[gtkmm-documentation] meson.build: Build PDF file with dblatex

commit df698dff6c6bc0520bee1ec1977031f5c4f6b6dc
Author: Kjell Ahlstedt <kjellahlstedt gmail com>
Date:   Mon May 6 17:13:08 2019 +0200

    meson.build: Build PDF file with dblatex

 docs/tutorial/meson.build              | 44 ++++++++++---------------------
 meson.build                            |  2 +-
 tools/meson_aux/tutorial-custom-cmd.sh | 48 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 3 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)
diff --git a/docs/tutorial/meson.build b/docs/tutorial/meson.build
index 7e664fd..169c54d 100644
--- a/docs/tutorial/meson.build
+++ b/docs/tutorial/meson.build
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 # output: can_parse_and_validate, build_translations_by_default, can_build_translations,
 #         build_pdf_by_default, can_build_pdf, tutorial_languages
+# xsltproc is required because it is called by tutorial_custom_cmd_sh html.
 xsltproc = find_program('xsltproc', required: true)
 perl = find_program('perl', required: true)
 xmllint = find_program('xmllint', required: false)
@@ -15,8 +16,9 @@ can_build_translations = find_program('msgfmt', required: false).found() and \
 build_translations_by_default = get_option('build-translations')
 validate = get_option('validation') ? 'true' : 'false'
-can_build_pdf = find_program('docbook2pdf', required: false).found() and \
-                xmllint.found()
+dblatex = find_program('dblatex', required: false)
+can_build_pdf = dblatex.found() or (xmllint.found() and \
+                find_program('docbook2pdf', required: false).found())
 build_pdf_by_default = get_option('build-pdf')
 tutorial_languages = ['cs', 'de', 'el', 'es', 'fr', 'pt_BR', 'sl', 'zh_CN']
@@ -131,24 +133,6 @@ foreach i : tutorial_iconfiles
   tutorial_icons += join_paths('icons', i)
-# Set the use.id.as.filename param so that we don't use the chapter / section
-# number as the filename, otherwise the url will change every time anything is
-# re-ordered or inserted in the documentation
-xslt_params = [
-  '--param', 'toc.section.depth', '1',
-  '--stringparam', 'html.stylesheet', 'style.css',
-  '--stringparam', 'admon.graphics', '1',
-  '--stringparam', 'admon.graphics.path', 'icons/',
-  '--stringparam', 'admon.graphics.extension', '.png',
-  '--stringparam', 'chunker.output.indent', 'yes',
-  '--stringparam', 'chunker.output.encoding', 'UTF-8',
-  '--stringparam', 'navig.graphics', 'yes',
-  '--stringparam', 'navig.graphics.extension', '.png',
-  '--stringparam', 'navig.graphics.path', 'icons/',
-  '--stringparam', 'toc.list.type', 'ul',
-  '--stringparam', 'use.id.as.filename', '1',
 # Create a DocBook C locale XML file with the examples' source code included.
 index_docbook = custom_target('index.docbook',
   input: join_paths('C', 'index-in.docbook'),
@@ -168,13 +152,11 @@ custom_target('html_index.html',
   input: index_docbook,
   output: 'html',
   command: [
-    xsltproc,
-    xslt_params,
-    '-o', '@OUTPUT@/',
-    '--xinclude',
-    '--catalogs',
-    'http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current/html/chunk.xsl',
+    tutorial_custom_cmd_sh, 'html',
+    'html',
+    meson.current_build_dir(),
+    '@OUTPUT@',    
   build_by_default: true,
   install: true,
@@ -199,7 +181,7 @@ endif
 if can_build_translations
   # Create XML files with translations.
   foreach lang : tutorial_languages
-    # Create .mo files.
+    # Create .mo file.
     po2mo = custom_target(lang + '-po2mo',
       input: join_paths(lang, lang + '.po'),
       output: lang + '_mo.stamp',
@@ -214,12 +196,12 @@ if can_build_translations
       build_by_default: build_translations_by_default,
-  # Create XML files.
+    # Create XML file.
     lang_index_docbook = custom_target(lang + '-index.docbook',
       input: [po2mo, index_docbook],
       output: lang + '_docbook.stamp',
       command: [
-        tutorial_custom_cmd_sh, 'docbook',
+        tutorial_custom_cmd_sh, 'xmltrans',
         join_paths(meson.current_build_dir(), lang, lang + '.mo'),
         join_paths(meson.current_build_dir(), lang),
@@ -247,11 +229,13 @@ endif # can_build_translations
