[gtk] (124 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/matthiasc/popup5

The branch 'wip/matthiasc/popup5' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  3e36279... widget: guard popover-specific code paths
  37e564c... main: guard window-specific code paths
  0305c50... Introduce GtkNative
  29e6ef8... window: Implement GtkNative
  b90e884... root: Require GtkNative
  8df498f... Review and replace uses of get_toplevel
  b17b463... widget: Don't snapshot foreign children
  6caa32a... widget: Use GtkNative
  f73d4a8... Introduce event controller propagation limits
  533b038... surface: Start sketching a new surface type
  e8eaff1... Reimplement GtkPopover
  89a52e5... Adapt to new popover lifecycle
  d8c46e9... menubutton: Allocate the popover
  cea4cd1... Adwaita: Give popover menus a background
  e8fde5f... widget: Remove some unneeded popover special-casing
  a0cff23... main: Remove special-case hiding popopvers
  2b23210... entry completion: Use a popover
  9f4131f... x11: Stop using child surface api
  3ed297a... wayland: Stop using child surface apis
  51a8575... xim: Stop using child surface apis
  9597d22... a11y: Stop supporting ATK_XY_SCREEN
  2985c3a... widget: Stop using child surface apis
  a3b5c9c... Drop child surfaces
  db45bc7... surface: minor cleanup
  99df423... surface: Remove code dealing with child surfaces
  198fd4f... wayland: Stop using surface->parent
  5aab03e... x11: Stop using surface->parent
  6d96d37... broadway: Stop using surface->parent
  7711b10... gdk: Stop using surface->parent
  99ad9f6... Remove surface->parent
  144b623... wayland: Stop using surface->children
  50f7348... gdk: Stop using surface->children
  ff19998... Remove surface->children
  a7263f4... surface: Simplify some code
  2addf64... surface: Small cleanup
  03d9ead... surface: Remove abs_x/abs_y
  be17eba... surface: Simplify destroy implementation
  91ff0ba... surface: Small simplification
  9d564ef... Remove gdk_surface_coords_to/from_parent
  c989130... Remove gdk_surface_get_root_coords as public api
  9388849... Drop gdk_surface_get_root_origin
  c3fe288... Remove gdk_surface_get_geometry as public api
  9aee867... x11: Drop a gratitious use of gdk_event_get_root_coords
  3291439... surface: Make gdk_surface_get_device_position void
  3be8e38... menu: Stop using gtk_widget_register_surface
  54283c4... window: Stop using gtk_widget_register_surface
  e59f2ef... popover: Stop using gtk_widget_register_surface
  6a105b7... Drop gtk_widget_register_surface
  77c9933... gdk: Remove remnants of client-side windows
  9a44315... docs: Remove references to gdk_device_grab
  e4bc5bd... wayland: Remove a useless switch
  f2ea132... broadway: Stop using gdk_surface_new_temp
  65dd0aa... x11: Stop using gdk_surface_new_temp
  e52d6ed... menu: Stop using gdk_surface_new_temp
  7d4c089... Drop gdk_surface_new_temp
  b4ca3b2... gdk: Remove an unused field
  e406825... gdk: Drop input-only surfaces
  5f10b61... gdk: Drop GdkWindowAttr
  68639a1... gdk: Drop pass-through surfaces
  9cee6e3... surface: Cosmetics
  33b87c4... Rename surface constructors
  f2f041d... gdk: Add a private header
  44ce611... Get rid of GdkSurfaceImpl
  d03b7dc... x11: Remove useless checks
  d5abad8... gdk: Introduce a popup surface type
  ae01255... surface: Store popup parent
  ed1a45b... surface: Make move-to-rect work for popups
  feb601b... surface: Stop setting transient-for for popups
  8d9d0c6... wayland: Use popup parents
  fb41133... x11: Implement popup surfaces
  8b7faf9... broadway: Track popups
  04fb8f7... surface: Add gdk_surface_show_with_auto_dismissal
  0e41e09... popover: Use gdk_surface_show_with_auto_dismissal
  20b72ce... surface: Remove old debug code
  8cd1bb5... surface: Remove gdk_surface_set/merge_child_input_shapes()
  a453117... surface: Avoid autodismissal on button release
  6f51a79... popover: Only grab focus when modal
