[vala/staging: 4/7] vala: Allow SemanticAnalyzer.get_this_type() to handle more symbols

commit 96635ddabb296f31f5eb48da10aea2d218421492
Author: Rico Tzschichholz <ricotz ubuntu com>
Date:   Sun Nov 17 12:49:11 2019 +0100

    vala: Allow SemanticAnalyzer.get_this_type() to handle more symbols
    and append possible type-parameters to match get_data_type_for_symbol()
    Suported symbol types are Method, Property, Constructor and Destructor

 vala/valasemanticanalyzer.vala | 37 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 33 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/vala/valasemanticanalyzer.vala b/vala/valasemanticanalyzer.vala
index c83d58b53..25d0c40dd 100644
--- a/vala/valasemanticanalyzer.vala
+++ b/vala/valasemanticanalyzer.vala
@@ -1162,22 +1162,40 @@ public class Vala.SemanticAnalyzer : CodeVisitor {
                return null;
-       public static DataType? get_this_type (Method m) {
-               unowned TypeSymbol? parent_type = find_parent_type_symbol (m);
+       public static DataType? get_this_type (Symbol s, TypeSymbol? parent = null) {
+               unowned TypeSymbol? parent_type = parent ?? find_parent_type_symbol (s);
                if (parent_type == null) {
                        Report.error (parent_type.source_reference, "internal: Unsupported symbol type");
                        return new InvalidType ();
+               MemberBinding binding;
+               if (s is Method) {
+                       binding = ((Method) s).binding;
+               } else if (s is Constructor) {
+                       binding = ((Constructor) s).binding;
+               } else if (s is Destructor) {
+                       binding = ((Destructor) s).binding;
+               } else if (s is Property) {
+                       binding = ((Property) s).binding;
+               } else {
+                       Report.error (s.source_reference, "internal: Unsupported symbol type");
+                       return new InvalidType ();
+               }
                DataType? this_type = null;
-               switch (m.binding) {
+               List<TypeParameter>? type_parameters = null;
+               switch (binding) {
                case MemberBinding.INSTANCE:
                        if (parent_type is Class) {
                                this_type = new ObjectType ((Class) parent_type);
+                               type_parameters = ((Class) parent_type).get_type_parameters ();
                        } else if (parent_type is Interface) {
                                this_type = new ObjectType ((Interface) parent_type);
+                               type_parameters = ((Interface) parent_type).get_type_parameters ();
                        } else if (parent_type is Struct) {
                                this_type = new StructValueType ((Struct) parent_type);
+                               type_parameters = ((Struct) parent_type).get_type_parameters ();
                        } else if (parent_type is Enum) {
                                this_type = new EnumValueType ((Enum) parent_type);
                        } else {
@@ -1188,6 +1206,8 @@ public class Vala.SemanticAnalyzer : CodeVisitor {
                case MemberBinding.CLASS:
                        if (parent_type is Class) {
                                this_type = new ClassType ((Class) parent_type);
+                       } else if (parent_type is Interface) {
+                               this_type = new InterfaceType ((Interface) parent_type);
                        } else {
                                Report.error (parent_type.source_reference, "internal: Unsupported symbol 
                                this_type = new InvalidType ();
@@ -1195,10 +1215,19 @@ public class Vala.SemanticAnalyzer : CodeVisitor {
                case MemberBinding.STATIC:
-                       Report.error (m.source_reference, "internal: Does not support a parent instance");
+                       Report.error (s.source_reference, "internal: Does not support a parent instance");
                        this_type = new InvalidType ();
+               if (type_parameters != null) {
+                       foreach (var type_param in type_parameters) {
+                               var type_arg = new GenericType (type_param);
+                               type_arg.value_owned = true;
+                               this_type.add_type_argument (type_arg);
+                       }
+               }
                return this_type;

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