[gtk] (207 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/otte/listview

The branch 'wip/otte/listview' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  017beea... scrolledwindow: Use dispose(), not destroy()
  3d2fa2c... gtk: Add a GtkListView skeleton
  9404ca4... listview: Introduce GtkListItemFactory
  8386408... listview: Make widget actually do something
  0f5f72f... listview: Implement GtkScrollable
  def7962... tests: Add a test for a permanently changing listview
  61016c5... listview: Implement an anchor
  d562088... listview: Add GtkListItemManager
  35710e3... listview: Add GtkListItem
  0655484... listview: Make the listitemmanager stricter
  9d7d2ea... listview: Change change management
  aa1871c... tests: Make animating listview do random resorts
  dbf2690... listitem: Add gtk_list_item_get_position()
  e013a48... listview: Change how binding is done
  13211fe... listview: Change anchor handling again
  f04a9bf... listview: Only allocate necesary rows
  e61725e... testlistview: Show the row number
  8cd1618... testlistview: Create widgets only once
  454d5c1... listitemmanager: Switch from "insert_before" to "insert_aft
  17464a4... listlistmodel: Add gtk_list_list_model_item_moved()
  8b74a24... listview: Try to keep the list items in order when scrollin
  23cb6c3... listview: Add selection properties to ListItem
  a13d3d7... listview: Reset listitems' CSS animations when rebinding
  65c6965... listview: Add initial support for displaying selections
  c7cf2e8... listitem: Add a press gesture to select the item
  0848d19... gtk: Add a GtkGridView skeleton
  08b1bc2... gridview: Add API for setting number of columns
  34d12df... wayland: Remove function declaration for nonexisting functi
  9b3301c... listitemmanager: Move list of listitems here
  0ab72d7... gridview: Implement GtkScrollable
  64bb7ad... listitemmanager: Simplify
  23a7b30... listitemmanager: Add trackers
  f920e97... listview: Add gtk_list_view_set_show_separators()
  8b065a1... listitemfactory: Sanitize APIs
  bd11dc2... listitemfactory: vfuncify
  d783a22... listitemfactory: Split implementation out
  cabcec7... listitemfactory: Add a factory for ui files
  e99b962... gtk-demo: Introduce awards
  d31bdc6... directorylist: Add
  85a142f... testlistview: Load icons async
  b223f5c... listview: Add list.scroll_to_item action
  02695db... listview: Implement extending selections
  c1f7e90... tests: Add a rough form of multiselection
  737fc95... listview: Implement GtkOrientable
  b0f8c69... gtk-demo: Add a rough start at a Weather demo
  fd8a632... textview: Make cursor work when blinking is disabled
  726e6c6... listview: Expose GtkListItemFactory APIs
  116365d... gridview: Add factory handling
  0f3d0f3... gridview: Implement GtkOrientable
  1512294... listview: Pass the CSS name of listitems to the manager
  48b2c4a... gridview: Actually do something
  23a9a1b... Add GtkTreeExpander
  b5da576... demo: Add a GSettings tree demo
  0917e14... inspector: Use a treeexpander in the recorder
  31b11b5... inspector: Use a GtkTreeExpander in the object tree
  b2cdbeb... inspector: Make the recorder node list use a ListView
  1e9f6f6... popover: Remove unneeded vfunc
  7d420b4... listitem: Change focus handling
  6b65ba5... treeexpander: Implement input support
  8019a18... listview: Implement activation
  a135621... listview: Track focus movements and update selection
  f03a5be... listview: Implement (un)select all
  3782518... listview: Add a focus tracker
  87781c3... listitem: Add "listitem.select" action and keybindings for 
  72b5ead... listview: Add gtk_list_view_get_position_at_y()
  4e95212... listview: Add move keybindings
  4409d87... listitemfactory: Make the builder factory properly buildabl
  e2abf0c... Add GtkExpression
  4352685... demo: Use a listview as sidebar
  d5e9282... listitemmanager: Handle NULL factory
  09053bb... lul
  db1690a... widget: Add gtk_widget_get_size()
  2ae3497... gridview: Implement anchors and scrolling
  7dfaff1... selectionmodel: Add gtk_selection_model_user_select_item()
  c1df9f2... gridview: Implement the list.select-item action
  bda1b32... gridview: Implement minimum row height
  46034bb... gridview: Add activation
  a31870a... gridview: Implement list.scroll-to action
  2289ed9... gridview: Add a focus tracker
  6f51dd2... gridview: Implement (un)select all
