[vte] (97 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/egmont/bidi

The branch 'wip/egmont/bidi' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  74675d1... BiDi basic infrastructure
  dd2dfed... BDSM and SPD escape sequences
  b57b52d... BDSM hook
  d70a797... track bidi params (buggy), first explicit rtl attempt (unus
  7fd8480... explicit rtl, basic painting okay
  459f42b... cursor
  2a1160f... carry bidi_flags together
  d9ad171... carry bidi_flags to more places
  b75749d... mirror box drawing (dec private 2500)
  a8e72c3... mirror parens and such
  c3c2c51... cleanup
  6f916cb... rewrap maintains bidi flags
  b77c361... gimme a break
  9af9785... fribidi_get_mirror_char
  ece4428... implicit mode (per line)
  0584fee... add new files
  55da464... cleanup
  4960330... RingView architecture first steps
  bf39a27... bidi is now run on paragraphs (limited to viewport for now)
  7b3687a... fix crash when scrolling back
  0deb38b... add test file (doc/bidi.txt)
  e6e942d... improve box tests
  38c83e2... cleanups
  0ccdebe... look back in scrollback to pass entire paragraphs to bidi
  fd144b3... crash fix
  0c15265... minor cleanups
  ea1eba5... off by one
  20dabff... fix cjk positioning
  4374e52... prepare draw_cells for a likely forthcoming change
  a27b1e8... refactor box mirroring
  8339698... remove unused var
  7a15839... cjk test
  bc0c89a... fribidi buffers + other cleanups
  1165eb1... debug: highlight RTL chars
  e6fa536... fix character directionalities
  e9e4672... 01 02 03
  2f32522... fribidi macro
  3cbcb59... fix display after rtl double wide char
  add70a2... invalidate all
  20c94a1... refactor box tests
  f1bcb21... box test comment
  bd06ab1... test file header
  dd4d4d0... z
  db3f248... fix cursor on double wide rtl or mirrored box drawing
  b1d9386... segfault
  afca6d3... cursor: use member methods that protect against offscreen v
  1de4586... ibeam on right
  f24d472... ibeam fixme
  63ed35d... c++ refactoring
  11ea411... no vector
  c08db54... minor cleanups
  8dc96d8... lazy alloc
  f3a9d5e... vla
  5c28f64... show char direction in i-beam cursor
  a9ec1a3... fix ibeam on rtl cjk
  f49bfa3... don't stop extracting the paragraph contents at the end of 
  223743f... add BIDI-STATUS
  1a9bf77... add old Hungarian example
  8020779... fix a crash typically on alternate screen top row
  ac60247... selection (copying in rectangle mode is still broken)
  acddfdb... update bidi status
  24d153b... preedit
  6da23bf... mouse tracking and reporting
  c66c013... hack around some crashes
  b5647c7... fix crash when selecting autoscrolls
  df2ab19... update bidi-status
  dff76cb... fix box mirroring table
  b3237df... fix block selection at cjks
  32347b8... block selection copy
  0102609... mirrors chars with combining accents
  dcfc5f0... keyboard arrow swapping mode
  17c2d6a... SCP
  09b11d8... misc tests
  c7b8e40... apply bidi params on wrap
  064b9ed... apply the relevant bidi flag only
  46f2ac4... fix empty rtl lines
  74ffb33... ring lookup fix
  35bf302... index_safe
  a2d2130... kbdswap: go with 1243 instead of 2502
  4dcbf36... year
  523be38... preserve combining accents when passing to fribidi; cleanup
  00a97db... improved ringview update locations
  cdac43b... ring extra line
  052efe6... ED
  0f665dd... crash
  40126d4... Arabic shaping PoC, using fribidi + Unicode presentation fo

Commits added to the branch:

