[librsvg: 2/26] Temporary snapshot of various servo crates

commit 440656872ec74762ae41a8c54ba5b8369c873e95
Author: Federico Mena Quintero <federico gnome org>
Date:   Thu Nov 7 11:36:02 2019 -0600

    Temporary snapshot of various servo crates
    These are the servo/components/selectors crate and its dependencies,
    all from within servo/components.
    This is a snapshot of servo's git master as of today.  We do this to
    avoid having Cargo fetch all of servo's source tree.

 servo_crates/derive_common/Cargo.toml     |   16 +
 servo_crates/derive_common/cg.rs          |  350 ++++
 servo_crates/derive_common/lib.rs         |   13 +
 servo_crates/selectors/Cargo.toml         |   38 +
 servo_crates/selectors/README.md          |   25 +
 servo_crates/selectors/attr.rs            |  207 ++
 servo_crates/selectors/bloom.rs           |  422 ++++
 servo_crates/selectors/build.rs           |   77 +
 servo_crates/selectors/builder.rs         |  349 ++++
 servo_crates/selectors/context.rs         |  291 +++
 servo_crates/selectors/lib.rs             |   41 +
 servo_crates/selectors/matching.rs        |  977 +++++++++
 servo_crates/selectors/nth_index_cache.rs |   52 +
 servo_crates/selectors/parser.rs          | 3144 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 servo_crates/selectors/sink.rs            |   31 +
 servo_crates/selectors/tree.rs            |  140 ++
 servo_crates/selectors/visitor.rs         |   72 +
 servo_crates/servo_arc/Cargo.toml         |   20 +
 servo_crates/servo_arc/lib.rs             | 1490 ++++++++++++++
 servo_crates/to_shmem/Cargo.toml          |   22 +
 servo_crates/to_shmem/lib.rs              |  543 +++++
 servo_crates/to_shmem_derive/Cargo.toml   |   18 +
 servo_crates/to_shmem_derive/lib.rs       |   26 +
 servo_crates/to_shmem_derive/to_shmem.rs  |   68 +
 24 files changed, 8432 insertions(+)
diff --git a/servo_crates/derive_common/Cargo.toml b/servo_crates/derive_common/Cargo.toml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..41121981
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servo_crates/derive_common/Cargo.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+name = "derive_common"
+version = "0.0.1"
+authors = ["The Servo Project Developers"]
+license = "MPL-2.0"
+publish = false
+path = "lib.rs"
+darling = { version = "0.10", default-features = false }
+proc-macro2 = "1"
+quote = "1"
+syn = { version = "1", default-features = false, features = ["clone-impls", "parsing"] }
+synstructure = "0.12"
diff --git a/servo_crates/derive_common/cg.rs b/servo_crates/derive_common/cg.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7a8fbc24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servo_crates/derive_common/cg.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
+use darling::{FromDeriveInput, FromField, FromVariant};
+use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream};
+use quote::TokenStreamExt;
+use syn::{self, AngleBracketedGenericArguments, Binding, DeriveInput, Field};
+use syn::{GenericArgument, GenericParam, Ident, Path};
+use syn::{PathArguments, PathSegment, QSelf, Type, TypeArray};
+use syn::{TypeParam, TypeParen, TypePath, TypeSlice, TypeTuple};
+use syn::{Variant, WherePredicate};
+use synstructure::{self, BindStyle, BindingInfo, VariantAst, VariantInfo};
+/// Given an input type which has some where clauses already, like:
+/// struct InputType<T>
+/// where
+///     T: Zero,
+/// {
+///     ...
+/// }
+/// Add the necessary `where` clauses so that the output type of a trait
+/// fulfils them.
+/// For example:
+///     <T as ToComputedValue>::ComputedValue: Zero,
+/// This needs to run before adding other bounds to the type parameters.
+pub fn propagate_clauses_to_output_type(
+    where_clause: &mut Option<syn::WhereClause>,
+    generics: &syn::Generics,
+    trait_path: &Path,
+    trait_output: &Ident,
+) {
+    let where_clause = match *where_clause {
+        Some(ref mut clause) => clause,
+        None => return,
+    };
+    let mut extra_bounds = vec![];
+    for pred in &where_clause.predicates {
+        let ty = match *pred {
+            syn::WherePredicate::Type(ref ty) => ty,
+            ref predicate => panic!("Unhanded complex where predicate: {:?}", predicate),
+        };
+        let path = match ty.bounded_ty {
+            syn::Type::Path(ref p) => &p.path,
+            ref ty => panic!("Unhanded complex where type: {:?}", ty),
+        };
+        assert!(
+            ty.lifetimes.is_none(),
+            "Unhanded complex lifetime bound: {:?}",
+            ty,
+        );
+        let ident = match path_to_ident(path) {
+            Some(i) => i,
+            None => panic!("Unhanded complex where type path: {:?}", path),
+        };
+        if generics.type_params().any(|param| param.ident == *ident) {
+            extra_bounds.push(ty.clone());
+        }
+    }
+    for bound in extra_bounds {
+        let ty = bound.bounded_ty;
+        let bounds = bound.bounds;
+        where_clause
+            .predicates
+            .push(parse_quote!(<#ty as #trait_path>::#trait_output: #bounds))
+    }
+pub fn add_predicate(where_clause: &mut Option<syn::WhereClause>, pred: WherePredicate) {
+    where_clause
+        .get_or_insert(parse_quote!(where))
+        .predicates
+        .push(pred);
+pub fn fmap_match<F>(input: &DeriveInput, bind_style: BindStyle, mut f: F) -> TokenStream
+    F: FnMut(BindingInfo) -> TokenStream,
+    let mut s = synstructure::Structure::new(input);
+    s.variants_mut().iter_mut().for_each(|v| {
+        v.bind_with(|_| bind_style);
+    });
+    s.each_variant(|variant| {
+        let (mapped, mapped_fields) = value(variant, "mapped");
+        let fields_pairs = variant.bindings().iter().zip(mapped_fields);
+        let mut computations = quote!();
+        computations.append_all(fields_pairs.map(|(field, mapped_field)| {
+            let expr = f(field.clone());
+            quote! { let #mapped_field = #expr; }
+        }));
+        computations.append_all(mapped);
+        Some(computations)
+    })
+pub fn fmap_trait_output(input: &DeriveInput, trait_path: &Path, trait_output: &Ident) -> Path {
+    let segment = PathSegment {
+        ident: input.ident.clone(),
+        arguments: PathArguments::AngleBracketed(AngleBracketedGenericArguments {
+            args: input
+                .generics
+                .params
+                .iter()
+                .map(|arg| match arg {
+                    &GenericParam::Lifetime(ref data) => {
+                        GenericArgument::Lifetime(data.lifetime.clone())
+                    },
+                    &GenericParam::Type(ref data) => {
+                        let ident = &data.ident;
+                        GenericArgument::Type(parse_quote!(<#ident as #trait_path>::#trait_output))
+                    },
+                    ref arg => panic!("arguments {:?} cannot be mapped yet", arg),
+                })
+                .collect(),
+            colon2_token: Default::default(),
+            gt_token: Default::default(),
+            lt_token: Default::default(),
+        }),
+    };
+    segment.into()
+pub fn map_type_params<F>(ty: &Type, params: &[&TypeParam], f: &mut F) -> Type
+    F: FnMut(&Ident) -> Type,
+    match *ty {
+        Type::Slice(ref inner) => Type::from(TypeSlice {
+            elem: Box::new(map_type_params(&inner.elem, params, f)),
+            ..inner.clone()
+        }),
+        Type::Array(ref inner) => {
+            //ref ty, ref expr) => {
+            Type::from(TypeArray {
+                elem: Box::new(map_type_params(&inner.elem, params, f)),
+                ..inner.clone()
+            })
+        },
+        ref ty @ Type::Never(_) => ty.clone(),
+        Type::Tuple(ref inner) => Type::from(TypeTuple {
+            elems: inner
+                .elems
+                .iter()
+                .map(|ty| map_type_params(&ty, params, f))
+                .collect(),
+            ..inner.clone()
+        }),
+        Type::Path(TypePath {
+            qself: None,
+            ref path,
+        }) => {
+            if let Some(ident) = path_to_ident(path) {
+                if params.iter().any(|ref param| &param.ident == ident) {
+                    return f(ident);
+                }
+            }
+            Type::from(TypePath {
+                qself: None,
+                path: map_type_params_in_path(path, params, f),
+            })
+        },
+        Type::Path(TypePath {
+            ref qself,
+            ref path,
+        }) => Type::from(TypePath {
+            qself: qself.as_ref().map(|qself| QSelf {
+                ty: Box::new(map_type_params(&qself.ty, params, f)),
+                position: qself.position,
+                ..qself.clone()
+            }),
+            path: map_type_params_in_path(path, params, f),
+        }),
+        Type::Paren(ref inner) => Type::from(TypeParen {
+            elem: Box::new(map_type_params(&inner.elem, params, f)),
+            ..inner.clone()
+        }),
+        ref ty => panic!("type {:?} cannot be mapped yet", ty),
+    }
+fn map_type_params_in_path<F>(path: &Path, params: &[&TypeParam], f: &mut F) -> Path
+    F: FnMut(&Ident) -> Type,
+    Path {
+        leading_colon: path.leading_colon,
+        segments: path
+            .segments
+            .iter()
+            .map(|segment| PathSegment {
+                ident: segment.ident.clone(),
+                arguments: match segment.arguments {
+                    PathArguments::AngleBracketed(ref data) => {
+                        PathArguments::AngleBracketed(AngleBracketedGenericArguments {
+                            args: data
+                                .args
+                                .iter()
+                                .map(|arg| match arg {
+                                    ty @ &GenericArgument::Lifetime(_) => ty.clone(),
+                                    &GenericArgument::Type(ref data) => {
+                                        GenericArgument::Type(map_type_params(data, params, f))
+                                    },
+                                    &GenericArgument::Binding(ref data) => {
+                                        GenericArgument::Binding(Binding {
+                                            ty: map_type_params(&data.ty, params, f),
+                                            ..data.clone()
+                                        })
+                                    },
+                                    ref arg => panic!("arguments {:?} cannot be mapped yet", arg),
+                                })
+                                .collect(),
+                            ..data.clone()
+                        })
+                    },
+                    ref arg @ PathArguments::None => arg.clone(),
+                    ref parameters => panic!("parameters {:?} cannot be mapped yet", parameters),
+                },
+            })
+            .collect(),
+    }
+fn path_to_ident(path: &Path) -> Option<&Ident> {
+    match *path {
+        Path {
+            leading_colon: None,
+            ref segments,
+        } if segments.len() == 1 => {
+            if segments[0].arguments.is_empty() {
+                Some(&segments[0].ident)
+            } else {
+                None
+            }
+        },
+        _ => None,
+    }
+pub fn parse_field_attrs<A>(field: &Field) -> A
+    A: FromField,
+    match A::from_field(field) {
+        Ok(attrs) => attrs,
+        Err(e) => panic!("failed to parse field attributes: {}", e),
+    }
+pub fn parse_input_attrs<A>(input: &DeriveInput) -> A
+    A: FromDeriveInput,
+    match A::from_derive_input(input) {
+        Ok(attrs) => attrs,
+        Err(e) => panic!("failed to parse input attributes: {}", e),
+    }
+pub fn parse_variant_attrs_from_ast<A>(variant: &VariantAst) -> A
+    A: FromVariant,
+    let v = Variant {
+        ident: variant.ident.clone(),
+        attrs: variant.attrs.to_vec(),
+        fields: variant.fields.clone(),
+        discriminant: variant.discriminant.clone(),
+    };
+    parse_variant_attrs(&v)
+pub fn parse_variant_attrs<A>(variant: &Variant) -> A
+    A: FromVariant,
+    match A::from_variant(variant) {
+        Ok(attrs) => attrs,
+        Err(e) => panic!("failed to parse variant attributes: {}", e),
+    }
+pub fn ref_pattern<'a>(
+    variant: &'a VariantInfo,
+    prefix: &str,
+) -> (TokenStream, Vec<BindingInfo<'a>>) {
+    let mut v = variant.clone();
+    v.bind_with(|_| BindStyle::Ref);
+    v.bindings_mut().iter_mut().for_each(|b| {
+        b.binding = Ident::new(&format!("{}_{}", b.binding, prefix), Span::call_site())
+    });
+    (v.pat(), v.bindings().to_vec())
+pub fn value<'a>(variant: &'a VariantInfo, prefix: &str) -> (TokenStream, Vec<BindingInfo<'a>>) {
+    let mut v = variant.clone();
+    v.bindings_mut().iter_mut().for_each(|b| {
+        b.binding = Ident::new(&format!("{}_{}", b.binding, prefix), Span::call_site())
+    });
+    v.bind_with(|_| BindStyle::Move);
+    (v.pat(), v.bindings().to_vec())
+/// Transforms "FooBar" to "foo-bar".
+/// If the first Camel segment is "Moz", "Webkit", or "Servo", the result string
+/// is prepended with "-".
+pub fn to_css_identifier(mut camel_case: &str) -> String {
+    camel_case = camel_case.trim_end_matches('_');
+    let mut first = true;
+    let mut result = String::with_capacity(camel_case.len());
+    while let Some(segment) = split_camel_segment(&mut camel_case) {
+        if first {
+            match segment {
+                "Moz" | "Webkit" | "Servo" => first = false,
+                _ => {},
+            }
+        }
+        if !first {
+            result.push_str("-");
+        }
+        first = false;
+        result.push_str(&segment.to_lowercase());
+    }
+    result
+/// Given "FooBar", returns "Foo" and sets `camel_case` to "Bar".
+fn split_camel_segment<'input>(camel_case: &mut &'input str) -> Option<&'input str> {
+    let index = match camel_case.chars().next() {
+        None => return None,
+        Some(ch) => ch.len_utf8(),
+    };
+    let end_position = camel_case[index..]
+        .find(char::is_uppercase)
+        .map_or(camel_case.len(), |pos| index + pos);
+    let result = &camel_case[..end_position];
+    *camel_case = &camel_case[end_position..];
+    Some(result)
diff --git a/servo_crates/derive_common/lib.rs b/servo_crates/derive_common/lib.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..14415351
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servo_crates/derive_common/lib.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
+extern crate darling;
+extern crate proc_macro2;
+extern crate quote;
+extern crate syn;
+extern crate synstructure;
+pub mod cg;
diff --git a/servo_crates/selectors/Cargo.toml b/servo_crates/selectors/Cargo.toml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d3dda6cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servo_crates/selectors/Cargo.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+name = "selectors"
+version = "0.21.0"
+authors = ["The Servo Project Developers"]
+documentation = "https://docs.rs/selectors/";
+description = "CSS Selectors matching for Rust"
+repository = "https://github.com/servo/servo";
+readme = "README.md"
+keywords = ["css", "selectors"]
+license = "MPL-2.0"
+build = "build.rs"
+name = "selectors"
+path = "lib.rs"
+bench = []
+bitflags = "1.0"
+matches = "0.1"
+cssparser = "0.27.1"
+derive_more = "0.13"
+log = "0.4"
+fxhash = "0.2"
+phf = "0.8"
+precomputed-hash = "0.1"
+servo_arc = { version = "0.1", path = "../servo_arc" }
+smallvec = "0.6"
+thin-slice = "0.1.0"
+to_shmem = { path = "../to_shmem" }
+to_shmem_derive = { path = "../to_shmem_derive" }
+phf_codegen = "0.8"
diff --git a/servo_crates/selectors/README.md b/servo_crates/selectors/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..51cfda81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servo_crates/selectors/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+* [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/servo/rust-selectors.svg?branch=master)](
+  https://travis-ci.com/servo/rust-selectors)
+* [Documentation](https://docs.rs/selectors/)
+* [crates.io](https://crates.io/crates/selectors)
+CSS Selectors library for Rust.
+Includes parsing and serilization of selectors,
+as well as matching against a generic tree of elements.
+Pseudo-elements and most pseudo-classes are generic as well.
+**Warning:** breaking changes are made to this library fairly frequently
+(13 times in 2016, for example).
+However you can use this crate without updating it that often,
+old versions stay available on crates.io and Cargo will only automatically update
+to versions that are numbered as compatible.
+To see how to use this library with your own tree representation,
+see [Kuchiki’s `src/select.rs`](https://github.com/SimonSapin/kuchiki/blob/master/src/select.rs).
+(Note however that Kuchiki is not always up to date with the latest rust-selectors version,
+so that code may need to be tweaked.)
+If you don’t already have a tree data structure,
+consider using [Kuchiki](https://github.com/SimonSapin/kuchiki) itself.
diff --git a/servo_crates/selectors/attr.rs b/servo_crates/selectors/attr.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..96abbe1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servo_crates/selectors/attr.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
+use crate::parser::SelectorImpl;
+use cssparser::ToCss;
+use std::fmt;
+#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, ToShmem)]
+pub struct AttrSelectorWithOptionalNamespace<Impl: SelectorImpl> {
+    #[shmem(field_bound)]
+    pub namespace: Option<NamespaceConstraint<(Impl::NamespacePrefix, Impl::NamespaceUrl)>>,
+    #[shmem(field_bound)]
+    pub local_name: Impl::LocalName,
+    pub local_name_lower: Impl::LocalName,
+    #[shmem(field_bound)]
+    pub operation: ParsedAttrSelectorOperation<Impl::AttrValue>,
+    pub never_matches: bool,
+impl<Impl: SelectorImpl> AttrSelectorWithOptionalNamespace<Impl> {
+    pub fn namespace(&self) -> Option<NamespaceConstraint<&Impl::NamespaceUrl>> {
+        self.namespace.as_ref().map(|ns| match ns {
+            NamespaceConstraint::Any => NamespaceConstraint::Any,
+            NamespaceConstraint::Specific((_, ref url)) => NamespaceConstraint::Specific(url),
+        })
+    }
+#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, ToShmem)]
+pub enum NamespaceConstraint<NamespaceUrl> {
+    Any,
+    /// Empty string for no namespace
+    Specific(NamespaceUrl),
+#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, ToShmem)]
+pub enum ParsedAttrSelectorOperation<AttrValue> {
+    Exists,
+    WithValue {
+        operator: AttrSelectorOperator,
+        case_sensitivity: ParsedCaseSensitivity,
+        expected_value: AttrValue,
+    },
+#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
+pub enum AttrSelectorOperation<AttrValue> {
+    Exists,
+    WithValue {
+        operator: AttrSelectorOperator,
+        case_sensitivity: CaseSensitivity,
+        expected_value: AttrValue,
+    },
+impl<AttrValue> AttrSelectorOperation<AttrValue> {
+    pub fn eval_str(&self, element_attr_value: &str) -> bool
+    where
+        AttrValue: AsRef<str>,
+    {
+        match *self {
+            AttrSelectorOperation::Exists => true,
+            AttrSelectorOperation::WithValue {
+                operator,
+                case_sensitivity,
+                ref expected_value,
+            } => operator.eval_str(
+                element_attr_value,
+                expected_value.as_ref(),
+                case_sensitivity,
+            ),
+        }
+    }
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, ToShmem)]
+pub enum AttrSelectorOperator {
+    Equal,
+    Includes,
+    DashMatch,
+    Prefix,
+    Substring,
+    Suffix,
+impl ToCss for AttrSelectorOperator {
+    fn to_css<W>(&self, dest: &mut W) -> fmt::Result
+    where
+        W: fmt::Write,
+    {
+        // https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom/#serializing-selectors
+        // See "attribute selector".
+        dest.write_str(match *self {
+            AttrSelectorOperator::Equal => "=",
+            AttrSelectorOperator::Includes => "~=",
+            AttrSelectorOperator::DashMatch => "|=",
+            AttrSelectorOperator::Prefix => "^=",
+            AttrSelectorOperator::Substring => "*=",
+            AttrSelectorOperator::Suffix => "$=",
+        })
+    }
+impl AttrSelectorOperator {
+    pub fn eval_str(
+        self,
+        element_attr_value: &str,
+        attr_selector_value: &str,
+        case_sensitivity: CaseSensitivity,
+    ) -> bool {
+        let e = element_attr_value.as_bytes();
+        let s = attr_selector_value.as_bytes();
+        let case = case_sensitivity;
+        match self {
+            AttrSelectorOperator::Equal => case.eq(e, s),
+            AttrSelectorOperator::Prefix => e.len() >= s.len() && case.eq(&e[..s.len()], s),
+            AttrSelectorOperator::Suffix => {
+                e.len() >= s.len() && case.eq(&e[(e.len() - s.len())..], s)
+            },
+            AttrSelectorOperator::Substring => {
+                case.contains(element_attr_value, attr_selector_value)
+            },
+            AttrSelectorOperator::Includes => element_attr_value
+                .split(SELECTOR_WHITESPACE)
+                .any(|part| case.eq(part.as_bytes(), s)),
+            AttrSelectorOperator::DashMatch => {
+                case.eq(e, s) || (e.get(s.len()) == Some(&b'-') && case.eq(&e[..s.len()], s))
+            },
+        }
+    }
+/// The definition of whitespace per CSS Selectors Level 3 § 4.
+pub static SELECTOR_WHITESPACE: &'static [char] = &[' ', '\t', '\n', '\r', '\x0C'];
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, ToShmem)]
+pub enum ParsedCaseSensitivity {
+    // 's' was specified.
+    ExplicitCaseSensitive,
+    // 'i' was specified.
+    AsciiCaseInsensitive,
+    // No flags were specified and HTML says this is a case-sensitive attribute.
+    CaseSensitive,
+    // No flags were specified and HTML says this is a case-insensitive attribute.
+    AsciiCaseInsensitiveIfInHtmlElementInHtmlDocument,
+impl ParsedCaseSensitivity {
+    pub fn to_unconditional(self, is_html_element_in_html_document: bool) -> CaseSensitivity {
+        match self {
+            ParsedCaseSensitivity::AsciiCaseInsensitiveIfInHtmlElementInHtmlDocument
+                if is_html_element_in_html_document =>
+            {
+                CaseSensitivity::AsciiCaseInsensitive
+            },
+            ParsedCaseSensitivity::AsciiCaseInsensitiveIfInHtmlElementInHtmlDocument => {
+                CaseSensitivity::CaseSensitive
+            },
+            ParsedCaseSensitivity::CaseSensitive | ParsedCaseSensitivity::ExplicitCaseSensitive => {
+                CaseSensitivity::CaseSensitive
+            },
+            ParsedCaseSensitivity::AsciiCaseInsensitive => CaseSensitivity::AsciiCaseInsensitive,
+        }
+    }
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
+pub enum CaseSensitivity {
+    CaseSensitive,
+    AsciiCaseInsensitive,
+impl CaseSensitivity {
+    pub fn eq(self, a: &[u8], b: &[u8]) -> bool {
+        match self {
+            CaseSensitivity::CaseSensitive => a == b,
+            CaseSensitivity::AsciiCaseInsensitive => a.eq_ignore_ascii_case(b),
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn contains(self, haystack: &str, needle: &str) -> bool {
+        match self {
+            CaseSensitivity::CaseSensitive => haystack.contains(needle),
+            CaseSensitivity::AsciiCaseInsensitive => {
+                if let Some((&n_first_byte, n_rest)) = needle.as_bytes().split_first() {
+                    haystack.bytes().enumerate().any(|(i, byte)| {
+                        if !byte.eq_ignore_ascii_case(&n_first_byte) {
+                            return false;
+                        }
+                        let after_this_byte = &haystack.as_bytes()[i + 1..];
+                        match after_this_byte.get(..n_rest.len()) {
+                            None => false,
+                            Some(haystack_slice) => haystack_slice.eq_ignore_ascii_case(n_rest),
+                        }
+                    })
+                } else {
+                    // any_str.contains("") == true,
+                    // though these cases should be handled with *NeverMatches and never go here.
+                    true
+                }
+            },
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/servo_crates/selectors/bloom.rs b/servo_crates/selectors/bloom.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..98461d1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servo_crates/selectors/bloom.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
+//! Counting and non-counting Bloom filters tuned for use as ancestor filters
+//! for selector matching.
+use std::fmt::{self, Debug};
+// The top 8 bits of the 32-bit hash value are not used by the bloom filter.
+// Consumers may rely on this to pack hashes more efficiently.
+pub const BLOOM_HASH_MASK: u32 = 0x00ffffff;
+const KEY_SIZE: usize = 12;
+const ARRAY_SIZE: usize = 1 << KEY_SIZE;
+const KEY_MASK: u32 = (1 << KEY_SIZE) - 1;
+/// A counting Bloom filter with 8-bit counters.
+pub type BloomFilter = CountingBloomFilter<BloomStorageU8>;
+/// A counting Bloom filter with parameterized storage to handle
+/// counters of different sizes.  For now we assume that having two hash
+/// functions is enough, but we may revisit that decision later.
+/// The filter uses an array with 2**KeySize entries.
+/// Assuming a well-distributed hash function, a Bloom filter with
+/// array size M containing N elements and
+/// using k hash function has expected false positive rate exactly
+/// $  (1 - (1 - 1/M)^{kN})^k  $
+/// because each array slot has a
+/// $  (1 - 1/M)^{kN}  $
+/// chance of being 0, and the expected false positive rate is the
+/// probability that all of the k hash functions will hit a nonzero
+/// slot.
+/// For reasonable assumptions (M large, kN large, which should both
+/// hold if we're worried about false positives) about M and kN this
+/// becomes approximately
+/// $$  (1 - \exp(-kN/M))^k   $$
+/// For our special case of k == 2, that's $(1 - \exp(-2N/M))^2$,
+/// or in other words
+/// $$    N/M = -0.5 * \ln(1 - \sqrt(r))   $$
+/// where r is the false positive rate.  This can be used to compute
+/// the desired KeySize for a given load N and false positive rate r.
+/// If N/M is assumed small, then the false positive rate can
+/// further be approximated as 4*N^2/M^2.  So increasing KeySize by
+/// 1, which doubles M, reduces the false positive rate by about a
+/// factor of 4, and a false positive rate of 1% corresponds to
+/// about M/N == 20.
+/// What this means in practice is that for a few hundred keys using a
+/// KeySize of 12 gives false positive rates on the order of 0.25-4%.
+/// Similarly, using a KeySize of 10 would lead to a 4% false
+/// positive rate for N == 100 and to quite bad false positive
+/// rates for larger N.
+#[derive(Clone, Default)]
+pub struct CountingBloomFilter<S>
+    S: BloomStorage,
+    storage: S,
+impl<S> CountingBloomFilter<S>
+    S: BloomStorage,
+    /// Creates a new bloom filter.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn new() -> Self {
+        Default::default()
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn clear(&mut self) {
+        self.storage = Default::default();
+    }
+    // Slow linear accessor to make sure the bloom filter is zeroed. This should
+    // never be used in release builds.
+    #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
+    pub fn is_zeroed(&self) -> bool {
+        self.storage.is_zeroed()
+    }
+    #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))]
+    pub fn is_zeroed(&self) -> bool {
+        unreachable!()
+    }
+    /// Inserts an item with a particular hash into the bloom filter.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn insert_hash(&mut self, hash: u32) {
+        self.storage.adjust_first_slot(hash, true);
+        self.storage.adjust_second_slot(hash, true);
+    }
+    /// Removes an item with a particular hash from the bloom filter.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn remove_hash(&mut self, hash: u32) {
+        self.storage.adjust_first_slot(hash, false);
+        self.storage.adjust_second_slot(hash, false);
+    }
+    /// Check whether the filter might contain an item with the given hash.
+    /// This can sometimes return true even if the item is not in the filter,
+    /// but will never return false for items that are actually in the filter.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn might_contain_hash(&self, hash: u32) -> bool {
+        !self.storage.first_slot_is_empty(hash) && !self.storage.second_slot_is_empty(hash)
+    }
+impl<S> Debug for CountingBloomFilter<S>
+    S: BloomStorage,
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+        let mut slots_used = 0;
+        for i in 0..ARRAY_SIZE {
+            if !self.storage.slot_is_empty(i) {
+                slots_used += 1;
+            }
+        }
+        write!(f, "BloomFilter({}/{})", slots_used, ARRAY_SIZE)
+    }
+pub trait BloomStorage: Clone + Default {
+    fn slot_is_empty(&self, index: usize) -> bool;
+    fn adjust_slot(&mut self, index: usize, increment: bool);
+    fn is_zeroed(&self) -> bool;
+    #[inline]
+    fn first_slot_is_empty(&self, hash: u32) -> bool {
+        self.slot_is_empty(Self::first_slot_index(hash))
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn second_slot_is_empty(&self, hash: u32) -> bool {
+        self.slot_is_empty(Self::second_slot_index(hash))
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn adjust_first_slot(&mut self, hash: u32, increment: bool) {
+        self.adjust_slot(Self::first_slot_index(hash), increment)
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn adjust_second_slot(&mut self, hash: u32, increment: bool) {
+        self.adjust_slot(Self::second_slot_index(hash), increment)
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn first_slot_index(hash: u32) -> usize {
+        hash1(hash) as usize
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn second_slot_index(hash: u32) -> usize {
+        hash2(hash) as usize
+    }
+/// Storage class for a CountingBloomFilter that has 8-bit counters.
+pub struct BloomStorageU8 {
+    counters: [u8; ARRAY_SIZE],
+impl BloomStorage for BloomStorageU8 {
+    #[inline]
+    fn adjust_slot(&mut self, index: usize, increment: bool) {
+        let slot = &mut self.counters[index];
+        if *slot != 0xff {
+            // full
+            if increment {
+                *slot += 1;
+            } else {
+                *slot -= 1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn slot_is_empty(&self, index: usize) -> bool {
+        self.counters[index] == 0
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn is_zeroed(&self) -> bool {
+        self.counters.iter().all(|x| *x == 0)
+    }
+impl Default for BloomStorageU8 {
+    fn default() -> Self {
+        BloomStorageU8 {
+            counters: [0; ARRAY_SIZE],
+        }
+    }
+impl Clone for BloomStorageU8 {
+    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
+        BloomStorageU8 {
+            counters: self.counters,
+        }
+    }
+/// Storage class for a CountingBloomFilter that has 1-bit counters.
+pub struct BloomStorageBool {
+    counters: [u8; ARRAY_SIZE / 8],
+impl BloomStorage for BloomStorageBool {
+    #[inline]
+    fn adjust_slot(&mut self, index: usize, increment: bool) {
+        let bit = 1 << (index % 8);
+        let byte = &mut self.counters[index / 8];
+        // Since we have only one bit for storage, decrementing it
+        // should never do anything.  Assert against an accidental
+        // decrementing of a bit that was never set.
+        assert!(
+            increment || (*byte & bit) != 0,
+            "should not decrement if slot is already false"
+        );
+        if increment {
+            *byte |= bit;
+        }
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn slot_is_empty(&self, index: usize) -> bool {
+        let bit = 1 << (index % 8);
+        (self.counters[index / 8] & bit) == 0
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn is_zeroed(&self) -> bool {
+        self.counters.iter().all(|x| *x == 0)
+    }
+impl Default for BloomStorageBool {
+    fn default() -> Self {
+        BloomStorageBool {
+            counters: [0; ARRAY_SIZE / 8],
+        }
+    }
+impl Clone for BloomStorageBool {
+    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
+        BloomStorageBool {
+            counters: self.counters,
+        }
+    }
+fn hash1(hash: u32) -> u32 {
+    hash & KEY_MASK
+fn hash2(hash: u32) -> u32 {
+    (hash >> KEY_SIZE) & KEY_MASK
+fn create_and_insert_some_stuff() {
+    use fxhash::FxHasher;
+    use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
+    use std::mem::transmute;
+    fn hash_as_str(i: usize) -> u32 {
+        let mut hasher = FxHasher::default();
+        let s = i.to_string();
+        s.hash(&mut hasher);
+        let hash: u64 = hasher.finish();
+        (hash >> 32) as u32 ^ (hash as u32)
+    }
+    let mut bf = BloomFilter::new();
+    // Statically assert that ARRAY_SIZE is a multiple of 8, which
+    // BloomStorageBool relies on.
+    unsafe {
+        transmute::<[u8; ARRAY_SIZE % 8], [u8; 0]>([]);
+    }
+    for i in 0_usize..1000 {
+        bf.insert_hash(hash_as_str(i));
+    }
+    for i in 0_usize..1000 {
+        assert!(bf.might_contain_hash(hash_as_str(i)));
+    }
+    let false_positives = (1001_usize..2000)
+        .filter(|i| bf.might_contain_hash(hash_as_str(*i)))
+        .count();
+    assert!(false_positives < 190, "{} is not < 190", false_positives); // 19%.
+    for i in 0_usize..100 {
+        bf.remove_hash(hash_as_str(i));
+    }
+    for i in 100_usize..1000 {
+        assert!(bf.might_contain_hash(hash_as_str(i)));
+    }
+    let false_positives = (0_usize..100)
+        .filter(|i| bf.might_contain_hash(hash_as_str(*i)))
+        .count();
+    assert!(false_positives < 20, "{} is not < 20", false_positives); // 20%.
+    bf.clear();
+    for i in 0_usize..2000 {
+        assert!(!bf.might_contain_hash(hash_as_str(i)));
+    }
+#[cfg(feature = "bench")]
+mod bench {
+    extern crate test;
+    use super::BloomFilter;
+    #[derive(Default)]
+    struct HashGenerator(u32);
+    impl HashGenerator {
+        fn next(&mut self) -> u32 {
+            // Each hash is split into two twelve-bit segments, which are used
+            // as an index into an array. We increment each by 64 so that we
+            // hit the next cache line, and then another 1 so that our wrapping
+            // behavior leads us to different entries each time.
+            //
+            // Trying to simulate cold caches is rather difficult with the cargo
+            // benchmarking setup, so it may all be moot depending on the number
+            // of iterations that end up being run. But we might as well.
+            self.0 += (65) + (65 << super::KEY_SIZE);
+            self.0
+        }
+    }
+    #[bench]
+    fn create_insert_1000_remove_100_lookup_100(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
+        b.iter(|| {
+            let mut gen1 = HashGenerator::default();
+            let mut gen2 = HashGenerator::default();
+            let mut bf = BloomFilter::new();
+            for _ in 0_usize..1000 {
+                bf.insert_hash(gen1.next());
+            }
+            for _ in 0_usize..100 {
+                bf.remove_hash(gen2.next());
+            }
+            for _ in 100_usize..200 {
+                test::black_box(bf.might_contain_hash(gen2.next()));
+            }
+        });
+    }
+    #[bench]
+    fn might_contain_10(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
+        let bf = BloomFilter::new();
+        let mut gen = HashGenerator::default();
+        b.iter(|| {
+            for _ in 0..10 {
+                test::black_box(bf.might_contain_hash(gen.next()));
+            }
+        });
+    }
+    #[bench]
+    fn clear(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
+        let mut bf = Box::new(BloomFilter::new());
+        b.iter(|| test::black_box(&mut bf).clear());
+    }
+    #[bench]
+    fn insert_10(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
+        let mut bf = BloomFilter::new();
+        let mut gen = HashGenerator::default();
+        b.iter(|| {
+            for _ in 0..10 {
+                test::black_box(bf.insert_hash(gen.next()));
+            }
+        });
+    }
+    #[bench]
+    fn remove_10(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
+        let mut bf = BloomFilter::new();
+        let mut gen = HashGenerator::default();
+        // Note: this will underflow, and that's ok.