  1f07511... gridview: Add move keybindings
  619587d... demo: Add a file browser demo
  54a69fc... listview: Port various gridview improvements
  75c3e1b... gridview: Simplify allocation code
  1409811... Add GtkListBase
  40588a3... listbase: Move GtkScrollable implementation
  05e5ee0... listbase: Move item manager here
  ee15f70... listbase: Move selection handling here
  036bc53... listbase: Move orientable implementation here
  8afd2bd... Remove gtk_selection_model_user_select_item() again
  849ec4e... listbase: Move focus moving keybindings here
  d88e4b9... listbase: Add vfuncs to convert positions to/from coordinat
  fb213b7... listbase: Take over anchor handling
  46b0d3c... wip: Add GtkCoverFlow
  9f7caa2... Add GtkColumnView skeleton
  5bfbd84... gtk-demo: Add a minesweeper demo
  4c54d9c... columnview: Allow adding/removing columns
  0769e1d... Add GtkSignalListItemFactory
  554f02f... gtk-demo: Add a Coverflow application launcher
  63d0164... builder: Make gtk_builder_extend_with_template() work with 
  51f3ed2... listitem: Make this a GObject
  b309ca8... listitemfactory: Reorganize vfuncs
  778bcc2... listitemfactory: Simplify
  8fded2b... listitemwidget: Add a private struct
  d3c6f8e... listitem: Move position/item/selected tracking to widget
  bebe346... listitemwidget: Lazily create listitems
  0df8cc6... columnview: Add listitems for the columns
  e477a29... columnview: Implement GtkScrollable
  b8d7c39... widget: Add a hook for resizes
  99f23e9... columnview: Add GtkColumnViewCell
  5f67a52... tests: Add testcolumnview
  ae3c305... inspector: Port object tree to GtkColumnView

Commits added to the branch:

  233d096... icon theme: Avoid a string copy (*)
  dbbb7ee... testicontheme: Remove useless function (*)
  2ea95a7... Drop gtk_icon_theme_list_contexts (*)
  6373ced... Drop gtk_icon_theme_get_example_icon_name (*)
  dd69bca... icon theme: Start to untangle GtkIconInfo (*)
  c3de5e3... Avoid a use of icon_file (*)
  3c219bf... Add another symbolic pixbuf helper (*)
  e190b45... Drop another use of icon_file (*)
  20e70a7... Drop another use of icon_file (*)
  15dffb4... icon theme: Drop icon_file from GtkIconInfo (*)
  416b2cd... Move symbolic pixbuf recoloring code (*)
  1dd55ed... Drop gtk_icon_info_new_for_pixbuf (*)
  7a73f43... Merge branch 'wip/matthiasc/icon-theme' into 'master' (*)
  d3431f5... Revert "inspector: Fix node recording" (*)
  17a1119... text: Remove an unnecessary queue_draw() call (*)
  23be10c... searchentry: Make the text entry expand (*)
  bb2c684... shortcutlabel: Inherit from GtkWidget (*)
  9ba08a0... shortcutlabel: Inherit from GtkWidget (*)
  4826255... filechooserwidget: Rename a callback (*)
  aaae141... filechooserwidget: Focus the searchbar when searching (*)
  426d5ca... filechooserwidget: Add .menu to right-click popover (*)
  350495c... Adwaita: Remove padding from popover.menu (*)
  ca71340... Adwaita: Fix menubutton in headerbar margins (*)
  acf927f... text: Don't destroy pango layout in size_allocate (*)
  a62efb8... text: Remove gtk_text_get_text_allocation (*)
  8fc4d22... text: Inline function into only caller (*)
  31ae934... text: Fix context menu position (*)
  640db05... text: Remove some unused members (*)
  15af873... placesview: Use proper setters for properties (*)
  aaaa3e1... placessidebar: Remove some unused members (*)
  1882034... text: Fix _set_attributes docs (*)
  dfcc40e... text: Propagate pango attributes to placeholder (*)
  11a38dd... entry: Remove unused function (*)
  2cd4b25... placesview: open address popover upwards (*)
  008e807... filechooserwidget: Inline function into only caller (*)
  6b07ce2... filechooserwidget: Remove unused function parameter (*)
  4413757... inspector: Fix expander arrow node names (*)
  1038bc7... Revert "Cache glyph textures in render nodes" (*)
  dd316c8... gl: Add some comments (*)
  472d8ee... gl: Avoid pointless iteration (*)
  5b508ea... Revert "gl: Speed up icon cache lookups" (*)
  ffaf26f... Merge branch 'readonly-all-the-things' into 'master' (*)
  0284d40... window: Unrealize renderer before children (*)
  1f0310d... gtk-demo: Add a scrolling image demo (*)
  e79d585... gdkselectionoutputstream-x11: Fix a memory leak (*)
  4d9cc48... wayland: Rely on server key repeat info (*)
  cb81a06... wayland: Drop the keyboard settings object (*)
  9dd8652... Merge branch 'wl-key-repeat' into 'master' (*)
