[librsvg: 7/8] Make the NODE_CREATORS table more legible with a macro
- From: Federico Mena Quintero <federico src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [librsvg: 7/8] Make the NODE_CREATORS table more legible with a macro
- Date: Tue, 21 May 2019 00:47:05 +0000 (UTC)
commit 21f82a24737b2dbfbf4b0f07b6c5d5ea6e61442f
Author: Federico Mena Quintero <federico gnome org>
Date: Mon May 20 14:57:37 2019 -0500
Make the NODE_CREATORS table more legible with a macro
rsvg_internals/src/create_node.rs | 175 ++++++++++++++++++++------------------
1 file changed, 91 insertions(+), 84 deletions(-)
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/src/create_node.rs b/rsvg_internals/src/create_node.rs
index 98f58188..8a17dad7 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/src/create_node.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/src/create_node.rs
@@ -131,95 +131,102 @@ type NodeCreateFn = fn(
parent: Option<&RsvgNode>,
) -> RsvgNode;
+macro_rules! c {
+ ($hashset:expr, $str_name:expr, $supports_class:expr, $fn_name:ident) => {
+ $hashset.insert($str_name, ($supports_class, $fn_name as NodeCreateFn));
+ }
lazy_static! {
// Lines in comments are elements that we don't support.
#[cfg_attr(rustfmt, rustfmt_skip)]
static ref NODE_CREATORS: HashMap<&'static str, (bool, NodeCreateFn)> = {
let mut h = HashMap::new();
- h.insert("a", (true, create_link as NodeCreateFn));
- /* h.insert("altGlyph", (true, as NodeCreateFn)); */
- /* h.insert("altGlyphDef", (false, as NodeCreateFn)); */
- /* h.insert("altGlyphItem", (false, as NodeCreateFn)); */
- /* h.insert("animate", (false, as NodeCreateFn)); */
- /* h.insert("animateColor", (false, as NodeCreateFn)); */
- /* h.insert("animateMotion", (false, as NodeCreateFn)); */
- /* h.insert("animateTransform", (false, as NodeCreateFn)); */
- h.insert("circle", (true, create_circle as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("clipPath", (true, create_clip_path as NodeCreateFn));
- /* h.insert("color-profile", (false, as NodeCreateFn)); */
- h.insert("conicalGradient", (true, create_conical_gradient as NodeCreateFn));
- /* h.insert("cursor", (false, as NodeCreateFn)); */
- h.insert("defs", (true, create_defs as NodeCreateFn));
- /* h.insert("desc", (true, as NodeCreateFn)); */
- h.insert("ellipse", (true, create_ellipse as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("feBlend", (true, create_blend as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("feColorMatrix", (true, create_color_matrix as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("feComponentTransfer", (true, create_component_transfer as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("feComposite", (true, create_composite as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("feConvolveMatrix", (true, create_convolve_matrix as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("feDiffuseLighting", (true, create_diffuse_lighting as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("feDisplacementMap", (true, create_displacement_map as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("feDistantLight", (false, create_distant_light as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("feFuncA", (false, create_component_transfer_func_a as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("feFuncB", (false, create_component_transfer_func_b as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("feFuncG", (false, create_component_transfer_func_g as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("feFuncR", (false, create_component_transfer_func_r as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("feFlood", (true, create_flood as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("feGaussianBlur", (true, create_gaussian_blur as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("feImage", (true, create_fe_image as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("feMerge", (true, create_merge as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("feMergeNode", (false, create_merge_node as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("feMorphology", (true, create_morphology as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("feOffset", (true, create_offset as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("fePointLight", (false, create_point_light as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("feSpecularLighting", (true, create_specular_lighting as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("feSpotLight", (false, create_spot_light as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("feTile", (true, create_tile as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("feTurbulence", (true, create_turbulence as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("filter", (true, create_filter as NodeCreateFn));
- /* h.insert("font", (true, as NodeCreateFn)); */
- /* h.insert("font-face", (false, as NodeCreateFn)); */
- /* h.insert("font-face-format", (false, as NodeCreateFn)); */
- /* h.insert("font-face-name", (false, as NodeCreateFn)); */
- /* h.insert("font-face-src", (false, as NodeCreateFn)); */
- /* h.insert("font-face-uri", (false, as NodeCreateFn)); */
- /* h.insert("foreignObject", (true, as NodeCreateFn)); */
- h.insert("g", (true, create_group as NodeCreateFn));
- /* h.insert("glyph", (true, as NodeCreateFn)); */
- /* h.insert("glyphRef", (true, as NodeCreateFn)); */
- /* h.insert("hkern", (false, as NodeCreateFn)); */
- h.insert("image", (true, create_image as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("line", (true, create_line as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("linearGradient", (true, create_linear_gradient as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("marker", (true, create_marker as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("mask", (true, create_mask as NodeCreateFn));