  35d8679... docs: Add index for API new in 0.56 (*)
  4717fd5... docs: Add index for API new in 0.58 (*)
  3147319... pty: Make vte_pty_child_setup() useful for flatpack (*)
  e6ac72a... build: Increase test timeout (*)
  fcff572... build: Add debug flags when debug is enabled (*)
  2395e8f... build: Use our own warning flags (*)
  7df0f9a... build: Do not allow disabling asserts (*)
  ba7d641... build: Fix build on meson 0.49 (*)
  fc0b0c4... widget: Throw away remaining incoming data on finalize (*)
  e8fff1c... app: Plug mem leaks (*)
  1867af1... widget: Avoid double painting of letters (*)
  72dcfbb... BiDi basic infrastructure
  43075cf... BDSM and SPD escape sequences
  036e46a... BDSM hook
  255cf8a... track bidi params (buggy), first explicit rtl attempt (unus
  95da305... explicit rtl, basic painting okay
  0939fdf... cursor
  6ff6615... carry bidi_flags together
  f2025e8... carry bidi_flags to more places
  02c2dec... mirror box drawing (dec private 2500)
  2747ec8... mirror parens and such
  c9eaa90... cleanup
  abb634f... rewrap maintains bidi flags
  23e853e... gimme a break
  ee9f89e... fribidi_get_mirror_char
  eb7061c... implicit mode (per line)
  ce113c9... add new files
  f292b5d... cleanup
  b4addc9... RingView architecture first steps
  1734dec... bidi is now run on paragraphs (limited to viewport for now)
  a8a493a... fix crash when scrolling back
  54d742e... add test file (doc/bidi.txt)
  b0c57de... improve box tests
  4cf034c... cleanups
  2101345... look back in scrollback to pass entire paragraphs to bidi
  45c7aa3... crash fix
  d9450a7... minor cleanups
  37f79dc... off by one
  f7605d4... fix cjk positioning
  6178e64... prepare draw_cells for a likely forthcoming change
  53df0bf... refactor box mirroring
  a704d16... remove unused var
  8b42068... cjk test
  801b185... fribidi buffers + other cleanups
  70a5438... debug: highlight RTL chars
  428c546... fix character directionalities
  413dfe3... 01 02 03
  6b747c3... fribidi macro
  36c4653... fix display after rtl double wide char
  abb3cf9... invalidate all
  90d1583... refactor box tests
  8ae6ca5... box test comment
  595dcd9... test file header
  42b372f... z
  4658e16... fix cursor on double wide rtl or mirrored box drawing
  dba918b... segfault
  95dc9cc... cursor: use member methods that protect against offscreen v
  4bf9bb8... ibeam on right
  a486600... ibeam fixme
  91aaeec... c++ refactoring
  46ba29c... no vector
  cc53624... minor cleanups
  e0ed2ab... lazy alloc
  4a184bb... vla
  39afd43... show char direction in i-beam cursor
  aaebc7c... fix ibeam on rtl cjk
  39756ba... don't stop extracting the paragraph contents at the end of 
  0a8c0b8... add BIDI-STATUS
  1a6c608... add old Hungarian example
  da5106f... fix a crash typically on alternate screen top row
  f102cc1... selection (copying in rectangle mode is still broken)
  2076338... update bidi status
  38c323f... preedit
  00669b4... mouse tracking and reporting
  89a671e... hack around some crashes
  937ba9b... fix crash when selecting autoscrolls
  317dbb6... update bidi-status
  0d67633... fix box mirroring table
  b5ab792... fix block selection at cjks
  1b5b4f9... block selection copy
  4404002... mirrors chars with combining accents
  80acac8... keyboard arrow swapping mode
  0a97b38... SCP
  3db4c6d... misc tests
  36c8f97... apply bidi params on wrap
  bff2b4a... apply the relevant bidi flag only
  2bfef18... fix empty rtl lines
  330e375... ring lookup fix
  ff93dee... index_safe
  cda001b... kbdswap: go with 1243 instead of 2502
  052c303... year
  8b2b2d2... preserve combining accents when passing to fribidi; cleanup
  b0fd049... improved ringview update locations
  4c9c7be... ring extra line
  463e462... ED
  6131e09... crash
  5526f0d... Arabic shaping PoC, using fribidi + Unicode presentation fo

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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