy:
+        type: Source
 ### Persistent Volume claims

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