[gtk/wip/otte/for-master] (16 commits) ...testsuite: Redo node-parser

Summary of changes:

  f8c1f71... Merge branch 'wip/otte/for-master' into 'master' (*)
  04754d7... Reinstate the activate-focus keybinding (*)
  1318d37... about dialog: Fix page visibility (*)
  66c8a99... dialog: Use default decoration for non-custom headerbars (*)
  bb2e362... Merge branch 'wip/otte/for-master' into 'master' (*)
  0e9085a... Merge branch 'default-decoration-dialogs' into 'master' (*)
  6de0874... Update POTFILES.in (*)
  91d6893... key controller: Don't eat modifier events (*)
  9281e05... Merge branch 'modifier-events' into 'master' (*)
  0334ea1... pid_get_parent: fix for OpenBSD (*)
  8cd1a4a... Merge branch 'openbsd-pid_get_parent' into 'master' (*)
  ef3af69... build: Convert CSS parser tests to single meson tests
  9c17acc... rendernodeparser: Allow single values instead of 4
  2f07fc1... rendernodeparser: Skip root node when it's a container
  57c2cec... rendernodeparser: Print proeprties alphabetically
  8610b34... testsuite: Redo node-parser

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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