+        b.iter(|| {
+            for _ in 0..10 {
+                bf.remove_hash(gen.next())
+            }
+        });
+    }
diff --git a/servo_crates/selectors/build.rs b/servo_crates/selectors/build.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..264c2da6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servo_crates/selectors/build.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
+extern crate phf_codegen;
+use std::env;
+use std::fs::File;
+use std::io::{BufWriter, Write};
+use std::path::Path;
+fn main() {
+    let path = Path::new(&env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap())
+        .join("ascii_case_insensitive_html_attributes.rs");
+    let mut file = BufWriter::new(File::create(&path).unwrap());
+    let mut set = phf_codegen::Set::new();
+    for name in ASCII_CASE_INSENSITIVE_HTML_ATTRIBUTES.split_whitespace() {
+        set.entry(name);
+    }
+    write!(
+        &mut file,
+        "{{ static SET: ::phf::Set<&'static str> = {}; &SET }}",
+        set.build(),
+    )
+    .unwrap();
+/// <https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#selectors>
+    accept
+    accept-charset
+    align
+    alink
+    axis
+    bgcolor
+    charset
+    checked
+    clear
+    codetype
+    color
+    compact
+    declare
+    defer
+    dir
+    direction
+    disabled
+    enctype
+    face
+    frame
+    hreflang
+    http-equiv
+    lang
+    language
+    link
+    media
+    method
+    multiple
+    nohref
+    noresize
+    noshade
+    nowrap
+    readonly
+    rel
+    rev
+    rules
+    scope
+    scrolling
+    selected
+    shape
+    target
+    text
+    type
+    valign
+    valuetype
+    vlink
diff --git a/servo_crates/selectors/builder.rs b/servo_crates/selectors/builder.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..41b83b0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servo_crates/selectors/builder.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
+//! Helper module to build up a selector safely and efficiently.
+//! Our selector representation is designed to optimize matching, and has
+//! several requirements:
+//! * All simple selectors and combinators are stored inline in the same buffer
+//!   as Component instances.
+//! * We store the top-level compound selectors from right to left, i.e. in
+//!   matching order.
+//! * We store the simple selectors for each combinator from left to right, so
+//!   that we match the cheaper simple selectors first.
+//! Meeting all these constraints without extra memmove traffic during parsing
+//! is non-trivial. This module encapsulates those details and presents an
+//! easy-to-use API for the parser.
+use crate::parser::{Combinator, Component, SelectorImpl};
+use crate::sink::Push;
+use servo_arc::{Arc, HeaderWithLength, ThinArc};
+use smallvec::{self, SmallVec};
+use std::cmp;
+use std::iter;
+use std::ptr;
+use std::slice;
+/// Top-level SelectorBuilder struct. This should be stack-allocated by the
+/// consumer and never moved (because it contains a lot of inline data that
+/// would be slow to memmov).
+/// After instantation, callers may call the push_simple_selector() and
+/// push_combinator() methods to append selector data as it is encountered
+/// (from left to right). Once the process is complete, callers should invoke
+/// build(), which transforms the contents of the SelectorBuilder into a heap-
+/// allocated Selector and leaves the builder in a drained state.
+pub struct SelectorBuilder<Impl: SelectorImpl> {
+    /// The entire sequence of simple selectors, from left to right, without combinators.
+    ///
+    /// We make this large because the result of parsing a selector is fed into a new
+    /// Arc-ed allocation, so any spilled vec would be a wasted allocation. Also,
+    /// Components are large enough that we don't have much cache locality benefit
+    /// from reserving stack space for fewer of them.
+    simple_selectors: SmallVec<[Component<Impl>; 32]>,
+    /// The combinators, and the length of the compound selector to their left.
+    combinators: SmallVec<[(Combinator, usize); 16]>,
+    /// The length of the current compount selector.
+    current_len: usize,
+impl<Impl: SelectorImpl> Default for SelectorBuilder<Impl> {
+    #[inline(always)]
+    fn default() -> Self {
+        SelectorBuilder {
+            simple_selectors: SmallVec::new(),
+            combinators: SmallVec::new(),
+            current_len: 0,
+        }
+    }
+impl<Impl: SelectorImpl> Push<Component<Impl>> for SelectorBuilder<Impl> {
+    fn push(&mut self, value: Component<Impl>) {
+        self.push_simple_selector(value);
+    }
+impl<Impl: SelectorImpl> SelectorBuilder<Impl> {
+    /// Pushes a simple selector onto the current compound selector.
+    #[inline(always)]
+    pub fn push_simple_selector(&mut self, ss: Component<Impl>) {
+        assert!(!ss.is_combinator());
+        self.simple_selectors.push(ss);
+        self.current_len += 1;
+    }
+    /// Completes the current compound selector and starts a new one, delimited
+    /// by the given combinator.
+    #[inline(always)]
+    pub fn push_combinator(&mut self, c: Combinator) {
+        self.combinators.push((c, self.current_len));
+        self.current_len = 0;
+    }
+    /// Returns true if combinators have ever been pushed to this builder.
+    #[inline(always)]
+    pub fn has_combinators(&self) -> bool {
+        !self.combinators.is_empty()
+    }
+    /// Consumes the builder, producing a Selector.
+    #[inline(always)]
+    pub fn build(
+        &mut self,
+        parsed_pseudo: bool,
+        parsed_slotted: bool,
+        parsed_part: bool,
+    ) -> ThinArc<SpecificityAndFlags, Component<Impl>> {
+        // Compute the specificity and flags.
+        let specificity = specificity(self.simple_selectors.iter());
+        let mut flags = SelectorFlags::empty();
+        if parsed_pseudo {
+            flags |= SelectorFlags::HAS_PSEUDO;
+        }
+        if parsed_slotted {
+            flags |= SelectorFlags::HAS_SLOTTED;
+        }
+        if parsed_part {
+            flags |= SelectorFlags::HAS_PART;
+        }
+        self.build_with_specificity_and_flags(SpecificityAndFlags { specificity, flags })
+    }
+    /// Builds with an explicit SpecificityAndFlags. This is separated from build() so
+    /// that unit tests can pass an explicit specificity.
+    #[inline(always)]
+    pub fn build_with_specificity_and_flags(
+        &mut self,
+        spec: SpecificityAndFlags,
+    ) -> ThinArc<SpecificityAndFlags, Component<Impl>> {
+        // First, compute the total number of Components we'll need to allocate
+        // space for.
+        let full_len = self.simple_selectors.len() + self.combinators.len();
+        // Create the header.
+        let header = HeaderWithLength::new(spec, full_len);
+        // Create the Arc using an iterator that drains our buffers.
+        // Use a raw pointer to be able to call set_len despite "borrowing" the slice.
+        // This is similar to SmallVec::drain, but we use a slice here because
+        // we’re gonna traverse it non-linearly.
+        let raw_simple_selectors: *const [Component<Impl>] = &*self.simple_selectors;
+        unsafe {
+            // Panic-safety: if SelectorBuilderIter is not iterated to the end,
+            // some simple selectors will safely leak.
+            self.simple_selectors.set_len(0)
+        }
+        let (rest, current) = split_from_end(unsafe { &*raw_simple_selectors }, self.current_len);
+        let iter = SelectorBuilderIter {
+            current_simple_selectors: current.iter(),
+            rest_of_simple_selectors: rest,
+            combinators: self.combinators.drain().rev(),
+        };
+        Arc::into_thin(Arc::from_header_and_iter(header, iter))
+    }
+struct SelectorBuilderIter<'a, Impl: SelectorImpl> {
+    current_simple_selectors: slice::Iter<'a, Component<Impl>>,
+    rest_of_simple_selectors: &'a [Component<Impl>],
+    combinators: iter::Rev<smallvec::Drain<'a, (Combinator, usize)>>,
+impl<'a, Impl: SelectorImpl> ExactSizeIterator for SelectorBuilderIter<'a, Impl> {
+    fn len(&self) -> usize {
+        self.current_simple_selectors.len() +
+            self.rest_of_simple_selectors.len() +
+            self.combinators.len()
+    }
+impl<'a, Impl: SelectorImpl> Iterator for SelectorBuilderIter<'a, Impl> {
+    type Item = Component<Impl>;
+    #[inline(always)]
+    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+        if let Some(simple_selector_ref) = self.current_simple_selectors.next() {
+            // Move a simple selector out of this slice iterator.
+            // This is safe because we’ve called SmallVec::set_len(0) above,
+            // so SmallVec::drop won’t drop this simple selector.
+            unsafe { Some(ptr::read(simple_selector_ref)) }
+        } else {
+            self.combinators.next().map(|(combinator, len)| {
+                let (rest, current) = split_from_end(self.rest_of_simple_selectors, len);
+                self.rest_of_simple_selectors = rest;
+                self.current_simple_selectors = current.iter();
+                Component::Combinator(combinator)
+            })
+        }
+    }
+    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
+        (self.len(), Some(self.len()))
+    }
+fn split_from_end<T>(s: &[T], at: usize) -> (&[T], &[T]) {
+    s.split_at(s.len() - at)
+bitflags! {
+    /// Flags that indicate at which point of parsing a selector are we.
+    #[derive(Default, ToShmem)]
+    pub (crate) struct SelectorFlags : u8 {
+        const HAS_PSEUDO = 1 << 0;
+        const HAS_SLOTTED = 1 << 1;
+        const HAS_PART = 1 << 2;
+    }
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, ToShmem)]
+pub struct SpecificityAndFlags {
+    /// There are two free bits here, since we use ten bits for each specificity
+    /// kind (id, class, element).
+    pub(crate) specificity: u32,
+    /// There's padding after this field due to the size of the flags.
+    pub(crate) flags: SelectorFlags,
+impl SpecificityAndFlags {
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn specificity(&self) -> u32 {
+        self.specificity
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn has_pseudo_element(&self) -> bool {
+        self.flags.intersects(SelectorFlags::HAS_PSEUDO)
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn is_slotted(&self) -> bool {
+        self.flags.intersects(SelectorFlags::HAS_SLOTTED)
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn is_part(&self) -> bool {
+        self.flags.intersects(SelectorFlags::HAS_PART)
+    }
+const MAX_10BIT: u32 = (1u32 << 10) - 1;
+#[derive(Add, AddAssign, Clone, Copy, Default, Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
+struct Specificity {
+    id_selectors: u32,
+    class_like_selectors: u32,
+    element_selectors: u32,
+impl From<u32> for Specificity {
+    #[inline]
+    fn from(value: u32) -> Specificity {
+        assert!(value <= MAX_10BIT << 20 | MAX_10BIT << 10 | MAX_10BIT);
+        Specificity {
+            id_selectors: value >> 20,
+            class_like_selectors: (value >> 10) & MAX_10BIT,
+            element_selectors: value & MAX_10BIT,
+        }
+    }
+impl From<Specificity> for u32 {
+    #[inline]
+    fn from(specificity: Specificity) -> u32 {
+        cmp::min(specificity.id_selectors, MAX_10BIT) << 20 |
+            cmp::min(specificity.class_like_selectors, MAX_10BIT) << 10 |
+            cmp::min(specificity.element_selectors, MAX_10BIT)
+    }
+fn specificity<Impl>(iter: slice::Iter<Component<Impl>>) -> u32
+    Impl: SelectorImpl,
+    complex_selector_specificity(iter).into()
+fn complex_selector_specificity<Impl>(iter: slice::Iter<Component<Impl>>) -> Specificity
+    Impl: SelectorImpl,
+    fn simple_selector_specificity<Impl>(
+        simple_selector: &Component<Impl>,
+        specificity: &mut Specificity,
+    ) where
+        Impl: SelectorImpl,
+    {
+        match *simple_selector {
+            Component::Combinator(..) => {
+                unreachable!("Found combinator in simple selectors vector?");
+            },
+            Component::Part(..) | Component::PseudoElement(..) | Component::LocalName(..) => {
+                specificity.element_selectors += 1
+            },
+            Component::Slotted(ref selector) => {
+                specificity.element_selectors += 1;
+                // Note that due to the way ::slotted works we only compete with
+                // other ::slotted rules, so the above rule doesn't really
+                // matter, but we do it still for consistency with other
+                // pseudo-elements.
+                //
+                // See: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/1915
+                *specificity += Specificity::from(selector.specificity());
+            },
+            Component::Host(ref selector) => {
+                specificity.class_like_selectors += 1;
+                if let Some(ref selector) = *selector {
+                    // See: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/1915
+                    *specificity += Specificity::from(selector.specificity());
+                }
+            },
+            Component::ID(..) => {
+                specificity.id_selectors += 1;
+            },
+            Component::Class(..) |
+            Component::AttributeInNoNamespace { .. } |
+            Component::AttributeInNoNamespaceExists { .. } |
+            Component::AttributeOther(..) |
+            Component::FirstChild |
+            Component::LastChild |
+            Component::OnlyChild |
+            Component::Root |
+            Component::Empty |
+            Component::Scope |
+            Component::NthChild(..) |
+            Component::NthLastChild(..) |
+            Component::NthOfType(..) |
+            Component::NthLastOfType(..) |
+            Component::FirstOfType |
+            Component::LastOfType |
+            Component::OnlyOfType |
+            Component::NonTSPseudoClass(..) => {
+                specificity.class_like_selectors += 1;
+            },
+            Component::ExplicitUniversalType |
+            Component::ExplicitAnyNamespace |
+            Component::ExplicitNoNamespace |
+            Component::DefaultNamespace(..) |
+            Component::Namespace(..) => {
+                // Does not affect specificity
+            },
+            Component::Negation(ref negated) => {
+                for ss in negated.iter() {
+                    simple_selector_specificity(&ss, specificity);
+                }
+            },
+        }
+    }
+    let mut specificity = Default::default();
+    for simple_selector in iter {
+        simple_selector_specificity(&simple_selector, &mut specificity);
+    }
+    specificity
diff --git a/servo_crates/selectors/context.rs b/servo_crates/selectors/context.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..44d586c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servo_crates/selectors/context.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
+use crate::attr::CaseSensitivity;
+use crate::bloom::BloomFilter;
+use crate::nth_index_cache::NthIndexCache;
+use crate::parser::SelectorImpl;
+use crate::tree::{Element, OpaqueElement};
+/// What kind of selector matching mode we should use.
+/// There are two modes of selector matching. The difference is only noticeable
+/// in presence of pseudo-elements.
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
+pub enum MatchingMode {
+    /// Don't ignore any pseudo-element selectors.
+    Normal,
+    /// Ignores any stateless pseudo-element selectors in the rightmost sequence
+    /// of simple selectors.
+    ///
+    /// This is useful, for example, to match against ::before when you aren't a
+    /// pseudo-element yourself.
+    ///
+    /// For example, in presence of `::before:hover`, it would never match, but
+    /// `::before` would be ignored as in "matching".
+    ///
+    /// It's required for all the selectors you match using this mode to have a
+    /// pseudo-element.
+    ForStatelessPseudoElement,
+/// The mode to use when matching unvisited and visited links.
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
+pub enum VisitedHandlingMode {
+    /// All links are matched as if they are unvisted.
+    AllLinksUnvisited,
+    /// All links are matched as if they are visited and unvisited (both :link
+    /// and :visited match).
+    ///
+    /// This is intended to be used from invalidation code, to be conservative
+    /// about whether we need to restyle a link.
+    AllLinksVisitedAndUnvisited,
+    /// A element's "relevant link" is the element being matched if it is a link
+    /// or the nearest ancestor link. The relevant link is matched as though it
+    /// is visited, and all other links are matched as if they are unvisited.
+    RelevantLinkVisited,
+impl VisitedHandlingMode {
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn matches_visited(&self) -> bool {
+        matches!(
+            *self,
+            VisitedHandlingMode::RelevantLinkVisited |
+                VisitedHandlingMode::AllLinksVisitedAndUnvisited
+        )
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn matches_unvisited(&self) -> bool {
+        matches!(
+            *self,
+            VisitedHandlingMode::AllLinksUnvisited |
+                VisitedHandlingMode::AllLinksVisitedAndUnvisited
+        )
+    }
+/// Which quirks mode is this document in.
+/// See: https://quirks.spec.whatwg.org/
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
+pub enum QuirksMode {
+    /// Quirks mode.
+    Quirks,
+    /// Limited quirks mode.
+    LimitedQuirks,
+    /// No quirks mode.
+    NoQuirks,
+impl QuirksMode {
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn classes_and_ids_case_sensitivity(self) -> CaseSensitivity {
+        match self {
+            QuirksMode::NoQuirks | QuirksMode::LimitedQuirks => CaseSensitivity::CaseSensitive,
+            QuirksMode::Quirks => CaseSensitivity::AsciiCaseInsensitive,
+        }
+    }
+/// Data associated with the matching process for a element.  This context is
+/// used across many selectors for an element, so it's not appropriate for
+/// transient data that applies to only a single selector.
+pub struct MatchingContext<'a, Impl>
+    Impl: SelectorImpl,
+    /// Input with the matching mode we should use when matching selectors.
+    matching_mode: MatchingMode,
+    /// Input with the bloom filter used to fast-reject selectors.
+    pub bloom_filter: Option<&'a BloomFilter>,
+    /// An optional cache to speed up nth-index-like selectors.
+    pub nth_index_cache: Option<&'a mut NthIndexCache>,
+    /// The element which is going to match :scope pseudo-class. It can be
+    /// either one :scope element, or the scoping element.
+    ///
+    /// Note that, although in theory there can be multiple :scope elements,
+    /// in current specs, at most one is specified, and when there is one,
+    /// scoping element is not relevant anymore, so we use a single field for
+    /// them.
+    ///
+    /// When this is None, :scope will match the root element.
+    ///
+    /// See https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#scope-pseudo
+    pub scope_element: Option<OpaqueElement>,
+    /// The current shadow host we're collecting :host rules for.
+    pub current_host: Option<OpaqueElement>,
+    /// Controls how matching for links is handled.
+    visited_handling: VisitedHandlingMode,
+    /// The current nesting level of selectors that we're matching.
+    ///
+    /// FIXME(emilio): Consider putting the mutable stuff in a Cell, then make
+    /// MatchingContext immutable again.
+    nesting_level: usize,
+    /// Whether we're inside a negation or not.
+    in_negation: bool,
+    /// An optional hook function for checking whether a pseudo-element
+    /// should match when matching_mode is ForStatelessPseudoElement.
+    pub pseudo_element_matching_fn: Option<&'a dyn Fn(&Impl::PseudoElement) -> bool>,
+    /// Extra implementation-dependent matching data.
+    pub extra_data: Impl::ExtraMatchingData,
+    quirks_mode: QuirksMode,
+    classes_and_ids_case_sensitivity: CaseSensitivity,
+    _impl: ::std::marker::PhantomData<Impl>,
+impl<'a, Impl> MatchingContext<'a, Impl>
+    Impl: SelectorImpl,
+    /// Constructs a new `MatchingContext`.
+    pub fn new(
+        matching_mode: MatchingMode,
+        bloom_filter: Option<&'a BloomFilter>,
+        nth_index_cache: Option<&'a mut NthIndexCache>,
+        quirks_mode: QuirksMode,
+    ) -> Self {
+        Self::new_for_visited(
+            matching_mode,
+            bloom_filter,
+            nth_index_cache,
+            VisitedHandlingMode::AllLinksUnvisited,
+            quirks_mode,
+        )
+    }
+    /// Constructs a new `MatchingContext` for use in visited matching.
+    pub fn new_for_visited(
+        matching_mode: MatchingMode,
+        bloom_filter: Option<&'a BloomFilter>,
+        nth_index_cache: Option<&'a mut NthIndexCache>,
+        visited_handling: VisitedHandlingMode,
+        quirks_mode: QuirksMode,
+    ) -> Self {
+        Self {
+            matching_mode,
+            bloom_filter,
+            visited_handling,
+            nth_index_cache,
+            quirks_mode,
+            classes_and_ids_case_sensitivity: quirks_mode.classes_and_ids_case_sensitivity(),
+            scope_element: None,
+            current_host: None,
+            nesting_level: 0,
+            in_negation: false,
+            pseudo_element_matching_fn: None,
+            extra_data: Default::default(),
+            _impl: ::std::marker::PhantomData,
+        }
+    }
+    /// Whether we're matching a nested selector.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn is_nested(&self) -> bool {
+        self.nesting_level != 0
+    }
+    /// Whether we're matching inside a :not(..) selector.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn in_negation(&self) -> bool {
+        self.in_negation
+    }
+    /// The quirks mode of the document.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn quirks_mode(&self) -> QuirksMode {
+        self.quirks_mode
+    }
+    /// The matching-mode for this selector-matching operation.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn matching_mode(&self) -> MatchingMode {
+        self.matching_mode
+    }
+    /// The case-sensitivity for class and ID selectors
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn classes_and_ids_case_sensitivity(&self) -> CaseSensitivity {
+        self.classes_and_ids_case_sensitivity
+    }
+    /// Runs F with a deeper nesting level.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn nest<F, R>(&mut self, f: F) -> R
+    where
+        F: FnOnce(&mut Self) -> R,
+    {
+        self.nesting_level += 1;
+        let result = f(self);
+        self.nesting_level -= 1;
+        result
+    }
+    /// Runs F with a deeper nesting level, and marking ourselves in a negation,
+    /// for a :not(..) selector, for example.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn nest_for_negation<F, R>(&mut self, f: F) -> R
+    where
+        F: FnOnce(&mut Self) -> R,
+    {
+        debug_assert!(!self.in_negation, "Someone messed up parsing?");
+        self.in_negation = true;
+        let result = self.nest(f);
+        self.in_negation = false;
+        result
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn visited_handling(&self) -> VisitedHandlingMode {
+        self.visited_handling
+    }
+    /// Runs F with a different VisitedHandlingMode.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn with_visited_handling_mode<F, R>(
+        &mut self,
+        handling_mode: VisitedHandlingMode,
+        f: F,
+    ) -> R
+    where
+        F: FnOnce(&mut Self) -> R,
+    {
+        let original_handling_mode = self.visited_handling;
+        self.visited_handling = handling_mode;
+        let result = f(self);
+        self.visited_handling = original_handling_mode;
+        result
+    }
+    /// Runs F with a given shadow host which is the root of the tree whose
+    /// rules we're matching.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn with_shadow_host<F, E, R>(&mut self, host: Option<E>, f: F) -> R
+    where
+        E: Element,
+        F: FnOnce(&mut Self) -> R,
+    {
+        let original_host = self.current_host.take();
+        self.current_host = host.map(|h| h.opaque());
+        let result = f(self);
+        self.current_host = original_host;
+        result
+    }
+    /// Returns the current shadow host whose shadow root we're matching rules
+    /// against.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn shadow_host(&self) -> Option<OpaqueElement> {
+        self.current_host.clone()
+    }
diff --git a/servo_crates/selectors/lib.rs b/servo_crates/selectors/lib.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e8d8062d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servo_crates/selectors/lib.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
+// Make |cargo bench| work.
+#![cfg_attr(feature = "bench", feature(test))]
+extern crate bitflags;
+extern crate cssparser;
+extern crate derive_more;
+extern crate fxhash;
+extern crate log;
+extern crate matches;
+extern crate phf;
+extern crate precomputed_hash;
+extern crate servo_arc;
+extern crate smallvec;
+extern crate thin_slice;
+extern crate to_shmem;
+extern crate to_shmem_derive;
+pub mod attr;
+pub mod bloom;
+mod builder;
+pub mod context;
+pub mod matching;
+mod nth_index_cache;
+pub mod parser;
+pub mod sink;
+mod tree;
+pub mod visitor;
+pub use crate::nth_index_cache::NthIndexCache;
+pub use crate::parser::{Parser, SelectorImpl, SelectorList};
+pub use crate::tree::{Element, OpaqueElement};
diff --git a/servo_crates/selectors/matching.rs b/servo_crates/selectors/matching.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..49b7f3db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servo_crates/selectors/matching.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,977 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
+use crate::attr::{AttrSelectorOperation, NamespaceConstraint, ParsedAttrSelectorOperation};
+use crate::bloom::{BloomFilter, BLOOM_HASH_MASK};
+use crate::nth_index_cache::NthIndexCacheInner;
+use crate::parser::{AncestorHashes, Combinator, Component, LocalName};
+use crate::parser::{NonTSPseudoClass, Selector, SelectorImpl, SelectorIter, SelectorList};
+use crate::tree::Element;
+use std::borrow::Borrow;
+use std::iter;
+pub use crate::context::*;
+// The bloom filter for descendant CSS selectors will have a <1% false
+// positive rate until it has this many selectors in it, then it will
+// rapidly increase.
+bitflags! {
+    /// Set of flags that are set on either the element or its parent (depending
+    /// on the flag) if the element could potentially match a selector.
+    pub struct ElementSelectorFlags: usize {
+        /// When a child is added or removed from the parent, all the children
+        /// must be restyled, because they may match :nth-last-child,
+        /// :last-of-type, :nth-last-of-type, or :only-of-type.
+        const HAS_SLOW_SELECTOR = 1 << 0;
+        /// When a child is added or removed from the parent, any later
+        /// children must be restyled, because they may match :nth-child,
+        /// :first-of-type, or :nth-of-type.
+        const HAS_SLOW_SELECTOR_LATER_SIBLINGS = 1 << 1;
+        /// When a child is added or removed from the parent, the first and
+        /// last children must be restyled, because they may match :first-child,
+        /// :last-child, or :only-child.
+        const HAS_EDGE_CHILD_SELECTOR = 1 << 2;
+        /// The element has an empty selector, so when a child is appended we
+        /// might need to restyle the parent completely.
+        const HAS_EMPTY_SELECTOR = 1 << 3;
+    }
+impl ElementSelectorFlags {
+    /// Returns the subset of flags that apply to the element.
+    pub fn for_self(self) -> ElementSelectorFlags {
+        self & (ElementSelectorFlags::HAS_EMPTY_SELECTOR)
+    }
+    /// Returns the subset of flags that apply to the parent.
+    pub fn for_parent(self) -> ElementSelectorFlags {
+        self & (ElementSelectorFlags::HAS_SLOW_SELECTOR |
+            ElementSelectorFlags::HAS_SLOW_SELECTOR_LATER_SIBLINGS |
+            ElementSelectorFlags::HAS_EDGE_CHILD_SELECTOR)
+    }
+/// Holds per-compound-selector data.
+struct LocalMatchingContext<'a, 'b: 'a, Impl: SelectorImpl> {
+    shared: &'a mut MatchingContext<'b, Impl>,
+    matches_hover_and_active_quirk: MatchesHoverAndActiveQuirk,
+pub fn matches_selector_list<E>(
+    selector_list: &SelectorList<E::Impl>,
+    element: &E,
+    context: &mut MatchingContext<E::Impl>,
+) -> bool
+    E: Element,
+    // This is pretty much any(..) but manually inlined because the compiler
+    // refuses to do so from querySelector / querySelectorAll.
+    for selector in &selector_list.0 {
+        let matches = matches_selector(selector, 0, None, element, context, &mut |_, _| {});
+        if matches {
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    false
+fn may_match(hashes: &AncestorHashes, bf: &BloomFilter) -> bool {
+    // Check the first three hashes. Note that we can check for zero before
+    // masking off the high bits, since if any of the first three hashes is
+    // zero the fourth will be as well. We also take care to avoid the
+    // special-case complexity of the fourth hash until we actually reach it,
+    // because we usually don't.
+    //
+    // To be clear: this is all extremely hot.
+    for i in 0..3 {
+        let packed = hashes.packed_hashes[i];
+        if packed == 0 {
+            // No more hashes left - unable to fast-reject.
+            return true;
+        }
+        if !bf.might_contain_hash(packed & BLOOM_HASH_MASK) {
+            // Hooray! We fast-rejected on this hash.
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    // Now do the slighty-more-complex work of synthesizing the fourth hash,
+    // and check it against the filter if it exists.
+    let fourth = hashes.fourth_hash();
+    fourth == 0 || bf.might_contain_hash(fourth)
+/// A result of selector matching, includes 3 failure types,
+///   NotMatchedAndRestartFromClosestLaterSibling
+///   NotMatchedAndRestartFromClosestDescendant
+///   NotMatchedGlobally
+/// When NotMatchedGlobally appears, stop selector matching completely since
+/// the succeeding selectors never matches.
+/// It is raised when
+///   Child combinator cannot find the candidate element.
+///   Descendant combinator cannot find the candidate element.
+/// When NotMatchedAndRestartFromClosestDescendant appears, the selector
+/// matching does backtracking and restarts from the closest Descendant
+/// combinator.
+/// It is raised when
+///   NextSibling combinator cannot find the candidate element.
+///   LaterSibling combinator cannot find the candidate element.
+///   Child combinator doesn't match on the found element.
+/// When NotMatchedAndRestartFromClosestLaterSibling appears, the selector
+/// matching does backtracking and restarts from the closest LaterSibling
+/// combinator.
+/// It is raised when
+///   NextSibling combinator doesn't match on the found element.
+/// For example, when the selector "d1 d2 a" is provided and we cannot *find*
+/// an appropriate ancestor element for "d1", this selector matching raises
+/// NotMatchedGlobally since even if "d2" is moved to more upper element, the
+/// candidates for "d1" becomes less than before and d1 .
+/// The next example is siblings. When the selector "b1 + b2 ~ d1 a" is
+/// provided and we cannot *find* an appropriate brother element for b1,
+/// the selector matching raises NotMatchedAndRestartFromClosestDescendant.
+/// The selectors ("b1 + b2 ~") doesn't match and matching restart from "d1".
+/// The additional example is child and sibling. When the selector
+/// "b1 + c1 > b2 ~ d1 a" is provided and the selector "b1" doesn't match on
+/// the element, this "b1" raises NotMatchedAndRestartFromClosestLaterSibling.
+/// However since the selector "c1" raises
+/// NotMatchedAndRestartFromClosestDescendant. So the selector
+/// "b1 + c1 > b2 ~ " doesn't match and restart matching from "d1".
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)]
+enum SelectorMatchingResult {
+    Matched,
+    NotMatchedAndRestartFromClosestLaterSibling,
+    NotMatchedAndRestartFromClosestDescendant,
+    NotMatchedGlobally,
+/// Whether the :hover and :active quirk applies.
+/// https://quirks.spec.whatwg.org/#the-active-and-hover-quirk
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
+enum MatchesHoverAndActiveQuirk {
+    Yes,
+    No,
+/// Matches a selector, fast-rejecting against a bloom filter.
+/// We accept an offset to allow consumers to represent and match against
+/// partial selectors (indexed from the right). We use this API design, rather
+/// than having the callers pass a SelectorIter, because creating a SelectorIter
+/// requires dereferencing the selector to get the length, which adds an
+/// unncessary cache miss for cases when we can fast-reject with AncestorHashes
+/// (which the caller can store inline with the selector pointer).
+pub fn matches_selector<E, F>(
+    selector: &Selector<E::Impl>,
+    offset: usize,
+    hashes: Option<&AncestorHashes>,
+    element: &E,
+    context: &mut MatchingContext<E::Impl>,
+    flags_setter: &mut F,
+) -> bool
+    E: Element,
+    F: FnMut(&E, ElementSelectorFlags),
+    // Use the bloom filter to fast-reject.
+    if let Some(hashes) = hashes {
+        if let Some(filter) = context.bloom_filter {
+            if !may_match(hashes, filter) {
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    matches_complex_selector(selector.iter_from(offset), element, context, flags_setter)
+/// Whether a compound selector matched, and whether it was the rightmost
+/// selector inside the complex selector.
+pub enum CompoundSelectorMatchingResult {
+    /// The selector was fully matched.
+    FullyMatched,
+    /// The compound selector matched, and the next combinator offset is
+    /// `next_combinator_offset`.
+    Matched { next_combinator_offset: usize },
+    /// The selector didn't match.
+    NotMatched,
+/// Matches a compound selector belonging to `selector`, starting at offset
+/// `from_offset`, matching left to right.
+/// Requires that `from_offset` points to a `Combinator`.
+/// NOTE(emilio): This doesn't allow to match in the leftmost sequence of the
+/// complex selector, but it happens to be the case we don't need it.
+pub fn matches_compound_selector_from<E>(
+    selector: &Selector<E::Impl>,
+    mut from_offset: usize,
+    context: &mut MatchingContext<E::Impl>,
+    element: &E,
+) -> CompoundSelectorMatchingResult
+    E: Element,
+    if cfg!(debug_assertions) && from_offset != 0 {
+        selector.combinator_at_parse_order(from_offset - 1); // This asserts.
+    }
+    let mut local_context = LocalMatchingContext {
+        shared: context,
+        matches_hover_and_active_quirk: MatchesHoverAndActiveQuirk::No,
+    };
+    // Find the end of the selector or the next combinator, then match
+    // backwards, so that we match in the same order as
+    // matches_complex_selector, which is usually faster.
+    let start_offset = from_offset;
+    for component in selector.iter_raw_parse_order_from(from_offset) {
+        if matches!(*component, Component::Combinator(..)) {
+            debug_assert_ne!(from_offset, 0, "Selector started with a combinator?");
+            break;
+        }
+        from_offset += 1;
+    }
+    debug_assert!(from_offset >= 1);
+    debug_assert!(from_offset <= selector.len());
+    let iter = selector.iter_from(selector.len() - from_offset);
+    debug_assert!(
+        iter.clone().next().is_some() ||
+            (from_offset != selector.len() &&
+                matches!(
+                    selector.combinator_at_parse_order(from_offset),
+                    Combinator::SlotAssignment | Combinator::PseudoElement
+                )),
+        "Got the math wrong: {:?} | {:?} | {} {}",
+        selector,
+        selector.iter_raw_match_order().as_slice(),
+        from_offset,
+        start_offset
+    );
+    for component in iter {
+        if !matches_simple_selector(component, element, &mut local_context, &mut |_, _| {}) {
+            return CompoundSelectorMatchingResult::NotMatched;
+        }
+    }
+    if from_offset != selector.len() {
+        return CompoundSelectorMatchingResult::Matched {
+            next_combinator_offset: from_offset,
+        };
+    }
+    CompoundSelectorMatchingResult::FullyMatched
+/// Matches a complex selector.
+pub fn matches_complex_selector<E, F>(
+    mut iter: SelectorIter<E::Impl>,
+    element: &E,
+    context: &mut MatchingContext<E::Impl>,
+    flags_setter: &mut F,
+) -> bool
+    E: Element,
+    F: FnMut(&E, ElementSelectorFlags),
+    // If this is the special pseudo-element mode, consume the ::pseudo-element
+    // before proceeding, since the caller has already handled that part.
+    if context.matching_mode() == MatchingMode::ForStatelessPseudoElement && !context.is_nested() {
+        // Consume the pseudo.
+        match *iter.next().unwrap() {
+            Component::PseudoElement(ref pseudo) => {
+                if let Some(ref f) = context.pseudo_element_matching_fn {
+                    if !f(pseudo) {
+                        return false;
+                    }
+                }
+            },
+            _ => {
+                debug_assert!(
+                    false,
+                    "Used MatchingMode::ForStatelessPseudoElement \
+                     in a non-pseudo selector"
+                );
+            },
+        }
+        // The only other parser-allowed Component in this sequence is a state
+        // class. We just don't match in that case.
+        if let Some(s) = iter.next() {
+            debug_assert!(
+                matches!(*s, Component::NonTSPseudoClass(..)),
+                "Someone messed up pseudo-element parsing"
+            );
+            return false;
+        }
+        // Advance to the non-pseudo-element part of the selector.