- /* h.insert("metadata", (false, as NodeCreateFn)); */
- /* h.insert("missing-glyph", (true, as NodeCreateFn)); */
- /* h.insert("mpath", (false, as NodeCreateFn)); */
- h.insert("multiImage", (false, create_multi_image as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("path", (true, create_path as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("pattern", (true, create_pattern as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("polygon", (true, create_polygon as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("polyline", (true, create_polyline as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("radialGradient", (true, create_radial_gradient as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("rect", (true, create_rect as NodeCreateFn));
- /* h.insert("script", (false, as NodeCreateFn)); */
- /* h.insert("set", (false, as NodeCreateFn)); */
- h.insert("stop", (true, create_stop as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("style", (false, create_style as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("subImage", (false, create_sub_image as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("subImageRef", (false, create_sub_image_ref as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("svg", (true, create_svg as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("switch", (true, create_switch as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("symbol", (true, create_symbol as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("text", (true, create_text as NodeCreateFn));
- /* h.insert("textPath", (true, as NodeCreateFn)); */
- /* h.insert("title", (true, as NodeCreateFn)); */
- h.insert("tref", (true, create_tref as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("tspan", (true, create_tspan as NodeCreateFn));
- h.insert("use", (true, create_use as NodeCreateFn));
- /* h.insert("view", (false, as NodeCreateFn)); */
- /* h.insert("vkern", (false, as NodeCreateFn)); */
+ // name, supports_class, create_fn
+ c!(h, "a", true, create_link);
+ /* c!(h, "altGlyph", true, ); */
+ /* c!(h, "altGlyphDef", false, ); */
+ /* c!(h, "altGlyphItem", false, ); */
+ /* c!(h, "animate", false, ); */
+ /* c!(h, "animateColor", false, ); */
+ /* c!(h, "animateMotion", false, ); */
+ /* c!(h, "animateTransform", false, ); */
+ c!(h, "circle", true, create_circle);
+ c!(h, "clipPath", true, create_clip_path);
+ /* c!(h, "color-profile", false, ); */
+ c!(h, "conicalGradient", true, create_conical_gradient);
+ /* c!(h, "cursor", false, ); */
+ c!(h, "defs", true, create_defs);
+ /* c!(h, "desc", true, ); */
+ c!(h, "ellipse", true, create_ellipse);
+ c!(h, "feBlend", true, create_blend);
+ c!(h, "feColorMatrix", true, create_color_matrix);
+ c!(h, "feComponentTransfer", true, create_component_transfer);
+ c!(h, "feComposite", true, create_composite);
+ c!(h, "feConvolveMatrix", true, create_convolve_matrix);
+ c!(h, "feDiffuseLighting", true, create_diffuse_lighting);
+ c!(h, "feDisplacementMap", true, create_displacement_map);
+ c!(h, "feDistantLight", false, create_distant_light);
+ c!(h, "feFuncA", false, create_component_transfer_func_a);
+ c!(h, "feFuncB", false, create_component_transfer_func_b);
+ c!(h, "feFuncG", false, create_component_transfer_func_g);
+ c!(h, "feFuncR", false, create_component_transfer_func_r);
+ c!(h, "feFlood", true, create_flood);
+ c!(h, "feGaussianBlur", true, create_gaussian_blur);
+ c!(h, "feImage", true, create_fe_image);
+ c!(h, "feMerge", true, create_merge);
+ c!(h, "feMergeNode", false, create_merge_node);
+ c!(h, "feMorphology", true, create_morphology);
+ c!(h, "feOffset", true, create_offset);
+ c!(h, "fePointLight", false, create_point_light);
+ c!(h, "feSpecularLighting", true, create_specular_lighting);
+ c!(h, "feSpotLight", false, create_spot_light);
+ c!(h, "feTile", true, create_tile);
+ c!(h, "feTurbulence", true, create_turbulence);
+ c!(h, "filter", true, create_filter);
+ /* c!(h, "font", true, ); */
+ /* c!(h, "font-face", false, ); */
+ /* c!(h, "font-face-format", false, ); */
+ /* c!(h, "font-face-name", false, ); */
+ /* c!(h, "font-face-src", false, ); */
+ /* c!(h, "font-face-uri", false, ); */
+ /* c!(h, "foreignObject", true, ); */
+ c!(h, "g", true, create_group);
+ /* c!(h, "glyph", true, ); */
+ /* c!(h, "glyphRef", true, ); */
+ /* c!(h, "hkern", false, ); */
+ c!(h, "image", true, create_image);
+ c!(h, "line", true, create_line);
+ c!(h, "linearGradient", true, create_linear_gradient);
+ c!(h, "marker", true, create_marker);
+ c!(h, "mask", true, create_mask);
+ /* c!(h, "metadata", false, ); */
+ /* c!(h, "missing-glyph", true, ); */
+ /* c!(h, "mpath", false, ); */
+ c!(h, "multiImage", false, create_multi_image);
+ c!(h, "path", true, create_path);
+ c!(h, "pattern", true, create_pattern);
+ c!(h, "polygon", true, create_polygon);
+ c!(h, "polyline", true, create_polyline);
+ c!(h, "radialGradient", true, create_radial_gradient);
+ c!(h, "rect", true, create_rect);
+ /* c!(h, "script", false, ); */
+ /* c!(h, "set", false, ); */
+ c!(h, "stop", true, create_stop);
+ c!(h, "style", false, create_style);
+ c!(h, "subImage", false, create_sub_image);
+ c!(h, "subImageRef", false, create_sub_image_ref);
+ c!(h, "svg", true, create_svg);
+ c!(h, "switch", true, create_switch);
+ c!(h, "symbol", true, create_symbol);
+ c!(h, "text", true, create_text);
+ /* c!(h, "textPath", true, ); */
+ /* c!(h, "title", true, ); */
+ c!(h, "tref", true, create_tref);
+ c!(h, "tspan", true, create_tspan);
+ c!(h, "use", true, create_use);
+ /* c!(h, "view", false, ); */
+ /* c!(h, "vkern", false, ); */
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