 if can_build_pdf
   # Create a PDF file of the C locale's version of the DocBook.
+  # Prefer dblatex, if both dblatex and docbook2pdf are available.
     input: index_docbook,
     output: 'programming-with-gtkmm.pdf',
     command: [
-      tutorial_custom_cmd_sh, 'pdf',
+      tutorial_custom_cmd_sh,
+      dblatex.found() ? 'dblatex' : 'docbook2pdf',
       join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'C', 'figures'),
diff --git a/meson.build b/meson.build
index e95b047..f1e70dd 100644
--- a/meson.build
+++ b/meson.build
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ endif
 build_pdf = build_pdf_by_default and can_build_pdf
 explain_pdf = ''
 if build_pdf_by_default and not build_pdf
-  explain_pdf = ' (requires xmllint and docbook2pdf)'
+  explain_pdf = ' (requires dblatex or (xmllint and docbook2pdf))'
 summary = [
diff --git a/tools/meson_aux/tutorial-custom-cmd.sh b/tools/meson_aux/tutorial-custom-cmd.sh
index 878b9df..d134183 100755
--- a/tools/meson_aux/tutorial-custom-cmd.sh
+++ b/tools/meson_aux/tutorial-custom-cmd.sh
@@ -3,13 +3,41 @@
 # External command, intended to be called with custom_target() in meson.build
 case $1 in
+  # tutorial-custom-cmd.sh html <relative_dir_name> <build_dir>  <input_xml_file> <output_html_dir>
+  # Set the use.id.as.filename param so that we don't use the chapter / section
+  # number as the filename, otherwise the url will change every time anything is
+  # re-ordered or inserted in the documentation.
+  # For a list of available parameters, see http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current/doc/html/
+  xslt_params='
+    --param       toc.section.depth 1
+    --stringparam html.stylesheet style.css
+    --stringparam admon.graphics 1
+    --stringparam admon.graphics.path icons/
+    --stringparam admon.graphics.extension .png
+    --stringparam chunker.output.indent yes
+    --stringparam chunker.output.encoding UTF-8
+    --stringparam navig.graphics yes
+    --stringparam navig.graphics.extension .png
+    --stringparam navig.graphics.path icons/
+    --stringparam toc.list.type ul
+    --stringparam use.id.as.filename 1'
+  xslt_stylesheet='http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current/html/chunk.xsl'
+  ( cd "$3"; rm --force --recursive "$2"; mkdir --parents "$2" )
+  # Don't use grep instead of sed. grep returns a non-zero exit status if no line
+  # is selected, which is the normal case.
+  set -o pipefail # Return the exit status of xsltproc, if sed succeeds.
+  xsltproc $xslt_params -o "$5/" --xinclude $xslt_stylesheet "$4" |& sed '/^Writing /d'
+  ;;
   # tutorial-custom-cmd.sh po2mo <relative_dir_name> <build_dir> <input_po_file> <output_mo_file> 
   ( cd "$3"; mkdir --parents "$2" )
   msgfmt -o "$5" "$4"
   touch "$6"
   # tutorial-custom-cmd.sh docbook <input_mo_file> <input_xml_file> <output_xml_dir> <stamp_file_path>
   # Create XML file with translation.
   itstool -m "$2" -o "$4" "$3"
@@ -24,8 +52,20 @@ xmllint)
   xmllint --noout --noent --xinclude $validate "$3"
   touch "$4"
-  # tutorial-custom-cmd.sh pdf <input_xml_file> <figures_dir> <output_pdf_file>
+  # tutorial-custom-cmd.sh dblatex <input_xml_file> <figures_dir> <output_pdf_file>
+  # Create a PDF file, using dblatex.
+  # For a list of available parameters, see http://dblatex.sourceforge.net/doc/manual/
+  dblatex_params='
+    -P toc.section.depth=2
+    -P paper.type=a4paper'
+  figures_dir_parent="$(dirname "$3")"
+  dblatex $dblatex_params -I "$figures_dir_parent" -o "$4" --pdf "$2"
+  ;;
+  # tutorial-custom-cmd.sh docbook2pdf <input_xml_file> <figures_dir> <output_pdf_file>
+  # Create a PDF file, using docbook2pdf.
   output_dir="$(dirname "$4")"
   output_basename="$(basename -s .pdf "$4")"
@@ -34,7 +74,7 @@ pdf)
        xmllint --xinclude --postvalid --output "$xml_file" "$2"
        # We also need to copy the figures from the source directory, so they
-       # can be found from the XML files.
+       # can be found from the XML file.
        cp --preserve --recursive "$3" "$output_dir/$(basename "$3")"
        docbook2pdf --output "$output_dir" "$xml_file"

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