+        let next_sequence = iter.next_sequence().unwrap();
+        debug_assert_eq!(next_sequence, Combinator::PseudoElement);
+    }
+    let result =
+        matches_complex_selector_internal(iter, element, context, flags_setter, Rightmost::Yes);
+    match result {
+        SelectorMatchingResult::Matched => true,
+        _ => false,
+    }
+fn matches_hover_and_active_quirk<Impl: SelectorImpl>(
+    selector_iter: &SelectorIter<Impl>,
+    context: &MatchingContext<Impl>,
+    rightmost: Rightmost,
+) -> MatchesHoverAndActiveQuirk {
+    if context.quirks_mode() != QuirksMode::Quirks {
+        return MatchesHoverAndActiveQuirk::No;
+    }
+    if context.is_nested() {
+        return MatchesHoverAndActiveQuirk::No;
+    }
+    // This compound selector had a pseudo-element to the right that we
+    // intentionally skipped.
+    if rightmost == Rightmost::Yes &&
+        context.matching_mode() == MatchingMode::ForStatelessPseudoElement
+    {
+        return MatchesHoverAndActiveQuirk::No;
+    }
+    let all_match = selector_iter.clone().all(|simple| match *simple {
+        Component::LocalName(_) |
+        Component::AttributeInNoNamespaceExists { .. } |
+        Component::AttributeInNoNamespace { .. } |
+        Component::AttributeOther(_) |
+        Component::ID(_) |
+        Component::Class(_) |
+        Component::PseudoElement(_) |
+        Component::Negation(_) |
+        Component::FirstChild |
+        Component::LastChild |
+        Component::OnlyChild |
+        Component::Empty |
+        Component::NthChild(_, _) |
+        Component::NthLastChild(_, _) |
+        Component::NthOfType(_, _) |
+        Component::NthLastOfType(_, _) |
+        Component::FirstOfType |
+        Component::LastOfType |
+        Component::OnlyOfType => false,
+        Component::NonTSPseudoClass(ref pseudo_class) => pseudo_class.is_active_or_hover(),
+        _ => true,
+    });
+    if all_match {
+        MatchesHoverAndActiveQuirk::Yes
+    } else {
+        MatchesHoverAndActiveQuirk::No
+    }
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
+enum Rightmost {
+    Yes,
+    No,
+fn next_element_for_combinator<E>(
+    element: &E,
+    combinator: Combinator,
+    selector: &SelectorIter<E::Impl>,
+    context: &MatchingContext<E::Impl>,
+) -> Option<E>
+    E: Element,
+    match combinator {
+        Combinator::NextSibling | Combinator::LaterSibling => element.prev_sibling_element(),
+        Combinator::Child | Combinator::Descendant => {
+            match element.parent_element() {
+                Some(e) => return Some(e),
+                None => {},
+            }
+            if !element.parent_node_is_shadow_root() {
+                return None;
+            }
+            // https://drafts.csswg.org/css-scoping/#host-element-in-tree:
+            //
+            //   For the purpose of Selectors, a shadow host also appears in
+            //   its shadow tree, with the contents of the shadow tree treated
+            //   as its children. (In other words, the shadow host is treated as
+            //   replacing the shadow root node.)
+            //
+            // and also:
+            //
+            //   When considered within its own shadow trees, the shadow host is
+            //   featureless. Only the :host, :host(), and :host-context()
+            //   pseudo-classes are allowed to match it.
+            //
+            // Since we know that the parent is a shadow root, we necessarily
+            // are in a shadow tree of the host, and the next selector will only
+            // match if the selector is a featureless :host selector.
+            if !selector.clone().is_featureless_host_selector() {
+                return None;
+            }
+            element.containing_shadow_host()
+        },
+        Combinator::Part => element.containing_shadow_host(),
+        Combinator::SlotAssignment => {
+            debug_assert!(element
+                .assigned_slot()
+                .map_or(true, |s| s.is_html_slot_element()));
+            let scope = context.current_host?;
+            let mut current_slot = element.assigned_slot()?;
+            while current_slot.containing_shadow_host().unwrap().opaque() != scope {
+                current_slot = current_slot.assigned_slot()?;
+            }
+            Some(current_slot)
+        },
+        Combinator::PseudoElement => element.pseudo_element_originating_element(),
+    }
+fn matches_complex_selector_internal<E, F>(
+    mut selector_iter: SelectorIter<E::Impl>,
+    element: &E,
+    context: &mut MatchingContext<E::Impl>,
+    flags_setter: &mut F,
+    rightmost: Rightmost,
+) -> SelectorMatchingResult
+    E: Element,
+    F: FnMut(&E, ElementSelectorFlags),
+    debug!(
+        "Matching complex selector {:?} for {:?}",
+        selector_iter, element
+    );
+    let matches_compound_selector = matches_compound_selector(
+        &mut selector_iter,
+        element,
+        context,
+        flags_setter,
+        rightmost,
+    );
+    let combinator = selector_iter.next_sequence();
+    if combinator.map_or(false, |c| c.is_sibling()) {
+        flags_setter(
+            element,
+            ElementSelectorFlags::HAS_SLOW_SELECTOR_LATER_SIBLINGS,
+        );
+    }
+    if !matches_compound_selector {
+        return SelectorMatchingResult::NotMatchedAndRestartFromClosestLaterSibling;
+    }
+    let combinator = match combinator {
+        None => return SelectorMatchingResult::Matched,
+        Some(c) => c,
+    };
+    let candidate_not_found = match combinator {
+        Combinator::NextSibling | Combinator::LaterSibling => {
+            SelectorMatchingResult::NotMatchedAndRestartFromClosestDescendant
+        },
+        Combinator::Child |
+        Combinator::Descendant |
+        Combinator::SlotAssignment |
+        Combinator::Part |
+        Combinator::PseudoElement => SelectorMatchingResult::NotMatchedGlobally,
+    };
+    let mut next_element =
+        next_element_for_combinator(element, combinator, &selector_iter, &context);
+    // Stop matching :visited as soon as we find a link, or a combinator for
+    // something that isn't an ancestor.
+    let mut visited_handling = if element.is_link() || combinator.is_sibling() {
+        VisitedHandlingMode::AllLinksUnvisited
+    } else {
+        context.visited_handling()
+    };
+    loop {
+        let element = match next_element {
+            None => return candidate_not_found,
+            Some(next_element) => next_element,
+        };
+        let result = context.with_visited_handling_mode(visited_handling, |context| {
+            matches_complex_selector_internal(
+                selector_iter.clone(),
+                &element,
+                context,
+                flags_setter,
+                Rightmost::No,
+            )
+        });
+        match (result, combinator) {
+            // Return the status immediately.
+            (SelectorMatchingResult::Matched, _) |
+            (SelectorMatchingResult::NotMatchedGlobally, _) |
+            (_, Combinator::NextSibling) => {
+                return result;
+            },
+            // Upgrade the failure status to
+            // NotMatchedAndRestartFromClosestDescendant.
+            (_, Combinator::PseudoElement) | (_, Combinator::Child) => {
+                return SelectorMatchingResult::NotMatchedAndRestartFromClosestDescendant;
+            },
+            // If the failure status is
+            // NotMatchedAndRestartFromClosestDescendant and combinator is
+            // Combinator::LaterSibling, give up this Combinator::LaterSibling
+            // matching and restart from the closest descendant combinator.
+            (
+                SelectorMatchingResult::NotMatchedAndRestartFromClosestDescendant,
+                Combinator::LaterSibling,
+            ) => {
+                return result;
+            },
+            // The Combinator::Descendant combinator and the status is
+            // NotMatchedAndRestartFromClosestLaterSibling or
+            // NotMatchedAndRestartFromClosestDescendant, or the
+            // Combinator::LaterSibling combinator and the status is
+            // NotMatchedAndRestartFromClosestDescendant, we can continue to
+            // matching on the next candidate element.
+            _ => {},
+        }
+        if element.is_link() {
+            visited_handling = VisitedHandlingMode::AllLinksUnvisited;
+        }
+        next_element = next_element_for_combinator(&element, combinator, &selector_iter, &context);
+    }
+fn matches_local_name<E>(element: &E, local_name: &LocalName<E::Impl>) -> bool
+    E: Element,
+    let name = select_name(
+        element.is_html_element_in_html_document(),
+        &local_name.name,
+        &local_name.lower_name,
+    )
+    .borrow();
+    element.has_local_name(name)
+/// Determines whether the given element matches the given compound selector.
+fn matches_compound_selector<E, F>(
+    selector_iter: &mut SelectorIter<E::Impl>,
+    element: &E,
+    context: &mut MatchingContext<E::Impl>,
+    flags_setter: &mut F,
+    rightmost: Rightmost,
+) -> bool
+    E: Element,
+    F: FnMut(&E, ElementSelectorFlags),
+    let matches_hover_and_active_quirk =
+        matches_hover_and_active_quirk(&selector_iter, context, rightmost);
+    // Handle some common cases first.
+    // We may want to get rid of this at some point if we can make the
+    // generic case fast enough.
+    let mut selector = selector_iter.next();
+    if let Some(&Component::LocalName(ref local_name)) = selector {
+        if !matches_local_name(element, local_name) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        selector = selector_iter.next();
+    }
+    let class_and_id_case_sensitivity = context.classes_and_ids_case_sensitivity();
+    if let Some(&Component::ID(ref id)) = selector {
+        if !element.has_id(id, class_and_id_case_sensitivity) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        selector = selector_iter.next();
+    }
+    while let Some(&Component::Class(ref class)) = selector {
+        if !element.has_class(class, class_and_id_case_sensitivity) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        selector = selector_iter.next();
+    }
+    let selector = match selector {
+        Some(s) => s,
+        None => return true,
+    };
+    let mut local_context = LocalMatchingContext {
+        shared: context,
+        matches_hover_and_active_quirk,
+    };
+    iter::once(selector)
+        .chain(selector_iter)
+        .all(|simple| matches_simple_selector(simple, element, &mut local_context, flags_setter))
+/// Determines whether the given element matches the given single selector.
+fn matches_simple_selector<E, F>(
+    selector: &Component<E::Impl>,
+    element: &E,
+    context: &mut LocalMatchingContext<E::Impl>,
+    flags_setter: &mut F,
+) -> bool
+    E: Element,
+    F: FnMut(&E, ElementSelectorFlags),
+    debug_assert!(context.shared.is_nested() || !context.shared.in_negation());
+    match *selector {
+        Component::Combinator(_) => unreachable!(),
+        Component::Part(ref parts) => parts.iter().all(|part| element.is_part(part)),
+        Component::Slotted(ref selector) => {
+            // <slots> are never flattened tree slottables.
+            !element.is_html_slot_element() &&
+                context.shared.nest(|context| {
+                    matches_complex_selector(selector.iter(), element, context, flags_setter)
+                })
+        },
+        Component::PseudoElement(ref pseudo) => {
+            element.match_pseudo_element(pseudo, context.shared)
+        },
+        Component::LocalName(ref local_name) => matches_local_name(element, local_name),
+        Component::ExplicitUniversalType | Component::ExplicitAnyNamespace => true,
+        Component::Namespace(_, ref url) | Component::DefaultNamespace(ref url) => {
+            element.has_namespace(&url.borrow())
+        },
+        Component::ExplicitNoNamespace => {
+            let ns = crate::parser::namespace_empty_string::<E::Impl>();
+            element.has_namespace(&ns.borrow())
+        },
+        Component::ID(ref id) => {
+            element.has_id(id, context.shared.classes_and_ids_case_sensitivity())
+        },
+        Component::Class(ref class) => {
+            element.has_class(class, context.shared.classes_and_ids_case_sensitivity())
+        },
+        Component::AttributeInNoNamespaceExists {
+            ref local_name,
+            ref local_name_lower,
+        } => {
+            let is_html = element.is_html_element_in_html_document();
+            element.attr_matches(
+                &NamespaceConstraint::Specific(&crate::parser::namespace_empty_string::<E::Impl>()),
+                select_name(is_html, local_name, local_name_lower),
+                &AttrSelectorOperation::Exists,
+            )
+        },
+        Component::AttributeInNoNamespace {
+            ref local_name,
+            ref value,
+            operator,
+            case_sensitivity,
+            never_matches,
+        } => {
+            if never_matches {
+                return false;
+            }
+            let is_html = element.is_html_element_in_html_document();
+            element.attr_matches(
+                &NamespaceConstraint::Specific(&crate::parser::namespace_empty_string::<E::Impl>()),
+                local_name,
+                &AttrSelectorOperation::WithValue {
+                    operator: operator,
+                    case_sensitivity: case_sensitivity.to_unconditional(is_html),
+                    expected_value: value,
+                },
+            )
+        },
+        Component::AttributeOther(ref attr_sel) => {
+            if attr_sel.never_matches {
+                return false;
+            }
+            let is_html = element.is_html_element_in_html_document();
+            let empty_string;
+            let namespace = match attr_sel.namespace() {
+                Some(ns) => ns,
+                None => {
+                    empty_string = crate::parser::namespace_empty_string::<E::Impl>();
+                    NamespaceConstraint::Specific(&empty_string)
+                },
+            };
+            element.attr_matches(
+                &namespace,
+                select_name(is_html, &attr_sel.local_name, &attr_sel.local_name_lower),
+                &match attr_sel.operation {
+                    ParsedAttrSelectorOperation::Exists => AttrSelectorOperation::Exists,
+                    ParsedAttrSelectorOperation::WithValue {
+                        operator,
+                        case_sensitivity,
+                        ref expected_value,
+                    } => AttrSelectorOperation::WithValue {
+                        operator: operator,
+                        case_sensitivity: case_sensitivity.to_unconditional(is_html),
+                        expected_value: expected_value,
+                    },
+                },
+            )
+        },
+        Component::NonTSPseudoClass(ref pc) => {
+            if context.matches_hover_and_active_quirk == MatchesHoverAndActiveQuirk::Yes &&
+                !context.shared.is_nested() &&
+                pc.is_active_or_hover() &&
+                !element.is_link()
+            {
+                return false;
+            }
+            element.match_non_ts_pseudo_class(pc, &mut context.shared, flags_setter)
+        },
+        Component::FirstChild => matches_first_child(element, flags_setter),
+        Component::LastChild => matches_last_child(element, flags_setter),
+        Component::OnlyChild => {
+            matches_first_child(element, flags_setter) && matches_last_child(element, flags_setter)
+        },
+        Component::Root => element.is_root(),
+        Component::Empty => {
+            flags_setter(element, ElementSelectorFlags::HAS_EMPTY_SELECTOR);
+            element.is_empty()
+        },
+        Component::Host(ref selector) => {
+            context
+                .shared
+                .shadow_host()
+                .map_or(false, |host| host == element.opaque()) &&
+                selector.as_ref().map_or(true, |selector| {
+                    context.shared.nest(|context| {
+                        matches_complex_selector(selector.iter(), element, context, flags_setter)
+                    })
+                })
+        },
+        Component::Scope => match context.shared.scope_element {
+            Some(ref scope_element) => element.opaque() == *scope_element,
+            None => element.is_root(),
+        },
+        Component::NthChild(a, b) => {
+            matches_generic_nth_child(element, context, a, b, false, false, flags_setter)
+        },
+        Component::NthLastChild(a, b) => {
+            matches_generic_nth_child(element, context, a, b, false, true, flags_setter)
+        },
+        Component::NthOfType(a, b) => {
+            matches_generic_nth_child(element, context, a, b, true, false, flags_setter)
+        },
+        Component::NthLastOfType(a, b) => {
+            matches_generic_nth_child(element, context, a, b, true, true, flags_setter)
+        },
+        Component::FirstOfType => {
+            matches_generic_nth_child(element, context, 0, 1, true, false, flags_setter)
+        },
+        Component::LastOfType => {
+            matches_generic_nth_child(element, context, 0, 1, true, true, flags_setter)
+        },
+        Component::OnlyOfType => {
+            matches_generic_nth_child(element, context, 0, 1, true, false, flags_setter) &&
+                matches_generic_nth_child(element, context, 0, 1, true, true, flags_setter)
+        },
+        Component::Negation(ref negated) => context.shared.nest_for_negation(|context| {
+            let mut local_context = LocalMatchingContext {
+                matches_hover_and_active_quirk: MatchesHoverAndActiveQuirk::No,
+                shared: context,
+            };
+            !negated
+                .iter()
+                .all(|ss| matches_simple_selector(ss, element, &mut local_context, flags_setter))
+        }),
+    }
+fn select_name<'a, T>(is_html: bool, local_name: &'a T, local_name_lower: &'a T) -> &'a T {
+    if is_html {
+        local_name_lower
+    } else {
+        local_name
+    }
+fn matches_generic_nth_child<E, F>(
+    element: &E,
+    context: &mut LocalMatchingContext<E::Impl>,
+    a: i32,
+    b: i32,
+    is_of_type: bool,
+    is_from_end: bool,
+    flags_setter: &mut F,
+) -> bool
+    E: Element,
+    F: FnMut(&E, ElementSelectorFlags),
+    if element.ignores_nth_child_selectors() {
+        return false;
+    }
+    flags_setter(
+        element,
+        if is_from_end {
+            ElementSelectorFlags::HAS_SLOW_SELECTOR
+        } else {
+            ElementSelectorFlags::HAS_SLOW_SELECTOR_LATER_SIBLINGS
+        },
+    );
+    // Grab a reference to the appropriate cache.
+    let mut cache = context
+        .shared
+        .nth_index_cache
+        .as_mut()
+        .map(|c| c.get(is_of_type, is_from_end));
+    // Lookup or compute the index.
+    let index = if let Some(i) = cache.as_mut().and_then(|c| c.lookup(element.opaque())) {
+        i
+    } else {
+        let i = nth_child_index(
+            element,
+            is_of_type,
+            is_from_end,
+            cache.as_mut().map(|s| &mut **s),
+        );
+        cache.as_mut().map(|c| c.insert(element.opaque(), i));
+        i
+    };
+    debug_assert_eq!(
+        index,
+        nth_child_index(element, is_of_type, is_from_end, None),
+        "invalid cache"
+    );
+    // Is there a non-negative integer n such that An+B=index?
+    match index.checked_sub(b) {
+        None => false,
+        Some(an) => match an.checked_div(a) {
+            Some(n) => n >= 0 && a * n == an,
+            None /* a == 0 */ => an == 0,
+        },
+    }
+fn nth_child_index<E>(
+    element: &E,
+    is_of_type: bool,
+    is_from_end: bool,
+    mut cache: Option<&mut NthIndexCacheInner>,
+) -> i32
+    E: Element,
+    // The traversal mostly processes siblings left to right. So when we walk
+    // siblings to the right when computing NthLast/NthLastOfType we're unlikely
+    // to get cache hits along the way. As such, we take the hit of walking the
+    // siblings to the left checking the cache in the is_from_end case (this
+    // matches what Gecko does). The indices-from-the-left is handled during the
+    // regular look further below.
+    if let Some(ref mut c) = cache {
+        if is_from_end && !c.is_empty() {
+            let mut index: i32 = 1;
+            let mut curr = element.clone();
+            while let Some(e) = curr.prev_sibling_element() {
+                curr = e;
+                if !is_of_type || element.is_same_type(&curr) {
+                    if let Some(i) = c.lookup(curr.opaque()) {
+                        return i - index;
+                    }
+                    index += 1;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    let mut index: i32 = 1;
+    let mut curr = element.clone();
+    let next = |e: E| {
+        if is_from_end {
+            e.next_sibling_element()
+        } else {
+            e.prev_sibling_element()
+        }
+    };
+    while let Some(e) = next(curr) {
+        curr = e;
+        if !is_of_type || element.is_same_type(&curr) {
+            // If we're computing indices from the left, check each element in the
+            // cache. We handle the indices-from-the-right case at the top of this
+            // function.
+            if !is_from_end {
+                if let Some(i) = cache.as_mut().and_then(|c| c.lookup(curr.opaque())) {
+                    return i + index;
+                }
+            }
+            index += 1;
+        }
+    }
+    index
+fn matches_first_child<E, F>(element: &E, flags_setter: &mut F) -> bool
+    E: Element,
+    F: FnMut(&E, ElementSelectorFlags),
+    flags_setter(element, ElementSelectorFlags::HAS_EDGE_CHILD_SELECTOR);
+    element.prev_sibling_element().is_none()
+fn matches_last_child<E, F>(element: &E, flags_setter: &mut F) -> bool
+    E: Element,
+    F: FnMut(&E, ElementSelectorFlags),
+    flags_setter(element, ElementSelectorFlags::HAS_EDGE_CHILD_SELECTOR);
+    element.next_sibling_element().is_none()
diff --git a/servo_crates/selectors/nth_index_cache.rs b/servo_crates/selectors/nth_index_cache.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d1d4792
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servo_crates/selectors/nth_index_cache.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
+use crate::tree::OpaqueElement;
+use fxhash::FxHashMap;
+/// A cache to speed up matching of nth-index-like selectors.
+/// See [1] for some discussion around the design tradeoffs.
+/// [1] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1401855#c3
+pub struct NthIndexCache {
+    nth: NthIndexCacheInner,
+    nth_last: NthIndexCacheInner,
+    nth_of_type: NthIndexCacheInner,
+    nth_last_of_type: NthIndexCacheInner,
+impl NthIndexCache {
+    /// Gets the appropriate cache for the given parameters.
+    pub fn get(&mut self, is_of_type: bool, is_from_end: bool) -> &mut NthIndexCacheInner {
+        match (is_of_type, is_from_end) {
+            (false, false) => &mut self.nth,
+            (false, true) => &mut self.nth_last,
+            (true, false) => &mut self.nth_of_type,
+            (true, true) => &mut self.nth_last_of_type,
+        }
+    }
+/// The concrete per-pseudo-class cache.
+pub struct NthIndexCacheInner(FxHashMap<OpaqueElement, i32>);
+impl NthIndexCacheInner {
+    /// Does a lookup for a given element in the cache.
+    pub fn lookup(&mut self, el: OpaqueElement) -> Option<i32> {
+        self.0.get(&el).map(|x| *x)
+    }
+    /// Inserts an entry into the cache.
+    pub fn insert(&mut self, element: OpaqueElement, index: i32) {
+        self.0.insert(element, index);
+    }
+    /// Returns whether the cache is empty.
+    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
+        self.0.is_empty()
+    }
diff --git a/servo_crates/selectors/parser.rs b/servo_crates/selectors/parser.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..507121bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servo_crates/selectors/parser.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,3144 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
+use crate::attr::{AttrSelectorOperator, AttrSelectorWithOptionalNamespace};
+use crate::attr::{NamespaceConstraint, ParsedAttrSelectorOperation};
+use crate::attr::{ParsedCaseSensitivity, SELECTOR_WHITESPACE};
+use crate::bloom::BLOOM_HASH_MASK;
+use crate::builder::{SelectorBuilder, SelectorFlags, SpecificityAndFlags};
+use crate::context::QuirksMode;
+use crate::sink::Push;
+pub use crate::visitor::{SelectorVisitor, Visit};
+use cssparser::{parse_nth, serialize_identifier};
+use cssparser::{BasicParseError, BasicParseErrorKind, ParseError, ParseErrorKind};
+use cssparser::{CowRcStr, Delimiter, SourceLocation};
+use cssparser::{CssStringWriter, Parser as CssParser, ToCss, Token};
+use precomputed_hash::PrecomputedHash;
+use servo_arc::ThinArc;
+use smallvec::SmallVec;
+use std::borrow::{Borrow, Cow};
+use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Display, Write};
+use std::iter::Rev;
+use std::slice;
+use thin_slice::ThinBoxedSlice;
+/// A trait that represents a pseudo-element.
+pub trait PseudoElement: Sized + ToCss {
+    /// The `SelectorImpl` this pseudo-element is used for.
+    type Impl: SelectorImpl;
+    /// Whether the pseudo-element supports a given state selector to the right
+    /// of it.
+    fn accepts_state_pseudo_classes(&self) -> bool {
+        false
+    }
+    /// Whether this pseudo-element is valid after a ::slotted(..) pseudo.
+    fn valid_after_slotted(&self) -> bool {
+        false
+    }
+/// A trait that represents a pseudo-class.
+pub trait NonTSPseudoClass: Sized + ToCss {
+    /// The `SelectorImpl` this pseudo-element is used for.
+    type Impl: SelectorImpl;
+    /// Whether this pseudo-class is :active or :hover.
+    fn is_active_or_hover(&self) -> bool;
+    /// Whether this pseudo-class belongs to:
+    ///
+    /// https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#useraction-pseudos
+    fn is_user_action_state(&self) -> bool;
+/// Returns a Cow::Borrowed if `s` is already ASCII lowercase, and a
+/// Cow::Owned if `s` had to be converted into ASCII lowercase.
+fn to_ascii_lowercase(s: &str) -> Cow<str> {
+    if let Some(first_uppercase) = s.bytes().position(|byte| byte >= b'A' && byte <= b'Z') {
+        let mut string = s.to_owned();
+        string[first_uppercase..].make_ascii_lowercase();
+        string.into()
+    } else {
+        s.into()
+    }
+bitflags! {
+    /// Flags that indicate at which point of parsing a selector are we.
+    struct SelectorParsingState: u8 {
+        /// Whether we're inside a negation. If we're inside a negation, we're
+        /// not allowed to add another negation or such, for example.
+        const INSIDE_NEGATION = 1 << 0;
+        /// Whether we've parsed a ::slotted() pseudo-element already.
+        ///
+        /// If so, then we can only parse a subset of pseudo-elements, and
+        /// whatever comes after them if so.
+        const AFTER_SLOTTED = 1 << 1;
+        /// Whether we've parsed a ::part() pseudo-element already.
+        ///
+        /// If so, then we can only parse a subset of pseudo-elements, and
+        /// whatever comes after them if so.
+        const AFTER_PART = 1 << 2;
+        /// Whether we've parsed a pseudo-element (as in, an
+        /// `Impl::PseudoElement` thus not accounting for `::slotted` or
+        /// `::part`) already.
+        ///
+        /// If so, then other pseudo-elements and most other selectors are
+        /// disallowed.
+        const AFTER_PSEUDO_ELEMENT = 1 << 3;
+        /// Whether we've parsed a non-stateful pseudo-element (again, as-in
+        /// `Impl::PseudoElement`) already. If so, then other pseudo-classes are
+        /// disallowed. If this flag is set, `AFTER_PSEUDO_ELEMENT` must be set
+        /// as well.
+        const AFTER_NON_STATEFUL_PSEUDO_ELEMENT = 1 << 4;
+        /// Whether we are after any of the pseudo-like things.
+        const AFTER_PSEUDO = Self::AFTER_PART.bits | Self::AFTER_SLOTTED.bits | 
+    }
+impl SelectorParsingState {
+    #[inline]
+    fn allows_functional_pseudo_classes(self) -> bool {
+        !self.intersects(SelectorParsingState::AFTER_PSEUDO)
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn allows_slotted(self) -> bool {
+        !self.intersects(SelectorParsingState::AFTER_PSEUDO)
+    }
+    // TODO(emilio): Should we allow other ::part()s after ::part()?
+    //
+    // See https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3841
+    #[inline]
+    fn allows_part(self) -> bool {
+        !self.intersects(SelectorParsingState::AFTER_PSEUDO)
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn allows_non_functional_pseudo_classes(self) -> bool {
+        !self.intersects(
+            SelectorParsingState::AFTER_SLOTTED |
+                SelectorParsingState::AFTER_NON_STATEFUL_PSEUDO_ELEMENT,
+        )
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn allows_tree_structural_pseudo_classes(self) -> bool {
+        !self.intersects(SelectorParsingState::AFTER_PSEUDO)
+    }
+pub type SelectorParseError<'i> = ParseError<'i, SelectorParseErrorKind<'i>>;
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
+pub enum SelectorParseErrorKind<'i> {
+    PseudoElementInComplexSelector,
+    NoQualifiedNameInAttributeSelector(Token<'i>),
+    EmptySelector,
+    DanglingCombinator,
+    NonSimpleSelectorInNegation,
+    NonCompoundSelector,
+    NonPseudoElementAfterSlotted,
+    InvalidPseudoElementAfterSlotted,
+    InvalidState,
+    UnexpectedTokenInAttributeSelector(Token<'i>),
+    PseudoElementExpectedColon(Token<'i>),
+    PseudoElementExpectedIdent(Token<'i>),
+    NoIdentForPseudo(Token<'i>),
+    UnsupportedPseudoClassOrElement(CowRcStr<'i>),
+    UnexpectedIdent(CowRcStr<'i>),
+    ExpectedNamespace(CowRcStr<'i>),
+    ExpectedBarInAttr(Token<'i>),
+    BadValueInAttr(Token<'i>),
+    InvalidQualNameInAttr(Token<'i>),
+    ExplicitNamespaceUnexpectedToken(Token<'i>),
+    ClassNeedsIdent(Token<'i>),
+    EmptyNegation,
+macro_rules! with_all_bounds {
+    (
+        [ $( $InSelector: tt )* ]
+        [ $( $CommonBounds: tt )* ]
+        [ $( $FromStr: tt )* ]
+    ) => {
+        /// This trait allows to define the parser implementation in regards
+        /// of pseudo-classes/elements
+        ///
+        /// NB: We need Clone so that we can derive(Clone) on struct with that
+        /// are parameterized on SelectorImpl. See
+        /// <https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/26925>
+        pub trait SelectorImpl: Clone + Debug + Sized + 'static {
+            type ExtraMatchingData: Sized + Default + 'static;
+            type AttrValue: $($InSelector)*;
+            type Identifier: $($InSelector)*;
+            type ClassName: $($InSelector)*;
+            type PartName: $($InSelector)*;
+            type LocalName: $($InSelector)* + Borrow<Self::BorrowedLocalName>;
+            type NamespaceUrl: $($CommonBounds)* + Default + Borrow<Self::BorrowedNamespaceUrl>;
+            type NamespacePrefix: $($InSelector)* + Default;
+            type BorrowedNamespaceUrl: ?Sized + Eq;
+            type BorrowedLocalName: ?Sized + Eq;
+            /// non tree-structural pseudo-classes
+            /// (see: https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors/#structural-pseudos)
+            type NonTSPseudoClass: $($CommonBounds)* + NonTSPseudoClass<Impl = Self>;
+            /// pseudo-elements
+            type PseudoElement: $($CommonBounds)* + PseudoElement<Impl = Self>;
+        }
+    }
+macro_rules! with_bounds {
+    ( [ $( $CommonBounds: tt )* ] [ $( $FromStr: tt )* ]) => {
+        with_all_bounds! {
+            [$($CommonBounds)* + $($FromStr)* + Display]
+            [$($CommonBounds)*]
+            [$($FromStr)*]
+        }
+    }
+with_bounds! {
+    [Clone + Eq]
+    [for<'a> From<&'a str>]
+pub trait Parser<'i> {
+    type Impl: SelectorImpl;
+    type Error: 'i + From<SelectorParseErrorKind<'i>>;
+    /// Whether to parse the `::slotted()` pseudo-element.
+    fn parse_slotted(&self) -> bool {
+        false
+    }
+    /// Whether to parse the `::part()` pseudo-element.
+    fn parse_part(&self) -> bool {
+        false
+    }
+    /// Whether to parse the `:host` pseudo-class.
+    fn parse_host(&self) -> bool {
+        false
+    }
+    /// This function can return an "Err" pseudo-element in order to support CSS2.1
+    /// pseudo-elements.
+    fn parse_non_ts_pseudo_class(
+        &self,
+        location: SourceLocation,
+        name: CowRcStr<'i>,
+    ) -> Result<<Self::Impl as SelectorImpl>::NonTSPseudoClass, ParseError<'i, Self::Error>> {
+        Err(
+            location.new_custom_error(SelectorParseErrorKind::UnsupportedPseudoClassOrElement(
+                name,
+            )),
+        )
+    }
+    fn parse_non_ts_functional_pseudo_class<'t>(
+        &self,
+        name: CowRcStr<'i>,
+        arguments: &mut CssParser<'i, 't>,
+    ) -> Result<<Self::Impl as SelectorImpl>::NonTSPseudoClass, ParseError<'i, Self::Error>> {
+        Err(
+            arguments.new_custom_error(SelectorParseErrorKind::UnsupportedPseudoClassOrElement(
+                name,
+            )),
+        )
+    }
+    fn parse_pseudo_element(
+        &self,
+        location: SourceLocation,
+        name: CowRcStr<'i>,
+    ) -> Result<<Self::Impl as SelectorImpl>::PseudoElement, ParseError<'i, Self::Error>> {
+        Err(
+            location.new_custom_error(SelectorParseErrorKind::UnsupportedPseudoClassOrElement(
+                name,
+            )),
+        )
+    }
+    fn parse_functional_pseudo_element<'t>(
+        &self,
+        name: CowRcStr<'i>,
+        arguments: &mut CssParser<'i, 't>,
+    ) -> Result<<Self::Impl as SelectorImpl>::PseudoElement, ParseError<'i, Self::Error>> {
+        Err(
+            arguments.new_custom_error(SelectorParseErrorKind::UnsupportedPseudoClassOrElement(
+                name,
+            )),
+        )
+    }
+    fn default_namespace(&self) -> Option<<Self::Impl as SelectorImpl>::NamespaceUrl> {
+        None
+    }
+    fn namespace_for_prefix(
+        &self,
+        _prefix: &<Self::Impl as SelectorImpl>::NamespacePrefix,
+    ) -> Option<<Self::Impl as SelectorImpl>::NamespaceUrl> {
+        None
+    }
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, ToShmem)]
+pub struct SelectorList<Impl: SelectorImpl>(
+    #[shmem(field_bound)] pub SmallVec<[Selector<Impl>; 1]>,
+impl<Impl: SelectorImpl> SelectorList<Impl> {
+    /// Parse a comma-separated list of Selectors.
+    /// <https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors/#grouping>
+    ///
+    /// Return the Selectors or Err if there is an invalid selector.
+    pub fn parse<'i, 't, P>(
+        parser: &P,
+        input: &mut CssParser<'i, 't>,
+    ) -> Result<Self, ParseError<'i, P::Error>>
+    where
+        P: Parser<'i, Impl = Impl>,
+    {
+        let mut values = SmallVec::new();
+        loop {
+            values.push(
+                input
+                    .parse_until_before(Delimiter::Comma, |input| parse_selector(parser, input))?,
+            );
+            match input.next() {
+                Err(_) => return Ok(SelectorList(values)),
+                Ok(&Token::Comma) => continue,
+                Ok(_) => unreachable!(),
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /// Creates a SelectorList from a Vec of selectors. Used in tests.
+    pub fn from_vec(v: Vec<Selector<Impl>>) -> Self {
+        SelectorList(SmallVec::from_vec(v))
+    }
+/// Parses one compound selector suitable for nested stuff like ::-moz-any, etc.
+fn parse_inner_compound_selector<'i, 't, P, Impl>(
+    parser: &P,
+    input: &mut CssParser<'i, 't>,
+) -> Result<Selector<Impl>, ParseError<'i, P::Error>>
+    P: Parser<'i, Impl = Impl>,
+    Impl: SelectorImpl,
+    let location = input.current_source_location();
+    let selector = parse_selector(parser, input)?;
+    // Ensure they're actually all compound selectors without pseudo-elements.
+    if selector.has_pseudo_element() {
+        return Err(
+            location.new_custom_error(SelectorParseErrorKind::PseudoElementInComplexSelector)
+        );
+    }
+    if selector.iter_raw_match_order().any(|s| s.is_combinator()) {
+        return Err(location.new_custom_error(SelectorParseErrorKind::NonCompoundSelector));
+    }
+    Ok(selector)
+/// Parse a comma separated list of compound selectors.
