[vala] Created tag 0.45.1

The signed tag '0.45.1' was created.

Tagger: Rico Tzschichholz <ricotz ubuntu com>
Date: 1558379126 +0200


Changes since the last tag '0.44.1':

Corentin Noël (3):
      vapi: Rename graphene-1.0 to graphene-gobject-1.0
      tests: Add a field starting with a digit test
      tests: Add more invalid "assignment" tests to increase coverage

Luca Bruno (1):
      vala: Use global CodeContext to retrieve root_symbol

Rico Tzschichholz (106):
      Bump version suffix to 0.46
      Require and target GLib >= 2.48
      vala: Add support for --target-glib=auto
      vala: Report error for public creation methods of abstract classes
      vala: Report error for yield statements without async context
      codegen: Handle ArrayType in visit_delete_statement() as delete allows them
      vapi: Remove vte, vte-2.90 bindings
      vala: Variadic parameters are not supported for async methods
      codegen: Move and make a few methods to static functions
      glib-2.0: Don't annotate dedicated GLib.assert_*() functions with [Assert]
      codegen: No need to retrieve CodeContext.save_csources inside loop
      vala: Add CodeContext.get_source_file() and perform some sanity checks
      vala: Bump implicit target-glib to 2.48
      tests: Add some invalid "array slice" tests to increase coverage
      ccode: Rename CCodeFeatureTestMacro to CCodeDefine and generalize it
      codegen: Move get_type_signature() to DataType
      codegen: Move try_cast_variant_to_type() to GVariantModule.visit_cast_expression()
      codegen: Don't create special GArray clear-func for non-null structs
      codegen: Resolve generics in sizeof-expression of parameter initializer
      codegen: Use default-value to pass element_size to GArray constructor
      gio-2.0: Revert enum-typed flags parameters in Socket API
      gstreamer: Update from 1.15.2+ git master
      vapi: Update GIR-based bindings
      codegen: Move implicit GValue cast for comparison to BinaryExpression
      codegen: Use available *_unref functions in G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC
      codegen: Handle "modulo" operation on floating-types in CCodeAssignmentModule
      vala: Don't replace assignments for local variables with non-null simple-types
      tests: Add "struct (un)boxing" variant test
      docs: Bump glib requirement in README.md
      vala: Report error for unsupported operator instead of assertion
      girparser: Create correct output in get_default_lower_case_suffix()
      gobject-introspection-1.0: Fix TypeInfo and TypeTag method references
      gstreamer-1.0: Fix TypeFind and TypeFindFactory method references
      codegen: Implement silent-cast for GLib.Variant
      gtk4: Update to 3.94.0+f273eca7
      libvaladoc: Handle missing Content.List.Bullet.ORDERED in switch
      libvaladoc: Handle missing Run.Style.NONE in switch
      Add explicit "default: break;" statements for coverage of enum-typed switch
      Sync NEWS from 0.44
      valadoc: Drop obsolete "Driver" API
      build: Require --with-cgraph configure flag when cross-compiling
      pango: Fix StringBuilder parameter of scan_word()
      tests: Extend "assigned local variable" control flow tests
      tests: Add "unassigned local variable in while" test
      vala: Include possible "result" to defined variables of Method
      codegen: Always assign original variable when consuming instance to destroy
      gstreamer: Update from 1.15.2+ git master
      gdk-3.0,gtk+-3.0: Update from 3.24.7+
      gtk4: Update to 3.94.0+2594593d
      libarchive: Fix Archive.[set_]mode/perm() and add Archive.FileMode
      Sync NEWS from 0.44
      parser: Set correct end source-location for Block
      parser: Improve source-location for LocalVariable/DeclarationStatement
      parser: Don't include trailing semi-colon to ExpressionStatement
      parser: Improve source-location for local Constant declarations
      parser: Improve source-reference of declaration block for ForStatement
      parser: Set correct end source-reference of Block for embedded statement
      tests: Extend "assigned local variable" control flow tests
      tests: Extend "foreach" tests to increase coverage
      gstreamer: Update from 1.15.90+ git master
      gtk4: Update to 3.94.0+2656f5b4
      javascriptcoregtk-4.0: Update to 2.24.1
      vala: Write "Source" attribute in fast-vapi mode
      tests: Add "fast-vapi" test to increase coverage
      vapi: Add graphene-1.0 to allow smoother transition to graphene-gobject-1.0
      tests: More "unassigned variable" tests to increase coverage
      build: Pass some useful G_LOG_DOMAIN definitions
      girwriter: Mention that this file is generated and not meant to be modified
      girwriter: Properly resolve GLib.TypeInterface instead of hardcoding it
      tests: Fix namespace attributes for girwriter
      valadoc/tests: construct properties require GLib.Object derived class
      codegen: Move GObject property validity checks to SemanticAnalyzer
      codegen: Move construct property checks to SemanticAnalyzer pass
      girwriter: Don't write "property" attribute for non-gobject properties
      tests: Adjust for fuzzy generated GIR header
      codegen: Make sure to call a corresponding pop_context()
      codegen: Make sure to call a corresponding pop_line()
      codegen: Make sure to call a corresponding pop_function()
      tests: Actually define SkippedStruct as struct for girwriter
      girwriter: Properly write attributes for non-GObject classes
      girwriter: Don't write c:include tags for symbols from external packages
      girwriter: Populate gir_namespace/version attributes of external namespaces
      girwriter: Only replace existing GIR files if they changed
      gtk4: Update to 3.94.0+724ec3ca
      gstreamer: Update from 1.17.0+ git master
      vapi: Update GIR-based bindings
      compiler: Add OptionFlags.NO_ARG to deprecated "--thread" option
      girwriter: Write implicit parameters and properties for generics
      girwriter: Write implicit fields for arrays and delegates
      codegen: Support GObject properties with nullable GType-based struct type
      girparser: Add support for string "ctype" metadata
      codegen: Always use G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE for external symbols
      gtk4: Update to 3.96.0+6a27fe15
      gstreamer: Update from 1.17.0+ git master
      vapi: Update GIR-based bindings
      cogl-1.0: Fix out-params in Cogl.get_modelview_matrix/projection_matrix/bitmasks
      tests: Properties with NoAccessorMethod return heap-allocated structs
      vala: No-accessor struct properties in GLib.Object class must be owned
      vala: Trust "value_owned" when writing property getter
      Regenerate GIR-based bindings to fix getter ownership of struct properties
      Regenerate GIDL-based bindings to fix getter ownership of struct properties
      clutter-1.0: Bind Margin, PaintVolume, Point, Rect and Size as struct
      codegen: When freeing local variables don't stop at "switch" on "continue"
      gtk4: Update to 3.96.0+322507f2
      vala: Strip "basedir" from Source.filename attribute
      Release 0.45.1

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