  fb2b8f7... Add gtk_widget_get_native
  ca1450f... event controller: Use gtk_widget_get_native
  e3390d5... main: Use gtk_widget_get_native
  45d8879... Add gdk_surface_get_parent back
  ac71cf4... widget: Improve warning messages
  5cf7db1... widget: Optimize resize propagation
  c1427f3... window: Don't inherit cursors across surfaces
  8ddb13a... popover: Make Escape to close work again
  7384c2a... text: Allocate popovers
  eac55cf... scale button: Allocate popovers
  6f7aa6b... entry: Allocate popovers
  aaf9acf... color swatch: Allocate popovers
  afa5d0e... places sidebar: Allocate popovers
  49a6a5b... text view: Allocate popovers
  2f149c2... widget: Remove a popover special case
  7b6494c... node editor: Adapt to GtkNative
  33b4a6d... Add a testcase for size allocation
  993fb08... gdk: Inherit the frame clock for popups
  ec987a5... Revert "Adwaita: Give popover menus a background"
  3c96ad1... wip: bring back the beak
  762440c... popover: Bring back the beak
  590db63... Add a GdkSurface::parent property
  1690bd9... native: add public getters for surface and renderer
  fefdc48... window: Implement surface getter
  81c7f04... popover: implement surface getter
  0c18fb4... Remove gtk_widget_get/set_has_surface
  108288f... Work toward dropping widget->surface
  c936d47... Drop GtkWidget::surface
  3851357... Drop gtk_widget_set_surface
  5cd12de... window: Make unrealize work again
  69c7f00... testsuite: Fix popover-related failures
  0ce2e78... testsuite: Fix some a11y output
  9772bbf... x11: Fix handling of frame clock freezes
  5e7189c... win32: Build fixes

Commits added to the branch:

  fe592cd... widget: Make gtk_widget_render() static (*)
  2bad613... text: Ensure indexes are ordered properly (*)
  b76eb96... glcontext: Store the updated area in the right place (*)
  04da31f... build: Convert CSS parser tests to single meson tests (*)
  6e2df85... Merge branch 'wip/otte/for-master' into 'master' (*)
  cf47bb9... gtk: Stop using gtk_button_clicked (*)
  5368f98... demos: Stop using gtk_button_clicked (*)
  bcfff5e... Drop gtk_button_clicked (*)
  74eea65... Merge branch 'button-clicked' into 'master' (*)
  f2d598b... wayland: Keep some resources until destroy (*)
  c878168... Merge branch 'wayland-surface-unmap' into 'master' (*)
  f86c536... widget: guard popover-specific code paths
  73163c6... main: guard window-specific code paths
  480c2ed... Introduce GtkNative
  89212bc... window: Implement GtkNative
  ae70883... root: Require GtkNative
  8450947... Review and replace uses of get_toplevel
  e26a2a4... widget: Don't snapshot foreign children
  7bd19df... widget: Use GtkNative
  61319df... Introduce event controller propagation limits
  383552a... surface: Start sketching a new surface type
  898f819... Reimplement GtkPopover
  527ba86... Adapt to new popover lifecycle
  bd9d889... menubutton: Allocate the popover
  324963c... Adwaita: Give popover menus a background
  17cb379... widget: Remove some unneeded popover special-casing
  1cf725a... main: Remove special-case hiding popopvers
  b67999e... entry completion: Use a popover
  751944b... x11: Stop using child surface api
  0f8943b... wayland: Stop using child surface apis
  05e212e... xim: Stop using child surface apis
  b4812fe... a11y: Stop supporting ATK_XY_SCREEN
  5241a44... widget: Stop using child surface apis
  59456b3... Drop child surfaces
  d75c37b... surface: minor cleanup
  50be44a... surface: Remove code dealing with child surfaces
  e77ee75... wayland: Stop using surface->parent
  d169262... x11: Stop using surface->parent
  3136602... broadway: Stop using surface->parent
  da17669... gdk: Stop using surface->parent
  c8de68e... Remove surface->parent
  3b0a0ea... wayland: Stop using surface->children
  c4bd688... gdk: Stop using surface->children
  5cb3f50... Remove surface->children
  a574091... surface: Simplify some code
  906ef2f... surface: Small cleanup