+pub fn parse_compound_selector_list<'i, 't, P, Impl>(
+    parser: &P,
+    input: &mut CssParser<'i, 't>,
+) -> Result<Box<[Selector<Impl>]>, ParseError<'i, P::Error>>
+    P: Parser<'i, Impl = Impl>,
+    Impl: SelectorImpl,
+    input
+        .parse_comma_separated(|input| parse_inner_compound_selector(parser, input))
+        .map(|selectors| selectors.into_boxed_slice())
+/// Ancestor hashes for the bloom filter. We precompute these and store them
+/// inline with selectors to optimize cache performance during matching.
+/// This matters a lot.
+/// We use 4 hashes, which is copied from Gecko, who copied it from WebKit.
+/// Note that increasing the number of hashes here will adversely affect the
+/// cache hit when fast-rejecting long lists of Rules with inline hashes.
+/// Because the bloom filter only uses the bottom 24 bits of the hash, we pack
+/// the fourth hash into the upper bits of the first three hashes in order to
+/// shrink Rule (whose size matters a lot). This scheme minimizes the runtime
+/// overhead of the packing for the first three hashes (we just need to mask
+/// off the upper bits) at the expense of making the fourth somewhat more
+/// complicated to assemble, because we often bail out before checking all the
+/// hashes.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
+pub struct AncestorHashes {
+    pub packed_hashes: [u32; 3],
+impl AncestorHashes {
+    pub fn new<Impl: SelectorImpl>(selector: &Selector<Impl>, quirks_mode: QuirksMode) -> Self
+    where
+        Impl::Identifier: PrecomputedHash,
+        Impl::ClassName: PrecomputedHash,
+        Impl::LocalName: PrecomputedHash,
+        Impl::NamespaceUrl: PrecomputedHash,
+    {
+        Self::from_iter(selector.iter(), quirks_mode)
+    }
+    fn from_iter<Impl: SelectorImpl>(iter: SelectorIter<Impl>, quirks_mode: QuirksMode) -> Self
+    where
+        Impl::Identifier: PrecomputedHash,
+        Impl::ClassName: PrecomputedHash,
+        Impl::LocalName: PrecomputedHash,
+        Impl::NamespaceUrl: PrecomputedHash,
+    {
+        // Compute ancestor hashes for the bloom filter.
+        let mut hashes = [0u32; 4];
+        let mut hash_iter = AncestorIter::new(iter).filter_map(|x| x.ancestor_hash(quirks_mode));
+        for i in 0..4 {
+            hashes[i] = match hash_iter.next() {
+                Some(x) => x & BLOOM_HASH_MASK,
+                None => break,
+            }
+        }
+        // Now, pack the fourth hash (if it exists) into the upper byte of each of
+        // the other three hashes.
+        let fourth = hashes[3];
+        if fourth != 0 {
+            hashes[0] |= (fourth & 0x000000ff) << 24;
+            hashes[1] |= (fourth & 0x0000ff00) << 16;
+            hashes[2] |= (fourth & 0x00ff0000) << 8;
+        }
+        AncestorHashes {
+            packed_hashes: [hashes[0], hashes[1], hashes[2]],
+        }
+    }
+    /// Returns the fourth hash, reassembled from parts.
+    pub fn fourth_hash(&self) -> u32 {
+        ((self.packed_hashes[0] & 0xff000000) >> 24) |
+            ((self.packed_hashes[1] & 0xff000000) >> 16) |
+            ((self.packed_hashes[2] & 0xff000000) >> 8)
+    }
+impl<Impl: SelectorImpl> Visit for Selector<Impl>
+    Impl::NonTSPseudoClass: Visit<Impl = Impl>,
+    type Impl = Impl;
+    fn visit<V>(&self, visitor: &mut V) -> bool
+    where
+        V: SelectorVisitor<Impl = Impl>,
+    {
+        let mut current = self.iter();
+        let mut combinator = None;
+        loop {
+            if !visitor.visit_complex_selector(combinator) {
+                return false;
+            }
+            for selector in &mut current {
+                if !selector.visit(visitor) {
+                    return false;
+                }
+            }
+            combinator = current.next_sequence();
+            if combinator.is_none() {
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        true
+    }
+impl<Impl: SelectorImpl> Visit for Component<Impl>
+    Impl::NonTSPseudoClass: Visit<Impl = Impl>,
+    type Impl = Impl;
+    fn visit<V>(&self, visitor: &mut V) -> bool
+    where
+        V: SelectorVisitor<Impl = Impl>,
+    {
+        use self::Component::*;
+        if !visitor.visit_simple_selector(self) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        match *self {
+            Slotted(ref selector) => {
+                if !selector.visit(visitor) {
+                    return false;
+                }
+            },
+            Host(Some(ref selector)) => {
+                if !selector.visit(visitor) {
+                    return false;
+                }
+            },
+            Negation(ref negated) => {
+                for component in negated.iter() {
+                    if !component.visit(visitor) {
+                        return false;
+                    }
+                }
+            },
+            AttributeInNoNamespaceExists {
+                ref local_name,
+                ref local_name_lower,
+            } => {
+                if !visitor.visit_attribute_selector(
+                    &NamespaceConstraint::Specific(&namespace_empty_string::<Impl>()),
+                    local_name,
+                    local_name_lower,
+                ) {
+                    return false;
+                }
+            },
+            AttributeInNoNamespace {
+                ref local_name,
+                never_matches,
+                ..
+            } if !never_matches => {
+                if !visitor.visit_attribute_selector(
+                    &NamespaceConstraint::Specific(&namespace_empty_string::<Impl>()),
+                    local_name,
+                    local_name,
+                ) {
+                    return false;
+                }
+            },
+            AttributeOther(ref attr_selector) if !attr_selector.never_matches => {
+                let empty_string;
+                let namespace = match attr_selector.namespace() {
+                    Some(ns) => ns,
+                    None => {
+                        empty_string = crate::parser::namespace_empty_string::<Impl>();
+                        NamespaceConstraint::Specific(&empty_string)
+                    },
+                };
+                if !visitor.visit_attribute_selector(
+                    &namespace,
+                    &attr_selector.local_name,
+                    &attr_selector.local_name_lower,
+                ) {
+                    return false;
+                }
+            },
+            NonTSPseudoClass(ref pseudo_class) => {
+                if !pseudo_class.visit(visitor) {
+                    return false;
+                }
+            },
+            _ => {},
+        }
+        true
+    }
+pub fn namespace_empty_string<Impl: SelectorImpl>() -> Impl::NamespaceUrl {
+    // Rust type’s default, not default namespace
+    Impl::NamespaceUrl::default()
+/// A Selector stores a sequence of simple selectors and combinators. The
+/// iterator classes allow callers to iterate at either the raw sequence level or
+/// at the level of sequences of simple selectors separated by combinators. Most
+/// callers want the higher-level iterator.
+/// We store compound selectors internally right-to-left (in matching order).
+/// Additionally, we invert the order of top-level compound selectors so that
+/// each one matches left-to-right. This is because matching namespace, local name,
+/// id, and class are all relatively cheap, whereas matching pseudo-classes might
+/// be expensive (depending on the pseudo-class). Since authors tend to put the
+/// pseudo-classes on the right, it's faster to start matching on the left.
+/// This reordering doesn't change the semantics of selector matching, and we
+/// handle it in to_css to make it invisible to serialization.
+#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, ToShmem)]
+pub struct Selector<Impl: SelectorImpl>(
+    #[shmem(field_bound)] ThinArc<SpecificityAndFlags, Component<Impl>>,
+impl<Impl: SelectorImpl> Selector<Impl> {
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn specificity(&self) -> u32 {
+        self.0.header.header.specificity()
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn has_pseudo_element(&self) -> bool {
+        self.0.header.header.has_pseudo_element()
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn is_slotted(&self) -> bool {
+        self.0.header.header.is_slotted()
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn is_part(&self) -> bool {
+        self.0.header.header.is_part()
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn parts(&self) -> Option<&[Impl::PartName]> {
+        if !self.is_part() {
+            return None;
+        }
+        let mut iter = self.iter();
+        if self.has_pseudo_element() {
+            // Skip the pseudo-element.
+            for _ in &mut iter {}
+            let combinator = iter.next_sequence()?;
+            debug_assert_eq!(combinator, Combinator::PseudoElement);
+        }
+        for component in iter {
+            if let Component::Part(ref part) = *component {
+                return Some(part);
+            }
+        }
+        debug_assert!(false, "is_part() lied somehow?");
+        None
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn pseudo_element(&self) -> Option<&Impl::PseudoElement> {
+        if !self.has_pseudo_element() {
+            return None;
+        }
+        for component in self.iter() {
+            if let Component::PseudoElement(ref pseudo) = *component {
+                return Some(pseudo);
+            }
+        }
+        debug_assert!(false, "has_pseudo_element lied!");
+        None
+    }
+    /// Whether this selector (pseudo-element part excluded) matches every element.
+    ///
+    /// Used for "pre-computed" pseudo-elements in components/style/stylist.rs
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn is_universal(&self) -> bool {
+        self.iter_raw_match_order().all(|c| {
+            matches!(
+                *c,
+                Component::ExplicitUniversalType |
+                    Component::ExplicitAnyNamespace |
+                    Component::Combinator(Combinator::PseudoElement) |
+                    Component::PseudoElement(..)
+            )
+        })
+    }
+    /// Returns an iterator over this selector in matching order (right-to-left).
+    /// When a combinator is reached, the iterator will return None, and
+    /// next_sequence() may be called to continue to the next sequence.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn iter(&self) -> SelectorIter<Impl> {
+        SelectorIter {
+            iter: self.iter_raw_match_order(),
+            next_combinator: None,
+        }
+    }
+    /// Whether this selector is a featureless :host selector, with no
+    /// combinators to the left, and optionally has a pseudo-element to the
+    /// right.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn is_featureless_host_selector_or_pseudo_element(&self) -> bool {
+        let mut iter = self.iter();
+        if !self.has_pseudo_element() {
+            return iter.is_featureless_host_selector();
+        }
+        // Skip the pseudo-element.
+        for _ in &mut iter {}
+        match iter.next_sequence() {
+            None => return false,
+            Some(combinator) => {
+                debug_assert_eq!(combinator, Combinator::PseudoElement);
+            },
+        }
+        iter.is_featureless_host_selector()
+    }
+    /// Returns an iterator over this selector in matching order (right-to-left),
+    /// skipping the rightmost |offset| Components.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn iter_from(&self, offset: usize) -> SelectorIter<Impl> {
+        let iter = self.0.slice[offset..].iter();
+        SelectorIter {
+            iter: iter,
+            next_combinator: None,
+        }
+    }
+    /// Returns the combinator at index `index` (zero-indexed from the right),
+    /// or panics if the component is not a combinator.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn combinator_at_match_order(&self, index: usize) -> Combinator {
+        match self.0.slice[index] {
+            Component::Combinator(c) => c,
+            ref other => panic!(
+                "Not a combinator: {:?}, {:?}, index: {}",
+                other, self, index
+            ),
+        }
+    }
+    /// Returns an iterator over the entire sequence of simple selectors and
+    /// combinators, in matching order (from right to left).
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn iter_raw_match_order(&self) -> slice::Iter<Component<Impl>> {
+        self.0.slice.iter()
+    }
+    /// Returns the combinator at index `index` (zero-indexed from the left),
+    /// or panics if the component is not a combinator.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn combinator_at_parse_order(&self, index: usize) -> Combinator {
+        match self.0.slice[self.len() - index - 1] {
+            Component::Combinator(c) => c,
+            ref other => panic!(
+                "Not a combinator: {:?}, {:?}, index: {}",
+                other, self, index
+            ),
+        }
+    }
+    /// Returns an iterator over the sequence of simple selectors and
+    /// combinators, in parse order (from left to right), starting from
+    /// `offset`.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn iter_raw_parse_order_from(&self, offset: usize) -> Rev<slice::Iter<Component<Impl>>> {
+        self.0.slice[..self.len() - offset].iter().rev()
+    }
+    /// Creates a Selector from a vec of Components, specified in parse order. Used in tests.
+    #[allow(unused)]
+    pub(crate) fn from_vec(
+        vec: Vec<Component<Impl>>,
+        specificity: u32,
+        flags: SelectorFlags,
+    ) -> Self {
+        let mut builder = SelectorBuilder::default();
+        for component in vec.into_iter() {
+            if let Some(combinator) = component.as_combinator() {
+                builder.push_combinator(combinator);
+            } else {
+                builder.push_simple_selector(component);
+            }
+        }
+        let spec = SpecificityAndFlags { specificity, flags };
+        Selector(builder.build_with_specificity_and_flags(spec))
+    }
+    /// Returns count of simple selectors and combinators in the Selector.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
+        self.0.slice.len()
+    }
+    /// Returns the address on the heap of the ThinArc for memory reporting.
+    pub fn thin_arc_heap_ptr(&self) -> *const ::std::os::raw::c_void {
+        self.0.heap_ptr()
+    }
+pub struct SelectorIter<'a, Impl: 'a + SelectorImpl> {
+    iter: slice::Iter<'a, Component<Impl>>,
+    next_combinator: Option<Combinator>,
+impl<'a, Impl: 'a + SelectorImpl> SelectorIter<'a, Impl> {
+    /// Prepares this iterator to point to the next sequence to the left,
+    /// returning the combinator if the sequence was found.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn next_sequence(&mut self) -> Option<Combinator> {
+        self.next_combinator.take()
+    }
+    /// Whether this selector is a featureless host selector, with no
+    /// combinators to the left.
+    #[inline]
+    pub(crate) fn is_featureless_host_selector(&mut self) -> bool {
+        self.selector_length() > 0 &&
+            self.all(|component| matches!(*component, Component::Host(..))) &&
+            self.next_sequence().is_none()
+    }
+    /// Returns remaining count of the simple selectors and combinators in the Selector.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn selector_length(&self) -> usize {
+        self.iter.len()
+    }
+impl<'a, Impl: SelectorImpl> Iterator for SelectorIter<'a, Impl> {
+    type Item = &'a Component<Impl>;
+    #[inline]
+    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+        debug_assert!(
+            self.next_combinator.is_none(),
+            "You should call next_sequence!"
+        );
+        match *self.iter.next()? {
+            Component::Combinator(c) => {
+                self.next_combinator = Some(c);
+                None
+            },
+            ref x => Some(x),
+        }
+    }
+impl<'a, Impl: SelectorImpl> fmt::Debug for SelectorIter<'a, Impl> {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+        let iter = self.iter.clone().rev();
+        for component in iter {
+            component.to_css(f)?
+        }
+        Ok(())
+    }
+/// An iterator over all simple selectors belonging to ancestors.
+struct AncestorIter<'a, Impl: 'a + SelectorImpl>(SelectorIter<'a, Impl>);
+impl<'a, Impl: 'a + SelectorImpl> AncestorIter<'a, Impl> {
+    /// Creates an AncestorIter. The passed-in iterator is assumed to point to
+    /// the beginning of the child sequence, which will be skipped.
+    fn new(inner: SelectorIter<'a, Impl>) -> Self {
+        let mut result = AncestorIter(inner);
+        result.skip_until_ancestor();
+        result
+    }
+    /// Skips a sequence of simple selectors and all subsequent sequences until
+    /// a non-pseudo-element ancestor combinator is reached.
+    fn skip_until_ancestor(&mut self) {
+        loop {
+            while self.0.next().is_some() {}
+            // If this is ever changed to stop at the "pseudo-element"
+            // combinator, we will need to fix the way we compute hashes for
+            // revalidation selectors.
+            if self.0.next_sequence().map_or(true, |x| {
+                matches!(x, Combinator::Child | Combinator::Descendant)
+            }) {
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+impl<'a, Impl: SelectorImpl> Iterator for AncestorIter<'a, Impl> {
+    type Item = &'a Component<Impl>;
+    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+        // Grab the next simple selector in the sequence if available.
+        let next = self.0.next();
+        if next.is_some() {
+            return next;
+        }
+        // See if there are more sequences. If so, skip any non-ancestor sequences.
+        if let Some(combinator) = self.0.next_sequence() {
+            if !matches!(combinator, Combinator::Child | Combinator::Descendant) {
+                self.skip_until_ancestor();
+            }
+        }
+        self.0.next()
+    }
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, ToShmem)]
+pub enum Combinator {
+    Child,        //  >
+    Descendant,   // space
+    NextSibling,  // +
+    LaterSibling, // ~
+    /// A dummy combinator we use to the left of pseudo-elements.
+    ///
+    /// It serializes as the empty string, and acts effectively as a child
+    /// combinator in most cases.  If we ever actually start using a child
+    /// combinator for this, we will need to fix up the way hashes are computed
+    /// for revalidation selectors.
+    PseudoElement,
+    /// Another combinator used for ::slotted(), which represent the jump from
+    /// a node to its assigned slot.
+    SlotAssignment,
+    /// Another combinator used for `::part()`, which represents the jump from
+    /// the part to the containing shadow host.
+    Part,
+impl Combinator {
+    /// Returns true if this combinator is a child or descendant combinator.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn is_ancestor(&self) -> bool {
+        matches!(
+            *self,
+            Combinator::Child |
+                Combinator::Descendant |
+                Combinator::PseudoElement |
+                Combinator::SlotAssignment
+        )
+    }
+    /// Returns true if this combinator is a pseudo-element combinator.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn is_pseudo_element(&self) -> bool {
+        matches!(*self, Combinator::PseudoElement)
+    }
+    /// Returns true if this combinator is a next- or later-sibling combinator.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn is_sibling(&self) -> bool {
+        matches!(*self, Combinator::NextSibling | Combinator::LaterSibling)
+    }
+/// A CSS simple selector or combinator. We store both in the same enum for
+/// optimal packing and cache performance, see [1].
+/// [1] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1357973
+#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, ToShmem)]
+pub enum Component<Impl: SelectorImpl> {
+    Combinator(Combinator),
+    ExplicitAnyNamespace,
+    ExplicitNoNamespace,
+    DefaultNamespace(#[shmem(field_bound)] Impl::NamespaceUrl),
+    Namespace(
+        #[shmem(field_bound)] Impl::NamespacePrefix,
+        #[shmem(field_bound)] Impl::NamespaceUrl,
+    ),
+    ExplicitUniversalType,
+    LocalName(LocalName<Impl>),
+    ID(#[shmem(field_bound)] Impl::Identifier),
+    Class(#[shmem(field_bound)] Impl::ClassName),
+    AttributeInNoNamespaceExists {
+        #[shmem(field_bound)]
+        local_name: Impl::LocalName,
+        local_name_lower: Impl::LocalName,
+    },
+    // Used only when local_name is already lowercase.
+    AttributeInNoNamespace {
+        local_name: Impl::LocalName,
+        operator: AttrSelectorOperator,
+        #[shmem(field_bound)]
+        value: Impl::AttrValue,
+        case_sensitivity: ParsedCaseSensitivity,
+        never_matches: bool,
+    },
+    // Use a Box in the less common cases with more data to keep size_of::<Component>() small.
+    AttributeOther(Box<AttrSelectorWithOptionalNamespace<Impl>>),
+    /// Pseudo-classes
+    ///
+    /// CSS3 Negation only takes a simple simple selector, but we still need to
+    /// treat it as a compound selector because it might be a type selector
+    /// which we represent as a namespace and a localname.
+    ///
+    /// Note: if/when we upgrade this to CSS4, which supports combinators, we
+    /// need to think about how this should interact with
+    /// visit_complex_selector, and what the consumers of those APIs should do
+    /// about the presence of combinators in negation.
+    Negation(ThinBoxedSlice<Component<Impl>>),
+    FirstChild,
+    LastChild,
+    OnlyChild,
+    Root,
+    Empty,
+    Scope,
+    NthChild(i32, i32),
+    NthLastChild(i32, i32),
+    NthOfType(i32, i32),
+    NthLastOfType(i32, i32),
+    FirstOfType,
+    LastOfType,
+    OnlyOfType,
+    NonTSPseudoClass(#[shmem(field_bound)] Impl::NonTSPseudoClass),
+    /// The ::slotted() pseudo-element:
+    ///
+    /// https://drafts.csswg.org/css-scoping/#slotted-pseudo
+    ///
+    /// The selector here is a compound selector, that is, no combinators.
+    ///
+    /// NOTE(emilio): This should support a list of selectors, but as of this
+    /// writing no other browser does, and that allows them to put ::slotted()
+    /// in the rule hash, so we do that too.
+    ///
+    /// See https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/2158
+    Slotted(Selector<Impl>),
+    /// The `::part` pseudo-element.
+    ///   https://drafts.csswg.org/css-shadow-parts/#part
+    Part(#[shmem(field_bound)] Box<[Impl::PartName]>),
+    /// The `:host` pseudo-class:
+    ///
+    /// https://drafts.csswg.org/css-scoping/#host-selector
+    ///
+    /// NOTE(emilio): This should support a list of selectors, but as of this
+    /// writing no other browser does, and that allows them to put :host()
+    /// in the rule hash, so we do that too.
+    ///
+    /// See https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/2158
+    Host(Option<Selector<Impl>>),
+    PseudoElement(#[shmem(field_bound)] Impl::PseudoElement),
+impl<Impl: SelectorImpl> Component<Impl> {
+    /// Compute the ancestor hash to check against the bloom filter.
+    fn ancestor_hash(&self, quirks_mode: QuirksMode) -> Option<u32>
+    where
+        Impl::Identifier: PrecomputedHash,
+        Impl::ClassName: PrecomputedHash,
+        Impl::LocalName: PrecomputedHash,
+        Impl::NamespaceUrl: PrecomputedHash,
+    {
+        match *self {
+            Component::LocalName(LocalName {
+                ref name,
+                ref lower_name,
+            }) => {
+                // Only insert the local-name into the filter if it's all
+                // lowercase.  Otherwise we would need to test both hashes, and
+                // our data structures aren't really set up for that.
+                if name == lower_name {
+                    Some(name.precomputed_hash())
+                } else {
+                    None
+                }
+            },
+            Component::DefaultNamespace(ref url) | Component::Namespace(_, ref url) => {
+                Some(url.precomputed_hash())
+            },
+            // In quirks mode, class and id selectors should match
+            // case-insensitively, so just avoid inserting them into the filter.
+            Component::ID(ref id) if quirks_mode != QuirksMode::Quirks => {
+                Some(id.precomputed_hash())
+            },
+            Component::Class(ref class) if quirks_mode != QuirksMode::Quirks => {
+                Some(class.precomputed_hash())
+            },
+            _ => None,
+        }
+    }
+    /// Returns true if this is a combinator.
+    pub fn is_combinator(&self) -> bool {
+        matches!(*self, Component::Combinator(_))
+    }
+    /// Returns the value as a combinator if applicable, None otherwise.
+    pub fn as_combinator(&self) -> Option<Combinator> {
+        match *self {
+            Component::Combinator(c) => Some(c),
+            _ => None,
+        }
+    }
+#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, ToShmem)]
+pub struct LocalName<Impl: SelectorImpl> {
+    #[shmem(field_bound)]
+    pub name: Impl::LocalName,
+    pub lower_name: Impl::LocalName,
+impl<Impl: SelectorImpl> Debug for Selector<Impl> {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+        f.write_str("Selector(")?;
+        self.to_css(f)?;
+        write!(f, ", specificity = 0x{:x})", self.specificity())
+    }
+impl<Impl: SelectorImpl> Debug for Component<Impl> {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+        self.to_css(f)
+    }
+impl<Impl: SelectorImpl> Debug for AttrSelectorWithOptionalNamespace<Impl> {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+        self.to_css(f)
+    }
+impl<Impl: SelectorImpl> Debug for LocalName<Impl> {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+        self.to_css(f)
+    }
+impl<Impl: SelectorImpl> ToCss for SelectorList<Impl> {
+    fn to_css<W>(&self, dest: &mut W) -> fmt::Result
+    where
+        W: fmt::Write,
+    {
+        let mut iter = self.0.iter();
+        let first = iter
+            .next()
+            .expect("Empty SelectorList, should contain at least one selector");
+        first.to_css(dest)?;
+        for selector in iter {
+            dest.write_str(", ")?;
+            selector.to_css(dest)?;
+        }
+        Ok(())
+    }
+impl<Impl: SelectorImpl> ToCss for Selector<Impl> {
+    fn to_css<W>(&self, dest: &mut W) -> fmt::Result
+    where
+        W: fmt::Write,
+    {
+        // Compound selectors invert the order of their contents, so we need to
+        // undo that during serialization.
+        //
+        // This two-iterator strategy involves walking over the selector twice.
+        // We could do something more clever, but selector serialization probably
+        // isn't hot enough to justify it, and the stringification likely
+        // dominates anyway.
+        //
+        // NB: A parse-order iterator is a Rev<>, which doesn't expose as_slice(),
+        // which we need for |split|. So we split by combinators on a match-order
+        // sequence and then reverse.
+        let mut combinators = self
+            .iter_raw_match_order()
+            .rev()
+            .filter_map(|x| x.as_combinator());
+        let compound_selectors = self
+            .iter_raw_match_order()
+            .as_slice()
+            .split(|x| x.is_combinator())
+            .rev();
+        let mut combinators_exhausted = false;
+        for compound in compound_selectors {
+            debug_assert!(!combinators_exhausted);
+            // https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom/#serializing-selectors
+            if compound.is_empty() {
+                continue;
+            }
+            // 1. If there is only one simple selector in the compound selectors
+            //    which is a universal selector, append the result of
+            //    serializing the universal selector to s.
+            //
+            // Check if `!compound.empty()` first--this can happen if we have
+            // something like `... > ::before`, because we store `>` and `::`
+            // both as combinators internally.
+            //
+            // If we are in this case, after we have serialized the universal
+            // selector, we skip Step 2 and continue with the algorithm.
+            let (can_elide_namespace, first_non_namespace) = match compound[0] {
+                Component::ExplicitAnyNamespace |
+                Component::ExplicitNoNamespace |
+                Component::Namespace(..) => (false, 1),
+                Component::DefaultNamespace(..) => (true, 1),
+                _ => (true, 0),
+            };
+            let mut perform_step_2 = true;
+            let next_combinator = combinators.next();
+            if first_non_namespace == compound.len() - 1 {
+                match (next_combinator, &compound[first_non_namespace]) {
+                    // We have to be careful here, because if there is a
+                    // pseudo element "combinator" there isn't really just
+                    // the one simple selector. Technically this compound
+                    // selector contains the pseudo element selector as well
+                    // -- Combinator::PseudoElement, just like
+                    // Combinator::SlotAssignment, don't exist in the
+                    // spec.
+                    (Some(Combinator::PseudoElement), _) |
+                    (Some(Combinator::SlotAssignment), _) => (),
+                    (_, &Component::ExplicitUniversalType) => {
+                        // Iterate over everything so we serialize the namespace
+                        // too.
+                        for simple in compound.iter() {
+                            simple.to_css(dest)?;
+                        }
+                        // Skip step 2, which is an "otherwise".
+                        perform_step_2 = false;
+                    },
+                    _ => (),
+                }
+            }
+            // 2. Otherwise, for each simple selector in the compound selectors
+            //    that is not a universal selector of which the namespace prefix
+            //    maps to a namespace that is not the default namespace
+            //    serialize the simple selector and append the result to s.
+            //
+            // See https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/1606, which is
+            // proposing to change this to match up with the behavior asserted
+            // in cssom/serialize-namespaced-type-selectors.html, which the
+            // following code tries to match.
+            if perform_step_2 {
+                for simple in compound.iter() {
+                    if let Component::ExplicitUniversalType = *simple {
+                        // Can't have a namespace followed by a pseudo-element
+                        // selector followed by a universal selector in the same
+                        // compound selector, so we don't have to worry about the
+                        // real namespace being in a different `compound`.
+                        if can_elide_namespace {
+                            continue;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    simple.to_css(dest)?;
+                }
+            }
+            // 3. If this is not the last part of the chain of the selector
+            //    append a single SPACE (U+0020), followed by the combinator
+            //    ">", "+", "~", ">>", "||", as appropriate, followed by another
+            //    single SPACE (U+0020) if the combinator was not whitespace, to
+            //    s.
+            match next_combinator {
+                Some(c) => c.to_css(dest)?,
+                None => combinators_exhausted = true,
+            };
+            // 4. If this is the last part of the chain of the selector and
+            //    there is a pseudo-element, append "::" followed by the name of
+            //    the pseudo-element, to s.
+            //
+            // (we handle this above)
+        }
+        Ok(())
+    }
+impl ToCss for Combinator {
+    fn to_css<W>(&self, dest: &mut W) -> fmt::Result
+    where
+        W: fmt::Write,
+    {
+        match *self {
+            Combinator::Child => dest.write_str(" > "),
+            Combinator::Descendant => dest.write_str(" "),
+            Combinator::NextSibling => dest.write_str(" + "),
+            Combinator::LaterSibling => dest.write_str(" ~ "),
+            Combinator::PseudoElement | Combinator::Part | Combinator::SlotAssignment => Ok(()),
+        }
+    }
+impl<Impl: SelectorImpl> ToCss for Component<Impl> {
+    fn to_css<W>(&self, dest: &mut W) -> fmt::Result
+    where
+        W: fmt::Write,
+    {
+        use self::Component::*;
+        /// Serialize <an+b> values (part of the CSS Syntax spec, but currently only used here).
+        /// <https://drafts.csswg.org/css-syntax-3/#serialize-an-anb-value>
+        fn write_affine<W>(dest: &mut W, a: i32, b: i32) -> fmt::Result
+        where
+            W: fmt::Write,
+        {
+            match (a, b) {
+                (0, 0) => dest.write_char('0'),
+                (1, 0) => dest.write_char('n'),
+                (-1, 0) => dest.write_str("-n"),
+                (_, 0) => write!(dest, "{}n", a),
+                (0, _) => write!(dest, "{}", b),
+                (1, _) => write!(dest, "n{:+}", b),
+                (-1, _) => write!(dest, "-n{:+}", b),
+                (_, _) => write!(dest, "{}n{:+}", a, b),
+            }
+        }
+        match *self {
+            Combinator(ref c) => c.to_css(dest),
+            Slotted(ref selector) => {
+                dest.write_str("::slotted(")?;
+                selector.to_css(dest)?;
+                dest.write_char(')')
+            },
+            Part(ref part_names) => {
+                dest.write_str("::part(")?;
+                for (i, name) in part_names.iter().enumerate() {
+                    if i != 0 {
+                        dest.write_char(' ')?;
+                    }
+                    display_to_css_identifier(name, dest)?;
+                }
+                dest.write_char(')')
+            },
+            PseudoElement(ref p) => p.to_css(dest),
+            ID(ref s) => {
+                dest.write_char('#')?;
+                display_to_css_identifier(s, dest)
+            },
+            Class(ref s) => {
+                dest.write_char('.')?;
+                display_to_css_identifier(s, dest)
+            },
+            LocalName(ref s) => s.to_css(dest),
+            ExplicitUniversalType => dest.write_char('*'),
+            DefaultNamespace(_) => Ok(()),
+            ExplicitNoNamespace => dest.write_char('|'),
+            ExplicitAnyNamespace => dest.write_str("*|"),
+            Namespace(ref prefix, _) => {
+                display_to_css_identifier(prefix, dest)?;
+                dest.write_char('|')
+            },
+            AttributeInNoNamespaceExists { ref local_name, .. } => {
+                dest.write_char('[')?;
+                display_to_css_identifier(local_name, dest)?;
+                dest.write_char(']')
+            },
+            AttributeInNoNamespace {
+                ref local_name,
+                operator,
+                ref value,
+                case_sensitivity,
+                ..
+            } => {
+                dest.write_char('[')?;
+                display_to_css_identifier(local_name, dest)?;
+                operator.to_css(dest)?;
+                dest.write_char('"')?;
+                write!(CssStringWriter::new(dest), "{}", value)?;
+                dest.write_char('"')?;
+                match case_sensitivity {
+                    ParsedCaseSensitivity::CaseSensitive |
+                    ParsedCaseSensitivity::AsciiCaseInsensitiveIfInHtmlElementInHtmlDocument => {},
+                    ParsedCaseSensitivity::AsciiCaseInsensitive => dest.write_str(" i")?,
+                    ParsedCaseSensitivity::ExplicitCaseSensitive => dest.write_str(" s")?,
+                }
+                dest.write_char(']')
+            },
+            AttributeOther(ref attr_selector) => attr_selector.to_css(dest),
+            // Pseudo-classes
+            Negation(ref arg) => {
+                dest.write_str(":not(")?;
+                for component in arg.iter() {
+                    component.to_css(dest)?;
+                }
+                dest.write_str(")")
+            },
+            FirstChild => dest.write_str(":first-child"),
+            LastChild => dest.write_str(":last-child"),
+            OnlyChild => dest.write_str(":only-child"),
+            Root => dest.write_str(":root"),
+            Empty => dest.write_str(":empty"),
+            Scope => dest.write_str(":scope"),
+            Host(ref selector) => {
+                dest.write_str(":host")?;
+                if let Some(ref selector) = *selector {
+                    dest.write_char('(')?;
+                    selector.to_css(dest)?;
+                    dest.write_char(')')?;
+                }
+                Ok(())
+            },
+            FirstOfType => dest.write_str(":first-of-type"),
+            LastOfType => dest.write_str(":last-of-type"),
+            OnlyOfType => dest.write_str(":only-of-type"),
+            NthChild(a, b) | NthLastChild(a, b) | NthOfType(a, b) | NthLastOfType(a, b) => {
+                match *self {
+                    NthChild(_, _) => dest.write_str(":nth-child(")?,
+                    NthLastChild(_, _) => dest.write_str(":nth-last-child(")?,
+                    NthOfType(_, _) => dest.write_str(":nth-of-type(")?,
+                    NthLastOfType(_, _) => dest.write_str(":nth-last-of-type(")?,
+                    _ => unreachable!(),
+                }
+                write_affine(dest, a, b)?;
+                dest.write_char(')')
+            },
+            NonTSPseudoClass(ref pseudo) => pseudo.to_css(dest),
+        }
+    }
+impl<Impl: SelectorImpl> ToCss for AttrSelectorWithOptionalNamespace<Impl> {
+    fn to_css<W>(&self, dest: &mut W) -> fmt::Result
+    where
+        W: fmt::Write,
+    {
+        dest.write_char('[')?;
+        match self.namespace {
+            Some(NamespaceConstraint::Specific((ref prefix, _))) => {
+                display_to_css_identifier(prefix, dest)?;
+                dest.write_char('|')?
+            },
+            Some(NamespaceConstraint::Any) => dest.write_str("*|")?,
+            None => {},
+        }
+        display_to_css_identifier(&self.local_name, dest)?;
+        match self.operation {
+            ParsedAttrSelectorOperation::Exists => {},
+            ParsedAttrSelectorOperation::WithValue {
+                operator,
+                case_sensitivity,
+                ref expected_value,
+            } => {
+                operator.to_css(dest)?;
+                dest.write_char('"')?;
+                write!(CssStringWriter::new(dest), "{}", expected_value)?;
+                dest.write_char('"')?;
+                match case_sensitivity {
+                    ParsedCaseSensitivity::CaseSensitive |
+                    ParsedCaseSensitivity::AsciiCaseInsensitiveIfInHtmlElementInHtmlDocument => {},
+                    ParsedCaseSensitivity::AsciiCaseInsensitive => dest.write_str(" i")?,
+                    ParsedCaseSensitivity::ExplicitCaseSensitive => dest.write_str(" s")?,
+                }
+            },
+        }
+        dest.write_char(']')
+    }
+impl<Impl: SelectorImpl> ToCss for LocalName<Impl> {
+    fn to_css<W>(&self, dest: &mut W) -> fmt::Result
+    where
+        W: fmt::Write,
+    {
+        display_to_css_identifier(&self.name, dest)
+    }
+/// Serialize the output of Display as a CSS identifier
+fn display_to_css_identifier<T: Display, W: fmt::Write>(x: &T, dest: &mut W) -> fmt::Result {
+    // FIXME(SimonSapin): it is possible to avoid this heap allocation
+    // by creating a stream adapter like cssparser::CssStringWriter
+    // that holds and writes to `&mut W` and itself implements `fmt::Write`.