  0373863... inspector: Remove fallback from logs (*)
  d4c97ea... gl: Use the fallback debug flag (*)
  745a701... inspector: Add a switch for fallback rendering (*)
  a31a802... Merge branch 'fallback-rendering' into 'master' (*)
  c48fe6d... ci: Update the image to Fedora 31 (*)
  4b41dd4... Merge branch 'otte/for-master' into 'master' (*)
  48cc262... Check for diff's availability (*)
  a5c0068... ci: Add diffutils to the CI image (*)
  2d30972... ci: Add internal links to the HTML report (*)
  6cacff9... Merge branch 'ci-update' into 'master' (*)
  19a4e76... Update the print dialog for headerbar changes (*)
  eca7fa0... Merge branch 'fix-print-dialog' into 'master' (*)
  41c52e9... Bump the pango dependency (*)
  eaa6301... Port the font chooser to just use harfbuzz (*)
  4a2f313... gtk-demo: Use harfbuzz for font features (*)
  fa8ce17... build: We no longer need freetype (*)
  8ccf2a7... gsk: Stop using deprecated pango api (*)
  de29c3e... label: Handle insert_hyphens pango attribute (*)
  828b582... label: Handle new pango attributes (*)
  2889844... Merge branch 'bump-pango' into 'master' (*)
  22bb1bd... reftests: Drop libtool hack (*)
  34d0021... reftests: Print out a helpful error (*)
  5f627a2... Merge branch 'reftest-fixes' into 'master' (*)
  6d16f7a... textview: use g_slice_new0 for proper initial state (*)
  44093f4... stack: return the stack page when adding a child, to ease s (*)
  3086715... Merge branch 'gtkstack-addnamed-return' into 'master' (*)
  5d07877... Merge branch 'wip/sadiq/fix-leak' into 'master' (*)
  427b5d1... Adwaita: radios & checkboxes styling updates (*)
  6e5da14... cell text: Handle new pango enum values (*)
  53c9eb5... Move the ifdef to the right spot (*)
  3bf9277... Revert "Adwaita: radios & checkboxes styling updates" (*)
  b5ed2d3... tests: Add label-sizing.ui to the XFAIL list (*)
  b271db4... ci: Allow msys2 jobs to fail (*)
  fbea677... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  5e34121... texthistory: add GtkTextHistory helper (*)
  15b3c0f... textview: add undo/redo support to GtkTextView (*)
  7587996... editable: add enable-undo property (*)
  7e77afe... entrybuffer: remove text in ::deleted-text default handler (*)
  fb4fbfb... text: add undo support to GtkText (*)
  6d193d7... gtk-demo: wrap text operations in irreversible actions (*)
  e93408e... gtk-demo: add an undo demo for GtkEntry (*)
  67c0f88... gtk-demo: add a demo for TextView undo/redo (*)
  dba9298... gtk-demo: set irreversable actions for textview demos (*)
  bfc1e77... migration: add GtkEntryBuffer::deleted-text to migration gu (*)
  e8d890a... gtk-demo: Drop the entry buffer demo (*)
  accbfc0... Merge branch 'wip/chergert/textundo' into 'master' (*)
  07f2024... scrolledwindow: Use dispose(), not destroy() (*)
  ab407ba... Merge branch 'kill-entry-buffer-demo' into 'master' (*)
  4955331... gtk: Add a GtkListView skeleton
  dff79dd... listview: Introduce GtkListItemFactory
  ae7e757... listview: Make widget actually do something
  d84728e... listview: Implement GtkScrollable
  3fb9f78... tests: Add a test for a permanently changing listview
  18a3ec6... listview: Implement an anchor
  b63c55a... listview: Add GtkListItemManager
  9a633bb... listview: Add GtkListItem
  2961dad... listview: Make the listitemmanager stricter
  e54d6a5... listview: Change change management
  cbd60de... tests: Make animating listview do random resorts
  e6fb656... listitem: Add gtk_list_item_get_position()
  73f5bac... listview: Change how binding is done
  1bb07ea... listview: Change anchor handling again
  81d7a3b... listview: Only allocate necesary rows
  02fb190... testlistview: Show the row number
  70b2726... testlistview: Create widgets only once
  13a4673... listitemmanager: Switch from "insert_before" to "insert_aft
  9d639ed... listlistmodel: Add gtk_list_list_model_item_moved()
  438f0db... listview: Try to keep the list items in order when scrollin
  8f35adb... listview: Add selection properties to ListItem
  70b66c2... listview: Reset listitems' CSS animations when rebinding
  b9164ad... listview: Add initial support for displaying selections
  95f4e96... listitem: Add a press gesture to select the item
  f472ca0... gtk: Add a GtkGridView skeleton
  0558d86... gridview: Add API for setting number of columns
  14d66e6... wayland: Remove function declaration for nonexisting functi