  d5acefb... surface: Remove abs_x/abs_y
  541f74e... surface: Simplify destroy implementation
  eff15e8... surface: Small simplification
  7522215... Remove gdk_surface_coords_to/from_parent
  a4224db... Remove gdk_surface_get_root_coords as public api
  0b7d3b2... Drop gdk_surface_get_root_origin
  bffd0c7... Remove gdk_surface_get_geometry as public api
  e8b3a7e... x11: Drop a gratitious use of gdk_event_get_root_coords
  6b77116... surface: Make gdk_surface_get_device_position void
  59957a5... menu: Stop using gtk_widget_register_surface
  c295437... window: Stop using gtk_widget_register_surface
  87da5f4... popover: Stop using gtk_widget_register_surface
  0b9ce0b... Drop gtk_widget_register_surface
  5c6d2b4... gdk: Remove remnants of client-side windows
  65b82af... docs: Remove references to gdk_device_grab
  9a20ebd... wayland: Remove a useless switch
  83e7247... broadway: Stop using gdk_surface_new_temp
  a4f28aa... x11: Stop using gdk_surface_new_temp
  dbe8b1d... menu: Stop using gdk_surface_new_temp
  51ab4ec... Drop gdk_surface_new_temp
  bb583b2... gdk: Remove an unused field
  16be002... gdk: Drop input-only surfaces
  c363bd3... gdk: Drop GdkWindowAttr
  8c879bb... gdk: Drop pass-through surfaces
  9fc5180... surface: Cosmetics
  156a555... Rename surface constructors
  35155c8... gdk: Add a private header
  b814649... Get rid of GdkSurfaceImpl
  32ed40a... x11: Remove useless checks
  317bcf7... gdk: Introduce a popup surface type
  a1466bf... surface: Store popup parent
  5211511... surface: Make move-to-rect work for popups
  587944c... surface: Stop setting transient-for for popups
  6f559e9... wayland: Use popup parents
  9085036... x11: Implement popup surfaces
  5cfd490... broadway: Track popups
  6e80277... surface: Add gdk_surface_show_with_auto_dismissal
  9ea6f91... popover: Use gdk_surface_show_with_auto_dismissal
  8b5923e... surface: Remove old debug code
  ab04678... surface: Remove gdk_surface_set/merge_child_input_shapes()
  1c6410a... surface: Avoid autodismissal on button release
  0a7888d... popover: Only grab focus when modal
  2af92f3... Add gtk_widget_get_native
  8e42f46... event controller: Use gtk_widget_get_native
  de97706... main: Use gtk_widget_get_native
  21d1e1d... Add gdk_surface_get_parent back
  201e0f7... widget: Improve warning messages
  9adff7f... widget: Optimize resize propagation
  7df24ce... window: Don't inherit cursors across surfaces
  f9b8b6b... popover: Make Escape to close work again
  f9b400a... text: Allocate popovers
  61c4012... scale button: Allocate popovers
  b51dcc5... entry: Allocate popovers
  9be9ab8... color swatch: Allocate popovers
  96485c4... places sidebar: Allocate popovers
  e01cc37... text view: Allocate popovers
  e0a38a6... widget: Remove a popover special case
  110bcb8... node editor: Adapt to GtkNative
  fc6a390... Add a testcase for size allocation
  6809400... gdk: Inherit the frame clock for popups
  8231c74... Revert "Adwaita: Give popover menus a background"
  e8948c9... wip: bring back the beak
  d9aa292... popover: Bring back the beak
  ee45dd0... Add a GdkSurface::parent property
  a1fa383... native: add public getters for surface and renderer
  2ce893a... window: Implement surface getter
  fb13bf4... popover: implement surface getter
  008979e... Remove gtk_widget_get/set_has_surface
  90692c2... Work toward dropping widget->surface
  67e2e1a... Drop GtkWidget::surface
  4c7522e... Drop gtk_widget_set_surface
  1617524... window: Make unrealize work again
  01c3ad4... testsuite: Fix popover-related failures
  b126d03... testsuite: Fix some a11y output
  1649652... x11: Fix handling of frame clock freezes
  9fef319... win32: Build fixes
  06a8267... wayland: merge errors
  88f8e83... Export gtk_widget_render privately

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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