+    //
+    // I haven’t done this yet because it would require somewhat complex and fragile state machine
+    // to support in `fmt::Write::write_char` cases that,
+    // in `serialize_identifier` (which has the full value as a `&str` slice),
+    // can be expressed as
+    // `string.starts_with("--")`, `string == "-"`, `string.starts_with("-")`, etc.
+    //
+    // And I don’t even know if this would be a performance win: jemalloc is good at what it does
+    // and the state machine might be slower than `serialize_identifier` as currently written.
+    let string = x.to_string();
+    serialize_identifier(&string, dest)
+/// Build up a Selector.
+/// selector : simple_selector_sequence [ combinator simple_selector_sequence ]* ;
+/// `Err` means invalid selector.
+fn parse_selector<'i, 't, P, Impl>(
+    parser: &P,
+    input: &mut CssParser<'i, 't>,
+) -> Result<Selector<Impl>, ParseError<'i, P::Error>>
+    P: Parser<'i, Impl = Impl>,
+    Impl: SelectorImpl,
+    let mut builder = SelectorBuilder::default();
+    let mut has_pseudo_element = false;
+    let mut slotted = false;
+    let mut part = false;
+    'outer_loop: loop {
+        // Parse a sequence of simple selectors.
+        let state = match parse_compound_selector(parser, input, &mut builder)? {
+            Some(state) => state,
+            None => {
+                return Err(input.new_custom_error(if builder.has_combinators() {
+                    SelectorParseErrorKind::DanglingCombinator
+                } else {
+                    SelectorParseErrorKind::EmptySelector
+                }));
+            },
+        };
+        if state.intersects(SelectorParsingState::AFTER_PSEUDO) {
+            has_pseudo_element = state.intersects(SelectorParsingState::AFTER_PSEUDO_ELEMENT);
+            slotted = state.intersects(SelectorParsingState::AFTER_SLOTTED);
+            part = state.intersects(SelectorParsingState::AFTER_PART);
+            debug_assert!(has_pseudo_element || slotted || part);
+            break;
+        }
+        // Parse a combinator.
+        let combinator;
+        let mut any_whitespace = false;
+        loop {
+            let before_this_token = input.state();
+            match input.next_including_whitespace() {
+                Err(_e) => break 'outer_loop,
+                Ok(&Token::WhiteSpace(_)) => any_whitespace = true,
+                Ok(&Token::Delim('>')) => {
+                    combinator = Combinator::Child;
+                    break;
+                },
+                Ok(&Token::Delim('+')) => {
+                    combinator = Combinator::NextSibling;
+                    break;
+                },
+                Ok(&Token::Delim('~')) => {
+                    combinator = Combinator::LaterSibling;
+                    break;
+                },
+                Ok(_) => {
+                    input.reset(&before_this_token);
+                    if any_whitespace {
+                        combinator = Combinator::Descendant;
+                        break;
+                    } else {
+                        break 'outer_loop;
+                    }
+                },
+            }
+        }
+        builder.push_combinator(combinator);
+    }
+    Ok(Selector(builder.build(has_pseudo_element, slotted, part)))
+impl<Impl: SelectorImpl> Selector<Impl> {
+    /// Parse a selector, without any pseudo-element.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn parse<'i, 't, P>(
+        parser: &P,
+        input: &mut CssParser<'i, 't>,
+    ) -> Result<Self, ParseError<'i, P::Error>>
+    where
+        P: Parser<'i, Impl = Impl>,
+    {
+        parse_selector(parser, input)
+    }
+/// * `Err(())`: Invalid selector, abort
+/// * `Ok(false)`: Not a type selector, could be something else. `input` was not consumed.
+/// * `Ok(true)`: Length 0 (`*|*`), 1 (`*|E` or `ns|*`) or 2 (`|E` or `ns|E`)
+fn parse_type_selector<'i, 't, P, Impl, S>(
+    parser: &P,
+    input: &mut CssParser<'i, 't>,
+    sink: &mut S,
+) -> Result<bool, ParseError<'i, P::Error>>
+    P: Parser<'i, Impl = Impl>,
+    Impl: SelectorImpl,
+    S: Push<Component<Impl>>,
+    match parse_qualified_name(parser, input, /* in_attr_selector = */ false) {
+        Err(ParseError {
+            kind: ParseErrorKind::Basic(BasicParseErrorKind::EndOfInput),
+            ..
+        }) |
+        Ok(OptionalQName::None(_)) => Ok(false),
+        Ok(OptionalQName::Some(namespace, local_name)) => {
+            match namespace {
+                QNamePrefix::ImplicitAnyNamespace => {},
+                QNamePrefix::ImplicitDefaultNamespace(url) => {
+                    sink.push(Component::DefaultNamespace(url))
+                },
+                QNamePrefix::ExplicitNamespace(prefix, url) => {
+                    sink.push(match parser.default_namespace() {
+                        Some(ref default_url) if url == *default_url => {
+                            Component::DefaultNamespace(url)
+                        },
+                        _ => Component::Namespace(prefix, url),
+                    })
+                },
+                QNamePrefix::ExplicitNoNamespace => sink.push(Component::ExplicitNoNamespace),
+                QNamePrefix::ExplicitAnyNamespace => {
+                    match parser.default_namespace() {
+                        // Element type selectors that have no namespace
+                        // component (no namespace separator) represent elements
+                        // without regard to the element's namespace (equivalent
+                        // to "*|") unless a default namespace has been declared
+                        // for namespaced selectors (e.g. in CSS, in the style
+                        // sheet). If a default namespace has been declared,
+                        // such selectors will represent only elements in the
+                        // default namespace.
+                        // -- Selectors § 6.1.1
+                        // So we'll have this act the same as the
+                        // QNamePrefix::ImplicitAnyNamespace case.
+                        None => {},
+                        Some(_) => sink.push(Component::ExplicitAnyNamespace),
+                    }
+                },
+                QNamePrefix::ImplicitNoNamespace => {
+                    unreachable!() // Not returned with in_attr_selector = false
+                },
+            }
+            match local_name {
+                Some(name) => sink.push(Component::LocalName(LocalName {
+                    lower_name: to_ascii_lowercase(&name).as_ref().into(),
+                    name: name.as_ref().into(),
+                })),
+                None => sink.push(Component::ExplicitUniversalType),
+            }
+            Ok(true)
+        },
+        Err(e) => Err(e),
+    }
+enum SimpleSelectorParseResult<Impl: SelectorImpl> {
+    SimpleSelector(Component<Impl>),
+    PseudoElement(Impl::PseudoElement),
+    SlottedPseudo(Selector<Impl>),
+    PartPseudo(Box<[Impl::PartName]>),
+enum QNamePrefix<Impl: SelectorImpl> {
+    ImplicitNoNamespace,                          // `foo` in attr selectors
+    ImplicitAnyNamespace,                         // `foo` in type selectors, without a default ns
+    ImplicitDefaultNamespace(Impl::NamespaceUrl), // `foo` in type selectors, with a default ns
+    ExplicitNoNamespace,                          // `|foo`
+    ExplicitAnyNamespace,                         // `*|foo`
+    ExplicitNamespace(Impl::NamespacePrefix, Impl::NamespaceUrl), // `prefix|foo`
+enum OptionalQName<'i, Impl: SelectorImpl> {
+    Some(QNamePrefix<Impl>, Option<CowRcStr<'i>>),
+    None(Token<'i>),
+/// * `Err(())`: Invalid selector, abort
+/// * `Ok(None(token))`: Not a simple selector, could be something else. `input` was not consumed,
+///                      but the token is still returned.
+/// * `Ok(Some(namespace, local_name))`: `None` for the local name means a `*` universal selector
+fn parse_qualified_name<'i, 't, P, Impl>(
+    parser: &P,
+    input: &mut CssParser<'i, 't>,
+    in_attr_selector: bool,
+) -> Result<OptionalQName<'i, Impl>, ParseError<'i, P::Error>>
+    P: Parser<'i, Impl = Impl>,
+    Impl: SelectorImpl,
+    let default_namespace = |local_name| {
+        let namespace = match parser.default_namespace() {
+            Some(url) => QNamePrefix::ImplicitDefaultNamespace(url),
+            None => QNamePrefix::ImplicitAnyNamespace,
+        };
+        Ok(OptionalQName::Some(namespace, local_name))
+    };
+    let explicit_namespace = |input: &mut CssParser<'i, 't>, namespace| {
+        let location = input.current_source_location();
+        match input.next_including_whitespace() {
+            Ok(&Token::Delim('*')) if !in_attr_selector => Ok(OptionalQName::Some(namespace, None)),
+            Ok(&Token::Ident(ref local_name)) => {
+                Ok(OptionalQName::Some(namespace, Some(local_name.clone())))
+            },
+            Ok(t) if in_attr_selector => {
+                let e = SelectorParseErrorKind::InvalidQualNameInAttr(t.clone());
+                Err(location.new_custom_error(e))
+            },
+            Ok(t) => Err(location.new_custom_error(
+                SelectorParseErrorKind::ExplicitNamespaceUnexpectedToken(t.clone()),
+            )),
+            Err(e) => Err(e.into()),
+        }
+    };
+    let start = input.state();
+    // FIXME: remove clone() when lifetimes are non-lexical
+    match input.next_including_whitespace().map(|t| t.clone()) {
+        Ok(Token::Ident(value)) => {
+            let after_ident = input.state();
+            match input.next_including_whitespace() {
+                Ok(&Token::Delim('|')) => {
+                    let prefix = value.as_ref().into();
+                    let result = parser.namespace_for_prefix(&prefix);
+                    let url = result.ok_or(
+                        after_ident
+                            .source_location()
+                            .new_custom_error(SelectorParseErrorKind::ExpectedNamespace(value)),
+                    )?;
+                    explicit_namespace(input, QNamePrefix::ExplicitNamespace(prefix, url))
+                },
+                _ => {
+                    input.reset(&after_ident);
+                    if in_attr_selector {
+                        Ok(OptionalQName::Some(
+                            QNamePrefix::ImplicitNoNamespace,
+                            Some(value),
+                        ))
+                    } else {
+                        default_namespace(Some(value))
+                    }
+                },
+            }
+        },
+        Ok(Token::Delim('*')) => {
+            let after_star = input.state();
+            // FIXME: remove clone() when lifetimes are non-lexical
+            match input.next_including_whitespace().map(|t| t.clone()) {
+                Ok(Token::Delim('|')) => {
+                    explicit_namespace(input, QNamePrefix::ExplicitAnyNamespace)
+                },
+                result => {
+                    input.reset(&after_star);
+                    if in_attr_selector {
+                        match result {
+                            Ok(t) => Err(after_star
+                                .source_location()
+                                .new_custom_error(SelectorParseErrorKind::ExpectedBarInAttr(t))),
+                            Err(e) => Err(e.into()),
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        default_namespace(None)
+                    }
+                },
+            }
+        },
+        Ok(Token::Delim('|')) => explicit_namespace(input, QNamePrefix::ExplicitNoNamespace),
+        Ok(t) => {
+            input.reset(&start);
+            Ok(OptionalQName::None(t))
+        },
+        Err(e) => {
+            input.reset(&start);
+            Err(e.into())
+        },
+    }
+fn parse_attribute_selector<'i, 't, P, Impl>(
+    parser: &P,
+    input: &mut CssParser<'i, 't>,
+) -> Result<Component<Impl>, ParseError<'i, P::Error>>
+    P: Parser<'i, Impl = Impl>,
+    Impl: SelectorImpl,
+    let namespace;
+    let local_name;
+    input.skip_whitespace();
+    match parse_qualified_name(parser, input, /* in_attr_selector = */ true)? {
+        OptionalQName::None(t) => {
+            return Err(input.new_custom_error(
+                SelectorParseErrorKind::NoQualifiedNameInAttributeSelector(t),
+            ));
+        },
+        OptionalQName::Some(_, None) => unreachable!(),
+        OptionalQName::Some(ns, Some(ln)) => {
+            local_name = ln;
+            namespace = match ns {
+                QNamePrefix::ImplicitNoNamespace | QNamePrefix::ExplicitNoNamespace => None,
+                QNamePrefix::ExplicitNamespace(prefix, url) => {
+                    Some(NamespaceConstraint::Specific((prefix, url)))
+                },
+                QNamePrefix::ExplicitAnyNamespace => Some(NamespaceConstraint::Any),
+                QNamePrefix::ImplicitAnyNamespace | QNamePrefix::ImplicitDefaultNamespace(_) => {
+                    unreachable!() // Not returned with in_attr_selector = true
+                },
+            }
+        },
+    }
+    let location = input.current_source_location();
+    let operator = match input.next() {
+        // [foo]
+        Err(_) => {
+            let local_name_lower = to_ascii_lowercase(&local_name).as_ref().into();
+            let local_name = local_name.as_ref().into();
+            if let Some(namespace) = namespace {
+                return Ok(Component::AttributeOther(Box::new(
+                    AttrSelectorWithOptionalNamespace {
+                        namespace: Some(namespace),
+                        local_name: local_name,
+                        local_name_lower: local_name_lower,
+                        operation: ParsedAttrSelectorOperation::Exists,
+                        never_matches: false,
+                    },
+                )));
+            } else {
+                return Ok(Component::AttributeInNoNamespaceExists {
+                    local_name: local_name,
+                    local_name_lower: local_name_lower,
+                });
+            }
+        },
+        // [foo=bar]
+        Ok(&Token::Delim('=')) => AttrSelectorOperator::Equal,
+        // [foo~=bar]
+        Ok(&Token::IncludeMatch) => AttrSelectorOperator::Includes,
+        // [foo|=bar]
+        Ok(&Token::DashMatch) => AttrSelectorOperator::DashMatch,
+        // [foo^=bar]
+        Ok(&Token::PrefixMatch) => AttrSelectorOperator::Prefix,
+        // [foo*=bar]
+        Ok(&Token::SubstringMatch) => AttrSelectorOperator::Substring,
+        // [foo$=bar]
+        Ok(&Token::SuffixMatch) => AttrSelectorOperator::Suffix,
+        Ok(t) => {
+            return Err(location.new_custom_error(
+                SelectorParseErrorKind::UnexpectedTokenInAttributeSelector(t.clone()),
+            ));
+        },
+    };
+    let value = match input.expect_ident_or_string() {
+        Ok(t) => t.clone(),
+        Err(BasicParseError {
+            kind: BasicParseErrorKind::UnexpectedToken(t),
+            location,
+        }) => return Err(location.new_custom_error(SelectorParseErrorKind::BadValueInAttr(t))),
+        Err(e) => return Err(e.into()),
+    };
+    let never_matches = match operator {
+        AttrSelectorOperator::Equal | AttrSelectorOperator::DashMatch => false,
+        AttrSelectorOperator::Includes => value.is_empty() || value.contains(SELECTOR_WHITESPACE),
+        AttrSelectorOperator::Prefix |
+        AttrSelectorOperator::Substring |
+        AttrSelectorOperator::Suffix => value.is_empty(),
+    };
+    let attribute_flags = parse_attribute_flags(input)?;
+    let value = value.as_ref().into();
+    let local_name_lower;
+    let local_name_is_ascii_lowercase;
+    let case_sensitivity;
+    {
+        let local_name_lower_cow = to_ascii_lowercase(&local_name);
+        case_sensitivity =
+            attribute_flags.to_case_sensitivity(local_name_lower_cow.as_ref(), namespace.is_some());
+        local_name_lower = local_name_lower_cow.as_ref().into();
+        local_name_is_ascii_lowercase = matches!(local_name_lower_cow, Cow::Borrowed(..));
+    }
+    let local_name = local_name.as_ref().into();
+    if namespace.is_some() || !local_name_is_ascii_lowercase {
+        Ok(Component::AttributeOther(Box::new(
+            AttrSelectorWithOptionalNamespace {
+                namespace,
+                local_name,
+                local_name_lower,
+                never_matches,
+                operation: ParsedAttrSelectorOperation::WithValue {
+                    operator: operator,
+                    case_sensitivity: case_sensitivity,
+                    expected_value: value,
+                },
+            },
+        )))
+    } else {
+        Ok(Component::AttributeInNoNamespace {
+            local_name: local_name,
+            operator: operator,
+            value: value,
+            case_sensitivity: case_sensitivity,
+            never_matches: never_matches,
+        })
+    }
+/// An attribute selector can have 's' or 'i' as flags, or no flags at all.
+enum AttributeFlags {
+    // Matching should be case-sensitive ('s' flag).
+    CaseSensitive,
+    // Matching should be case-insensitive ('i' flag).
+    AsciiCaseInsensitive,
+    // No flags.  Matching behavior depends on the name of the attribute.
+    CaseSensitivityDependsOnName,
+impl AttributeFlags {
+    fn to_case_sensitivity(self, local_name: &str, have_namespace: bool) -> ParsedCaseSensitivity {
+        match self {
+            AttributeFlags::CaseSensitive => ParsedCaseSensitivity::ExplicitCaseSensitive,
+            AttributeFlags::AsciiCaseInsensitive => ParsedCaseSensitivity::AsciiCaseInsensitive,
+            AttributeFlags::CaseSensitivityDependsOnName => {
+                if !have_namespace &&
+                    include!(concat!(
+                        env!("OUT_DIR"),
+                        "/ascii_case_insensitive_html_attributes.rs"
+                    ))
+                    .contains(local_name)
+                {
+                    ParsedCaseSensitivity::AsciiCaseInsensitiveIfInHtmlElementInHtmlDocument
+                } else {
+                    ParsedCaseSensitivity::CaseSensitive
+                }
+            },
+        }
+    }
+fn parse_attribute_flags<'i, 't>(
+    input: &mut CssParser<'i, 't>,
+) -> Result<AttributeFlags, BasicParseError<'i>> {
+    let location = input.current_source_location();
+    let token = match input.next() {
+        Ok(t) => t,
+        Err(..) => {
+            // Selectors spec says language-defined; HTML says it depends on the
+            // exact attribute name.
+            return Ok(AttributeFlags::CaseSensitivityDependsOnName);
+        },
+    };
+    let ident = match *token {
+        Token::Ident(ref i) => i,
+        ref other => return Err(location.new_basic_unexpected_token_error(other.clone())),
+    };
+    Ok(match_ignore_ascii_case! {
+        ident,
+        "i" => AttributeFlags::AsciiCaseInsensitive,
+        "s" => AttributeFlags::CaseSensitive,
+        _ => return Err(location.new_basic_unexpected_token_error(token.clone())),
+    })
+/// Level 3: Parse **one** simple_selector.  (Though we might insert a second
+/// implied "<defaultns>|*" type selector.)
+fn parse_negation<'i, 't, P, Impl>(
+    parser: &P,
+    input: &mut CssParser<'i, 't>,
+) -> Result<Component<Impl>, ParseError<'i, P::Error>>
+    P: Parser<'i, Impl = Impl>,
+    Impl: SelectorImpl,
+    // We use a sequence because a type selector may be represented as two Components.
+    let mut sequence = SmallVec::<[Component<Impl>; 2]>::new();
+    input.skip_whitespace();
+    // Get exactly one simple selector. The parse logic in the caller will verify
+    // that there are no trailing tokens after we're done.
+    let is_type_sel = match parse_type_selector(parser, input, &mut sequence) {
+        Ok(result) => result,
+        Err(ParseError {
+            kind: ParseErrorKind::Basic(BasicParseErrorKind::EndOfInput),
+            ..
+        }) => return Err(input.new_custom_error(SelectorParseErrorKind::EmptyNegation)),
+        Err(e) => return Err(e.into()),
+    };
+    if !is_type_sel {
+        match parse_one_simple_selector(parser, input, SelectorParsingState::INSIDE_NEGATION)? {
+            Some(SimpleSelectorParseResult::SimpleSelector(s)) => {
+                sequence.push(s);
+            },
+            None => {
+                return Err(input.new_custom_error(SelectorParseErrorKind::EmptyNegation));
+            },
+            Some(SimpleSelectorParseResult::PseudoElement(_)) |
+            Some(SimpleSelectorParseResult::PartPseudo(_)) |
+            Some(SimpleSelectorParseResult::SlottedPseudo(_)) => {
+                let e = SelectorParseErrorKind::NonSimpleSelectorInNegation;
+                return Err(input.new_custom_error(e));
+            },
+        }
+    }
+    // Success.
+    Ok(Component::Negation(
+        sequence.into_vec().into_boxed_slice().into(),
+    ))
+/// simple_selector_sequence
+/// : [ type_selector | universal ] [ HASH | class | attrib | pseudo | negation ]*
+/// | [ HASH | class | attrib | pseudo | negation ]+
+/// `Err(())` means invalid selector.
+/// `Ok(None)` is an empty selector
+fn parse_compound_selector<'i, 't, P, Impl>(
+    parser: &P,
+    input: &mut CssParser<'i, 't>,
+    builder: &mut SelectorBuilder<Impl>,
+) -> Result<Option<SelectorParsingState>, ParseError<'i, P::Error>>
+    P: Parser<'i, Impl = Impl>,
+    Impl: SelectorImpl,
+    input.skip_whitespace();
+    let mut empty = true;
+    if !parse_type_selector(parser, input, builder)? {
+        if let Some(url) = parser.default_namespace() {
+            // If there was no explicit type selector, but there is a
+            // default namespace, there is an implicit "<defaultns>|*" type
+            // selector.
+            builder.push_simple_selector(Component::DefaultNamespace(url))
+        }
+    } else {
+        empty = false;
+    }
+    let mut state = SelectorParsingState::empty();
+    loop {
+        let parse_result = match parse_one_simple_selector(parser, input, state)? {
+            None => break,
+            Some(result) => result,
+        };
+        empty = false;
+        match parse_result {
+            SimpleSelectorParseResult::SimpleSelector(s) => {
+                builder.push_simple_selector(s);
+            },
+            SimpleSelectorParseResult::PartPseudo(part_names) => {
+                state.insert(SelectorParsingState::AFTER_PART);
+                builder.push_combinator(Combinator::Part);
+                builder.push_simple_selector(Component::Part(part_names));
+            },
+            SimpleSelectorParseResult::SlottedPseudo(selector) => {
+                state.insert(SelectorParsingState::AFTER_SLOTTED);
+                builder.push_combinator(Combinator::SlotAssignment);
+                builder.push_simple_selector(Component::Slotted(selector));
+            },
+            SimpleSelectorParseResult::PseudoElement(p) => {
+                state.insert(SelectorParsingState::AFTER_PSEUDO_ELEMENT);
+                if !p.accepts_state_pseudo_classes() {
+                    state.insert(SelectorParsingState::AFTER_NON_STATEFUL_PSEUDO_ELEMENT);
+                }
+                builder.push_combinator(Combinator::PseudoElement);
+                builder.push_simple_selector(Component::PseudoElement(p));
+            },
+        }
+    }
+    if empty {
+        // An empty selector is invalid.
+        Ok(None)
+    } else {
+        Ok(Some(state))
+    }
+fn parse_functional_pseudo_class<'i, 't, P, Impl>(
+    parser: &P,
+    input: &mut CssParser<'i, 't>,
+    name: CowRcStr<'i>,
+    state: SelectorParsingState,
+) -> Result<Component<Impl>, ParseError<'i, P::Error>>
+    P: Parser<'i, Impl = Impl>,
+    Impl: SelectorImpl,
+    if !state.allows_functional_pseudo_classes() {
+        return Err(input.new_custom_error(SelectorParseErrorKind::InvalidState));
+    }
+    debug_assert!(state.allows_tree_structural_pseudo_classes());
+    match_ignore_ascii_case! { &name,
+        "nth-child" => return Ok(parse_nth_pseudo_class(input, Component::NthChild)?),
+        "nth-of-type" => return Ok(parse_nth_pseudo_class(input, Component::NthOfType)?),
+        "nth-last-child" => return Ok(parse_nth_pseudo_class(input, Component::NthLastChild)?),
+        "nth-last-of-type" => return Ok(parse_nth_pseudo_class(input, Component::NthLastOfType)?),
+        "host" => return Ok(Component::Host(Some(parse_inner_compound_selector(parser, input)?))),
+        "not" => {
+            if state.intersects(SelectorParsingState::INSIDE_NEGATION) {
+                return Err(input.new_custom_error(
+                    SelectorParseErrorKind::UnexpectedIdent("not".into())
+                ));
+            }
+            debug_assert!(state.is_empty());
+            return parse_negation(parser, input)
+        },
+        _ => {}
+    }
+    P::parse_non_ts_functional_pseudo_class(parser, name, input).map(Component::NonTSPseudoClass)
+fn parse_nth_pseudo_class<'i, 't, Impl, F>(
+    input: &mut CssParser<'i, 't>,
+    selector: F,
+) -> Result<Component<Impl>, BasicParseError<'i>>
+    Impl: SelectorImpl,
+    F: FnOnce(i32, i32) -> Component<Impl>,
+    let (a, b) = parse_nth(input)?;
+    Ok(selector(a, b))
+/// Returns whether the name corresponds to a CSS2 pseudo-element that
+/// can be specified with the single colon syntax (in addition to the
+/// double-colon syntax, which can be used for all pseudo-elements).
+fn is_css2_pseudo_element(name: &str) -> bool {
+    // ** Do not add to this list! **
+    match_ignore_ascii_case! { name,
+        "before" | "after" | "first-line" | "first-letter" => true,
+        _ => false,
+    }
+/// Parse a simple selector other than a type selector.
+/// * `Err(())`: Invalid selector, abort
+/// * `Ok(None)`: Not a simple selector, could be something else. `input` was not consumed.
+/// * `Ok(Some(_))`: Parsed a simple selector or pseudo-element
+fn parse_one_simple_selector<'i, 't, P, Impl>(
+    parser: &P,
+    input: &mut CssParser<'i, 't>,
+    state: SelectorParsingState,
+) -> Result<Option<SimpleSelectorParseResult<Impl>>, ParseError<'i, P::Error>>
+    P: Parser<'i, Impl = Impl>,
+    Impl: SelectorImpl,
+    let start = input.state();
+    let token = match input.next_including_whitespace().map(|t| t.clone()) {
+        Ok(t) => t,
+        Err(..) => {
+            input.reset(&start);
+            return Ok(None);
+        },
+    };
+    Ok(Some(match token {
+        Token::IDHash(id) => {
+            if state.intersects(SelectorParsingState::AFTER_PSEUDO) {
+                return Err(input.new_custom_error(SelectorParseErrorKind::InvalidState));
+            }
+            let id = Component::ID(id.as_ref().into());
+            SimpleSelectorParseResult::SimpleSelector(id)
+        },
+        Token::Delim('.') => {
+            if state.intersects(SelectorParsingState::AFTER_PSEUDO) {
+                return Err(input.new_custom_error(SelectorParseErrorKind::InvalidState));
+            }
+            let location = input.current_source_location();
+            let class = match *input.next_including_whitespace()? {
+                Token::Ident(ref class) => class,
+                ref t => {
+                    let e = SelectorParseErrorKind::ClassNeedsIdent(t.clone());
+                    return Err(location.new_custom_error(e));
+                },
+            };
+            let class = Component::Class(class.as_ref().into());
+            SimpleSelectorParseResult::SimpleSelector(class)
+        },
+        Token::SquareBracketBlock => {
+            if state.intersects(SelectorParsingState::AFTER_PSEUDO) {
+                return Err(input.new_custom_error(SelectorParseErrorKind::InvalidState));
+            }
+            let attr = input.parse_nested_block(|input| parse_attribute_selector(parser, input))?;
+            SimpleSelectorParseResult::SimpleSelector(attr)
+        },
+        Token::Colon => {
+            let location = input.current_source_location();
+            let (is_single_colon, next_token) = match input.next_including_whitespace()?.clone() {
+                Token::Colon => (false, input.next_including_whitespace()?.clone()),
+                t => (true, t),
+            };
+            let (name, is_functional) = match next_token {
+                Token::Ident(name) => (name, false),
+                Token::Function(name) => (name, true),
+                t => {
+                    let e = SelectorParseErrorKind::PseudoElementExpectedIdent(t);
+                    return Err(input.new_custom_error(e));
+                },
+            };
+            let is_pseudo_element = !is_single_colon || is_css2_pseudo_element(&name);
+            if is_pseudo_element {
+                if state.intersects(SelectorParsingState::AFTER_PSEUDO_ELEMENT) {
+                    return Err(input.new_custom_error(SelectorParseErrorKind::InvalidState));
+                }
+                let pseudo_element = if is_functional {
+                    if P::parse_part(parser) && name.eq_ignore_ascii_case("part") {
+                        if !state.allows_part() {
+                            return Err(
+                                input.new_custom_error(SelectorParseErrorKind::InvalidState)
+                            );
+                        }
+                        let names = input.parse_nested_block(|input| {
+                            let mut result = Vec::with_capacity(1);
+                            result.push(input.expect_ident()?.as_ref().into());
+                            while !input.is_exhausted() {
+                                result.push(input.expect_ident()?.as_ref().into());
+                            }
+                            Ok(result.into_boxed_slice())
+                        })?;
+                        return Ok(Some(SimpleSelectorParseResult::PartPseudo(names)));
+                    }
+                    if P::parse_slotted(parser) && name.eq_ignore_ascii_case("slotted") {
+                        if !state.allows_slotted() {
+                            return Err(
+                                input.new_custom_error(SelectorParseErrorKind::InvalidState)
+                            );
+                        }
+                        let selector = input.parse_nested_block(|input| {
+                            parse_inner_compound_selector(parser, input)
+                        })?;
+                        return Ok(Some(SimpleSelectorParseResult::SlottedPseudo(selector)));
+                    }
+                    input.parse_nested_block(|input| {
+                        P::parse_functional_pseudo_element(parser, name, input)
+                    })?
+                } else {
+                    P::parse_pseudo_element(parser, location, name)?
+                };
+                if state.intersects(SelectorParsingState::AFTER_SLOTTED) &&
+                    !pseudo_element.valid_after_slotted()
+                {
+                    return Err(input.new_custom_error(SelectorParseErrorKind::InvalidState));
+                }
+                SimpleSelectorParseResult::PseudoElement(pseudo_element)
+            } else {
+                let pseudo_class = if is_functional {
+                    input.parse_nested_block(|input| {
+                        parse_functional_pseudo_class(parser, input, name, state)
+                    })?
+                } else {
+                    parse_simple_pseudo_class(parser, location, name, state)?
+                };
+                SimpleSelectorParseResult::SimpleSelector(pseudo_class)
+            }
+        },
+        _ => {
+            input.reset(&start);
+            return Ok(None);
+        },
+    }))
+fn parse_simple_pseudo_class<'i, P, Impl>(
+    parser: &P,
+    location: SourceLocation,
+    name: CowRcStr<'i>,
+    state: SelectorParsingState,
+) -> Result<Component<Impl>, ParseError<'i, P::Error>>
+    P: Parser<'i, Impl = Impl>,
+    Impl: SelectorImpl,
+    if !state.allows_non_functional_pseudo_classes() {
+        return Err(location.new_custom_error(SelectorParseErrorKind::InvalidState));
+    }
+    if state.allows_tree_structural_pseudo_classes() {
+        match_ignore_ascii_case! { &name,
+            "first-child" => return Ok(Component::FirstChild),
+            "last-child" => return Ok(Component::LastChild),
+            "only-child" => return Ok(Component::OnlyChild),
+            "root" => return Ok(Component::Root),
+            "empty" => return Ok(Component::Empty),
+            "scope" => return Ok(Component::Scope),
+            "host" if P::parse_host(parser) => return Ok(Component::Host(None)),
+            "first-of-type" => return Ok(Component::FirstOfType),
+            "last-of-type" => return Ok(Component::LastOfType),
+            "only-of-type" => return Ok(Component::OnlyOfType),
+            _ => {},
+        }
+    }
+    let pseudo_class = P::parse_non_ts_pseudo_class(parser, location, name)?;
+    if state.intersects(SelectorParsingState::AFTER_PSEUDO_ELEMENT) &&
+        !pseudo_class.is_user_action_state()
+    {
+        return Err(location.new_custom_error(SelectorParseErrorKind::InvalidState));
+    }
+    Ok(Component::NonTSPseudoClass(pseudo_class))
+// NB: pub module in order to access the DummyParser
+pub mod tests {
+    use super::*;
+    use crate::builder::SelectorFlags;
+    use crate::parser;
+    use cssparser::{serialize_identifier, Parser as CssParser, ParserInput, ToCss};
+    use std::collections::HashMap;
+    use std::fmt;
+    #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
+    pub enum PseudoClass {
+        Hover,
+        Active,
+        Lang(String),
+    }
+    #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
+    pub enum PseudoElement {
+        Before,
+        After,
+    }
+    impl parser::PseudoElement for PseudoElement {
+        type Impl = DummySelectorImpl;
+        fn accepts_state_pseudo_classes(&self) -> bool {
+            true
+        }
+        fn valid_after_slotted(&self) -> bool {
+            true
+        }
+    }
+    impl parser::NonTSPseudoClass for PseudoClass {
+        type Impl = DummySelectorImpl;
+        #[inline]
+        fn is_active_or_hover(&self) -> bool {
+            matches!(*self, PseudoClass::Active | PseudoClass::Hover)
+        }
+        #[inline]
+        fn is_user_action_state(&self) -> bool {
+            self.is_active_or_hover()
+        }
+    }
+    impl ToCss for PseudoClass {
+        fn to_css<W>(&self, dest: &mut W) -> fmt::Result
+        where
+            W: fmt::Write,
+        {
+            match *self {
+                PseudoClass::Hover => dest.write_str(":hover"),
+                PseudoClass::Active => dest.write_str(":active"),
+                PseudoClass::Lang(ref lang) => {
+                    dest.write_str(":lang(")?;
+                    serialize_identifier(lang, dest)?;
+                    dest.write_char(')')
+                },
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    impl ToCss for PseudoElement {
+        fn to_css<W>(&self, dest: &mut W) -> fmt::Result
+        where
+            W: fmt::Write,
+        {
+            match *self {
+                PseudoElement::Before => dest.write_str("::before"),
+                PseudoElement::After => dest.write_str("::after"),
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    impl Visit for PseudoClass {
+        type Impl = DummySelectorImpl;
+        fn visit<V>(&self, _visitor: &mut V) -> bool
+        where
+            V: SelectorVisitor<Impl = Self::Impl>,
+        {
+            true
+        }
+    }
+    #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
+    pub struct DummySelectorImpl;
+    #[derive(Default)]
+    pub struct DummyParser {
+        default_ns: Option<DummyAtom>,
+        ns_prefixes: HashMap<DummyAtom, DummyAtom>,
+    }
+    impl DummyParser {
+        fn default_with_namespace(default_ns: DummyAtom) -> DummyParser {
+            DummyParser {
+                default_ns: Some(default_ns),
+                ns_prefixes: Default::default(),
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    impl SelectorImpl for DummySelectorImpl {
+        type ExtraMatchingData = ();
+        type AttrValue = DummyAtom;
+        type Identifier = DummyAtom;
+        type ClassName = DummyAtom;
+        type PartName = DummyAtom;
+        type LocalName = DummyAtom;
+        type NamespaceUrl = DummyAtom;
+        type NamespacePrefix = DummyAtom;
+        type BorrowedLocalName = DummyAtom;
+        type BorrowedNamespaceUrl = DummyAtom;
+        type NonTSPseudoClass = PseudoClass;
+        type PseudoElement = PseudoElement;
+    }
+    #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
+    pub struct DummyAtom(String);
+    impl fmt::Display for DummyAtom {
+        fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+            <String as fmt::Display>::fmt(&self.0, fmt)
+        }
+    }
+    impl From<String> for DummyAtom {
+        fn from(string: String) -> Self {
+            DummyAtom(string)
+        }
+    }
+    impl<'a> From<&'a str> for DummyAtom {
+        fn from(string: &'a str) -> Self {
+            DummyAtom(string.into())
+        }
+    }
+    impl<'i> Parser<'i> for DummyParser {
+        type Impl = DummySelectorImpl;
+        type Error = SelectorParseErrorKind<'i>;
+        fn parse_slotted(&self) -> bool {
+            true
+        }
+        fn parse_part(&self) -> bool {
+            true
+        }
+        fn parse_non_ts_pseudo_class(
+            &self,
+            location: SourceLocation,
+            name: CowRcStr<'i>,
+        ) -> Result<PseudoClass, SelectorParseError<'i>> {
+            match_ignore_ascii_case! { &name,
+                "hover" => return Ok(PseudoClass::Hover),
+                "active" => return Ok(PseudoClass::Active),
+                _ => {}
+            }
+            Err(
+                location.new_custom_error(SelectorParseErrorKind::UnsupportedPseudoClassOrElement(
+                    name,
+                )),
+            )
+        }
+        fn parse_non_ts_functional_pseudo_class<'t>(
+            &self,
+            name: CowRcStr<'i>,
+            parser: &mut CssParser<'i, 't>,
+        ) -> Result<PseudoClass, SelectorParseError<'i>> {
+            match_ignore_ascii_case! { &name,
+                "lang" => {
+                    let lang = parser.expect_ident_or_string()?.as_ref().to_owned();
+                    return Ok(PseudoClass::Lang(lang));
+                },
+                _ => {}
+            }
+            Err(
+                parser.new_custom_error(SelectorParseErrorKind::UnsupportedPseudoClassOrElement(
+                    name,
+                )),
+            )
+        }
+        fn parse_pseudo_element(
+            &self,
+            location: SourceLocation,
+            name: CowRcStr<'i>,
+        ) -> Result<PseudoElement, SelectorParseError<'i>> {
+            match_ignore_ascii_case! { &name,
+                "before" => return Ok(PseudoElement::Before),
+                "after" => return Ok(PseudoElement::After),
+                _ => {}
+            }
+            Err(
+                location.new_custom_error(SelectorParseErrorKind::UnsupportedPseudoClassOrElement(
+                    name,
+                )),
+            )
+        }
+        fn default_namespace(&self) -> Option<DummyAtom> {
+            self.default_ns.clone()
+        }
+        fn namespace_for_prefix(&self, prefix: &DummyAtom) -> Option<DummyAtom> {
+            self.ns_prefixes.get(prefix).cloned()
+        }
+    }
+    fn parse<'i>(
+        input: &'i str,
+    ) -> Result<SelectorList<DummySelectorImpl>, SelectorParseError<'i>> {
+        parse_ns(input, &DummyParser::default())
+    }
+    fn parse_expected<'i, 'a>(
+        input: &'i str,
+        expected: Option<&'a str>,
+    ) -> Result<SelectorList<DummySelectorImpl>, SelectorParseError<'i>> {
+        parse_ns_expected(input, &DummyParser::default(), expected)
+    }
+    fn parse_ns<'i>(
+        input: &'i str,
+        parser: &DummyParser,
+    ) -> Result<SelectorList<DummySelectorImpl>, SelectorParseError<'i>> {
+        parse_ns_expected(input, parser, None)
+    }
+    fn parse_ns_expected<'i, 'a>(
+        input: &'i str,
+        parser: &DummyParser,
+        expected: Option<&'a str>,
+    ) -> Result<SelectorList<DummySelectorImpl>, SelectorParseError<'i>> {
+        let mut parser_input = ParserInput::new(input);
+        let result = SelectorList::parse(parser, &mut CssParser::new(&mut parser_input));
+        if let Ok(ref selectors) = result {
+            assert_eq!(selectors.0.len(), 1);
+            // We can't assume that the serialized parsed selector will equal
+            // the input; for example, if there is no default namespace, '*|foo'
+            // should serialize to 'foo'.
