[gnome-music/wip/jfelder/mpris-truly-unique-ids] mpris: Make the trackid truly unique

commit a8ab4b800b7c2e83d90d57ba98920741ba04ef8f
Author: Jean Felder <jfelder src gnome org>
Date:   Wed Sep 5 01:22:52 2018 +0200

    mpris: Make the trackid truly unique
    Playlists can have the same song several times. Therefore, the song id
    is not enough to have a unique identifer.
    Use the song position as a suffix to trackid to handle duplicate
    Related: #100

 gnomemusic/mpris.py  | 38 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 gnomemusic/player.py | 16 +++++++++++++---
 2 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gnomemusic/mpris.py b/gnomemusic/mpris.py
index b935e316..aa3997a3 100644
--- a/gnomemusic/mpris.py
+++ b/gnomemusic/mpris.py
@@ -259,13 +259,16 @@ class MediaPlayer2Service(Server):
             return 'Playlist'
-    def _get_metadata(self, media=None):
+    def _get_metadata(self, media=None, index=None):
+        song_dbus_path = self._get_song_dbus_path(media, index)
+        if not self.player.props.current_song:
+            return {
+                'mpris:trackid': GLib.Variant('o', song_dbus_path)
+            }
         if not media:
             media = self.player.props.current_song
-        if not media:
-            return {}
-        song_dbus_path = self._get_song_dbus_path(media)
         metadata = {
             'mpris:trackid': GLib.Variant('o', song_dbus_path),
             'xesam:url': GLib.Variant('s', media.get_url())
@@ -338,20 +341,29 @@ class MediaPlayer2Service(Server):
         return metadata
-    def _get_song_dbus_path(self, media):
+    def _get_song_dbus_path(self, media=None, index=None):
         """Convert a Grilo media to a D-Bus path
         The hex encoding is used to remove any possible invalid character.
+        Use player index to make the path truly unique in case the same song
+        is present multiple times in a playlist.
+        If media is None, it means that the current song path is requested.
         :param Grl.Media media: The media object
+        :param int index: The media position in the current playlist
         :return: a D-Bus id to uniquely identify the song
         :rtype: str
-        if not media:
+        if not self.player.props.current_song:
             return "/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2/TrackList/NoTrack"
+        if not media:
+            media = self.player.props.current_song
+            index = self.player.get_current_song_index()
         id_hex = media.get_id().encode('ascii').hex()
-        path = "/org/gnome/GnomeMusic/TrackList/{}".format(id_hex)
+        path = "/org/gnome/GnomeMusic/TrackList/{}_{}".format(
+            id_hex, index)
         return path
@@ -359,9 +371,9 @@ class MediaPlayer2Service(Server):
         previous_path_list = self._path_list
         self._path_list = []
         self._metadata_list = []
-        for song in self.player.get_mpris_playlist():
-            path = self._get_song_dbus_path(song)
-            metadata = self._get_metadata(song)
+        for index, song in self.player.get_mpris_playlist():
+            path = self._get_song_dbus_path(song, index)
+            metadata = self._get_metadata(song, index)
@@ -369,8 +381,7 @@ class MediaPlayer2Service(Server):
         if (not previous_path_list
                 or previous_path_list[0] != self._path_list[0]
                 or previous_path_list[-1] != self._path_list[-1]):
-            current_song_path = self._get_song_dbus_path(
-                self.player.props.current_song)
+            current_song_path = self._get_song_dbus_path()
             self.TrackListReplaced(self._path_list, current_song_path)
@@ -610,8 +621,7 @@ class MediaPlayer2Service(Server):
     def GoTo(self, path):
-        current_song_path = self._get_song_dbus_path(
-            self.player.props.current_song)
+        current_song_path = self._get_song_dbus_path()
         current_song_index = self._path_list.index(current_song_path)
         goto_index = self._path_list.index(path)
         self.player.play(goto_index - current_song_index)
diff --git a/gnomemusic/player.py b/gnomemusic/player.py
index a7a2656c..60da99d9 100644
--- a/gnomemusic/player.py
+++ b/gnomemusic/player.py
@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ class PlayerPlaylist(GObject.GObject):
         This method is used by mpris to expose a TrackList.
         :returns: current playlist
-        :rtype: list of Grl.Media
+        :rtype: list of index and Grl.Media
         if not self.props.current_song:
             return []
@@ -530,7 +530,8 @@ class PlayerPlaylist(GObject.GObject):
                 range(nb_songs - offset_inf, nb_songs), indexes,
-        songs = [self._songs[index][PlayerField.SONG] for index in indexes]
+        songs = [[index, self._songs[index][PlayerField.SONG]]
+                 for index in indexes]
         return songs
@@ -845,6 +846,15 @@ class Player(GObject.GObject):
         return self._playlist.props.playlist_id
+    @log
+    def get_current_song_index(self):
+        """Get current song index.
+        :returns: position of the current song int the playlist.
+        :rtype: int
+        """
+        return self._playlist.get_current_index()
     def get_position(self):
         """Get player position.
@@ -881,6 +891,6 @@ class Player(GObject.GObject):
         This method is used by mpris to expose a TrackList.
         :returns: current playlist
-        :rtype: list of Grl.Media
+        :rtype: list of index and Grl.Media
         return self._playlist.get_mpris_playlist()

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