[geary] (8 commits) ...Merge branch 'mjog/233-entry-undo' into 'mainline'

Summary of changes:

  ce1630e... Add Components.EntryUndo class to manage undo for GTK Entri (*)
  8000e7c... Implement undo support for the composer's text entries (*)
  dae817b... Add undo support for account editor text entries (*)
  a5d7289... Rework action names groups across the client (*)
  95fdaa7... Add undo support for MainWindow search and find entries (*)
  8833b6d... Update MainWindow undo/redo actions before in-app notificat (*)
  2e651d3... Update appdata with the new feature (*)
  63f626e... Merge branch 'mjog/233-entry-undo' into 'mainline'

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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