+            assert_eq!(
+                selectors.0[0].to_css_string(),
+                match expected {
+                    Some(x) => x,
+                    None => input,
+                }
+            );
+        }
+        result
+    }
+    fn specificity(a: u32, b: u32, c: u32) -> u32 {
+        a << 20 | b << 10 | c
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_empty() {
+        let mut input = ParserInput::new(":empty");
+        let list = SelectorList::parse(&DummyParser::default(), &mut CssParser::new(&mut input));
+        assert!(list.is_ok());
+    }
+    const MATHML: &'static str = "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML";;
+    const SVG: &'static str = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";;
+    #[test]
+    fn test_parsing() {
+        assert!(parse("").is_err());
+        assert!(parse(":lang(4)").is_err());
+        assert!(parse(":lang(en US)").is_err());
+        assert_eq!(
+            parse("EeÉ"),
+            Ok(SelectorList::from_vec(vec![Selector::from_vec(
+                vec![Component::LocalName(LocalName {
+                    name: DummyAtom::from("EeÉ"),
+                    lower_name: DummyAtom::from("eeÉ"),
+                })],
+                specificity(0, 0, 1),
+                Default::default(),
+            )]))
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            parse("|e"),
+            Ok(SelectorList::from_vec(vec![Selector::from_vec(
+                vec![
+                    Component::ExplicitNoNamespace,
+                    Component::LocalName(LocalName {
+                        name: DummyAtom::from("e"),
+                        lower_name: DummyAtom::from("e"),
+                    }),
+                ],
+                specificity(0, 0, 1),
+                Default::default(),
+            )]))
+        );
+        // When the default namespace is not set, *| should be elided.
+        // https://github.com/servo/servo/pull/17537
+        assert_eq!(
+            parse_expected("*|e", Some("e")),
+            Ok(SelectorList::from_vec(vec![Selector::from_vec(
+                vec![Component::LocalName(LocalName {
+                    name: DummyAtom::from("e"),
+                    lower_name: DummyAtom::from("e"),
+                })],
+                specificity(0, 0, 1),
+                Default::default(),
+            )]))
+        );
+        // When the default namespace is set, *| should _not_ be elided (as foo
+        // is no longer equivalent to *|foo--the former is only for foo in the
+        // default namespace).
+        // https://github.com/servo/servo/issues/16020
+        assert_eq!(
+            parse_ns(
+                "*|e",
+                &DummyParser::default_with_namespace(DummyAtom::from("https://mozilla.org";))
+            ),
+            Ok(SelectorList::from_vec(vec![Selector::from_vec(
+                vec![
+                    Component::ExplicitAnyNamespace,
+                    Component::LocalName(LocalName {
+                        name: DummyAtom::from("e"),
+                        lower_name: DummyAtom::from("e"),
+                    }),
+                ],
+                specificity(0, 0, 1),
+                Default::default(),
+            )]))
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            parse("*"),
+            Ok(SelectorList::from_vec(vec![Selector::from_vec(
+                vec![Component::ExplicitUniversalType],
+                specificity(0, 0, 0),
+                Default::default(),
+            )]))
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            parse("|*"),
+            Ok(SelectorList::from_vec(vec![Selector::from_vec(
+                vec![
+                    Component::ExplicitNoNamespace,
+                    Component::ExplicitUniversalType,
+                ],
+                specificity(0, 0, 0),
+                Default::default(),
+            )]))
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            parse_expected("*|*", Some("*")),
+            Ok(SelectorList::from_vec(vec![Selector::from_vec(
+                vec![Component::ExplicitUniversalType],
+                specificity(0, 0, 0),
+                Default::default(),
+            )]))
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            parse_ns(
+                "*|*",
+                &DummyParser::default_with_namespace(DummyAtom::from("https://mozilla.org";))
+            ),
+            Ok(SelectorList::from_vec(vec![Selector::from_vec(
+                vec![
+                    Component::ExplicitAnyNamespace,
+                    Component::ExplicitUniversalType,
+                ],
+                specificity(0, 0, 0),
+                Default::default(),
+            )]))
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            parse(".foo:lang(en-US)"),
+            Ok(SelectorList::from_vec(vec![Selector::from_vec(
+                vec![
+                    Component::Class(DummyAtom::from("foo")),
+                    Component::NonTSPseudoClass(PseudoClass::Lang("en-US".to_owned())),
+                ],
+                specificity(0, 2, 0),
+                Default::default(),
+            )]))
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            parse("#bar"),
+            Ok(SelectorList::from_vec(vec![Selector::from_vec(
+                vec![Component::ID(DummyAtom::from("bar"))],
+                specificity(1, 0, 0),
+                Default::default(),
+            )]))
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            parse("e.foo#bar"),
+            Ok(SelectorList::from_vec(vec![Selector::from_vec(
+                vec![
+                    Component::LocalName(LocalName {
+                        name: DummyAtom::from("e"),
+                        lower_name: DummyAtom::from("e"),
+                    }),
+                    Component::Class(DummyAtom::from("foo")),
+                    Component::ID(DummyAtom::from("bar")),
+                ],
+                specificity(1, 1, 1),
+                Default::default(),
+            )]))
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            parse("e.foo #bar"),
+            Ok(SelectorList::from_vec(vec![Selector::from_vec(
+                vec![
+                    Component::LocalName(LocalName {
+                        name: DummyAtom::from("e"),
+                        lower_name: DummyAtom::from("e"),
+                    }),
+                    Component::Class(DummyAtom::from("foo")),
+                    Component::Combinator(Combinator::Descendant),
+                    Component::ID(DummyAtom::from("bar")),
+                ],
+                specificity(1, 1, 1),
+                Default::default(),
+            )]))
+        );
+        // Default namespace does not apply to attribute selectors
+        // https://github.com/mozilla/servo/pull/1652
+        let mut parser = DummyParser::default();
+        assert_eq!(
+            parse_ns("[Foo]", &parser),
+            Ok(SelectorList::from_vec(vec![Selector::from_vec(
+                vec![Component::AttributeInNoNamespaceExists {
+                    local_name: DummyAtom::from("Foo"),
+                    local_name_lower: DummyAtom::from("foo"),
+                }],
+                specificity(0, 1, 0),
+                Default::default(),
+            )]))
+        );
+        assert!(parse_ns("svg|circle", &parser).is_err());
+        parser
+            .ns_prefixes
+            .insert(DummyAtom("svg".into()), DummyAtom(SVG.into()));
+        assert_eq!(
+            parse_ns("svg|circle", &parser),
+            Ok(SelectorList::from_vec(vec![Selector::from_vec(
+                vec![
+                    Component::Namespace(DummyAtom("svg".into()), SVG.into()),
+                    Component::LocalName(LocalName {
+                        name: DummyAtom::from("circle"),
+                        lower_name: DummyAtom::from("circle"),
+                    }),
+                ],
+                specificity(0, 0, 1),
+                Default::default(),
+            )]))
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            parse_ns("svg|*", &parser),
+            Ok(SelectorList::from_vec(vec![Selector::from_vec(
+                vec![
+                    Component::Namespace(DummyAtom("svg".into()), SVG.into()),
+                    Component::ExplicitUniversalType,
+                ],
+                specificity(0, 0, 0),
+                Default::default(),
+            )]))
+        );
+        // Default namespace does not apply to attribute selectors
+        // https://github.com/mozilla/servo/pull/1652
+        // but it does apply to implicit type selectors
+        // https://github.com/servo/rust-selectors/pull/82
+        parser.default_ns = Some(MATHML.into());
+        assert_eq!(
+            parse_ns("[Foo]", &parser),
+            Ok(SelectorList::from_vec(vec![Selector::from_vec(
+                vec![
+                    Component::DefaultNamespace(MATHML.into()),
+                    Component::AttributeInNoNamespaceExists {
+                        local_name: DummyAtom::from("Foo"),
+                        local_name_lower: DummyAtom::from("foo"),
+                    },
+                ],
+                specificity(0, 1, 0),
+                Default::default(),
+            )]))
+        );
+        // Default namespace does apply to type selectors
+        assert_eq!(
+            parse_ns("e", &parser),
+            Ok(SelectorList::from_vec(vec![Selector::from_vec(
+                vec![
+                    Component::DefaultNamespace(MATHML.into()),
+                    Component::LocalName(LocalName {
+                        name: DummyAtom::from("e"),
+                        lower_name: DummyAtom::from("e"),
+                    }),
+                ],
+                specificity(0, 0, 1),
+                Default::default(),
+            )]))
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            parse_ns("*", &parser),
+            Ok(SelectorList::from_vec(vec![Selector::from_vec(
+                vec![
+                    Component::DefaultNamespace(MATHML.into()),
+                    Component::ExplicitUniversalType,
+                ],
+                specificity(0, 0, 0),
+                Default::default(),
+            )]))
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            parse_ns("*|*", &parser),
+            Ok(SelectorList::from_vec(vec![Selector::from_vec(
+                vec![
+                    Component::ExplicitAnyNamespace,
+                    Component::ExplicitUniversalType,
+                ],
+                specificity(0, 0, 0),
+                Default::default(),
+            )]))
+        );
+        // Default namespace applies to universal and type selectors inside :not and :matches,
+        // but not otherwise.
+        assert_eq!(
+            parse_ns(":not(.cl)", &parser),
+            Ok(SelectorList::from_vec(vec![Selector::from_vec(
+                vec![
+                    Component::DefaultNamespace(MATHML.into()),
+                    Component::Negation(
+                        vec![Component::Class(DummyAtom::from("cl"))]
+                            .into_boxed_slice()
+                            .into(),
+                    ),
+                ],
+                specificity(0, 1, 0),
+                Default::default(),
+            )]))
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            parse_ns(":not(*)", &parser),
+            Ok(SelectorList::from_vec(vec![Selector::from_vec(
+                vec![
+                    Component::DefaultNamespace(MATHML.into()),
+                    Component::Negation(
+                        vec![
+                            Component::DefaultNamespace(MATHML.into()),
+                            Component::ExplicitUniversalType,
+                        ]
+                        .into_boxed_slice()
+                        .into(),
+                    ),
+                ],
+                specificity(0, 0, 0),
+                Default::default(),
+            )]))
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            parse_ns(":not(e)", &parser),
+            Ok(SelectorList::from_vec(vec![Selector::from_vec(
+                vec![
+                    Component::DefaultNamespace(MATHML.into()),
+                    Component::Negation(
+                        vec![
+                            Component::DefaultNamespace(MATHML.into()),
+                            Component::LocalName(LocalName {
+                                name: DummyAtom::from("e"),
+                                lower_name: DummyAtom::from("e"),
+                            }),
+                        ]
+                        .into_boxed_slice()
+                        .into(),
+                    ),
+                ],
+                specificity(0, 0, 1),
+                Default::default(),
+            )]))
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            parse("[attr|=\"foo\"]"),
+            Ok(SelectorList::from_vec(vec![Selector::from_vec(
+                vec![Component::AttributeInNoNamespace {
+                    local_name: DummyAtom::from("attr"),
+                    operator: AttrSelectorOperator::DashMatch,
+                    value: DummyAtom::from("foo"),
+                    never_matches: false,
+                    case_sensitivity: ParsedCaseSensitivity::CaseSensitive,
+                }],
+                specificity(0, 1, 0),
+                Default::default(),
+            )]))
+        );
+        // https://github.com/mozilla/servo/issues/1723
+        assert_eq!(
+            parse("::before"),
+            Ok(SelectorList::from_vec(vec![Selector::from_vec(
+                vec![
+                    Component::Combinator(Combinator::PseudoElement),
+                    Component::PseudoElement(PseudoElement::Before),
+                ],
+                specificity(0, 0, 1),
+                SelectorFlags::HAS_PSEUDO,
+            )]))
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            parse("::before:hover"),
+            Ok(SelectorList::from_vec(vec![Selector::from_vec(
+                vec![
+                    Component::Combinator(Combinator::PseudoElement),
+                    Component::PseudoElement(PseudoElement::Before),
+                    Component::NonTSPseudoClass(PseudoClass::Hover),
+                ],
+                specificity(0, 1, 1),
+                SelectorFlags::HAS_PSEUDO,
+            )]))
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            parse("::before:hover:hover"),
+            Ok(SelectorList::from_vec(vec![Selector::from_vec(
+                vec![
+                    Component::Combinator(Combinator::PseudoElement),
+                    Component::PseudoElement(PseudoElement::Before),
+                    Component::NonTSPseudoClass(PseudoClass::Hover),
+                    Component::NonTSPseudoClass(PseudoClass::Hover),
+                ],
+                specificity(0, 2, 1),
+                SelectorFlags::HAS_PSEUDO,
+            )]))
+        );
+        assert!(parse("::before:hover:lang(foo)").is_err());
+        assert!(parse("::before:hover .foo").is_err());
+        assert!(parse("::before .foo").is_err());
+        assert!(parse("::before ~ bar").is_err());
+        assert!(parse("::before:active").is_ok());
+        // https://github.com/servo/servo/issues/15335
+        assert!(parse(":: before").is_err());
+        assert_eq!(
+            parse("div ::after"),
+            Ok(SelectorList::from_vec(vec![Selector::from_vec(
+                vec![
+                    Component::LocalName(LocalName {
+                        name: DummyAtom::from("div"),
+                        lower_name: DummyAtom::from("div"),
+                    }),
+                    Component::Combinator(Combinator::Descendant),
+                    Component::Combinator(Combinator::PseudoElement),
+                    Component::PseudoElement(PseudoElement::After),
+                ],
+                specificity(0, 0, 2),
+                SelectorFlags::HAS_PSEUDO,
+            )]))
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            parse("#d1 > .ok"),
+            Ok(SelectorList::from_vec(vec![Selector::from_vec(
+                vec![
+                    Component::ID(DummyAtom::from("d1")),
+                    Component::Combinator(Combinator::Child),
+                    Component::Class(DummyAtom::from("ok")),
+                ],
+                (1 << 20) + (1 << 10) + (0 << 0),
+                Default::default(),
+            )]))
+        );
+        parser.default_ns = None;
+        assert!(parse(":not(#provel.old)").is_err());
+        assert!(parse(":not(#provel > old)").is_err());
+        assert!(parse("table[rules]:not([rules=\"none\"]):not([rules=\"\"])").is_ok());
+        assert_eq!(
+            parse(":not(#provel)"),
+            Ok(SelectorList::from_vec(vec![Selector::from_vec(
+                vec![Component::Negation(
+                    vec![Component::ID(DummyAtom::from("provel"))]
+                        .into_boxed_slice()
+                        .into(),
+                )],
+                specificity(1, 0, 0),
+                Default::default(),
+            )]))
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            parse_ns(":not(svg|circle)", &parser),
+            Ok(SelectorList::from_vec(vec![Selector::from_vec(
+                vec![Component::Negation(
+                    vec![
+                        Component::Namespace(DummyAtom("svg".into()), SVG.into()),
+                        Component::LocalName(LocalName {
+                            name: DummyAtom::from("circle"),
+                            lower_name: DummyAtom::from("circle"),
+                        }),
+                    ]
+                    .into_boxed_slice()
+                    .into(),
+                )],
+                specificity(0, 0, 1),
+                Default::default(),
+            )]))
+        );
+        // https://github.com/servo/servo/issues/16017
+        assert_eq!(
+            parse_ns(":not(*)", &parser),
+            Ok(SelectorList::from_vec(vec![Selector::from_vec(
+                vec![Component::Negation(
+                    vec![Component::ExplicitUniversalType]
+                        .into_boxed_slice()
+                        .into(),
+                )],
+                specificity(0, 0, 0),
+                Default::default(),
+            )]))
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            parse_ns(":not(|*)", &parser),
+            Ok(SelectorList::from_vec(vec![Selector::from_vec(
+                vec![Component::Negation(
+                    vec![
+                        Component::ExplicitNoNamespace,
+                        Component::ExplicitUniversalType,
+                    ]
+                    .into_boxed_slice()
+                    .into(),
+                )],
+                specificity(0, 0, 0),
+                Default::default(),
+            )]))
+        );
+        // *| should be elided if there is no default namespace.
+        // https://github.com/servo/servo/pull/17537
+        assert_eq!(
+            parse_ns_expected(":not(*|*)", &parser, Some(":not(*)")),
+            Ok(SelectorList::from_vec(vec![Selector::from_vec(
+                vec![Component::Negation(
+                    vec![Component::ExplicitUniversalType]
+                        .into_boxed_slice()
+                        .into(),
+                )],
+                specificity(0, 0, 0),
+                Default::default(),
+            )]))
+        );
+        assert_eq!(
+            parse_ns(":not(svg|*)", &parser),
+            Ok(SelectorList::from_vec(vec![Selector::from_vec(
+                vec![Component::Negation(
+                    vec![
+                        Component::Namespace(DummyAtom("svg".into()), SVG.into()),
+                        Component::ExplicitUniversalType,
+                    ]
+                    .into_boxed_slice()
+                    .into(),
+                )],
+                specificity(0, 0, 0),
+                Default::default(),
+            )]))
+        );
+        assert!(parse("::slotted()").is_err());
+        assert!(parse("::slotted(div)").is_ok());
+        assert!(parse("::slotted(div).foo").is_err());
+        assert!(parse("::slotted(div + bar)").is_err());
+        assert!(parse("::slotted(div) + foo").is_err());
+        assert!(parse("::part()").is_err());
+        assert!(parse("::part(42)").is_err());
+        assert!(parse("::part(foo bar)").is_ok());
+        assert!(parse("::part(foo):hover").is_ok());
+        assert!(parse("::part(foo) + bar").is_err());
+        assert!(parse("div ::slotted(div)").is_ok());
+        assert!(parse("div + slot::slotted(div)").is_ok());
+        assert!(parse("div + slot::slotted(div.foo)").is_ok());
+        assert!(parse("slot::slotted(div,foo)::first-line").is_err());
+        assert!(parse("::slotted(div)::before").is_ok());
+        assert!(parse("slot::slotted(div,foo)").is_err());
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_pseudo_iter() {
+        let selector = &parse("q::before").unwrap().0[0];
+        assert!(!selector.is_universal());
+        let mut iter = selector.iter();
+        assert_eq!(
+            iter.next(),
+            Some(&Component::PseudoElement(PseudoElement::Before))
+        );
+        assert_eq!(iter.next(), None);
+        let combinator = iter.next_sequence();
+        assert_eq!(combinator, Some(Combinator::PseudoElement));
+        assert!(matches!(iter.next(), Some(&Component::LocalName(..))));
+        assert_eq!(iter.next(), None);
+        assert_eq!(iter.next_sequence(), None);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_universal() {
+        let selector = &parse_ns(
+            "*|*::before",
+            &DummyParser::default_with_namespace(DummyAtom::from("https://mozilla.org";)),
+        )
+        .unwrap()
+        .0[0];
+        assert!(selector.is_universal());
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_empty_pseudo_iter() {
+        let selector = &parse("::before").unwrap().0[0];
+        assert!(selector.is_universal());
+        let mut iter = selector.iter();
+        assert_eq!(
+            iter.next(),
+            Some(&Component::PseudoElement(PseudoElement::Before))
+        );
+        assert_eq!(iter.next(), None);
+        assert_eq!(iter.next_sequence(), Some(Combinator::PseudoElement));
+        assert_eq!(iter.next(), None);
+        assert_eq!(iter.next_sequence(), None);
+    }
+    struct TestVisitor {
+        seen: Vec<String>,
+    }
+    impl SelectorVisitor for TestVisitor {
+        type Impl = DummySelectorImpl;
+        fn visit_simple_selector(&mut self, s: &Component<DummySelectorImpl>) -> bool {
+            let mut dest = String::new();
+            s.to_css(&mut dest).unwrap();
+            self.seen.push(dest);
+            true
+        }
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn visitor() {
+        let mut test_visitor = TestVisitor { seen: vec![] };
+        parse(":not(:hover) ~ label").unwrap().0[0].visit(&mut test_visitor);
+        assert!(test_visitor.seen.contains(&":hover".into()));
+        let mut test_visitor = TestVisitor { seen: vec![] };
+        parse("::before:hover").unwrap().0[0].visit(&mut test_visitor);
+        assert!(test_visitor.seen.contains(&":hover".into()));
+    }
diff --git a/servo_crates/selectors/sink.rs b/servo_crates/selectors/sink.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dcdd7ff2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servo_crates/selectors/sink.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
+//! Small helpers to abstract over different containers.
+use smallvec::{Array, SmallVec};
+/// A trait to abstract over a `push` method that may be implemented for
+/// different kind of types.
+/// Used to abstract over `Array`, `SmallVec` and `Vec`, and also to implement a
+/// type which `push` method does only tweak a byte when we only need to check
+/// for the presence of something.
+pub trait Push<T> {
+    /// Push a value into self.
+    fn push(&mut self, value: T);
+impl<T> Push<T> for Vec<T> {
+    fn push(&mut self, value: T) {
+        Vec::push(self, value);
+    }
+impl<A: Array> Push<A::Item> for SmallVec<A> {
+    fn push(&mut self, value: A::Item) {
+        SmallVec::push(self, value);
+    }
diff --git a/servo_crates/selectors/tree.rs b/servo_crates/selectors/tree.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f892abd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servo_crates/selectors/tree.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
+//! Traits that nodes must implement. Breaks the otherwise-cyclic dependency
+//! between layout and style.
+use crate::attr::{AttrSelectorOperation, CaseSensitivity, NamespaceConstraint};
+use crate::matching::{ElementSelectorFlags, MatchingContext};
+use crate::parser::SelectorImpl;
+use std::fmt::Debug;
+use std::ptr::NonNull;
+/// Opaque representation of an Element, for identity comparisons.
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
+pub struct OpaqueElement(NonNull<()>);
+unsafe impl Send for OpaqueElement {}
+impl OpaqueElement {
+    /// Creates a new OpaqueElement from an arbitrarily-typed pointer.
+    pub fn new<T>(ptr: &T) -> Self {
+        unsafe {
+            OpaqueElement(NonNull::new_unchecked(
+                ptr as *const T as *const () as *mut (),
+            ))
+        }
+    }
+pub trait Element: Sized + Clone + Debug {
+    type Impl: SelectorImpl;
+    /// Converts self into an opaque representation.
+    fn opaque(&self) -> OpaqueElement;
+    fn parent_element(&self) -> Option<Self>;
+    /// Whether the parent node of this element is a shadow root.
+    fn parent_node_is_shadow_root(&self) -> bool;
+    /// The host of the containing shadow root, if any.
+    fn containing_shadow_host(&self) -> Option<Self>;
+    /// The parent of a given pseudo-element, after matching a pseudo-element
+    /// selector.
+    ///
+    /// This is guaranteed to be called in a pseudo-element.
+    fn pseudo_element_originating_element(&self) -> Option<Self> {
+        debug_assert!(self.is_pseudo_element());
+        self.parent_element()
+    }
+    /// Whether we're matching on a pseudo-element.
+    fn is_pseudo_element(&self) -> bool;
+    /// Skips non-element nodes
+    fn prev_sibling_element(&self) -> Option<Self>;
+    /// Skips non-element nodes
+    fn next_sibling_element(&self) -> Option<Self>;
+    fn is_html_element_in_html_document(&self) -> bool;
+    fn has_local_name(&self, local_name: &<Self::Impl as SelectorImpl>::BorrowedLocalName) -> bool;
+    /// Empty string for no namespace
+    fn has_namespace(&self, ns: &<Self::Impl as SelectorImpl>::BorrowedNamespaceUrl) -> bool;
+    /// Whether this element and the `other` element have the same local name and namespace.
+    fn is_same_type(&self, other: &Self) -> bool;
+    fn attr_matches(
+        &self,
+        ns: &NamespaceConstraint<&<Self::Impl as SelectorImpl>::NamespaceUrl>,
+        local_name: &<Self::Impl as SelectorImpl>::LocalName,
+        operation: &AttrSelectorOperation<&<Self::Impl as SelectorImpl>::AttrValue>,
+    ) -> bool;
+    fn match_non_ts_pseudo_class<F>(
+        &self,
+        pc: &<Self::Impl as SelectorImpl>::NonTSPseudoClass,
+        context: &mut MatchingContext<Self::Impl>,
+        flags_setter: &mut F,
+    ) -> bool
+    where
+        F: FnMut(&Self, ElementSelectorFlags);
+    fn match_pseudo_element(
+        &self,
+        pe: &<Self::Impl as SelectorImpl>::PseudoElement,
+        context: &mut MatchingContext<Self::Impl>,
+    ) -> bool;
+    /// Whether this element is a `link`.
+    fn is_link(&self) -> bool;
+    /// Returns whether the element is an HTML <slot> element.
+    fn is_html_slot_element(&self) -> bool;
+    /// Returns the assigned <slot> element this element is assigned to.
+    ///
+    /// Necessary for the `::slotted` pseudo-class.
+    fn assigned_slot(&self) -> Option<Self> {
+        None
+    }
+    fn has_id(
+        &self,
+        id: &<Self::Impl as SelectorImpl>::Identifier,
+        case_sensitivity: CaseSensitivity,
+    ) -> bool;
+    fn has_class(
+        &self,
+        name: &<Self::Impl as SelectorImpl>::ClassName,
+        case_sensitivity: CaseSensitivity,
+    ) -> bool;
+    fn is_part(&self, name: &<Self::Impl as SelectorImpl>::PartName) -> bool;
+    /// Returns whether this element matches `:empty`.
+    ///
+    /// That is, whether it does not contain any child element or any non-zero-length text node.
+    /// See http://dev.w3.org/csswg/selectors-3/#empty-pseudo
+    fn is_empty(&self) -> bool;
+    /// Returns whether this element matches `:root`,
+    /// i.e. whether it is the root element of a document.
+    ///
+    /// Note: this can be false even if `.parent_element()` is `None`
+    /// if the parent node is a `DocumentFragment`.
+    fn is_root(&self) -> bool;
+    /// Returns whether this element should ignore matching nth child
+    /// selector.
+    fn ignores_nth_child_selectors(&self) -> bool {
+        false
+    }
diff --git a/servo_crates/selectors/visitor.rs b/servo_crates/selectors/visitor.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..60d118d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servo_crates/selectors/visitor.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
+//! Visitor traits for selectors.
+use crate::attr::NamespaceConstraint;
+use crate::parser::{Combinator, Component, SelectorImpl};
+/// A trait to visit selector properties.
+/// All the `visit_foo` methods return a boolean indicating whether the
+/// traversal should continue or not.
+pub trait SelectorVisitor {
+    /// The selector implementation this visitor wants to visit.
+    type Impl: SelectorImpl;
+    /// Visit an attribute selector that may match (there are other selectors
+    /// that may never match, like those containing whitespace or the empty
+    /// string).
+    fn visit_attribute_selector(
+        &mut self,
+        _namespace: &NamespaceConstraint<&<Self::Impl as SelectorImpl>::NamespaceUrl>,
+        _local_name: &<Self::Impl as SelectorImpl>::LocalName,
+        _local_name_lower: &<Self::Impl as SelectorImpl>::LocalName,
+    ) -> bool {
+        true
+    }
+    /// Visit a simple selector.
+    fn visit_simple_selector(&mut self, _: &Component<Self::Impl>) -> bool {
+        true
+    }
+    /// Visits a complex selector.
+    ///
+    /// Gets the combinator to the right of the selector, or `None` if the
+    /// selector is the rightmost one.
+    fn visit_complex_selector(&mut self, _combinator_to_right: Option<Combinator>) -> bool {
+        true
+    }
+/// Enables traversing selector components stored in various types
+pub trait Visit {
+    /// The type parameter of selector component types.
+    type Impl: SelectorImpl;
+    /// Traverse selector components inside `self`.
+    ///
+    /// Implementations of this method should call `SelectorVisitor` methods
+    /// or other impls of `Visit` as appropriate based on the fields of `Self`.
+    ///
+    /// A return value of `false` indicates terminating the traversal.
+    /// It should be propagated with an early return.
+    /// On the contrary, `true` indicates that all fields of `self` have been traversed:
+    ///
+    /// ```rust,ignore
+    /// if !visitor.visit_simple_selector(&self.some_simple_selector) {
+    ///     return false;
+    /// }
+    /// if !self.some_component.visit(visitor) {
+    ///     return false;
+    /// }
+    /// true
+    /// ```
+    fn visit<V>(&self, visitor: &mut V) -> bool
+    where
+        V: SelectorVisitor<Impl = Self::Impl>;
diff --git a/servo_crates/servo_arc/Cargo.toml b/servo_crates/servo_arc/Cargo.toml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3581210c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servo_crates/servo_arc/Cargo.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+name = "servo_arc"
+version = "0.1.1"
+authors = ["The Servo Project Developers"]
+license = "MIT/Apache-2.0"
+repository = "https://github.com/servo/servo";
+description = "A fork of std::sync::Arc with some extra functionality and without weak references"
+name = "servo_arc"
+path = "lib.rs"
+servo = ["serde"]
+gecko_refcount_logging = []
+nodrop = {version = "0.1.8"}
+serde = {version = "1.0", optional = true}
+stable_deref_trait = "1.0.0"
diff --git a/servo_crates/servo_arc/lib.rs b/servo_crates/servo_arc/lib.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ad4489c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servo_crates/servo_arc/lib.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,1490 @@
+// Copyright 2012-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
+// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
+// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
+// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
+// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
+// except according to those terms.
+//! Fork of Arc for Servo. This has the following advantages over std::sync::Arc:
+//! * We don't waste storage on the weak reference count.
+//! * We don't do extra RMU operations to handle the possibility of weak references.
+//! * We can experiment with arena allocation (todo).
+//! * We can add methods to support our custom use cases [1].
+//! * We have support for dynamically-sized types (see from_header_and_iter).
+//! * We have support for thin arcs to unsized types (see ThinArc).
+//! * We have support for references to static data, which don't do any
+//!   refcounting.
+//! [1]: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1360883
+// The semantics of `Arc` are already documented in the Rust docs, so we don't
+// duplicate those here.
+extern crate nodrop;
+#[cfg(feature = "servo")]
+extern crate serde;
+extern crate stable_deref_trait;
+use nodrop::NoDrop;
+#[cfg(feature = "servo")]
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+use stable_deref_trait::{CloneStableDeref, StableDeref};
+use std::alloc::{self, Layout};
+use std::borrow;
+use std::cmp::Ordering;
+use std::convert::From;
+use std::fmt;
+use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
+use std::iter::{ExactSizeIterator, Iterator};
+use std::marker::PhantomData;
+use std::mem::{self, align_of, size_of};
+use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
+use std::os::raw::c_void;
+use std::process;
+use std::ptr;
+use std::slice;
+use std::sync::atomic;
+use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::{Acquire, Relaxed, Release};
+use std::{isize, usize};
+/// A soft limit on the amount of references that may be made to an `Arc`.
+/// Going above this limit will abort your program (although not
+/// necessarily) at _exactly_ `MAX_REFCOUNT + 1` references.
+const MAX_REFCOUNT: usize = (isize::MAX) as usize;
+/// Special refcount value that means the data is not reference counted,
+/// and that the `Arc` is really acting as a read-only static reference.
+const STATIC_REFCOUNT: usize = usize::MAX;
+/// An atomically reference counted shared pointer
+/// See the documentation for [`Arc`] in the standard library. Unlike the
+/// standard library `Arc`, this `Arc` does not support weak reference counting.
