[gnome-builder] vim: Add "yank inside" (yi) commands

commit 0b2dd431fd0d384aead23fb05cbd17027ba38e0c
Author: Diego Garcia Gangl <dnicolas gmail com>
Date:   Sun May 26 20:14:01 2019 -0300

    vim: Add "yank inside" (yi) commands

 src/plugins/vim/keybindings/vim.css | 156 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 156 insertions(+)
diff --git a/src/plugins/vim/keybindings/vim.css b/src/plugins/vim/keybindings/vim.css
index 0b4e2fe88..3d1f24e86 100644
--- a/src/plugins/vim/keybindings/vim.css
+++ b/src/plugins/vim/keybindings/vim.css
@@ -1547,6 +1547,8 @@
              "clear-count" ()
              "end-macro" () };
+  bind "i" { "set-mode" ("vim-normal-y-i", transient) };
   bind "dollar" { "begin-macro" ()
                   "save-insert-mark" ()
                   "movement" (line-end, 1, 1, 1)
@@ -1557,6 +1559,152 @@
                   "end-macro" () };
+@binding-set builder-vim-source-view-normal-y-i
+  bind "p" { "begin-macro" ()
+             "movement" (paragraph-start, 1, 1, 1)
+             "movement" (first-char, 1, 1, 0)
+             "swap-selection-bounds" ()
+             "movement" (paragraph-end, 1, 1, 1)
+             "movement" (last-char, 1, 1, 0)
+             "copy-clipboard-extended" ()
+             "selection-theatric" (expand)
+             "clear-selection" ()
+             "end-macro" () };
+  /* yiw */
+  bind "w" { "begin-macro" ()
+             "set-mode" ("vim-normal", permanent)
+             "movement" (previous-word-end, 0, 1, 1)
+             "movement" (next-word-start, 0, 1, 0)
+             "movement" (next-word-end, 1, 0, 1)
+             "copy-clipboard-extended" ()
+             "selection-theatric" (expand)
+             "clear-selection" ()
+             "end-macro" () };
+  /* yiW */
+  bind "<shift>w" { "begin-macro" ()
+                    "set-mode" ("vim-normal", permanent)
+                    "movement" (previous-full-word-end, 0, 1, 1)
+                    "movement" (next-full-word-start, 0, 1, 0)
+                    "movement" (next-full-word-end, 1, 0, 1)
+                    "copy-clipboard-extended" ()
+                    "selection-theatric" (expand)
+                    "clear-selection" ()
+                    "end-macro" () };
+  /* yi( , yi) , yib */
+  bind "parenleft" { "begin-macro" ()
+                     "select-inner" ("(", ")", 1, 0)
+                     "set-mode" ("vim-normal", permanent)
+                     "copy-clipboard-extended" ()
+                     "selection-theatric" (expand)
+                     "clear-selection" ()
+                     "end-macro" () };
+  bind "parenright" { "begin-macro" ()
+                      "select-inner" ("(", ")", 1, 0)
+                      "set-mode" ("vim-normal", permanent)
+                      "copy-clipboard-extended" ()
+                      "selection-theatric" (expand)
+                      "clear-selection" ()
+                      "end-macro" () };
+  bind "b" { "begin-macro" ()
+             "select-inner" ("(", ")", 1, 0)
+             "set-mode" ("vim-normal", permanent)
+             "copy-clipboard-extended" ()
+             "selection-theatric" (expand)
+             "clear-selection" ()
+             "end-macro" () };
+  /* yi[ and yi] */
+  bind "bracketleft" { "begin-macro" ()
+                       "select-inner" ("[", "]", 1, 0)
+                       "set-mode" ("vim-normal", permanent)
+                       "copy-clipboard-extended" ()
+                       "selection-theatric" (expand)
+                       "clear-selection" ()
+                       "end-macro" () };
+  bind "bracketright" { "begin-macro" ()
+                        "select-inner" ("[", "]", 1, 0)
+                        "set-mode" ("vim-normal", permanent)
+                        "copy-clipboard-extended" ()
+                        "selection-theatric" (expand)
+                        "clear-selection" ()
+                        "end-macro" () };
+  /* yi{ , yi} , yiB */
+  bind "braceleft" { "begin-macro" ()
+                     "select-inner" ("{", "}", 1, 0)
+                     "set-mode" ("vim-normal", permanent)
+                     "copy-clipboard-extended" ()
+                     "selection-theatric" (expand)
+                     "end-macro" () };
+  bind "braceright" { "begin-macro" ()
+                      "select-inner" ("{", "}", 1, 0)
+                      "set-mode" ("vim-normal", permanent)
+                      "copy-clipboard-extended" ()
+                      "selection-theatric" (expand)
+                      "end-macro" () };
+  bind "<shift>b" { "begin-macro" ()
+                    "select-inner" ("{", "}", 1, 0)
+                    "set-mode" ("vim-normal", permanent)
+                    "copy-clipboard-extended" ()
+                    "selection-theatric" (expand)
+                    "end-macro" () };
+  /* yi< and yi> */
+  bind "less" { "begin-macro" ()
+                "select-inner" ("<", ">", 1, 0)
+                "set-mode" ("vim-normal", permanent)
+                "copy-clipboard-extended" ()
+                "selection-theatric" (expand)
+                "end-macro" () };
+  bind "greater" { "begin-macro" ()
+                   "select-inner" ("<", ">", 1, 0)
+                   "set-mode" ("vim-normal", permanent)
+                   "copy-clipboard-extended" ()
+                   "selection-theatric" (expand)
+                   "end-macro" () };
+  /* yi" yi' yi` */
+  bind "quotedbl" { "begin-macro" ()
+                    "select-inner" ("\"", "\"", 1, 1)
+                    "set-mode" ("vim-normal", permanent)
+                    "copy-clipboard-extended" ()
+                    "selection-theatric" (expand)
+                    "end-macro" () };
+  bind "apostrophe" { "begin-macro" ()
+                      "select-inner" ("'", "'", 1, 1)
+                      "set-mode" ("vim-normal", permanent)
+                      "copy-clipboard-extended" ()
+                      "selection-theatric" (expand)
+                      "end-macro" () };
+  bind "grave" { "begin-macro" ()
+                 "select-inner" ("`", "`", 1, 1)
+                 "set-mode" ("vim-normal", permanent)
+                 "copy-clipboard-extended" ()
+                 "selection-theatric" (expand)
+                 "end-macro" () };
+  /* yit */
+  bind "t" { "begin-macro" ()
+              "select-tag" (1)
+              "set-mode" ("vim-normal", permanent)
+              "copy-clipboard-extended" ()
+              "selection-theatric" (expand)
+              "end-macro" () };
 @binding-set builder-vim-source-view-normal-g
   bind "<shift>i" { "set-mode" ("vim-insert", permanent)
@@ -2733,6 +2881,14 @@ idesourceviewmode.vim-normal-y {
+idesourceviewmode.vim-normal-y-i {
+  -IdeSourceViewMode-suppress-unbound: true;
+  -IdeSourceViewMode-block-cursor: true;
+  -gtk-key-bindings: builder-vim-source-view,
+                     builder-vim-source-view-normal-y-i;
 idesourceviewmode.vim-normal-z {
   -IdeSourceViewMode-suppress-unbound: true;
   -IdeSourceViewMode-block-cursor: true;

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