  0958c54... listitemmanager: Move list of listitems here
  4cf4911... gridview: Implement GtkScrollable
  0dcf296... listitemmanager: Simplify
  e2ec6fe... listitemmanager: Add trackers
  60a11e9... listview: Add gtk_list_view_set_show_separators()
  5e0af23... listitemfactory: Sanitize APIs
  1872f4f... listitemfactory: vfuncify
  7dcc096... listitemfactory: Split implementation out
  c41cb91... listitemfactory: Add a factory for ui files
  86abaa0... gtk-demo: Introduce awards
  c714e72... directorylist: Add
  369ea0c... testlistview: Load icons async
  c889d36... listview: Add list.scroll_to_item action
  ff35c1c... listview: Implement extending selections
  bf987a6... tests: Add a rough form of multiselection
  d9805dd... listview: Implement GtkOrientable
  0a5f363... gtk-demo: Add a rough start at a Weather demo
  6ef4a3d... textview: Make cursor work when blinking is disabled
  fb47233... listview: Expose GtkListItemFactory APIs
  b609b5d... gridview: Add factory handling
  ca14224... gridview: Implement GtkOrientable
  160f7a9... listview: Pass the CSS name of listitems to the manager
  3a5cc18... gridview: Actually do something
  a823dee... Add GtkTreeExpander
  b863d30... demo: Add a GSettings tree demo
  abaef07... inspector: Use a treeexpander in the recorder
  cee8592... inspector: Use a GtkTreeExpander in the object tree
  2e9c734... inspector: Make the recorder node list use a ListView
  e69616c... popover: Remove unneeded vfunc
  dbfd48c... listitem: Change focus handling
  14c94ad... treeexpander: Implement input support
  4192405... listview: Implement activation
  9ce6a6d... listview: Track focus movements and update selection
  0c15474... listview: Implement (un)select all
  45ffa15... listview: Add a focus tracker
  36f3d5e... listitem: Add "listitem.select" action and keybindings for 
  a4f976d... listview: Add gtk_list_view_get_position_at_y()
  f7cba36... listview: Add move keybindings
  7f7ba45... listitemfactory: Make the builder factory properly buildabl
  702aa04... Add GtkExpression
  46fd168... demo: Use a listview as sidebar
  759bc6d... listitemmanager: Handle NULL factory
  e526816... lul
  3f4d937... widget: Add gtk_widget_get_size()
  3d71436... gridview: Implement anchors and scrolling
  2f664fc... selectionmodel: Add gtk_selection_model_user_select_item()
  b7bbf7d... gridview: Implement the list.select-item action
  8edba27... gridview: Implement minimum row height
  3ef0c39... gridview: Add activation
  98e35a0... gridview: Implement list.scroll-to action
  eafe123... gridview: Add a focus tracker
  3ebe2d5... gridview: Implement (un)select all
  bafc5d1... gridview: Add move keybindings
  7182f55... demo: Add a file browser demo
  3b08692... listview: Port various gridview improvements
  ebc654c... gridview: Simplify allocation code
  ec41f49... Add GtkListBase
  8f0eeb9... listbase: Move GtkScrollable implementation
  260bed7... listbase: Move item manager here
  e3c6c41... listbase: Move selection handling here
  34ff744... listbase: Move orientable implementation here
  a355a7e... Remove gtk_selection_model_user_select_item() again
  37da7b9... listbase: Move focus moving keybindings here
  9b556ee... listbase: Add vfuncs to convert positions to/from coordinat
  76bef8c... listbase: Take over anchor handling
  5f28d61... wip: Add GtkCoverFlow
  0e03d90... Add GtkColumnView skeleton
  79ffecc... gtk-demo: Add a minesweeper demo
  e9c92d3... columnview: Allow adding/removing columns
  104cad6... Add GtkSignalListItemFactory
  dbec06a... gtk-demo: Add a Coverflow application launcher
  66c1ae4... builder: Make gtk_builder_extend_with_template() work with 
  97afb62... listitem: Make this a GObject
  9c818a3... listitemfactory: Reorganize vfuncs
  3cf28c2... listitemfactory: Simplify
  95db823... listitemwidget: Add a private struct
  224a243... listitem: Move position/item/selected tracking to widget
  a0c3a88... listitemwidget: Lazily create listitems
  d8566ec... columnview: Add listitems for the columns
  578dae1... columnview: Implement GtkScrollable
  a612304... widget: Add a hook for resizes
  cde535a... columnview: Add GtkColumnViewCell
  86a32c9... tests: Add testcolumnview
  dc46d8e... inspector: Port object tree to GtkColumnView

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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