+/// See the discussion in https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/60594 for the
+/// usage of PhantomData.
+/// [`Arc`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/sync/struct.Arc.html
+/// cbindgen:derive-eq=false
+/// cbindgen:derive-neq=false
+pub struct Arc<T: ?Sized> {
+    p: ptr::NonNull<ArcInner<T>>,
+    phantom: PhantomData<T>,
+/// An `Arc` that is known to be uniquely owned
+/// When `Arc`s are constructed, they are known to be
+/// uniquely owned. In such a case it is safe to mutate
+/// the contents of the `Arc`. Normally, one would just handle
+/// this by mutating the data on the stack before allocating the
+/// `Arc`, however it's possible the data is large or unsized
+/// and you need to heap-allocate it earlier in such a way
+/// that it can be freely converted into a regular `Arc` once you're
+/// done.
+/// `UniqueArc` exists for this purpose, when constructed it performs
+/// the same allocations necessary for an `Arc`, however it allows mutable access.
+/// Once the mutation is finished, you can call `.shareable()` and get a regular `Arc`
+/// out of it.
+/// Ignore the doctest below there's no way to skip building with refcount
+/// logging during doc tests (see rust-lang/rust#45599).
+/// ```rust,ignore
+/// # use servo_arc::UniqueArc;
+/// let data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
+/// let mut x = UniqueArc::new(data);
+/// x[4] = 7; // mutate!
+/// let y = x.shareable(); // y is an Arc<T>
+/// ```
+pub struct UniqueArc<T: ?Sized>(Arc<T>);
+impl<T> UniqueArc<T> {
+    #[inline]
+    /// Construct a new UniqueArc
+    pub fn new(data: T) -> Self {
+        UniqueArc(Arc::new(data))
+    }
+    /// Construct an uninitialized arc
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn new_uninit() -> UniqueArc<mem::MaybeUninit<T>> {
+        unsafe {
+            let layout = Layout::new::<ArcInner<mem::MaybeUninit<T>>>();
+            let ptr = alloc::alloc(layout);
+            let mut p = ptr::NonNull::new(ptr)
+                .unwrap_or_else(|| alloc::handle_alloc_error(layout))
+                .cast::<ArcInner<mem::MaybeUninit<T>>>();
+            ptr::write(&mut p.as_mut().count, atomic::AtomicUsize::new(1));
+            #[cfg(feature = "gecko_refcount_logging")]
+            {
+                NS_LogCtor(p.as_ptr() as *mut _, b"ServoArc\0".as_ptr() as *const _, 8)
+            }
+            UniqueArc(Arc {
+                p,
+                phantom: PhantomData,
+            })
+        }
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    /// Convert to a shareable Arc<T> once we're done mutating it
+    pub fn shareable(self) -> Arc<T> {
+        self.0
+    }
+impl<T> UniqueArc<mem::MaybeUninit<T>> {
+    /// Convert to an initialized Arc.
+    #[inline]
+    pub unsafe fn assume_init(this: Self) -> UniqueArc<T> {
+        UniqueArc(Arc {
+            p: mem::ManuallyDrop::new(this).0.p.cast(),
+            phantom: PhantomData,
+        })
+    }
+impl<T> Deref for UniqueArc<T> {
+    type Target = T;
+    fn deref(&self) -> &T {
+        &*self.0
+    }
+impl<T> DerefMut for UniqueArc<T> {
+    fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
+        // We know this to be uniquely owned
+        unsafe { &mut (*self.0.ptr()).data }
+    }
+unsafe impl<T: ?Sized + Sync + Send> Send for Arc<T> {}
+unsafe impl<T: ?Sized + Sync + Send> Sync for Arc<T> {}
+/// The object allocated by an Arc<T>
+struct ArcInner<T: ?Sized> {
+    count: atomic::AtomicUsize,
+    data: T,
+unsafe impl<T: ?Sized + Sync + Send> Send for ArcInner<T> {}
+unsafe impl<T: ?Sized + Sync + Send> Sync for ArcInner<T> {}
+/// Computes the offset of the data field within ArcInner.
+fn data_offset<T>() -> usize {
+    let size = size_of::<ArcInner<()>>();
+    let align = align_of::<T>();
+    // https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/1.36.0/src/libcore/alloc.rs#L187-L207
+    size.wrapping_add(align).wrapping_sub(1) & !align.wrapping_sub(1)
+impl<T> Arc<T> {
+    /// Construct an `Arc<T>`
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn new(data: T) -> Self {
+        let ptr = Box::into_raw(Box::new(ArcInner {
+            count: atomic::AtomicUsize::new(1),
+            data,
+        }));
+        #[cfg(feature = "gecko_refcount_logging")]
+        unsafe {
+            // FIXME(emilio): Would be so amazing to have
+            // std::intrinsics::type_name() around, so that we could also report
+            // a real size.
+            NS_LogCtor(ptr as *mut _, b"ServoArc\0".as_ptr() as *const _, 8);
+        }
+        unsafe {
+            Arc {
+                p: ptr::NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr),
+                phantom: PhantomData,
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /// Construct an intentionally-leaked arc.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn new_leaked(data: T) -> Self {
+        let arc = Self::new(data);
+        arc.mark_as_intentionally_leaked();
+        arc
+    }
+    /// Convert the Arc<T> to a raw pointer, suitable for use across FFI
+    ///
+    /// Note: This returns a pointer to the data T, which is offset in the allocation.
+    ///
+    /// It is recommended to use RawOffsetArc for this.
+    #[inline]
+    fn into_raw(this: Self) -> *const T {
+        let ptr = unsafe { &((*this.ptr()).data) as *const _ };
+        mem::forget(this);
+        ptr
+    }
+    /// Reconstruct the Arc<T> from a raw pointer obtained from into_raw()
+    ///
+    /// Note: This raw pointer will be offset in the allocation and must be preceded
+    /// by the atomic count.
+    ///
+    /// It is recommended to use RawOffsetArc for this
+    #[inline]
+    unsafe fn from_raw(ptr: *const T) -> Self {
+        // To find the corresponding pointer to the `ArcInner` we need
+        // to subtract the offset of the `data` field from the pointer.
+        let ptr = (ptr as *const u8).sub(data_offset::<T>());
+        Arc {
+            p: ptr::NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr as *mut ArcInner<T>),
+            phantom: PhantomData,
+        }
+    }
+    /// Create a new static Arc<T> (one that won't reference count the object)
+    /// and place it in the allocation provided by the specified `alloc`
+    /// function.
+    ///
+    /// `alloc` must return a pointer into a static allocation suitable for
+    /// storing data with the `Layout` passed into it. The pointer returned by
+    /// `alloc` will not be freed.
+    #[inline]
+    pub unsafe fn new_static<F>(alloc: F, data: T) -> Arc<T>
+    where
+        F: FnOnce(Layout) -> *mut u8,
+    {
+        let ptr = alloc(Layout::new::<ArcInner<T>>()) as *mut ArcInner<T>;
+        let x = ArcInner {
+            count: atomic::AtomicUsize::new(STATIC_REFCOUNT),
+            data,
+        };
+        ptr::write(ptr, x);
+        Arc {
+            p: ptr::NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr),
+            phantom: PhantomData,
+        }
+    }
+    /// Produce a pointer to the data that can be converted back
+    /// to an Arc. This is basically an `&Arc<T>`, without the extra indirection.
+    /// It has the benefits of an `&T` but also knows about the underlying refcount
+    /// and can be converted into more `Arc<T>`s if necessary.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn borrow_arc<'a>(&'a self) -> ArcBorrow<'a, T> {
+        ArcBorrow(&**self)
+    }
+    /// Temporarily converts |self| into a bonafide RawOffsetArc and exposes it to the
+    /// provided callback. The refcount is not modified.
+    #[inline(always)]
+    pub fn with_raw_offset_arc<F, U>(&self, f: F) -> U
+    where
+        F: FnOnce(&RawOffsetArc<T>) -> U,
+    {
+        // Synthesize transient Arc, which never touches the refcount of the ArcInner.
+        let transient = unsafe { NoDrop::new(Arc::into_raw_offset(ptr::read(self))) };
+        // Expose the transient Arc to the callback, which may clone it if it wants.
+        let result = f(&transient);
+        // Forget the transient Arc to leave the refcount untouched.
+        mem::forget(transient);
+        // Forward the result.
+        result
+    }
+    /// Returns the address on the heap of the Arc itself -- not the T within it -- for memory
+    /// reporting.
+    ///
+    /// If this is a static reference, this returns null.
+    pub fn heap_ptr(&self) -> *const c_void {
+        if self.inner().count.load(Relaxed) == STATIC_REFCOUNT {
+            ptr::null()
+        } else {
+            self.p.as_ptr() as *const ArcInner<T> as *const c_void
+        }
+    }
+impl<T: ?Sized> Arc<T> {
+    #[inline]
+    fn inner(&self) -> &ArcInner<T> {
+        // This unsafety is ok because while this arc is alive we're guaranteed
+        // that the inner pointer is valid. Furthermore, we know that the
+        // `ArcInner` structure itself is `Sync` because the inner data is
+        // `Sync` as well, so we're ok loaning out an immutable pointer to these
+        // contents.
+        unsafe { &*self.ptr() }
+    }
+    #[inline(always)]
+    fn record_drop(&self) {
+        #[cfg(feature = "gecko_refcount_logging")]
+        unsafe {
+            NS_LogDtor(self.ptr() as *mut _, b"ServoArc\0".as_ptr() as *const _, 8);
+        }
+    }
+    /// Marks this `Arc` as intentionally leaked for the purposes of refcount
+    /// logging.
+    ///
+    /// It's a logic error to call this more than once, but it's not unsafe, as
+    /// it'd just report negative leaks.
+    #[inline(always)]
+    pub fn mark_as_intentionally_leaked(&self) {
+        self.record_drop();
+    }
+    // Non-inlined part of `drop`. Just invokes the destructor and calls the
+    // refcount logging machinery if enabled.
+    #[inline(never)]
+    unsafe fn drop_slow(&mut self) {
+        self.record_drop();
+        let _ = Box::from_raw(self.ptr());
+    }
+    /// Test pointer equality between the two Arcs, i.e. they must be the _same_
+    /// allocation
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn ptr_eq(this: &Self, other: &Self) -> bool {
+        this.ptr() == other.ptr()
+    }
+    fn ptr(&self) -> *mut ArcInner<T> {
+        self.p.as_ptr()
+    }
+#[cfg(feature = "gecko_refcount_logging")]
+extern "C" {
+    fn NS_LogCtor(
+        aPtr: *mut std::os::raw::c_void,
+        aTypeName: *const std::os::raw::c_char,
+        aSize: u32,
+    );
+    fn NS_LogDtor(
+        aPtr: *mut std::os::raw::c_void,
+        aTypeName: *const std::os::raw::c_char,
+        aSize: u32,
+    );
+impl<T: ?Sized> Clone for Arc<T> {
+    #[inline]
+    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
+        // NOTE(emilio): If you change anything here, make sure that the
+        // implementation in layout/style/ServoStyleConstsInlines.h matches!
+        //
+        // Using a relaxed ordering to check for STATIC_REFCOUNT is safe, since
+        // `count` never changes between STATIC_REFCOUNT and other values.
+        if self.inner().count.load(Relaxed) != STATIC_REFCOUNT {
+            // Using a relaxed ordering is alright here, as knowledge of the
+            // original reference prevents other threads from erroneously deleting
+            // the object.
+            //
+            // As explained in the [Boost documentation][1], Increasing the
+            // reference counter can always be done with memory_order_relaxed: New
+            // references to an object can only be formed from an existing
+            // reference, and passing an existing reference from one thread to
+            // another must already provide any required synchronization.
+            //
+            // [1]: (www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_55_0/doc/html/atomic/usage_examples.html)
+            let old_size = self.inner().count.fetch_add(1, Relaxed);
+            // However we need to guard against massive refcounts in case someone
+            // is `mem::forget`ing Arcs. If we don't do this the count can overflow
+            // and users will use-after free. We racily saturate to `isize::MAX` on
+            // the assumption that there aren't ~2 billion threads incrementing
+            // the reference count at once. This branch will never be taken in
+            // any realistic program.
+            //
+            // We abort because such a program is incredibly degenerate, and we
+            // don't care to support it.
+            if old_size > MAX_REFCOUNT {
+                process::abort();
+            }
+        }
+        unsafe {
+            Arc {
+                p: ptr::NonNull::new_unchecked(self.ptr()),
+                phantom: PhantomData,
+            }
+        }
+    }
+impl<T: ?Sized> Deref for Arc<T> {
+    type Target = T;
+    #[inline]
+    fn deref(&self) -> &T {
+        &self.inner().data
+    }
+impl<T: Clone> Arc<T> {
+    /// Makes a mutable reference to the `Arc`, cloning if necessary
+    ///
+    /// This is functionally equivalent to [`Arc::make_mut`][mm] from the standard library.
+    ///
+    /// If this `Arc` is uniquely owned, `make_mut()` will provide a mutable
+    /// reference to the contents. If not, `make_mut()` will create a _new_ `Arc`
+    /// with a copy of the contents, update `this` to point to it, and provide
+    /// a mutable reference to its contents.
+    ///
+    /// This is useful for implementing copy-on-write schemes where you wish to
+    /// avoid copying things if your `Arc` is not shared.
+    ///
+    /// [mm]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/sync/struct.Arc.html#method.make_mut
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn make_mut(this: &mut Self) -> &mut T {
+        if !this.is_unique() {
+            // Another pointer exists; clone
+            *this = Arc::new((**this).clone());
+        }
+        unsafe {
+            // This unsafety is ok because we're guaranteed that the pointer
+            // returned is the *only* pointer that will ever be returned to T. Our
+            // reference count is guaranteed to be 1 at this point, and we required
+            // the Arc itself to be `mut`, so we're returning the only possible
+            // reference to the inner data.
+            &mut (*this.ptr()).data
+        }
+    }
+impl<T: ?Sized> Arc<T> {
+    /// Provides mutable access to the contents _if_ the `Arc` is uniquely owned.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn get_mut(this: &mut Self) -> Option<&mut T> {
+        if this.is_unique() {
+            unsafe {
+                // See make_mut() for documentation of the threadsafety here.
+                Some(&mut (*this.ptr()).data)
+            }
+        } else {
+            None
+        }
+    }
+    /// Whether or not the `Arc` is uniquely owned (is the refcount 1?) and not
+    /// a static reference.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn is_unique(&self) -> bool {
+        // See the extensive discussion in [1] for why this needs to be Acquire.
+        //
+        // [1] https://github.com/servo/servo/issues/21186
+        self.inner().count.load(Acquire) == 1
+    }
+impl<T: ?Sized> Drop for Arc<T> {
+    #[inline]
+    fn drop(&mut self) {
+        // NOTE(emilio): If you change anything here, make sure that the
+        // implementation in layout/style/ServoStyleConstsInlines.h matches!
+        //
+        // Using a relaxed ordering to check for STATIC_REFCOUNT is safe, since
+        // `count` never changes between STATIC_REFCOUNT and other values.
+        if self.inner().count.load(Relaxed) == STATIC_REFCOUNT {
+            return;
+        }
+        // Because `fetch_sub` is already atomic, we do not need to synchronize
+        // with other threads unless we are going to delete the object.
+        if self.inner().count.fetch_sub(1, Release) != 1 {
+            return;
+        }
+        // FIXME(bholley): Use the updated comment when [2] is merged.
+        //
+        // This load is needed to prevent reordering of use of the data and
+        // deletion of the data.  Because it is marked `Release`, the decreasing
+        // of the reference count synchronizes with this `Acquire` load. This
+        // means that use of the data happens before decreasing the reference
+        // count, which happens before this load, which happens before the
+        // deletion of the data.
+        //
+        // As explained in the [Boost documentation][1],
+        //
+        // > It is important to enforce any possible access to the object in one
+        // > thread (through an existing reference) to *happen before* deleting
+        // > the object in a different thread. This is achieved by a "release"
+        // > operation after dropping a reference (any access to the object
+        // > through this reference must obviously happened before), and an
+        // > "acquire" operation before deleting the object.
+        //
+        // [1]: (www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_55_0/doc/html/atomic/usage_examples.html)
+        // [2]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/41714
+        self.inner().count.load(Acquire);
+        unsafe {
+            self.drop_slow();
+        }
+    }
+impl<T: ?Sized + PartialEq> PartialEq for Arc<T> {
+    fn eq(&self, other: &Arc<T>) -> bool {
+        Self::ptr_eq(self, other) || *(*self) == *(*other)
+    }
+    fn ne(&self, other: &Arc<T>) -> bool {
+        !Self::ptr_eq(self, other) && *(*self) != *(*other)
+    }
+impl<T: ?Sized + PartialOrd> PartialOrd for Arc<T> {
+    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Arc<T>) -> Option<Ordering> {
+        (**self).partial_cmp(&**other)
+    }
+    fn lt(&self, other: &Arc<T>) -> bool {
+        *(*self) < *(*other)
+    }
+    fn le(&self, other: &Arc<T>) -> bool {
+        *(*self) <= *(*other)
+    }
+    fn gt(&self, other: &Arc<T>) -> bool {
+        *(*self) > *(*other)
+    }
+    fn ge(&self, other: &Arc<T>) -> bool {
+        *(*self) >= *(*other)
+    }
+impl<T: ?Sized + Ord> Ord for Arc<T> {
+    fn cmp(&self, other: &Arc<T>) -> Ordering {
+        (**self).cmp(&**other)
+    }
+impl<T: ?Sized + Eq> Eq for Arc<T> {}
+impl<T: ?Sized + fmt::Display> fmt::Display for Arc<T> {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+        fmt::Display::fmt(&**self, f)
+    }
+impl<T: ?Sized + fmt::Debug> fmt::Debug for Arc<T> {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+        fmt::Debug::fmt(&**self, f)
+    }
+impl<T: ?Sized> fmt::Pointer for Arc<T> {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+        fmt::Pointer::fmt(&self.ptr(), f)
+    }
+impl<T: Default> Default for Arc<T> {
+    fn default() -> Arc<T> {
+        Arc::new(Default::default())
+    }
+impl<T: ?Sized + Hash> Hash for Arc<T> {
+    fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
+        (**self).hash(state)
+    }
+impl<T> From<T> for Arc<T> {
+    #[inline]
+    fn from(t: T) -> Self {
+        Arc::new(t)
+    }
+impl<T: ?Sized> borrow::Borrow<T> for Arc<T> {
+    #[inline]
+    fn borrow(&self) -> &T {
+        &**self
+    }
+impl<T: ?Sized> AsRef<T> for Arc<T> {
+    #[inline]
+    fn as_ref(&self) -> &T {
+        &**self
+    }
+unsafe impl<T: ?Sized> StableDeref for Arc<T> {}
+unsafe impl<T: ?Sized> CloneStableDeref for Arc<T> {}
+#[cfg(feature = "servo")]
+impl<'de, T: Deserialize<'de>> Deserialize<'de> for Arc<T> {
+    fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Arc<T>, D::Error>
+    where
+        D: ::serde::de::Deserializer<'de>,
+    {
+        T::deserialize(deserializer).map(Arc::new)
+    }
+#[cfg(feature = "servo")]
+impl<T: Serialize> Serialize for Arc<T> {
+    fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
+    where
+        S: ::serde::ser::Serializer,
+    {
+        (**self).serialize(serializer)
+    }
+/// Structure to allow Arc-managing some fixed-sized data and a variably-sized
+/// slice in a single allocation.
+#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
+pub struct HeaderSlice<H, T: ?Sized> {
+    /// The fixed-sized data.
+    pub header: H,
+    /// The dynamically-sized data.
+    pub slice: T,
+fn divide_rounding_up(dividend: usize, divisor: usize) -> usize {
+    (dividend + divisor - 1) / divisor
+impl<H, T> Arc<HeaderSlice<H, [T]>> {
+    /// Creates an Arc for a HeaderSlice using the given header struct and
+    /// iterator to generate the slice.
+    ///
+    /// `is_static` indicates whether to create a static Arc.
+    ///
+    /// `alloc` is used to get a pointer to the memory into which the
+    /// dynamically sized ArcInner<HeaderSlice<H, T>> value will be
+    /// written.  If `is_static` is true, then `alloc` must return a
+    /// pointer into some static memory allocation.  If it is false,
+    /// then `alloc` must return an allocation that can be dellocated
+    /// by calling Box::from_raw::<ArcInner<HeaderSlice<H, T>>> on it.
+    #[inline]
+    fn from_header_and_iter_alloc<F, I>(alloc: F, header: H, mut items: I, is_static: bool) -> Self
+    where
+        F: FnOnce(Layout) -> *mut u8,
+        I: Iterator<Item = T> + ExactSizeIterator,
+    {
+        assert_ne!(size_of::<T>(), 0, "Need to think about ZST");
+        let inner_align = align_of::<ArcInner<HeaderSlice<H, [T; 0]>>>();
+        debug_assert!(inner_align >= align_of::<T>());
+        // Compute the required size for the allocation.
+        let num_items = items.len();
+        let size = {
+            // Next, synthesize a totally garbage (but properly aligned) pointer
+            // to a sequence of T.
+            let fake_slice_ptr = inner_align as *const T;
+            // Convert that sequence to a fat pointer. The address component of
+            // the fat pointer will be garbage, but the length will be correct.
+            let fake_slice = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(fake_slice_ptr, num_items) };
+            // Pretend the garbage address points to our allocation target (with
+            // a trailing sequence of T), rather than just a sequence of T.
+            let fake_ptr = fake_slice as *const [T] as *const ArcInner<HeaderSlice<H, [T]>>;
+            let fake_ref: &ArcInner<HeaderSlice<H, [T]>> = unsafe { &*fake_ptr };
+            // Use size_of_val, which will combine static information about the
+            // type with the length from the fat pointer. The garbage address
+            // will not be used.
+            mem::size_of_val(fake_ref)
+        };
+        let ptr: *mut ArcInner<HeaderSlice<H, [T]>>;
+        unsafe {
+            // Allocate the buffer.
+            let layout = if inner_align <= align_of::<usize>() {
+                Layout::from_size_align_unchecked(size, align_of::<usize>())
+            } else if inner_align <= align_of::<u64>() {
+                // On 32-bit platforms <T> may have 8 byte alignment while usize
+                // has 4 byte aligment.  Use u64 to avoid over-alignment.
+                // This branch will compile away in optimized builds.
+                Layout::from_size_align_unchecked(size, align_of::<u64>())
+            } else {
+                panic!("Over-aligned type not handled");
+            };
+            let buffer = alloc(layout);
+            // Synthesize the fat pointer. We do this by claiming we have a direct
+            // pointer to a [T], and then changing the type of the borrow. The key
+            // point here is that the length portion of the fat pointer applies
+            // only to the number of elements in the dynamically-sized portion of
+            // the type, so the value will be the same whether it points to a [T]
+            // or something else with a [T] as its last member.
+            let fake_slice: &mut [T] = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(buffer as *mut T, num_items);
+            ptr = fake_slice as *mut [T] as *mut ArcInner<HeaderSlice<H, [T]>>;
+            // Write the data.
+            //
+            // Note that any panics here (i.e. from the iterator) are safe, since
+            // we'll just leak the uninitialized memory.
+            let count = if is_static {
+                atomic::AtomicUsize::new(STATIC_REFCOUNT)
+            } else {
+                atomic::AtomicUsize::new(1)
+            };
+            ptr::write(&mut ((*ptr).count), count);
+            ptr::write(&mut ((*ptr).data.header), header);
+            if num_items != 0 {
+                let mut current: *mut T = &mut (*ptr).data.slice[0];
+                for _ in 0..num_items {
+                    ptr::write(
+                        current,
+                        items
+                            .next()
+                            .expect("ExactSizeIterator over-reported length"),
+                    );
+                    current = current.offset(1);
+                }
+                // We should have consumed the buffer exactly, maybe accounting
+                // for some padding from the alignment.
+                debug_assert!(
+                    (buffer.offset(size as isize) as usize - current as *mut u8 as usize) <
+                        inner_align
+                );
+            }
+            assert!(
+                items.next().is_none(),
+                "ExactSizeIterator under-reported length"
+            );
+        }
+        #[cfg(feature = "gecko_refcount_logging")]
+        unsafe {
+            if !is_static {
+                // FIXME(emilio): Would be so amazing to have
+                // std::intrinsics::type_name() around.
+                NS_LogCtor(ptr as *mut _, b"ServoArc\0".as_ptr() as *const _, 8)
+            }
+        }
+        // Return the fat Arc.
+        assert_eq!(
+            size_of::<Self>(),
+            size_of::<usize>() * 2,
+            "The Arc will be fat"
+        );
+        unsafe {
+            Arc {
+                p: ptr::NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr),
+                phantom: PhantomData,
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /// Creates an Arc for a HeaderSlice using the given header struct and
+    /// iterator to generate the slice. The resulting Arc will be fat.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn from_header_and_iter<I>(header: H, items: I) -> Self
+    where
+        I: Iterator<Item = T> + ExactSizeIterator,
+    {
+        Arc::from_header_and_iter_alloc(
+            |layout| {
+                // align will only ever be align_of::<usize>() or align_of::<u64>()
+                let align = layout.align();
+                unsafe {
+                    if align == mem::align_of::<usize>() {
+                        Self::allocate_buffer::<usize>(layout.size())
+                    } else {
+                        assert_eq!(align, mem::align_of::<u64>());
+                        Self::allocate_buffer::<u64>(layout.size())
+                    }
+                }
+            },
+            header,
+            items,
+            /* is_static = */ false,
+        )
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    unsafe fn allocate_buffer<W>(size: usize) -> *mut u8 {
+        // We use Vec because the underlying allocation machinery isn't
+        // available in stable Rust. To avoid alignment issues, we allocate
+        // words rather than bytes, rounding up to the nearest word size.
+        let words_to_allocate = divide_rounding_up(size, mem::size_of::<W>());
+        let mut vec = Vec::<W>::with_capacity(words_to_allocate);
+        vec.set_len(words_to_allocate);
+        Box::into_raw(vec.into_boxed_slice()) as *mut W as *mut u8
+    }
+/// Header data with an inline length. Consumers that use HeaderWithLength as the
+/// Header type in HeaderSlice can take advantage of ThinArc.
+#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
+pub struct HeaderWithLength<H> {
+    /// The fixed-sized data.
+    pub header: H,
+    /// The slice length.
+    length: usize,
+impl<H> HeaderWithLength<H> {
+    /// Creates a new HeaderWithLength.
+    pub fn new(header: H, length: usize) -> Self {
+        HeaderWithLength {
+            header: header,
+            length: length,
+        }
+    }
+type HeaderSliceWithLength<H, T> = HeaderSlice<HeaderWithLength<H>, T>;
+/// A "thin" `Arc` containing dynamically sized data
+/// This is functionally equivalent to Arc<(H, [T])>
+/// When you create an `Arc` containing a dynamically sized type
+/// like `HeaderSlice<H, [T]>`, the `Arc` is represented on the stack
+/// as a "fat pointer", where the length of the slice is stored
+/// alongside the `Arc`'s pointer. In some situations you may wish to
+/// have a thin pointer instead, perhaps for FFI compatibility
+/// or space efficiency.
+/// Note that we use `[T; 0]` in order to have the right alignment for `T`.
+/// `ThinArc` solves this by storing the length in the allocation itself,
+/// via `HeaderSliceWithLength`.
+pub struct ThinArc<H, T> {
+    ptr: ptr::NonNull<ArcInner<HeaderSliceWithLength<H, [T; 0]>>>,
+    phantom: PhantomData<(H, T)>,
+impl<H: fmt::Debug, T: fmt::Debug> fmt::Debug for ThinArc<H, T> {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+        fmt::Debug::fmt(self.deref(), f)
+    }
+unsafe impl<H: Sync + Send, T: Sync + Send> Send for ThinArc<H, T> {}
+unsafe impl<H: Sync + Send, T: Sync + Send> Sync for ThinArc<H, T> {}
+// Synthesize a fat pointer from a thin pointer.
+// See the comment around the analogous operation in from_header_and_iter.
+fn thin_to_thick<H, T>(
+    thin: *mut ArcInner<HeaderSliceWithLength<H, [T; 0]>>,
+) -> *mut ArcInner<HeaderSliceWithLength<H, [T]>> {
+    let len = unsafe { (*thin).data.header.length };
+    let fake_slice: *mut [T] = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(thin as *mut T, len) };
+    fake_slice as *mut ArcInner<HeaderSliceWithLength<H, [T]>>
+impl<H, T> ThinArc<H, T> {
+    /// Temporarily converts |self| into a bonafide Arc and exposes it to the
+    /// provided callback. The refcount is not modified.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn with_arc<F, U>(&self, f: F) -> U
+    where
+        F: FnOnce(&Arc<HeaderSliceWithLength<H, [T]>>) -> U,
+    {
+        // Synthesize transient Arc, which never touches the refcount of the ArcInner.
+        let transient = unsafe {
+            NoDrop::new(Arc {
+                p: ptr::NonNull::new_unchecked(thin_to_thick(self.ptr.as_ptr())),
+                phantom: PhantomData,
+            })
+        };
+        // Expose the transient Arc to the callback, which may clone it if it wants.
+        let result = f(&transient);
+        // Forget the transient Arc to leave the refcount untouched.
+        // XXXManishearth this can be removed when unions stabilize,
+        // since then NoDrop becomes zero overhead
+        mem::forget(transient);
+        // Forward the result.
+        result
+    }
+    /// Creates a `ThinArc` for a HeaderSlice using the given header struct and
+    /// iterator to generate the slice.
+    pub fn from_header_and_iter<I>(header: H, items: I) -> Self
+    where
+        I: Iterator<Item = T> + ExactSizeIterator,
+    {
+        let header = HeaderWithLength::new(header, items.len());
+        Arc::into_thin(Arc::from_header_and_iter(header, items))
+    }
+    /// Create a static `ThinArc` for a HeaderSlice using the given header
+    /// struct and iterator to generate the slice, placing it in the allocation
+    /// provided by the specified `alloc` function.
+    ///
+    /// `alloc` must return a pointer into a static allocation suitable for
+    /// storing data with the `Layout` passed into it. The pointer returned by
+    /// `alloc` will not be freed.
+    pub unsafe fn static_from_header_and_iter<F, I>(alloc: F, header: H, items: I) -> Self
+    where
+        F: FnOnce(Layout) -> *mut u8,
+        I: Iterator<Item = T> + ExactSizeIterator,
+    {
+        let header = HeaderWithLength::new(header, items.len());
+        Arc::into_thin(Arc::from_header_and_iter_alloc(
+            alloc, header, items, /* is_static = */ true,
+        ))
+    }
+    /// Returns the address on the heap of the ThinArc itself -- not the T
+    /// within it -- for memory reporting, and bindings.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn ptr(&self) -> *const c_void {
+        self.ptr.as_ptr() as *const ArcInner<T> as *const c_void
+    }
+    /// If this is a static ThinArc, this returns null.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn heap_ptr(&self) -> *const c_void {
+        let is_static =
+            ThinArc::with_arc(self, |a| a.inner().count.load(Relaxed) == STATIC_REFCOUNT);
+        if is_static {
+            ptr::null()
+        } else {
+            self.ptr()
+        }
+    }
+impl<H, T> Deref for ThinArc<H, T> {
+    type Target = HeaderSliceWithLength<H, [T]>;
+    #[inline]
+    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
+        unsafe { &(*thin_to_thick(self.ptr.as_ptr())).data }
+    }
+impl<H, T> Clone for ThinArc<H, T> {
+    #[inline]
+    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
+        ThinArc::with_arc(self, |a| Arc::into_thin(a.clone()))
+    }
+impl<H, T> Drop for ThinArc<H, T> {
+    #[inline]
+    fn drop(&mut self) {
+        let _ = Arc::from_thin(ThinArc {
+            ptr: self.ptr,
+            phantom: PhantomData,
+        });
+    }
+impl<H, T> Arc<HeaderSliceWithLength<H, [T]>> {
+    /// Converts an `Arc` into a `ThinArc`. This consumes the `Arc`, so the refcount
+    /// is not modified.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn into_thin(a: Self) -> ThinArc<H, T> {
+        assert_eq!(
+            a.header.length,
+            a.slice.len(),
+            "Length needs to be correct for ThinArc to work"
+        );
+        let fat_ptr: *mut ArcInner<HeaderSliceWithLength<H, [T]>> = a.ptr();
+        mem::forget(a);
+        let thin_ptr = fat_ptr as *mut [usize] as *mut usize;
+        ThinArc {
+            ptr: unsafe {
+                ptr::NonNull::new_unchecked(
+                    thin_ptr as *mut ArcInner<HeaderSliceWithLength<H, [T; 0]>>,
+                )
+            },
+            phantom: PhantomData,
+        }
+    }
+    /// Converts a `ThinArc` into an `Arc`. This consumes the `ThinArc`, so the refcount
+    /// is not modified.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn from_thin(a: ThinArc<H, T>) -> Self {
+        let ptr = thin_to_thick(a.ptr.as_ptr());
+        mem::forget(a);
+        unsafe {
+            Arc {
+                p: ptr::NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr),
+                phantom: PhantomData,
+            }
+        }
+    }
+impl<H: PartialEq, T: PartialEq> PartialEq for ThinArc<H, T> {
+    #[inline]
+    fn eq(&self, other: &ThinArc<H, T>) -> bool {
+        ThinArc::with_arc(self, |a| ThinArc::with_arc(other, |b| *a == *b))
+    }
+impl<H: Eq, T: Eq> Eq for ThinArc<H, T> {}
+/// An `Arc`, except it holds a pointer to the T instead of to the
+/// entire ArcInner. This struct is FFI-compatible.
+/// ```text
+///  Arc<T>    RawOffsetArc<T>
+///   |          |
+///   v          v
+///  ---------------------
+/// | RefCount | T (data) | [ArcInner<T>]
+///  ---------------------
+/// ```
+/// This means that this is a direct pointer to
+/// its contained data (and can be read from by both C++ and Rust),
+/// but we can also convert it to a "regular" Arc<T> by removing the offset.
+/// This is very useful if you have an Arc-containing struct shared between Rust and C++,
+/// and wish for C++ to be able to read the data behind the `Arc` without incurring
+/// an FFI call overhead.
+pub struct RawOffsetArc<T> {
+    ptr: ptr::NonNull<T>,
+unsafe impl<T: Sync + Send> Send for RawOffsetArc<T> {}
+unsafe impl<T: Sync + Send> Sync for RawOffsetArc<T> {}
+impl<T> Deref for RawOffsetArc<T> {
+    type Target = T;
+    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
+        unsafe { &*self.ptr.as_ptr() }
+    }
+impl<T> Clone for RawOffsetArc<T> {
+    #[inline]
+    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
+        Arc::into_raw_offset(self.clone_arc())
+    }
+impl<T> Drop for RawOffsetArc<T> {
+    fn drop(&mut self) {
+        let _ = Arc::from_raw_offset(RawOffsetArc {
+            ptr: self.ptr.clone(),
+        });
+    }
+impl<T: fmt::Debug> fmt::Debug for RawOffsetArc<T> {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+        fmt::Debug::fmt(&**self, f)
+    }
+impl<T: PartialEq> PartialEq for RawOffsetArc<T> {
+    fn eq(&self, other: &RawOffsetArc<T>) -> bool {
+        *(*self) == *(*other)
+    }
+    fn ne(&self, other: &RawOffsetArc<T>) -> bool {
+        *(*self) != *(*other)
+    }
+impl<T> RawOffsetArc<T> {
+    /// Temporarily converts |self| into a bonafide Arc and exposes it to the
+    /// provided callback. The refcount is not modified.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn with_arc<F, U>(&self, f: F) -> U
+    where
+        F: FnOnce(&Arc<T>) -> U,
+    {
+        // Synthesize transient Arc, which never touches the refcount of the ArcInner.
+        let transient = unsafe { NoDrop::new(Arc::from_raw(self.ptr.as_ptr())) };
+        // Expose the transient Arc to the callback, which may clone it if it wants.
+        let result = f(&transient);
+        // Forget the transient Arc to leave the refcount untouched.
+        // XXXManishearth this can be removed when unions stabilize,
+        // since then NoDrop becomes zero overhead
+        mem::forget(transient);
+        // Forward the result.
+        result
+    }
+    /// If uniquely owned, provide a mutable reference
+    /// Else create a copy, and mutate that
+    ///
+    /// This is functionally the same thing as `Arc::make_mut`
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn make_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T
+    where
+        T: Clone,
+    {
+        unsafe {
+            // extract the RawOffsetArc as an owned variable
+            let this = ptr::read(self);
+            // treat it as a real Arc
+            let mut arc = Arc::from_raw_offset(this);
+            // obtain the mutable reference. Cast away the lifetime
+            // This may mutate `arc`
+            let ret = Arc::make_mut(&mut arc) as *mut _;
+            // Store the possibly-mutated arc back inside, after converting
+            // it to a RawOffsetArc again
+            ptr::write(self, Arc::into_raw_offset(arc));
+            &mut *ret
+        }
+    }
+    /// Clone it as an `Arc`
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn clone_arc(&self) -> Arc<T> {
+        RawOffsetArc::with_arc(self, |a| a.clone())
+    }
+    /// Produce a pointer to the data that can be converted back
+    /// to an `Arc`
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn borrow_arc<'a>(&'a self) -> ArcBorrow<'a, T> {
+        ArcBorrow(&**self)
+    }
+impl<T> Arc<T> {
+    /// Converts an `Arc` into a `RawOffsetArc`. This consumes the `Arc`, so the refcount
+    /// is not modified.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn into_raw_offset(a: Self) -> RawOffsetArc<T> {
+        unsafe {
+            RawOffsetArc {
+                ptr: ptr::NonNull::new_unchecked(Arc::into_raw(a) as *mut T),
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /// Converts a `RawOffsetArc` into an `Arc`. This consumes the `RawOffsetArc`, so the refcount
+    /// is not modified.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn from_raw_offset(a: RawOffsetArc<T>) -> Self {
+        let ptr = a.ptr.as_ptr();
+        mem::forget(a);
+        unsafe { Arc::from_raw(ptr) }
+    }
+/// A "borrowed `Arc`". This is a pointer to
+/// a T that is known to have been allocated within an
+/// `Arc`.
+/// This is equivalent in guarantees to `&Arc<T>`, however it is
+/// a bit more flexible. To obtain an `&Arc<T>` you must have
+/// an `Arc<T>` instance somewhere pinned down until we're done with it.
+/// It's also a direct pointer to `T`, so using this involves less pointer-chasing
+/// However, C++ code may hand us refcounted things as pointers to T directly,
+/// so we have to conjure up a temporary `Arc` on the stack each time. The
+/// same happens for when the object is managed by a `RawOffsetArc`.
+/// `ArcBorrow` lets us deal with borrows of known-refcounted objects
+/// without needing to worry about where the `Arc<T>` is.
+#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
+pub struct ArcBorrow<'a, T: 'a>(&'a T);
+impl<'a, T> Copy for ArcBorrow<'a, T> {}
+impl<'a, T> Clone for ArcBorrow<'a, T> {
+    #[inline]
+    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
+        *self
+    }
+impl<'a, T> ArcBorrow<'a, T> {
+    /// Clone this as an `Arc<T>`. This bumps the refcount.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn clone_arc(&self) -> Arc<T> {
+        let arc = unsafe { Arc::from_raw(self.0) };
+        // addref it!
+        mem::forget(arc.clone());
+        arc
+    }
+    /// For constructing from a reference known to be Arc-backed,
+    /// e.g. if we obtain such a reference over FFI
+    #[inline]
+    pub unsafe fn from_ref(r: &'a T) -> Self {
+        ArcBorrow(r)
+    }
+    /// Compare two `ArcBorrow`s via pointer equality. Will only return
+    /// true if they come from the same allocation
+    pub fn ptr_eq(this: &Self, other: &Self) -> bool {
+        this.0 as *const T == other.0 as *const T
+    }
+    /// Temporarily converts |self| into a bonafide Arc and exposes it to the
+    /// provided callback. The refcount is not modified.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn with_arc<F, U>(&self, f: F) -> U
+    where
+        F: FnOnce(&Arc<T>) -> U,
+        T: 'static,
+    {
+        // Synthesize transient Arc, which never touches the refcount.
+        let transient = unsafe { NoDrop::new(Arc::from_raw(self.0)) };
+        // Expose the transient Arc to the callback, which may clone it if it wants.
+        let result = f(&transient);
+        // Forget the transient Arc to leave the refcount untouched.
+        // XXXManishearth this can be removed when unions stabilize,
+        // since then NoDrop becomes zero overhead
+        mem::forget(transient);
+        // Forward the result.
+        result
+    }
+    /// Similar to deref, but uses the lifetime |a| rather than the lifetime of
+    /// self, which is incompatible with the signature of the Deref trait.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn get(&self) -> &'a T {
+        self.0
+    }
+impl<'a, T> Deref for ArcBorrow<'a, T> {
+    type Target = T;
+    #[inline]
+    fn deref(&self) -> &T {
+        self.0
+    }
+/// A tagged union that can represent `Arc<A>` or `Arc<B>` while only consuming a
+/// single word. The type is also `NonNull`, and thus can be stored in an Option
+/// without increasing size.
+/// This is functionally equivalent to
+/// `enum ArcUnion<A, B> { First(Arc<A>), Second(Arc<B>)` but only takes up
+/// up a single word of stack space.
+/// This could probably be extended to support four types if necessary.
+pub struct ArcUnion<A, B> {
+    p: ptr::NonNull<()>,
+    phantom_a: PhantomData<A>,
+    phantom_b: PhantomData<B>,
+unsafe impl<A: Sync + Send, B: Send + Sync> Send for ArcUnion<A, B> {}
+unsafe impl<A: Sync + Send, B: Send + Sync> Sync for ArcUnion<A, B> {}
+impl<A: PartialEq, B: PartialEq> PartialEq for ArcUnion<A, B> {
+    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
+        use crate::ArcUnionBorrow::*;
+        match (self.borrow(), other.borrow()) {
+            (First(x), First(y)) => x == y,
+            (Second(x), Second(y)) => x == y,
+            (_, _) => false,
+        }
+    }
+/// This represents a borrow of an `ArcUnion`.
+pub enum ArcUnionBorrow<'a, A: 'a, B: 'a> {
+    First(ArcBorrow<'a, A>),
+    Second(ArcBorrow<'a, B>),
+impl<A, B> ArcUnion<A, B> {
+    unsafe fn new(ptr: *mut ()) -> Self {
+        ArcUnion {
+            p: ptr::NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr),
+            phantom_a: PhantomData,
+            phantom_b: PhantomData,
+        }
+    }
+    /// Returns true if the two values are pointer-equal.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn ptr_eq(this: &Self, other: &Self) -> bool {
+        this.p == other.p
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn ptr(&self) -> ptr::NonNull<()> {
+        self.p
+    }
+    /// Returns an enum representing a borrow of either A or B.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn borrow(&self) -> ArcUnionBorrow<A, B> {
+        if self.is_first() {
+            let ptr = self.p.as_ptr() as *const A;
+            let borrow = unsafe { ArcBorrow::from_ref(&*ptr) };
+            ArcUnionBorrow::First(borrow)
+        } else {
+            let ptr = ((self.p.as_ptr() as usize) & !0x1) as *const B;
+            let borrow = unsafe { ArcBorrow::from_ref(&*ptr) };
+            ArcUnionBorrow::Second(borrow)
+        }
+    }
+    /// Creates an `ArcUnion` from an instance of the first type.
+    pub fn from_first(other: Arc<A>) -> Self {
+        unsafe { Self::new(Arc::into_raw(other) as *mut _) }
+    }
+    /// Creates an `ArcUnion` from an instance of the second type.
+    pub fn from_second(other: Arc<B>) -> Self {
+        unsafe { Self::new(((Arc::into_raw(other) as usize) | 0x1) as *mut _) }
+    }
+    /// Returns true if this `ArcUnion` contains the first type.
+    pub fn is_first(&self) -> bool {
+        self.p.as_ptr() as usize & 0x1 == 0
+    }
+    /// Returns true if this `ArcUnion` contains the second type.
+    pub fn is_second(&self) -> bool {
+        !self.is_first()
+    }
+    /// Returns a borrow of the first type if applicable, otherwise `None`.
+    pub fn as_first(&self) -> Option<ArcBorrow<A>> {
+        match self.borrow() {
+            ArcUnionBorrow::First(x) => Some(x),
+            ArcUnionBorrow::Second(_) => None,
+        }
+    }
+    /// Returns a borrow of the second type if applicable, otherwise None.
+    pub fn as_second(&self) -> Option<ArcBorrow<B>> {
+        match self.borrow() {
+            ArcUnionBorrow::First(_) => None,
+            ArcUnionBorrow::Second(x) => Some(x),
+        }
+    }
+impl<A, B> Clone for ArcUnion<A, B> {
+    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
+        match self.borrow() {
+            ArcUnionBorrow::First(x) => ArcUnion::from_first(x.clone_arc()),
+            ArcUnionBorrow::Second(x) => ArcUnion::from_second(x.clone_arc()),
+        }
+    }
+impl<A, B> Drop for ArcUnion<A, B> {
+    fn drop(&mut self) {
+        match self.borrow() {
+            ArcUnionBorrow::First(x) => unsafe {
+                let _ = Arc::from_raw(&*x);
+            },
+            ArcUnionBorrow::Second(x) => unsafe {
+                let _ = Arc::from_raw(&*x);
+            },
+        }
+    }
+impl<A: fmt::Debug, B: fmt::Debug> fmt::Debug for ArcUnion<A, B> {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+        fmt::Debug::fmt(&self.borrow(), f)
+    }
+mod tests {
+    use super::{Arc, HeaderWithLength, ThinArc};
+    use std::clone::Clone;
+    use std::ops::Drop;
+    use std::sync::atomic;
+    use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::{Acquire, SeqCst};
+    #[derive(PartialEq)]
+    struct Canary(*mut atomic::AtomicUsize);
+    impl Drop for Canary {
+        fn drop(&mut self) {
+            unsafe {
+                (*self.0).fetch_add(1, SeqCst);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn empty_thin() {
+        let header = HeaderWithLength::new(100u32, 0);
+        let x = Arc::from_header_and_iter(header, std::iter::empty::<i32>());
+        let y = Arc::into_thin(x.clone());
+        assert_eq!(y.header.header, 100);
+        assert!(y.slice.is_empty());
+        assert_eq!(x.header.header, 100);
+        assert!(x.slice.is_empty());
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn thin_assert_padding() {
+        #[derive(Clone, Default)]
+        #[repr(C)]
+        struct Padded {
+            i: u16,
+        }
+        // The header will have more alignment than `Padded`
+        let header = HeaderWithLength::new(0i32, 2);
+        let items = vec![Padded { i: 0xdead }, Padded { i: 0xbeef }];
+        let a = ThinArc::from_header_and_iter(header, items.into_iter());
+        assert_eq!(a.slice.len(), 2);
+        assert_eq!(a.slice[0].i, 0xdead);
+        assert_eq!(a.slice[1].i, 0xbeef);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn slices_and_thin() {
+        let mut canary = atomic::AtomicUsize::new(0);
+        let c = Canary(&mut canary as *mut atomic::AtomicUsize);
+        let v = vec![5, 6];
+        let header = HeaderWithLength::new(c, v.len());
+        {
+            let x = Arc::into_thin(Arc::from_header_and_iter(header, v.into_iter()));
+            let y = ThinArc::with_arc(&x, |q| q.clone());
+            let _ = y.clone();
+            let _ = x == x;
+            Arc::from_thin(x.clone());
+        }
+        assert_eq!(canary.load(Acquire), 1);
+    }
diff --git a/servo_crates/to_shmem/Cargo.toml b/servo_crates/to_shmem/Cargo.toml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..71426507
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servo_crates/to_shmem/Cargo.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+name = "to_shmem"
+version = "0.0.1"
+authors = ["The Servo Project Developers"]
+license = "MPL-2.0"
+publish = false
+name = "to_shmem"
+path = "lib.rs"
+servo = ["cssparser/serde", "string_cache"]
+gecko = []
+cssparser = "0.27.1"
+servo_arc = { path = "../servo_arc" }
+smallbitvec = "2.1.1"
+smallvec = "0.6.6"
+string_cache = { version = "0.8", optional = true }
+thin-slice = "0.1.0"
diff --git a/servo_crates/to_shmem/lib.rs b/servo_crates/to_shmem/lib.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..22b86087
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servo_crates/to_shmem/lib.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,543 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
+//! Trait for cloning data into a shared memory buffer.
+//! This module contains the SharedMemoryBuilder type and ToShmem trait.
+//! We put them here (and not in style_traits) so that we can derive ToShmem
+//! from the selectors and style crates.
+#![crate_name = "to_shmem"]
+#![crate_type = "rlib"]
+extern crate cssparser;
+extern crate servo_arc;
+extern crate smallbitvec;
+extern crate smallvec;
+#[cfg(feature = "string_cache")]
+extern crate string_cache;
+extern crate thin_slice;
+use servo_arc::{Arc, ThinArc};
+use smallbitvec::{InternalStorage, SmallBitVec};
+use smallvec::{Array, SmallVec};
+use std::alloc::Layout;
+use std::any::TypeId;
+use std::collections::HashSet;
+use std::ffi::CString;
+use std::isize;
+use std::marker::PhantomData;
+use std::mem::{self, ManuallyDrop};
+use std::num::Wrapping;
+use std::ops::Range;
+use std::os::raw::c_char;
+use std::os::raw::c_void;
+use std::ptr::{self, NonNull};
+use std::slice;
+use std::str;
+use thin_slice::ThinBoxedSlice;
+// Various pointer arithmetic functions in this file can be replaced with
+// functions on `Layout` once they have stabilized:
+// https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/55724
+/// A builder object that transforms and copies values into a fixed size buffer.
+pub struct SharedMemoryBuilder {
+    /// The buffer into which values will be copied.
+    buffer: *mut u8,
+    /// The size of the buffer.
+    capacity: usize,
+    /// The current position in the buffer, where the next value will be written
+    /// at.
+    index: usize,
+    /// Pointers to every sharable value that we store in the shared memory
+    /// buffer.  We use this to assert against encountering the same value
+    /// twice, e.g. through another Arc reference, so that we don't
+    /// inadvertently store duplicate copies of values.
+    #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
+    shared_values: HashSet<*const c_void>,
+    /// Types of values that we may duplicate in the shared memory buffer when
+    /// there are shared references to them, such as in Arcs.
+    #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
+    allowed_duplication_types: HashSet<TypeId>,
+/// Amount of padding needed after `size` bytes to ensure that the following
+/// address will satisfy `align`.
+fn padding_needed_for(size: usize, align: usize) -> usize {
+    padded_size(size, align).wrapping_sub(size)
+/// Rounds up `size` so that the following address will satisfy `align`.
+fn padded_size(size: usize, align: usize) -> usize {
+    size.wrapping_add(align).wrapping_sub(1) & !align.wrapping_sub(1)
+impl SharedMemoryBuilder {
+    /// Creates a new SharedMemoryBuilder using the specified buffer.
+    pub unsafe fn new(buffer: *mut u8, capacity: usize) -> SharedMemoryBuilder {
+        SharedMemoryBuilder {
+            buffer,
+            capacity,
+            index: 0,
+            #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
+            shared_values: HashSet::new(),
+            #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
+            allowed_duplication_types: HashSet::new(),
+        }
+    }
+    /// Notes a type as being allowed for duplication when being copied to the
+    /// shared memory buffer, such as Arcs referencing the same value.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn add_allowed_duplication_type<T: 'static>(&mut self) {
+        #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
+        self.allowed_duplication_types.insert(TypeId::of::<T>());
+    }
+    /// Returns the number of bytes currently used in the buffer.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
+        self.index
+    }
+    /// Writes a value into the shared memory buffer and returns a pointer to
+    /// it in the buffer.
+    ///
+    /// The value is cloned and converted into a form suitable for placing into
+    /// a shared memory buffer by calling ToShmem::to_shmem on it.
+    ///
+    /// Panics if there is insufficient space in the buffer.
+    pub fn write<T: ToShmem>(&mut self, value: &T) -> *mut T {
+        // Reserve space for the value.
+        let dest: *mut T = self.alloc_value();
+        // Make a clone of the value with all of its heap allocations
+        // placed in the shared memory buffer.
+        let value = value.to_shmem(self);
+        unsafe {
+            // Copy the value into the buffer.
+            ptr::write(dest, ManuallyDrop::into_inner(value));
+        }
+        // Return a pointer to the shared value.
+        dest
+    }
+    /// Reserves space in the shared memory buffer to fit a value of type T,
+    /// and returns a pointer to that reserved space.
+    ///
+    /// Panics if there is insufficient space in the buffer.
+    pub fn alloc_value<T>(&mut self) -> *mut T {
+        self.alloc(Layout::new::<T>())
+    }
+    /// Reserves space in the shared memory buffer to fit an array of values of
+    /// type T, and returns a pointer to that reserved space.
+    ///
+    /// Panics if there is insufficient space in the buffer.
+    pub fn alloc_array<T>(&mut self, len: usize) -> *mut T {
+        if len == 0 {
+            return NonNull::dangling().as_ptr();
+        }
+        let size = mem::size_of::<T>();
+        let align = mem::align_of::<T>();
+        self.alloc(Layout::from_size_align(padded_size(size, align) * len, align).unwrap())
+    }
+    /// Reserves space in the shared memory buffer that conforms to the
+    /// specified layout, and returns a pointer to that reserved space.
+    ///
+    /// Panics if there is insufficient space in the buffer.
+    pub fn alloc<T>(&mut self, layout: Layout) -> *mut T {
+        // Amount of padding to align the value.
+        //
+        // The addition can't overflow, since self.index <= self.capacity, and
+        // for us to have successfully allocated the buffer, `buffer + capacity`
+        // can't overflow.
+        let padding = padding_needed_for(self.buffer as usize + self.index, layout.align());
+        // Reserve space for the padding.
+        let start = self.index.checked_add(padding).unwrap();
+        assert!(start <= std::isize::MAX as usize); // for the cast below
+        // Reserve space for the value.
+        let end = start.checked_add(layout.size()).unwrap();
+        assert!(end <= self.capacity);
+        self.index = end;
+        unsafe { self.buffer.offset(start as isize) as *mut T }
+    }
+/// A type that can be copied into a SharedMemoryBuilder.
+pub trait ToShmem: Sized {
+    /// Clones this value into a form suitable for writing into a
+    /// SharedMemoryBuilder.
+    ///
+    /// If this value owns any heap allocations, they should be written into
+    /// `builder` so that the return value of this function can point to the
+    /// copy in the shared memory buffer.
+    ///
+    /// The return type is wrapped in ManuallyDrop to make it harder to
+    /// accidentally invoke the destructor of the value that is produced.
+    fn to_shmem(&self, builder: &mut SharedMemoryBuilder) -> ManuallyDrop<Self>;
+macro_rules! impl_trivial_to_shmem {
+    ($($ty:ty),*) => {
+        $(
+            impl $crate::ToShmem for $ty {
+                fn to_shmem(
+                    &self,
+                    _builder: &mut $crate::SharedMemoryBuilder,
+                ) -> ::std::mem::ManuallyDrop<Self> {
+                    ::std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(*self)
+                }
+            }
+        )*
+    };
+    (),
+    bool,
+    f32,
+    f64,
+    i8,
+    i16,
+    i32,
+    i64,
+    u8,
+    u16,
+    u32,
+    u64,
+    isize,
+    usize
+impl<T> ToShmem for PhantomData<T> {
+    fn to_shmem(&self, _builder: &mut SharedMemoryBuilder) -> ManuallyDrop<Self> {
+        ManuallyDrop::new(*self)
+    }
+impl<T: ToShmem> ToShmem for Range<T> {
+    fn to_shmem(&self, builder: &mut SharedMemoryBuilder) -> ManuallyDrop<Self> {
+        ManuallyDrop::new(Range {
+            start: ManuallyDrop::into_inner(self.start.to_shmem(builder)),
+            end: ManuallyDrop::into_inner(self.end.to_shmem(builder)),
+        })
+    }
+impl ToShmem for cssparser::UnicodeRange {
+    fn to_shmem(&self, _builder: &mut SharedMemoryBuilder) -> ManuallyDrop<Self> {
+        ManuallyDrop::new(cssparser::UnicodeRange {
+            start: self.start,
+            end: self.end,
+        })
+    }
+impl<T: ToShmem, U: ToShmem> ToShmem for (T, U) {
+    fn to_shmem(&self, builder: &mut SharedMemoryBuilder) -> ManuallyDrop<Self> {
+        ManuallyDrop::new((
+            ManuallyDrop::into_inner(self.0.to_shmem(builder)),
+            ManuallyDrop::into_inner(self.1.to_shmem(builder)),
+        ))
+    }
+impl<T: ToShmem> ToShmem for Wrapping<T> {
+    fn to_shmem(&self, builder: &mut SharedMemoryBuilder) -> ManuallyDrop<Self> {
+        ManuallyDrop::new(Wrapping(ManuallyDrop::into_inner(self.0.to_shmem(builder))))
+    }
+impl<T: ToShmem> ToShmem for Box<T> {
+    fn to_shmem(&self, builder: &mut SharedMemoryBuilder) -> ManuallyDrop<Self> {
+        // Reserve space for the boxed value.
+        let dest: *mut T = builder.alloc_value();
+        // Make a clone of the boxed value with all of its heap allocations
+        // placed in the shared memory buffer.
+        let value = (**self).to_shmem(builder);
+        unsafe {
+            // Copy the value into the buffer.
+            ptr::write(dest, ManuallyDrop::into_inner(value));
+            ManuallyDrop::new(Box::from_raw(dest))
+        }
+    }
+/// Converts all the items in `src` into shared memory form, writes them into
+/// the specified buffer, and returns a pointer to the slice.
+unsafe fn to_shmem_slice_ptr<'a, T, I>(
+    src: I,
+    dest: *mut T,
+    builder: &mut SharedMemoryBuilder,
+) -> *mut [T]
+    T: 'a + ToShmem,
+    I: ExactSizeIterator<Item = &'a T>,
+    let dest = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(dest, src.len());
+    // Make a clone of each element from the iterator with its own heap
+    // allocations placed in the buffer, and copy that clone into the buffer.
+    for (src, dest) in src.zip(dest.iter_mut()) {
+        ptr::write(dest, ManuallyDrop::into_inner(src.to_shmem(builder)));
+    }
+    dest
+/// Writes all the items in `src` into a slice in the shared memory buffer and
+/// returns a pointer to the slice.
+pub unsafe fn to_shmem_slice<'a, T, I>(src: I, builder: &mut SharedMemoryBuilder) -> *mut [T]
+    T: 'a + ToShmem,
+    I: ExactSizeIterator<Item = &'a T>,
+    let dest = builder.alloc_array(src.len());
+    to_shmem_slice_ptr(src, dest, builder)
+impl<T: ToShmem> ToShmem for Box<[T]> {
+    fn to_shmem(&self, builder: &mut SharedMemoryBuilder) -> ManuallyDrop<Self> {
+        unsafe {
+            let dest = to_shmem_slice(self.iter(), builder);
+            ManuallyDrop::new(Box::from_raw(dest))
+        }
+    }
+impl<T: ToShmem> ToShmem for ThinBoxedSlice<T> {
+    fn to_shmem(&self, builder: &mut SharedMemoryBuilder) -> ManuallyDrop<Self> {
+        // We could support this if we needed but in practice we will never
+        // need to handle such big ThinBoxedSlices.
+        assert!(
+            self.spilled_storage().is_none(),
+            "ToShmem failed for ThinBoxedSlice: too many entries ({})",
+            self.len(),
+        );
+        unsafe {
+            let dest = to_shmem_slice(self.iter(), builder);
+            ManuallyDrop::new(ThinBoxedSlice::from_raw(dest))
+        }
+    }
+impl ToShmem for Box<str> {
+    fn to_shmem(&self, builder: &mut SharedMemoryBuilder) -> ManuallyDrop<Self> {
+        // Reserve space for the string bytes.
+        let dest: *mut u8 = builder.alloc_array(self.len());
+        unsafe {
+            // Copy the value into the buffer.
+            ptr::copy(self.as_ptr(), dest, self.len());
+            ManuallyDrop::new(Box::from_raw(str::from_utf8_unchecked_mut(
+                slice::from_raw_parts_mut(dest, self.len()),
+            )))
+        }
+    }
+impl ToShmem for String {
+    fn to_shmem(&self, builder: &mut SharedMemoryBuilder) -> ManuallyDrop<Self> {
+        // Reserve space for the string bytes.
+        let dest: *mut u8 = builder.alloc_array(self.len());
+        unsafe {
+            // Copy the value into the buffer.
+            ptr::copy(self.as_ptr(), dest, self.len());
+            ManuallyDrop::new(String::from_raw_parts(dest, self.len(), self.len()))
+        }
+    }
+impl ToShmem for CString {
+    fn to_shmem(&self, builder: &mut SharedMemoryBuilder) -> ManuallyDrop<Self> {
+        let len = self.as_bytes_with_nul().len();
+        // Reserve space for the string bytes.
+        let dest: *mut c_char = builder.alloc_array(len);
+        unsafe {
+            // Copy the value into the buffer.
+            ptr::copy(self.as_ptr(), dest, len);
+            ManuallyDrop::new(CString::from_raw(dest))
+        }
+    }
+impl<T: ToShmem> ToShmem for Vec<T> {
+    fn to_shmem(&self, builder: &mut SharedMemoryBuilder) -> ManuallyDrop<Self> {
+        unsafe {
+            let dest = to_shmem_slice(self.iter(), builder) as *mut T;
+            let dest_vec = Vec::from_raw_parts(dest, self.len(), self.len());
+            ManuallyDrop::new(dest_vec)
+        }
+    }
+impl<T: ToShmem, A: Array<Item = T>> ToShmem for SmallVec<A> {
+    fn to_shmem(&self, builder: &mut SharedMemoryBuilder) -> ManuallyDrop<Self> {
+        let dest_vec = unsafe {
+            if self.spilled() {
+                // Place the items in a separate allocation in the shared memory
+                // buffer.
+                let dest = to_shmem_slice(self.iter(), builder) as *mut T;
+                SmallVec::from_raw_parts(dest, self.len(), self.len())
+            } else {
+                // Place the items inline.
+                let mut s = SmallVec::new();
+                to_shmem_slice_ptr(self.iter(), s.as_mut_ptr(), builder);
+                s.set_len(self.len());
+                s
+            }
+        };
+        ManuallyDrop::new(dest_vec)
+    }
+impl<T: ToShmem> ToShmem for Option<T> {
+    fn to_shmem(&self, builder: &mut SharedMemoryBuilder) -> ManuallyDrop<Self> {
+        ManuallyDrop::new(
+            self.as_ref()
+                .map(|v| ManuallyDrop::into_inner(v.to_shmem(builder))),
+        )
+    }
+impl<T: 'static + ToShmem> ToShmem for Arc<T> {
+    fn to_shmem(&self, builder: &mut SharedMemoryBuilder) -> ManuallyDrop<Self> {
+        // Assert that we don't encounter any shared references to values we
+        // don't expect.  Those we expect are those noted by calling
+        // add_allowed_duplication_type, and should be types where we're fine
+        // with duplicating any shared references in the shared memory buffer.
+        //
+        // Unfortunately there's no good way to print out the exact type of T
+        // in the assertion message.
+        #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
+        assert!(
+            !builder.shared_values.contains(&self.heap_ptr()) ||
+                builder
+                    .allowed_duplication_types
+                    .contains(&TypeId::of::<T>()),
+            "ToShmem failed for Arc<T>: encountered a value of type T with multiple references \
+             and which has not been explicitly allowed with an add_allowed_duplication_type call",
+        );
+        // Make a clone of the Arc-owned value with all of its heap allocations
+        // placed in the shared memory buffer.
+        let value = (**self).to_shmem(builder);
+        // Create a new Arc with the shared value and have it place its
+        // ArcInner in the shared memory buffer.
+        unsafe {
+            let static_arc = Arc::new_static(
+                |layout| builder.alloc(layout),
+                ManuallyDrop::into_inner(value),
+            );
+            #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
+            builder.shared_values.insert(self.heap_ptr());
+            ManuallyDrop::new(static_arc)
+        }
+    }
+impl<H: 'static + ToShmem, T: 'static + ToShmem> ToShmem for ThinArc<H, T> {
+    fn to_shmem(&self, builder: &mut SharedMemoryBuilder) -> ManuallyDrop<Self> {
+        // We don't currently have any shared ThinArc values in stylesheets,
+        // so don't support them for now.
+        #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
+        assert!(
+            !builder.shared_values.contains(&self.heap_ptr()),
+            "ToShmem failed for ThinArc<T>: encountered a value with multiple references, which \
+             is not currently supported",
+        );
+        // Make a clone of the Arc-owned header and slice values with all of
+        // their heap allocations placed in the shared memory buffer.
+        let header = self.header.header.to_shmem(builder);
+        let values: Vec<ManuallyDrop<T>> = self.slice.iter().map(|v| v.to_shmem(builder)).collect();
+        // Create a new ThinArc with the shared value and have it place
+        // its ArcInner in the shared memory buffer.
+        unsafe {
+            let static_arc = ThinArc::static_from_header_and_iter(
+                |layout| builder.alloc(layout),
+                ManuallyDrop::into_inner(header),
+                values.into_iter().map(ManuallyDrop::into_inner),
+            );
+            #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
+            builder.shared_values.insert(self.heap_ptr());
+            ManuallyDrop::new(static_arc)
+        }
+    }
+impl ToShmem for SmallBitVec {
+    fn to_shmem(&self, builder: &mut SharedMemoryBuilder) -> ManuallyDrop<Self> {
+        let storage = match self.clone().into_storage() {
+            InternalStorage::Spilled(vs) => {
+                // Reserve space for the boxed slice values.
+                let len = vs.len();
+                let dest: *mut usize = builder.alloc_array(len);
+                unsafe {
+                    // Copy the value into the buffer.
+                    let src = vs.as_ptr() as *const usize;
+                    ptr::copy(src, dest, len);
+                    let dest_slice =
+                        Box::from_raw(slice::from_raw_parts_mut(dest, len) as *mut [usize]);
+                    InternalStorage::Spilled(dest_slice)
+                }
+            },
+            InternalStorage::Inline(x) => InternalStorage::Inline(x),
+        };
+        ManuallyDrop::new(unsafe { SmallBitVec::from_storage(storage) })
+    }
+#[cfg(feature = "string_cache")]
+impl<Static: string_cache::StaticAtomSet> ToShmem for string_cache::Atom<Static> {
+    fn to_shmem(&self, _: &mut SharedMemoryBuilder) -> ManuallyDrop<Self> {
+        // NOTE(emilio): In practice, this can be implemented trivially if
+        // string_cache could expose the implementation detail of static atoms
+        // being an index into the static table (and panicking in the
+        // non-static, non-inline cases).
+        unimplemented!(
+            "If servo wants to share stylesheets across processes, \
+             then ToShmem for Atom needs to be implemented"
+        )
+    }
diff --git a/servo_crates/to_shmem_derive/Cargo.toml b/servo_crates/to_shmem_derive/Cargo.toml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1ddb0974
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servo_crates/to_shmem_derive/Cargo.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+name = "to_shmem_derive"
+version = "0.0.1"
+authors = ["The Servo Project Developers"]
+license = "MPL-2.0"
+publish = false
+path = "lib.rs"
+proc-macro = true
+darling = { version = "0.10", default-features = false }
+derive_common = { path = "../derive_common" }
+proc-macro2 = "1"
+quote = "1"
+syn = { version = "1", default-features = false, features = ["derive", "parsing"] }
+synstructure = "0.12"
diff --git a/servo_crates/to_shmem_derive/lib.rs b/servo_crates/to_shmem_derive/lib.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b820e7f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servo_crates/to_shmem_derive/lib.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
+#![recursion_limit = "128"]
+extern crate darling;
+extern crate derive_common;
+extern crate proc_macro;
+extern crate proc_macro2;
+extern crate quote;
+extern crate syn;
+extern crate synstructure;
+use proc_macro::TokenStream;
+mod to_shmem;
+#[proc_macro_derive(ToShmem, attributes(shmem))]
+pub fn derive_to_shmem(stream: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
+    let input = syn::parse(stream).unwrap();
+    to_shmem::derive(input).into()
diff --git a/servo_crates/to_shmem_derive/to_shmem.rs b/servo_crates/to_shmem_derive/to_shmem.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..01ba308e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servo_crates/to_shmem_derive/to_shmem.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
+use derive_common::cg;
+use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
+use syn;
+use synstructure::{BindStyle, Structure};
+pub fn derive(mut input: syn::DeriveInput) -> TokenStream {
+    let mut where_clause = input.generics.where_clause.take();
+    let attrs = cg::parse_input_attrs::<ShmemInputAttrs>(&input);
+    if !attrs.no_bounds {
+        for param in input.generics.type_params() {
+            cg::add_predicate(&mut where_clause, parse_quote!(#param: ::to_shmem::ToShmem));
+        }
+    }
+    for variant in Structure::new(&input).variants() {
+        for binding in variant.bindings() {
+            let attrs = cg::parse_field_attrs::<ShmemFieldAttrs>(&binding.ast());
+            if attrs.field_bound {
+                let ty = &binding.ast().ty;
+                cg::add_predicate(&mut where_clause, parse_quote!(#ty: ::to_shmem::ToShmem))
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    input.generics.where_clause = where_clause;
+    let match_body = cg::fmap_match(&input, BindStyle::Ref, |binding| {
+        quote! {
+            ::std::mem::ManuallyDrop::into_inner(
+                ::to_shmem::ToShmem::to_shmem(#binding, builder)
+            )
+        }
+    });
+    let name = &input.ident;
+    let (impl_generics, ty_generics, where_clause) = input.generics.split_for_impl();
+    quote! {
+        impl #impl_generics ::to_shmem::ToShmem for #name #ty_generics #where_clause {
+            #[allow(unused_variables, unreachable_code)]
+            fn to_shmem(
+                &self,
+                builder: &mut ::to_shmem::SharedMemoryBuilder,
+            ) -> ::std::mem::ManuallyDrop<Self> {
+                ::std::mem::ManuallyDrop::new(
+                    match *self {
+                        #match_body
+                    }
+                )
+            }
+        }
+    }
+#[darling(attributes(shmem), default)]
+#[derive(Default, FromDeriveInput)]
+pub struct ShmemInputAttrs {
+    pub no_bounds: bool,
+#[darling(attributes(shmem), default)]
+#[derive(Default, FromField)]
+pub struct ShmemFieldAttrs {
+    pub field_bound: bool,

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